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ee tl ee UNTT-1 Ad UNIT-2. a “ fe _§i]Exel lain_in details ; s__biom imi X \ - os 4 1 = fal agen tig ee _D_biomimi a ¥ Ligaen skt Seaking Sustainable saln\ i bad humo: challenge pattern aod strategie : ——2]_biomimiey is_also known as _bioraimetics : as { ) il: ex ann, ple _ 3] “This prachice leayn Exam Living: Hontecgies Found ta nature to solve human. igning ——— challenges: 4 c oe moog OF Livia that QU eux + exeate ——s]_ Ti is_a_one_dype of b E bio fnay placed _ desiqa jeri ete a = 2]. Biomimioy ts the science of ‘applying nalace bs Fastest : . . : Undevaland -the protlen Create bio-inspired ie < problem +o be oalved - concepis To... J apely|.” [Pazblem Solve problems 7 \ x \ v é Analysis op | TreasFer. [Retrame | Abshact the problem to be solved 4o_idembiby— - Py —2reegies a ap Eevee ——biolegcariaspivadiog xample =| evi Lot fic dy fs vd clio: lab oO Sunflower = eee C nuleophicm thas _is_moblor AGF loner tare pons eto the fen tes A acacia te el Sunligghd by in pining Ex0m un calthing ——__L+_de! welaps .Salen- power sys = Gi Slate_in Spain~and it is lo, more eftirien! . that Functional Sole panal. each ash, catled a. dalden anqlle - fa_simil ourranamens . 4 | | 2) Kinga her — “Tr Fapan high speed cossend. clrnin when crnko athen “yp ind -Hhynugh. the tunnel. —y Compyrs: i the ae cwhich voks locom because of. it endinerdr) using biominniow, _the cucste sfapan, ely ~~) ont ay ~ hape is Similar te kity Eicher beak heh coh, Fitted on the - Pront- oc ‘nose ee dhe rriin 3) ely — The coing dE peu bly by -thspiv 400 type OF Sold cell thet Can /hoawrest lighit— toute or ebricieatly as hefore and Could ane dy Sola Peace ence Ch cout oad. OF wings. = Soley parat ot cells and eayth Se a to_ger +h nadst-—armount 0 light Pram. id | boosktheoughosd athe day. as (Use me Explata other ‘dlepaila .abowd.. ly a ok. aie oJ os cule naLsturatied..bialoqicer Molecute, Ong — yp numerous —substonees..cthed-— are. —pxrockiced py rolls seanel Livi — egos a TA “here_are_ Four type ol emole ula 1) Cant chyalval, T H pxol fn: 7 ) Lipicl d uae ee a PF components "oF aise—poed =_Carbohydeata ee oe eres photosynthesis ncole_o& _cavbohydvedes js +ho— p= ide ene (Cortinhydmla’ cece _eampass 0 _conbon., hydrogen. PE csiecrye atom _ -gene-col Formulas \ CCettio OS) |= Simple Comba hyde conamonl 4. knot 05 _Suqaa— _E Gtlucose , Pructose J. | = Starch “and cellulose axe lex _carbohydants Crate bona} god eT ‘ = Corbohydaets ipa the mon Sourte of xy Eoothe- bed: re ae ink | » chy deertes Cree. Converteal — ——into_g plucose ore blaod_sug-cix<~dunaiar the _pyocess. = Or digestion ent pet ———— Cos bees st inate Complex oe ges ——Mndtorhovds pays gece oe Gilucte. Pe Ghd ee ee ae ee er Gl cogen____— Tala ato apo width high moolecu ta’ naeicfa— ) Protein cr polymer of_amino_acids Orecaaged in the Fam of oly peptide chatns The _Stoucture oF pxctein i classitiedl os _prinaig Bs 1 i sos, ea 4) hes also Sene —-branst oxter: Poovina _nubdeal< and other molecules ta ancl out af cells 5) _prntein catalyse geactton in our bedies, dynncpod male cel uch ax4gen 1 keep uu healthy as part oP immune yssheine and —_-+yansmit mes ciges — From cet! +0 cell + x) _Simple protein = _compase of _aald amine S id Hisbanest aci eg istones. 1 Conjugased -pral in = -Sicnple_pxnicin cuith ome can Non= prole in_ pod: “4: lypoprobeins = C protein + lipids J aly aprote in Sule pacabel in 4 Cov bohgdeate J cohich canbe —exhucled Pram the Living organisms — auth the hel p_of=_non- cee salvent uch -aa chloyvtem - emberta Cell bucturmel and Peinchtonal s they one tnsoluble in cualer hen hyelrophobic ei chavacter . d | Pa —cdipase Hesye ot +ho body = Ey i: Nt lic Actdo— codNulehiic Acid ts tong chain | ——molecutes:,| the _Mmanamer ~s__k nown z the = ae -Somelimes ouclic_ —— acid axe _omeFerrrd +o as Dols = Deoxyribonucleic acid CDNA fe — __ Ribonucleic _actd. CRNA) axe two major dupe 2 Oucleic acid. J =_DNp_ard RNA is responsible Par the —_P. ; ee and__dransmissioa_o&_specibi oe ea ia —! “qeneration +o -+he other: Polyndese cells: ar Th }— Exclesgokic cell Fukawgobic cell ty ae. oh cell dont | 9} Fuk oeyohie cells possess |. | pos. i | membrane bond aga nelles| teen a axel fncluding the hucleiis. 