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BUSI 3400

Project Requirements v.1

Fall 2022

Each Project Should Contain:

Complete Hard Copy Report

Everything should be professionally organized and presented. Hard copies should be handed to
me in person at the start of the final session.

Project mark distribution is as follows:

Project Description and Overview (10 pts)

The project description should describe what your database was designed for and what the scope
of your project is. It should include any assumptions that you have made, any limitations that
exist, and any other information you want me to take under consideration. Your project
description is due to me at the start of Session 5. The initial description should be on a single
page and include the basic business requirements your database is going to support. Your initial
description is NOT GRADED but needs to be approved before you can proceed. My
preference is for you to work with a real organization.

ER Diagram (20 pts)

Your ER Diagram should include all entities and attributes that are used in your project. Further,
all attributes displayed on the ER diagram should have data types associated with them. Your ER
diagram should be reasonably sophisticated and reflect the needs of a realistic business. I do not
set a limit, but I expect a minimum of ~12 or more entities in a reasonable design. A
preliminary ER Diagram will be due at the start of Session 7.

Relational Table Implementation (Access) (15 pts)

Ensure that the implementation of your tables is consistent with the data model you have
proposed. Ensure all your data types are correct. Tables should be in 3NF. Be sure to state any
assumptions that you have made that has influenced the implementation of that tables.

SQL Script (SQL Server) (10 pts)

Provide the SQL Script for Dropping and Creating tables; and inserting test data in SQL Server to
populate your database. Make sure you insert enough data to test properly. Make sure you have
all appropriate PKS, FKS, NULLs, CASCADE, UNIQUEs etc specified in this document. The
intention of this section is that I can run the script in SQL Server on my laptop and automatically
re-create your database in my SQL Server database so please ensure it is free of any syntax errors.

Queries/Reports (Access) (25 pts)

You should create a minimum of two simple reports (generated from single table queries) and a
minimum of four ‘more substantial’ reports (generated from multiple table queries). Of the four
more substantial reports, one or more should involve correlated sub-queries and one or more
should involve uncorrelated sub-queries. Of the six reports, at least two should include GROUP
BY and HAVING clauses. Of the six reports at least two should include aggregates.

Provide clear English language descriptions of what each query/report is intended to provide and
what question is being answered. Provide the associated SQL that produces the data used in the
report. Finally, provide screen captures of each of the reports.
Queries (SQL Server) (10 pts)
Create two additional queries that involve multiple tables. At a minimum these queries should
have either: nesting, group by, or aggregates. These queries should be different than those
specified in the ‘Queries/Reports’ section above. Also, provide English descriptions for these

Basic Forms (Access) (10 pts)

You should provide interface forms to insert, update, and delete data from your underlying
database. Your hard copy report should include screen captures of the interfaces.

Electronic Submission
Everything detailed above needs to be implemented and handed in electronically. Zip all files
and upload through BrightSpace.

The Electronic Version should contain:

 Access Database
o This should include all forms, reports, queries etc.

 SQL Server
o A single SQL script to drop the tables, create the tables (and associated
relationships), and insert testing data
o Single SQL file for each required query. So you will need to submit 2 .SQL files.
Each file will contain a single SQL server query.

An additional 10 pts are available for going beyond the scope of the project requirements. This
could be improved functionality/design of the GUI forms, or implementation of triggers etc. Any
additional work beyond the basics should be detailed inside your report.

NOTE: The point allocation is based on both the hard copy and the actual implementation.

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