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Control Systems 122 State Space Analysis 12.1 Introduction : In the earlier chapters, the student was introduced to conventional control theory. Conventional control theory is in general applicable to linear time invariant systems having a single input and single output. They cannot be used (root locus and frequency response methods such as Bode, Nyquist, etc.) for time varying and/or non-linear systems, In these approaches the central point i the formulation of transfer function which ate defined for zero initial conditions. 12.1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Conventional Control Theory : Advantages : (2) Simple techniques. (2) Requires less computation ) Provides good physical insight into the system. Disadvantages : (1) Useful only for Single Input Single Output (SISO) systems. For Multiple Input Multiple Output [MIMO] systems, it is very complex (2) They are useful for linear time invariant systems and cannot be used before non-linear systems, time varying systems etc (3) As the transfer function is defined for zero initial conditions, it is not valid for other initial conditions. (4) While a system may be overall stable, some parameters of the system may be exceeding their ranges. We cannot know about such intemal states. (8) Design is basically a trial and error approach and designs may not be optimal 12.1.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Control Theory : Advantages : Q) Can analyse time varying or time invariant, linear or non-linear. single or nvultiple mput - output systems. @) It is possible to ascertain the slate of the system parameters also and not merely input - output relations, (3) The state space methods tend to optimization of systems and optimal design. (4) Inclusion of initial conditions is possible. Disadvantages : (1) Complex techniques. (2) Computation is more. < 12.2 Concepts of State, State Variables and State Model : What is meant by: state ? Suppose a system is given to you. The inputs applied 1 \ . t known and the system constants are also given. What other information ie aeeden fg ai the output for all time t = 0? This set of variables determine the state of the system. Ex. 2. Refer Fig, 12.1 a i. ili 123 State Space Analysis Ry a +o WW a +—— WW peers 4 ¥ . Ve 4 if ' 1 a aree es @ (b) Fig. 12.1 : Concept of state v 1 The output I, is easily known ic. — R, +R, No other information is needed Hence this tem does not have state-variables, In Fig. 12.1 (b), R, is replaced by capacitor C t Now V = iR+4fi-dtsy (1) a 0 0 Now knowledge of capacitor voltage at t = 0, ievg scitor - a history dependent term, forms a state variable. arly initial current in an inductor will qualify next + 18 needed. Hence the inual voltage ma as state variable. These terms are detined Definitions + The state of a dynamic system is the smallest he knowledge of these variables at t = he behaviour of the system at t > ty, set of variables, called state variables, {to together with the inputs for t = t), completely ‘ariables : It is the smallest set of variables which 'm. If n variables x(t), x(t), x3(t), ... our of a dynamic system, such that once the it determines she stac of the X(t) are needed to completei, dese: input 1S given for t > ty and the ibe ) X,(t) are a set of state variables, These state "easurable or observable quantities. : If ‘n’ state variables are needed to com then these n_ state variables can be Control Systems 12.4 se co-ordinate axis consist 2 dimensional space who: 3 (4) State Space : The n * cmseet OE axis ..... x, axis is called a state space. Any state can 12.3 State Model : : 12.3.1 General Case : Consider a system which is multiple input multiple output (MIMO). Let, the number of inputs - m the number of state variables - the number of outputs - p Refer shown in Fig. 12.2. a Input variables z Controlled (m) system 4 et (State variables) (n) Fig. 12.2 : Structure of a general control system The n state variables are given by n first order differential equations as follows : dx, Fee ek A .