4 -Oxgpacile : [3] Peokmyctic_cell ore} 2] Eukemjnbic ace advance | a —pzim itive cell cell - . [al Thelude bacteria ond | 37] “Include animes. plo, | et cy nobacteria___ ___|_Bungi+_protz0a.clgae | 4] Cell_division occur Li) Cell division +nkeg 7 through -bineayFission_| place though, _naitosis Ss} prokaxyodt ell arnal| | s} Eukenaypotic celt large | 1n_ size in size. 6). —Grewith oF peel: Onn ohic| 1 Growth oe Eu Kkonyoht'< | cell is Fost Cell_t low » ae 7] _Nucleus_is.absea. G1] Nucleus ore pacesent — aie 43]. Vnicelwae organisms ¥1_ Mutticelalase organisin 4) Consist oF single, circular Paiuieonsist. oF muMrple, | —|DNB mndlecute inthe scl! fined chrommsomes | nucleoid_. inthe _nucleug_. | 0) Sroati_atbosames ove | 6_Laxge ribosomes Found are Found iis 2 tn xs__asexual _| uJ They occurs Sexiial oe epee reproductions lel i e_sphe-'cal_| 12) Ribosame aye linear | in _shape to shepe a 13]_mitechandrie is cheat | paitechondaa 6 cau present ud Plasmid ore abs aie . tu) Plasmid Gre pr ent Eig ; IDR a Fpl CBA ZV } x Q-4) \yhile a Nabe an_tnetabolisno 2 oo Tenaya aa ovgnine ia cled tla aE echt pacha tga oe ee sracpin isos — anisation OF bad deFining —Fealurs_oF Life Form. nee Melee Rs een ae namely —anabal ios end ca cs “Melabolisns. Jenthhen -pancess. by chi ch_ Olina setae Shel gee on ee and _daiak ee oO __enexiy— = : paral Mellapalisen is cthe sel of lire - ustaining chamicay ____eaclions_fi ene 2\_Meicpolism iS the lobed amount of the biochemical __sceactions involved in ipnainlaining —the living} cond of the cells in -20_oxqaniam —3)_athe. —-eoelabslis_pincesses help in _make- camel Eu. cot Sgg ts. fom I) : zyarts anolhev—mrakeqamel rues with diploid S pucleus to _ Form endosperm —____ SD [Re ov chang to seed and Overy _chaage soto fer 1B _Angipesr—e_stscalac plants — tic beaw ae _Fantite or rnedure ovaries “Hl_These_plon|__ayve more adaptive sto the __ a sAerresbial habitat _ _)__Ex._Mango._applebanone_,_peach_—chemcy, — 5 oxan nd __Pea adce ; com coheal , rdse5 lie Tomato . -9- JF): Explain “tn detai tails about seed dormancy. __ —> 9}. Seed_de annancj stean.seed_ Fails +o oro __ eee Onna ‘sa sresti ag peziod__cahen no __gemubkh “and hove —__ reduced call ackivity -o¥._rnetabolism even — -thxvugh the _environmenta|__cendrtion are 3 2 bate _peroinal ing even: Under the» Coveurable ee avixoneestal cond: Sh Eevtetomental conde Ike emp. caer | ight = —cjas. Seed _ Coap hee = HE Contces oF seed _dewnancs eS 1) Light = 2) Temp a 3) -hard.seed_coat____ ‘ : - 4) period _abtex ai pening oes SD) sGierminattian inhibitors - ee peeeee es eee oe ( oe p——2Tinmadurity of the seed _embro. a ——}Impem mith fy othe seed chat to crcler ——D“Timpermecbiliby —OF Seed _coal lp oxygen. 1) presence_ae high _concentome Soluses_- SF Timpani OF leaned! —cloymancy = DE follows the stovane of d Pax later _u ——byanimar dina fans bit helps sto_dispersal or the seed -}hraugh L =th sinFavourable envixonment - eat is highly userut bod 4) Doma: 4 OF Seed is Deo dong tim, which act aS a scvivat mechaniem + ed can adapt ta! advece ' situatian ond «esist Poappye - i Prtate. “4 mam ination » hee a | Ss) Dermrancy makes it dirricilt te maimbain the: plant population and interferes in seed stesting procedure. 9:8] Wailea Aole of Platyhelmintha )“TRet have venta’ ally Platant bedy hence called Flak jor. This aor mo! Hey endop: acoeides Pound: tn cinim Inclui'ng human being 4) plglura pl tyhelmninthes. i belong ala the Kinadom animalia. thes oxe—deiploblast: S)\ The: Pere living or parasites ) The bedy has _a OF} covert ng cuith ox cofthout ~a@elamole ,_cind 23: The body is FlaHened without ong —seqmenls _ __and__appecass like o lear. = _ i They—axe crespixe by _ Simple diftusion_ Shrove Sethe Rody) eurkace es al _They—have _an__oxgon_level_of c orqonizabion iol Thess do aot have a digeski e if a wach a ~and__oxgans___ ___is_ Filled coith connective -liccue nchyma. -which—helps_in_ranspovting the Food material. 2) They axe bermaphradite ji-e- both anale and —_—Fematle oxgaa: -cxe__pxesent in the Same bod : T = BL] i Lowel stages - Ji “They posse eee 45) badde ier like © nexvau piaelG: rit INS aa Se a OIA — —Example = __Flabteiorme , Toapecuomm liv. Ercekee ye ae Other Que --- g-Q] plain_the 4pes oF Metcbolisma 2 D posal m_=_Anabolisms creates molecules, the body needs For Functionality pee eer ee ea de it Uses enerny Tn the prncase ——=—Pnobolism is .