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Call 1

A: ABC Company. Christine speaking

B: Hello. It’s Alex Smith here.
A: Oh, hi Alex. How are you these days?
B: I'm pretty good. How about you?
A: I'm great. Thanks for asking.
B: How can I help you?
A: I actually wanted to speak to Tania. Is she there at the moment?
B: Oh I’m sorry, but she is in a meeting.
A: So when will she finish the meeting?
B: The meeting ended at 12:30. You can call her back after the meeting is over. She is
free for the rest of the day.
A: Oh, what a pity. I have a meeting from 12am to 5pm. Maybe, I will call her back
B: Do you have her number. She recently changed her phone number.
A: I just have her old number. Can you give me her new phone number.
B: Yeah, of course. It’s 1912854
A: Thanks, Alex.
B: You’re welcome. Would you like to leave a message for her?
A: Tell her that I agree with the product draft she sent me.
B: Okay, I will remind her about this.
A: Great. Speak to you later.
B: Byeeee
Call 2
- A: Hello, this is Bouret-Bouget company.
- B: Hello, is this Mr. Martignac contact number?
- A: Yes, but I'm his secretary. How can I help you? You can leave me a message and I'll
report back to him by myself.
- B: Oh hi. I'm Frank. What can I call you?
- A: You can call me Antoine. So what do you want to discuss with my boss?
- B: I called to discuss a contract with your boss and I need to talk to him directly.
- A: I'm sorry but my boss can't take any calls today. Can you tell me what kind of
contract it is? I will immediately write it down to make a note for my boss.
- B: Oh what a pity. Because I sent an email to your boss earlier and I also mentioned that
I would be calling him today to discuss further. Our contract is a product that will be
available soon. He would like to try that product.
- A: Oh really? Please forgive him because my boss is quite busy these days. Yesterday,
he had to work until midnight because there were too many things to handle. That's why
he must have missed his appointment with you today. I sincerely apologize for that. Well,
I heard him mention about his car problem. He loves it. So can I make an appointment for
you and my boss in the next day?
- B: Oh, that okay. Can you check his tomorrow's schedule for me please? Tomorrow I
have free time around 1:30 pm.
- A: Ok, let's me see. My boss has free time at 2pm. Can you wait for him for 30 minutes?
- B: Oh that's fine. I can wait for him. Because this is a pretty important contract for me.
- A: That's great. Would you mind reading your contact number again? I'll make a note to
my boss.
- B: Okay. It’s 1912854
- A: Okay. Mr. Frank....(number). You have a phone appointment with my boss tomorrow
at 2pm. Thanks for calling. Have a nice day.
- B: Thank you. Have a nice day Ms. Antoine.

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