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What is Label?
is part of a product that conveys information about the
product and the seller. A label is usually part of the
package, or it can be an etiquette (identification)
attached to the product
what is the funtion of label
Merupakan salah satu bentuk perlindungan
pemerintah kepada para konsumen yang berupa
pelaksanaan tertib suatu undang-undang bahan
makanan dan minuman atau obat.
1 2 3
The label says several
The label identifies the The label defines the things about the product
product or brand product class. (who made it, where it was
made, when it was made,
what is in it, how to use it,
and how to use it safely).
The team
Khumaira hurul. jannah Muhammad Aqil. a

bari inas. f
1.Determine the Purpose of Making a Label.
2. Choose Software To Design Labels.
3. Determine the size of the label sticker.
4. Choose the appropriate color for the label.
5.Choose the Right Label Material.
6. Choose the Best Label Print Quality.
Through labels, producers can provide information, offer, promote
their products in such a way as to appeal to consumers. Meanwhile
for consumers, it is important to pay attention, read, understand the
information on the label listed on the packaging so that the
products we buy are in accordance with our wishes.

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