+he processor metabolic _cohere— ee Sore, synthesized into_canplex tins ectubed sp) at = Anabolisea_is_a__endergonic 1 oshich onean Ee iL ts not spontenaus and are quire. ehexyy to progress _--he anabolic reaction - s = The complex molecule Obtained axe _Furthey- eS Used to Store enexgy Io -the Forn of ATP. ~—€ sg T's constructive meberbelisna_____ a 2 Photosynthesis — eccumng _in_pland eae | te est _excimple_oF —cnabolisrn ae ie eee 6 09 + 64,9 oe belt, Me H1GOn ——duning_ —phelosynthesia iqlucaseis—Synthesigg rie Using imple, fnarqonic sLbstcince lik 00s. Hao tn Lh pxesenl of Sunlight 21 Cuaboli m= The xeaction in whirh comple! E malecule brnken docon ico Simple nroleced ina living Organism is Known as _cobabolicn = Ti Devcyy leasing pracess i “exev-geni i 1 J =—lt_ts dishiuchive metahalism ecg ; 4 Cen 206 +CO GC. + 6H20 Cnerty | occurs during Cellular ores pivot tan, digestion and exerelion. = Respirxrittdn isthe intya cellular oxidertion in which compley oncjanic Substance ave = J bndken down ito imple enoyk gad eel ease th neviy « = breakdawn oF gluco 2 elease en sqy in the Erp oF ATP C-pdent ine haphosphake) (o] fle a-nale an bnjophles an Ani Phedidaphyles —— i] brtophptes = weaned +e vreshial planls tuhich — on extemal watey For Fertilization and = compli Hon oF their lit cycle. a= ie “ay Bryophyles_g enrally gree +o sheady and —Moial ace (3) Th e4 dd o_nol_hy eve Vascular tissue euch os_xylom = and phlaem- _—4) Bayophytes clo nal have yaot . steam and leaves. : instead of woot they have +he snot like Shuchare aused Rhizaict 5) Bruophyto ore. _S pore producing plant ot 7 —5)—The—plani_body is thallus ike i.e prostrate or erect a) Bayophyle: shows _allemation E generation bel? i re _gomeh he _cwi i produce pew and _eqgs and dependant spoxnphyle cwhich _conteina ports —£)The_deminant— paxt_of the plont bedy ia_g -gemetaphyls which | haploid _- . 9) “The eygote_develags_into_o multicellular sporophyle —1¢) The _Spoxrophyte _undergo_meiosis -}o Foam haploid -Gacacte: which Form a gamete ph te. : u) “The .cpsxo phyles is differentiated into Poot , sets and Capsul i 2) - Ex. Livertuorl Moses, Lonworks \# “Importance oF Bragephytes = | —)_Med ical use = palytrichiums pecieshas chown to dissohe ee tone in Kidney ‘and gat) bladder. weaseawh _'n_+he Field of genetic. 3) -Packine,noatevial = Dried mosses make an excellent Paki material For_Pragile goeds ike Glassware > se balibi. nets a eS ae IE Wi le Ra —SL_As ind icaloe plants: = : g eat Formation. : —~21 Plerdaphyles 2 =) Plexo phyles axe dhe Ei iia -———lend plant 2 2) They ove seedless ._vasculay cry pba ors a liFecvcle i hetrolagqu diple haplantic typ 4) spaxeph tosis Lhe “dominant plant body tuhile Jametophyke ig a Qmall Simple a1 —Sporophyle hag tue aroot + icteam_and_leas Tn xylem ynchea Cvessels) absent and pie Companion cells _abcert . a) Spaxe develop in Spocrandia ore Ihanwosporsse ox _hetevospornus - Porronctia Oxe pxod Ai Qareup an for O phy Ss. D young leaves of Spavnphyle — ghow — crcinale verna-_ _dion - s ile <5 And partic eenbedled —Gurhespnin. toll t= yowed om. hy) Fm bxtonic 1ge_pxresent - in picid phyle anu considevedl_os the Fixs} plant +o be evolved an land - 13) They cae cuyplogams: 36: Alese ond voecul on Jy) SNaxvengia axe produced in qxoupe o po’ ophylis: 1s) thes how tye alternation of Seneration idephyta is ane of -the Older _qroup oF \ plants the plan} kingdom 2 jay be hamasporaus oy heler0S porous = 1g) They 1a not _preduce Flower ond gees: 3) pteridophytes ore alsa own a decocheaphytes. ido phyt hows ariatto ei 2 and habitat - | Hf Wailea Silent Lect ns OF phylum = f oxiFexa ___@) The Cells of Poviterans axe 00S Ee “They aye most _—@_lhe ostly cure _—@ Their _bedy ii ae UU. © They have _no © They depict hel cellule either aradicitly ely _oxganized ound tn montne tucber . in tc. reshwate: . Symmetyical ar 0. apcome: cylindrical - Th Sclevoblass seca -spicule aah ie _spongin }+——-S) in their body - opcade_of organization ucnerous pores _Kknolon as GE pauline ics © hey ~OS.crebcrrn Praduce asexually by and “Thy Ony Exeqmentation . baddiac, awhition is Ialozoic. e development j pasensoy.. Celis _but ore devoid oF tern jadivect and th, © is holoblastic - (The _e hoage o£ ——_Guoske _occaxs by +h @ Fxcrnoy le. -Sjeon 5) The bedy is! wodiculy sy) —©—Th ean seg @ hi reuticelate paagille Cleavace. a gases and hi-bre, odfen Pxocess_oF dieeusion Clieng... nametyiccel: ta los} pax ianoF tunte to_bady pot ne cad _oxycp, a5 2) spony _@ Th —_plands. Ace posses wale canal sfelem.. te pelle a 2 Oi). Wiatloag ay teaaphora_is_o_ invevtebredes + i 2) They_ore Free _livi Ine _Orgonis has. __ a 1 ee | 8) They dxe__diplablastic™ ie possess too S a lagers. _ectodem and endoderm: ey b ae ore acelomates