%, Cs, dt ax, at Moa) The n differential Equation (12.1) may be writen ina vector notation a, X(t) = f(x(t), w(t)) ‘ Fora time varying system, t also becomes a parameter i X(t) = f(x(t), w(t), t) relation between p outputs can be given as, YF BO My 50) ty yt) “ control Systems 126 State Space Analysis Yy = (4, %, EG, Sly eeu) (12.3) The equations may be written in vector notation as, y(t) = g(x(t),u(t)) (12.4) For a time varying case y(t) = g(x(t),u(t)) .- (12.4(a)) The vector notation being (t) u, (t) 3 (t) u(t) State vector x(t) = | Input vector u(t) = | | [| u(t) 1 (t) fC) y,(t) Cay Output vector y(t) = HG) °S yp (t) £,(-), Equation (12.1) is an expanded form of Equation (12.2) and is called the State equation for \ hincar time invariant case and Equation (12.2(a)) is the state equation for a linear time varying The n state variables x, Xj, ....%, from then dimension space called State space. sSlale vector x for a particular value of X;, X. ..... %y forms a point, called State point in this ‘space, The trajectory traced by a state point from t = fg to t = t, is called State trajectory. For 3. these terms are shown in Fig. 12.3. "quation (12.3) is an expanded form of Equation (12.4) and is called Output equation for a “' ‘ine invariant case and Equation (12.4(a)) is the output equation for a linear time varying The '¢ and output equations together constitute the State model of a system. _@ A control Systems 12-7 — ss State Space Analysis bi by by Dim ba by b, Pom re = Input matrix = (nx m) matrix bn bn 5 - be X(t) = State vector > nx | u(t) = Input vector > mx 1 Equation (12.5) is the state equation Output equation : It is similarly derived as, MOY = oy ACI) Fee (1) Fn Hep, (U4), wy (1) +4, wy (1) +4) 4,0, (1) Va = 6% (1) 698 (1) Fane HO, Ny (UY Hey Wy (1) +e th CUD oo dy yg (8) Mp pM (1) +659 (t) +n +6, (OF, (194d 9 w (1) sod Uy, (8) (12.6) or y(t) = Cx(t}+Du(t) -(12.6(a)) *1 °n Sin pay 22 an where C = = Output matrix (px n) or ace| pl pz ‘on | 4, 4, im 4, dy 2m D= = Transmission matrix (px m) 4, 4, a ‘Thus the state model for a linear time invariant system is, k(t) = Ax(t)+ Bu(t) (12.7) y(t) = Cx(t)+ Du(t) ‘The block diagram for (12.7) is as shown in Fig. 12.4(a). Note : The output of integrator for input x = 4 is x(t). Refer Fig. 12.4 (b) AL) A aie O eee 6 WL +6 | : {Subtract corresponding elements of [A] from ( lar-al = Solving, lh React? '.|+0 = 0 ie. 6 246 IL A+6 i B46 +A46 = 0 By synthetic division 22 +5246 gives (A+2)(2+3) (A41)(242)(243) = 0 is the value of f21-A| = 0 » h = ~1,~2,-3 are eigen values of A. Find the eigen values A Choosing | of same order. JAL-A| = 0 is solved. Expanding by last fow is easiest, Am -1 : @-ay/%5 cal a (2-2)(4-1)(X-1) = 09 ¥F oh = 442 © as ha ‘ontrol Systems -(12.20(a)) (12.200) (12.21) Put this in Equation (12.20(a)) 7 LHS = x me solution LHS = RHS ‘rom Equation (12.21), Fap,=}acad.)= 33% eet 3802" 3.0% ahs 12-22 Control Systems sX(s)-X(0) = AX(s) a Take AX(s) on LHS. Also s X(s) = 8 1 X(s) where J is a nxn identity order as A. s. (sI-A)X(s) = x(0) 2 X(s) = (sI-A)!x(0) 2. x(t) = L7!(sI-A)71x(0) Comparing, eM = L-'(s1=A)"=$(t) where 4 (t) is state transition matrix. \42.8.2 Properties of State Transition Matrix : @ g(oy=e8?=1 @ g(ry-e®=[o(-ty Pie g(t) =9(-D @ (tet) = eA tE) = AHA D = 401,404) ® fecot=eenn ©) $(y-t1) (4 -t) = (ty) response of the system. The state transition matrix gives idea about the progress of state from x (0). It gives Ex.6: Find the state transition matrix ¢ (t). [x1_po 171%] - I La] [2 ole} Also find $ | (t). Soin : mat wea = [2,3] 10 Heh EG | “ss [ BA ee sl? “[sI-A) = 13 Ga] To find [s1-A] | oct) = L'st-ar! s 0 Os ]

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