je. do nol hove a body a : )Ctenephora ome readially —Sopnamelvical r s) Th phave_a_tiscue level of bady oxrnanieation wvacelluledy da cellos Introellv= ) They ore bisexual. sexes axe _hot separate . g) Ct, no phore arepraduce exucll Certilization occen Culeide the body. development “is, indlixect - = io) Some co ams_and eggs ar the Sam 3 time and some at diferent limes - h) Mast pecies chow) oct qenexntion oe _damag a £ Hicsuec . ) “They. show bioluminescence ise emi light: fon —) posses the medusa Lage : Is) “They Scaling .by Comb plates. Is) Contain complete digestive suchen, (2) Tt shows lecs clivensity : ro) They have_o pai oF Long lid qetrachl, Lenvad Gibbon hapect.. “Thala. cae. “defplal lastic \ Thet’ bear teno tentacles and eight — longi linc - TS row! ot Ci lions Comb = Plates For locamatian f ga) Describe “Various phases oF microbiat pact oth come Same oxgenism -9raculh 16__oreker +o fhe ine ape ibe ee ee —oxgenisms a i eae ss aa F oe “aa lly and -Lhe long ha-or hactevia _¢. lothed on ____.gxaph__against tine it gives a chayacteristic. ___—grauth Cue called gaowth curve. u i ic_due +o the ——epanentia|_grewth pair or the bacteria» c= Stolioney phase = 3 . = a . Log decline/ death phase: i phase p| tag phase “Time =} hagsphasein. ¢dhen -hacleints cintresed. caith a Neco” Presh ligetd mediung it de nop dade tom sed i —___cnithin the thew envionment. = Te Lim. pextod_in tahich the baclevign i nnctabalicalty — “active but da not divide is. cabled lag ph ——lag- -phase_is—_chovactea'sed__by -Lheiv -ig_no__incrrses — inno. oF- bacteria = The size of bac! —— = duration of the lag phase depend on Hy acl” andthe Specie “ok. the: hacker, a 2s ie tne Loe 4 Se ee bacteria has— ee tae pxepared ey division ree sof! he. ates divides eee he No-ar- baclenia a eee Ge Fase or Sedition. aiaete aaa ict cath ih : PET ena aie Teas ae. the bach eie_determine ta — i ———+this_p hoses a. =—Generation time i ditterent ee aie é sthe curve» Seog oe ee oO \e Gpeusth Peickoy ina hectevicr . 3) tacdionary phase = TRe tbachencul grourth Areal asa a Luni ng cwhich_ no -nek. increse ta _+he ho-ar- hdclinta =~ Jn thi constant baclewil ion _£ Maintained by the balance betn division and Cell death . = Tn_aome bachena compute sexalion of +he cell. divisian accu have ther is no nek incxeses fend ‘in the no-'oe. bacteria - _ 4] [Wed ie ple is Te Ki ee a decerwises © ponentially.. = Dunning thi phase dela! Count oF bacterin aremains —sarme—hut_the viable —can'h decreases « q Tht —just_invexse._oF log phose be the -qiven Se Net oti Nacléw, vob ieanie amie “Some die tar Foxe orale - while LSome_-cremain Fo: donger period . : oan : = Sch be he bacteria cor due to “puritian deed — or ic co the hacteria — hiner sek a ae depleted the death phase isthe paint: ae Mi actions __aod becia the pace. ob decth IMP Qu Write a noble on mitosis / cell division Cell division — A stage in cell cycle to_tohich poxent- cell ts called cell division “Their ore dono. Mibosis ~ The type of _cell divtsidn in cohich single — cell|_are sclivided indo teu _doughbe claughs L_aremain =the same as_in ++he—porent_ —Cell_(S_ called mitosis 7 tages “of mitosis — itasis: 1s divided ints topo mat i) Cytolkin esis_~ cy, o_mean coteplasas ond kinesis Mean _divisian 1 .So +hap division or Cotoplamn fs_called cytokinesis —H)_kowobinesis — karo mean_nuclews. kinegis omean— —___division g0 +he division oF nucleus is catted Karo kinesis - Nucleas divisiag_is. divided ind Following Four hace: ~tProphase’ ii) Metaphase it) Anaphase iv.) “Telophese . : Pom pha < beeamatin material became condense shorten “and_ coil_The +o sister _chrematids —-aHached_caith each ethec_at_ centro mer ond Pam Fibre nt tok, plac ice thie has am -spiods tached with _chaannasonns Tto0-Spindle Fibzes Porn hath Side ottached cwoith One _chramosome: Chramasame _abtached with spindle Fibre Coecange _themeelve as e_cente co} -he cell plabe -__ ec. he centromere at cheanmcitint Split_into chromatid due to +h pouting ‘Spindle Fibre hyomehid prove -botnevde on pol nd hale stawerd cinathey psle thie Sepaxeled Chromatic ore called daughter chramosam, Lelophase = . The chromassme become Uneoil and Porro this chyomatia nettionk pindle Fibers break down. Nucl. plus _sreappen and nucle membrane Pome: oF +he cel! cwith —bhe ome. Aumbe r 3 Chromosome 1S Cuere present ta the porcik : oN K "y y ( ) 5 Wd Telophese — | SSF @=ey ' prephese Bnagh ose \eZ “o-is|intile anole of meiasis 2 eS Meiosis— _ Meiosis is th porace’ in_etohich @ ing cell divides }iwice +o Eovm Cou hoploid claughte ells. “Thi cells axe dametes -spem in _rnales Ona egg in Females . The px o€ meiosis is divided into Sleqes : Meiosis L — — be fel ) Prophase-L — “The nucleo. envelope diss beqrral chromasame_| jin_toa_candense ——_——$——=Spindle._€ bres. S0ppen ge. 2 2 Melaphase T= “Tne homologous —chwomesomes—Align ah es Ss ——the _equatonicd _, plate—enssn sming __Genedic _ ————diversity amon, 4g OEPe ping. ee B® Pnophose £—. ~Theuhemnola ogus_chya.en0sonmes xe pitted founds the oppasiie pales —4) élophose TF ~ Spindle bi bacs_clisapy pear SE Soe sae Nuclens = onvelopicis ute bomned en —S_cyto kc ines is 1 - “The cyte Oplasna_and.cell divide = in 4ev0_nonz identical haploid daughker cells Meiosis re = fal he, Pheonaatt 9Cordlense ee chemin —_________= Nuclear _envela ———___= Centrosomes mm igrttbe_-t0_ “ dithen, Pcle-— Spindle Fibres Ange ore Formed = aNibicla Rega Se rece aligned along — thee kde a ae onthe controwy the —_chyamosom—in— metaphase Tin homalagous pare. —~3.Anagh = ir -—Sislec_chenmalide creep on 3 o_=the op posite poles ib 4) Tel lophase T > Nucle envelope —reclevelops ond - =H spindle Pibyea d Iscip per. Ss) Cy Kinesis I = TRe cytopl m_and_cell divide _producing 4 hon. fnelentical haplord caughte Cells, Q-16] Explain the Concep} or species = ? pecies are often deine as lorde 4 individual cvith similow _-charnctevichics sheve® bh can interbyeed +o panduc Cortile OFF palag, E Eis Typologica) pecies concept Th this concept there is a Finile numbeoF avielies oc living Organisms thal exist on axcth . “TR type do nok exhibit ing orelationshin coith each ath, = Sitch vavieliey are termed _o Qecies . Th: inequality t ecegayded _as_an oirportant cind in-velewaat + henomenon . ~ As the member oF the pecies arc a torxon Ue oh be identities ky thee oatentinl chien a. Gimup _o€ Scientists to this. as essentially ~——Species__cancept - 2] Norm ?fnalishic 2pecias canceph ~ “The —nominalistic species cancep! is tne Cor — and his Fallow. —or the belier hap — an eens a the peeclion Poa cre they {eFinile exichance . “These concept do tot | have ang Scientific basis ____ | 3) Biological species canceg! —> | tn the middie of the Ig th cendurey A Erech concep! — io © far | — This cencept coas Ct a Lo ‘the lotey __ | hate or +he nineteenth - tag aoe at og z Knowh a Species concep! . |= This concept is_discoverd by k= Jordaq_in_lsos__ | 4) Ew [to Evolatinnany —speries —concenh Sh | The short Ycomi of __biolagical species _concept— at Wiley and i.0aps. 90. and__obhey _qus-hers: —|___peticulont—pat-eeortelegist— + Fomnwtat evolubion Oxy, pecies _conceph. soi -| = Sie a combinabi on of sevuallyxep voducing — | __oxganisms ._phyletie_Itmenges—ond —un ee ns Oxy CL nism: + YNITA5 PIANTCELLAND ANIMAL CELL TORE ) UNIT-5 BIOTECHNOLOGY r P Ube —9-1]_Explain jn detail obaut madam) and oniiticiay Medic. at : oe nat ste alee Q_type's Of Cute media ave us ed_; bh Natuvel_media— }——2>Aatificial media | _—O INatavet medial “Tr. meditx_include bh ul © OF x IAC bio Oqicad sHhe Pallgwiaq +hyre, types = JS ij clots iy biolagicu Fleids iit) “Trscue exdyocl 1) Clels Cplagm) [- plasma clots ce Lhe mos! commanl used clats aad has heen _eraplayed For a lonc} tine = TA the present Hone plasma is corm mesial he a0. paepaved = * ale ; i) biologica Elaids | - Se ialoat le be employed as cctlture media amniaki Eluicl plewrval and _o = .Senim 4. cuso—belp- dbtachtment oF +he cell = _Senim {6 also act as spr Lec, actor. Tayo : |= “The _reast_ -commenly us ed fesue_ exharl_is_chick at ve exhad., hocheve Ioaving_ __embyy o extract tf also used o ia Ane culture omnecia, +he exhirels Cram splan, eee ee tes ¢ es be ee Uubstilution Fox -Hesue exbract can be a _noixty ek anni Bene tt oe i es ey = Chic ech extract is mast canamonly Use, they f scomoted _cel|__prralipevedion Ol fattest Medtal- for +he Following. purcpos: i oxtiticicd Media have been ema ployed— = Ae axe. chenncclty yodchesi ed.._e+g. Se nioy containing media _, Serum _=b ree mediq protein — ee ee Synthetic mecha wuere. prepared by. ont Ficialy, a adding. several _nulients—¢ like organic ee ieee Pag ic)» cibneatae | eather aiden! and Re _axctiri eial_—media contains —posely a Ful ae aed =fpropabents: i\_sesum Serum. So ete ro" Ee et conker} -Hhat- —2reracu'as. fe Over after removal _of& Fi rin and cells Frrona blood -—___ zs 4 = —Li_supelies pee niet OF cellist as = containing Media. ——Io—anircal_cetl— | cetera Media Feta) bovine serum_is the mos| commach__ ae supplement — _ Th tider to aupply er “ony Boplicail cotvednedign td employed _ as__ an economical — Supplement - era Kris! U Page Ne x ee ii Semen free media- Ta case of —foamu bogicay 4 Ludie aresenre oF Semm in medica ca. sresult +o Sexious _misinlerpredations . S oa generat these Meclice Qxt_cpeciki Bite. Ae ip ] eo _pacarnoke the culturc of a ingle type Of cell ad _incoypornte Specified cimaund or pundeted ~——gpouth Factors, _|i'popebeins and other _pardbeins hommaliy Supplied by the seni, a) sive Component ate. these media axe knows BR Sas et dering: cet medig tie a itiy hecoielt deine media— “These medi Condon doa = pore inexcgomic and Orgone ingpredi ats Pree OF | Cootaomincal do Ad mc ——also_contain pure protein additives. Such. a ——Gpnutth Feretors A onslituent baodificatian fa hacteda dr Yeask enilh -bhe iw Prolein Exee medio. = pxotein =Pree media so. Jevaid sae any “pxatein cand aniy Include non= pocotein constituent os Ex x plain ir dedails cell SUS f ensian Cult. o2 > “The -ccullcure OF —Singl. e—cell_cind Spex aqriqated—in- Moving —_higuid scan tin, poxdant ex peximeatall -Lechnique ov. _lod- oF Sludy thal . ave _nch _conrect ly — possible 4a de xara =the __ _eullug —culter Such system _is_cay ‘bul ay—Signiti.- cant jaFoxmedion Sel physi | ho= isha. __metabollic__evenls +he lable of Individual _cet|— and mal_celt_agrigate « aS Re cel] suspensiaa Voulluce also called load eel cultusce, isa. _Systeng__Fex _preduchian or __ Eine chemical = AX Tt. cam be _deFrined as ‘Th cL bera or_tisswe and_ ——¢ell_cutturced i n—Liqui d_nutbient medi tenn. Pacoduiclig a wispension—_oF— ing cell_ and cel} clump s Celt ispeasion —cultu ig -the paineosi* es ——fox__Stadyiag —plaat—ceti._secondary metabolism, Th cell uepensia a Culture ecu ——pteizabinn of the—cell_line the cuttivalion. : eee a Suspensias _cautbuse desis ed Fromm med; inatly diga of secorc metobslle Ch, amount 08 _ndustial _"“e Erect = ree ches >. uspensic a —culuse commonly ctged to eg ae ees Eee and insect celig i ee ee ined —Col-h— —Rutxieat _Contoiniag-_medta aad _cuttuned _fa—a— Some =_examples. ae Antibody — ae a joenas |-—2>_fexmantation —cubkunces— Gore i U-s> Theva pewlte patel production loy CHO t Si -cellc + (4) Second relate pun fac Anige in L cells AR ~s>-Recomblaaal. paotetay pitduclion im insect Cel! E luchton Fer enzyme aac —__ Vaccine reasearch + ponte! USPENSTON CULTURE.) Sis tt Mutagenesis = . = Sludiect maybe halal cd by. the use a£ cell pxadu. mutant cel} clan, Exon in which aden une arat: Suspéation Culture Ao ispectian can be sthjected = Cell_populatios ina aoa: onde of —Mutegeni. chernical Ex. ethy] methane = Gulphele CEMs )_ N= Nithuse = M- methy| \xea. = “The —mudoqenesis canbe added directly —odd_titisld— medium: — ; p= Th elected plant can be _qxnwo cind_pxopo= gated —_Purcthec__+-0__produce a uta _populalton~ Foc _Ghadies -— = AfLer mula gon treatment cell a plouied or _cigane — Medium for leed-to. © mutan- chana ty — J _ Ou. pettder -by uch the mutans cell clone andl_—mwiendpla m_Ort__selecled —Fxom the population (eo ke ao Tfdent enimoal cell cublure pnedio is expeded. 40 ps wusses _cextain_and —_physiclogical ond —_ ee __—-chemicat pxmpestics— ik pla OXs-g Coy. 7 osmality Vscocity 1 Nature in uch a way culture animal cells: att >. pu — Nomnally most oF the animals cells ccnp, danw cl pH —a-a-l = There may be ome Slight vari icdion in -+the ccequired option pH. iqin ae the Celle. __ - The pl_indicator phenol “red_is_most Comensa ly ~ Used Gor visible detection of media a 2> Carbon- dioxide (Cor) — caxban dioxide inthe animes — ——_Cell culdure media i's_in.a_dissolved stake and ——lts_concentention depends on the -Lempevadene —__ 4 a i dioxide tension = carbon dioxide in +the. medium exists in many ee cel Stn ae Gnbon dex” breaxber alc and _— Cancers eee pa tt ene OS Oxgnen ee a = ne 10 cale_up of animal —“‘toithautcausing ~cell_dernage = Oxygen is Sponingiy Soluble in. Zell culture media — ~=-buk_caldurecl__cetis depend _6a_ ‘Shel Aieslved ‘ovygen= —pxesent_in_the medio. but high concentratian ae sche ——Same—may_ac-as_taxic to the cultumed._cell die 46 — ae the generation OF free Wadicals » ieee ie 4> Tein eralire — Animal cells aae_tiowe_Sensilive 7 ——t9_Aempertdlave his hey_than_-}he led _-lempere, iB ure that is. oie [aon ae Se a ~—BAninal_cell_cullaxe media has Jou +themnal —Concluctivily, —high_-temp radient can occur tei heating ance ing oF the media. ——To_a_eenatt_ox- com pcct_biorealer low. gradient! — r— heating Syslera con: ke achived using Lhe ——Stated_dacught tube» higher _demperaluve cannet he handled by In video Cells» Gnd most oe thea, die ic +h temp -qoes__heyand ioc . =—higher_temp increases Solubility 5 Osmolality = _Osmalatity For mast of +he | caldered aniona) celts ig orunad itn the aaage O&_ 260-390 masm] 4 Osmalatity ts ia Fictenced, ib acids, bases, medicatian to a Opplied_ to the medium =~ OS dap , io. OL +h in int OY elevation © the Lopous press oF -the medium + 6> Growth Factor = Growth Fackors pramale in: wits liFexbion and “direereatictraa oc ni Ceutused cell! i = + = Givowlts: howmodes Such a .Tnsalia ond hydrocortisone ~ axe mast Commonly used ‘in Sevum “Pree axe + i adj ficial _cnimal cell Culture media. : ‘ c Nudatents - Animadt cetl Cabttuye media. a1 contains _nudvienis Such as ~ cholia 4 hanol_ amine — Sraolic acid, and alsa mainivals like ~iscon Cappex .-— eee enuch. moore Hike sol ble reels aracn ote e_prolifercdian OF eed coltured animal cell teins - int Plibumin + = likewise polyamines ond protease inhibitors are SS Wyte 4 asle on Ass ¢ hatoaced Salt Solutio 7 pre Sdes-an_envivenment that Mein tasns Stuck! ond physio! thro condition » ogical inbegpi uw se cell eAast Commmen|y tn teideg — Nak. C Ma cind - element cohit oc pu d Sta witro cand ihion Leunf ct Coble SASS are used Fox coaching -Heeve cond cell ined ge cre _tusuially combined ii olhe cgenis 4. 2 treat the tioey incl__ Celt = 4> BSS pyavide aber ancl fnorgenic fons do rain. La ogee z ainela phy islogical pt Ood__asmati Pp. wu = ee ae essenlial punctian is de matateu's piLend esmotic balance ae -tuell p22. id posuere Cells catth cucte aod essential Mn cydante_ jan 6\ 893 available in bath iquid ov powder Form Ah pode ved _hatanced salt solulion “ave produced crithaw Sedium bicorkenate da slaljlity ay povuederce anes require oditim bfcarbona Sepplementation pl __adjustmen Eriterntion- Fr LE Most common BSS ore HS Erase =. Eaves: haldnced’ eat) sal. = Grey's balanced salt sal» ® - Hank balanced Salt so\n = - Ringer balanced salt soln = Ft_How bes works. : ; ex mned. bility . ~ Calcium and Ture nalntein th, Fobecuily ok cel) membyan and__inlemat _stntckure = Ow ) i aE _conbypl_ -+he hydacagen ion Concentration though _ dheic burFesing efFeck. ‘ = B85 also fndlide glucose. wohich provides a _xeedily ovailable_enerqy _Sotxre tay __cells_. a = Bss te a -homaqencous mixdure. : ms ~ Tn medicine, batanced sait .salutiga can be. —used_os_o_ivrigationgo}tdian_such_as—durting —___ a 96S =xplai A i Veabae Rie napa Epp 5 a mecha ay 1) The 7 Aechnolagy used Fox -c_producing arliFvciny aoe Pha_thyough the cambinedian oF diferent! nOirtes (OT genebic_marterials Coo) Prom difFerent s nr -Is_eFerred do _-ag Recombinant. @Na clechnology « 5 > Recombinant NA Technoloyy i popilardy iknow | denelic endineeving - a Thus the —arecambinaal dua hae ta he tolrodued [alo the host And at lost , ik hos sta_he Maintained in the heck and _commied Fomuord +o dhe. are pring Efrrovess of Recombinant aA technology STep-4 = “TSolation af Genetic. oncrkerial - “Re _fixs+ and the initial step in Recambinanbk Dna_-technalyy is to isolate the desired ONe_in_ -puxe—foan, jie Free Corn ath Moor molecule: __STEP-2 = i di ik The xeshrichta, enzyme play a moje Wle in dA temmining athe _locatign ab cohich the degtred 5 ene is inserted into vecke _qename. “Thes $ ~__xeachans are. called * x ielion. enzyme digestions» _ STEP-3 - Amplie ing the Gene —Copie thornugh pal mn ext: “ee chain _areaction _C PCR TIL is_o_pamcess to _ompliry o_single copy of ONG into -+hougande +0 millions of copies once +h ne sk interést has heeq cur using —_ xeshictioa en wine: “STEP =. oe enh gation of_OND ono ae Ta thie shen of _Ligadion the joining of the dog pieces = Q out Froaqment of ONO ond the Veday toceth, With -+he help of +h enzyme Dvn J T \iqase » J STer-5- “Tnsedisn al Recombinant ON into Hoch. Tn this step 1 the recombinant DNR Is inleaduced yite-8 —teripient—host cell This process fs yo doeonsPormoaton Smee the recombinant 4 ‘into he hast _-cel ttl multiplied and is expressed in the Farrn af the Mmoniikacturrd pratein und optimal canditions — FE _APPlication of Recombinant Onn Technology — @—Onia technology ts also used to dete th presen OF HIV ino person - @—Grene theenpy = Tt is used_as-an ocbtLempt -Lo Corvec +h 4 defecls cnhich five wise to h diky, diseases : @_clinicer dignosis = ELISh is an example shear the “application oC arecombinanl. . Recombinant Ona Aech te - widely Used in Agricl. mee to prod. e genelically =Modified OrqJaniseg Su FI mctyaldan, —atee_aich_iqn —Protein ond 84 cotton te protect the plead — against ball cvorm, wNd__a_lot- Moxe z Qi the Eield pe medicin Recombinent Ona 4echnoloyy [sine 0. P5 thy pxoduction —-9€ _fnsulia a @_Production oF antibodies —praduchion af Vacei eg. — produc Hlon__OF__enzimes a. Qs DeFine hrotechnology cand _expla's. >. ae bioke thasloqy jin ~ \eotou: Eields - iG > a ~ Ds 1 f L set ely Biotechnology is tre Field that exploits living 06 mankind Ti hos a applications jn hy, b= SCOPE of RTOTECNOTOGY Mediciagl biotechnology — = bislechnal ey. has*heen extensively cipplied fn 1h development ar many comucy gene therapy , “—gen testing Immunology aad "many oth novel drecitments = Gienelic teshing ic used in Forensics Por identic individucls , sex delermination » newborn screenion ae ty =—hictechnology iS used fox the development oe Voriou: Obese Suck as Fasatie and hepatitis 8. i= Tdenlibicalie AR: eximinaldy Sle ule sabe Ma Larensic Science = Ex. DNA Finger pri bt g-— == ~_2> TTnduclfal bickechnology — “= One 56 the most imp application oF bickechnalag, —iStheprnduction oz binguele, . products. “= production o€ antibodies Ex . penicillin peacille he ~__prtduction € enzymes _E2:—finnjlase proteases i Single. cell prolein c sce) Po ee Bo “S. “Agricutiewal biclechnology — wi iz i LL ie 2 Sctent ist SQ ce the persis gene Pwonn ane plant aad__inco porate ik into anoth which lach ok chonarcherish bus i ecanamically importa: —Succressku) in AFPxica and _-+the middle east Owing ta thei Cinka vorctht Venethe For Crop production _= “This _hbiobech is —onillc_prrdudic —= pesticides and ___Fevtilizers ene = For digsue cetlbume SS Environmental _bislechaslagy. es Pinsernediiga —is_ane—D&tha_mast_impnetand Opplication ac bickechnology. = Thi technology Use caletbals pxopext) OF micyo. Organisms ard plaas lo _deqund deloxiry and sestare Cantaminated sail and cvertey - Tt hel ira Be ctoyic ex mitded —_Froca_industries . =_Eeticiend _secucige treatment = Renewable energy generation aif = es: = biomass - patducbion 2 Plant bickechnalogy — Rapid clonat meattiplication ot Plank: Ex Crap plants , credicinal plon = production oF vixus and pathage Eee plac: 7 ~— production oe tyon, sgeaic___plant Far __insect ~—cresistare Animal listechnsleyy — production ge ete nivale = —cl oniggorenimals Ex. dolly. f My merase chain areaclian ' Cpcr). fase eS per ot pal raedse CRIES eR TS “2 fechaique sel in _moleculay biology bo Create exa| Caples of a certain Na Se je 2S — This Joal vs ee ee brsloyy ond _bichechnolegy a\ OcR is Imp herruse ae Can __g-eneralec Vern} ey ; t S Copies oe DNA setitience 1° jor Shovd i | time f eriod W Ti te also Imp in Forensic jenc6e ac a toc! Eo denelre engineering. it helps the analyzing a cl =i t Gene xnveacion Ss vr Dro cedure — i @ Te omplity a .seqmentae Na using Pc, the ~ Sample ts, Blyst Theaked So the Na denature eecepevtles into 4m0 pies sae single = tyoaderd DNA @) Next , an enzyme called t Ta q_ poly mernee? Sunbhesizes = build ~+ua neta iclronds of DNA ustag the Conlgince tynnds as to maplates. @)ThS _prncess —=¢2sl in the duplication el A original _ONa coith each o£ the new moatlecule a ~ 4 One ald ancl ane new obran QNA~ @_—Thea 2c h_ of -+theee shrank —~can be trsed +e cxtale co he jee and so on , and Sa en, -~@ the cycle oe denotcniag} and Synth izing t “ek sue Oo — times , lending do more th billia - eta tps ae the origina Die cegrers - @ The _enlive cycling. process. of PCR is aulamabed and canbe compleked in just a Fea horn QT dimecled Ly cnachine Called Ahenmecycle, which _is_pangrammed +o alt the temp ate she “oreackion every Few minitles to ablow NA denakuing and Synthesis. _=> ~The pcr techniqe to. based an the yen cbs weplicadbion € OND ay —>—pce—has rade it passible tn generale ralliia o€ copies OF @ molt Seqrne, + oF ONn - Thi +tool_is classified in four type Nested pcre , multiple, Pce Otuad ots Per _, Drbilrony PCR [bee iicatinn oe PcR a ae \ re Y | medicine | Forensic sci | Sat > detectica-a diseases Grenelic Genetic tecting Finger printing a | Ss Gene thextipe). | / Se Porenstol chesting F*Trensearh ond qeaclicc| — | PND clanias = Be cal >__Giene expre. 1H — {—>— a rol — —— ataserch — eae Giene map plag s :

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