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IMO Design Features and Working Principle The working parts ofthe|MO pump are the thre IMO screws and the surrounding easing within which they rotate. The tivead surfaces are 20 designed thet they form tight seals both in elation to each other and to the pump casing. When the sotews rotate, the seals move svaly, thereby forcing the liquid enclosed between them to move forward so that 3 Bumping action results. ‘The IMO pump is sel-priming and works with a high suction lft provided the speed ts correct. ‘The working princple fs based on the fact thatthe rotating pari are lubricated bythe pumpedliqud Liquids with bed li- Brcating properties or such liquids, which are polluted. cor rosive or chemical aggressive, may cause weor and are thus fot sutabie for the IMO pumps. ‘The construction of the pumps ssllustrated by ig. 5 on page 6."The pump is bul for one rotational and one pumping d- rection’ These directions ere indeated both on dimension prints and on each individual pump. Bypass Valve For adjustment of the pump delivery head during operation, a built-in, adjustable bypass value is mostly provided. This ‘lve is spring-loaded and when the pre-set value is reached. itopens for either internal or extemal overfiow-due to model (of valve housing thus regulating the pump output. The valve functions for one pumping direction only. For arrangement of pressure imitation in hydraulic systems, please refer to our sales organization, Shaft Seal ‘The shaft seal consists of a mechanical seal, formed by two {lat sealing surfaces which are in contact with each other ‘one rotating with the shaft and the other stationary. The sea- jing surfaces are lubricated by the umped liquid and the ‘contact pressure is maintained with the aid of 2 spring. The lightness the seas concitonal upon coer and necatched Liquids ‘The IMO pumps operate equelly well with both light and hheavy als and with liquids with similar properties. Oils having ‘congealed or fuel ois with deposed paraffin wax or other ‘waxy components cannot be pumped unless the pumps are heated. For extreme cases, where doubts are envisaged asre- tgards use and suitable instalation method, itis advisable to {Get touch withus or with our sales and service organisation, Standard materials and operating conditions for ‘series ACG Form N3E~ pump without bypass valve Form N3F — purnp with bypass valve and! internal return Form N3G— pump with bypass valve and external return Pump casings of east iron and IMO screws of steel and cast iron. The pump is painted with cil-resistant paint. The shaft ‘sel contains parts made of oil-resistant rubber Iviton! Max. working pressure, continuous service Lub, oi: 1,6 MPa at 37 cSt Fuel oi: 1,2 MPa at 37 cSt Lower viscosities will mean limitations of stated figures. Max ell temperature 130° C. ‘Date, dimensions and further technical information will be found in the leaflet on this pump series. IMO Oil Pumps Series ACG Installation and Maintenance Fig. 1. The IMO pump, series ACG. Installation Protective covers “The pumps are delivered internally olled and with protective covers on the connection openings. These covers should De removed at as late a stage 28 possible of the instalation pro- cedure Erection ‘The IMO screws operate independent of postion. The pump ‘casings are made with pockets or with liquid iraps which keep ‘olin the pump after pumping, This ol facilitates subsequent Starts If the pumphas to be installed in such away thatit can- fot retain the oil the piping should be arranged so that this, together with the pump, forms a liquid trap. Attachment The pumps must always be mounted on a firm, stable foun- dation and positioned so that they are readily accessible for inspection and service. Fig, 2. The basie form of the IMO pumps allows oil to remain Irvine casing upon completion of the pumping task. TMs ll faelitetes subescuont stars ACG 0613 December 1980 Pipe Connections ‘The piping mutt be connectedin manner which ensures that there illeno stanson the pump casing, The ret and out- let openings ore marked onthe pump casing Asa rule, shut aff valves are mounted in the pipes Before and afer the pump Check valves neeced to preven lowbackareinsiak led ater the pumps inthe cacharge nl ‘The eretion sites should be chosen 0 that no unplessent- ness is caused by spit of the purnpshave tobe ismentled Tsalko advisable to provide waste pipe rom the shalt seal (a threaded connection holes provided to drain any leakage ceasing while the pump is operating Alignment Flexible shaft couplings are always used for direct connection. Good alignment between pump shaft and drive shaft coun- ter-acts noise and coupling wear and also oliminates undesir- able bearing forces. Fig, & Alignment le checked with the aid of @ rule which is plaved over the coupling. Using a feeler gauge, check that the Gstance between the eaupling halves lo the some al the way round, Max. racial devistions 0.4 mm Axial claarance between coupling halves 23mm Oil strainers Oil strainers, if used, should be mounted in the inlet (suction) lines to protect the pumps from damage by solid impurities Cleaningis facilitated by fitting shut-off valves in suitable pos ition on both sides of the strainers. Pressure gauge A manometer ought to be installed and connected to the dis- ‘charge side of the purnp in order to check the setting of the bypass valve. Pressure testing itis best to pressure test the pipes before the pumps are con- nected. The pumps themselves have been subject to pressure tests prior 10 dalivery by the manufacturer. If the piping syS- tomas tobe pressure teste attr the pumps have been con- nected, oll must always be used as the test medhum, since ‘water may cause rust and thus damage the pumps. Starting up Before Starting After installation or after dismantling and subsequent re- ‘assembly, the lubricant of ball bearing must be checked and the pump must be thoroughly filed with oll in order to secure that even the shaft seal chamber is filled. Only after this can the pump be started without risk of dry running which could ‘cause damage to the rotating parts and the shaft seal 2 When the pump is ready to be started. check that the drive ‘motor rotates in the correct direction as indicated on the pump by briefly switching it on, If it should be necessary for one reason or another to check the direction of rotation before the pump has been filed with oil the shaft coupling must be disconnected Ithe coupling el ements removed, This prevents the pump from rotating when the motor is started Starting Starting should always take place with fully open valves in the suction end delivery lines. The pump should be started cautiously with the overflow valve sat to roughly half of the number of valve stern revo Utions (the valve setting Is increased when the valve stam is turned clockwise. ‘As the IMO pump is self-priming it caries off the airin the ‘suction line and the noise reveals when the pump begins to ‘work. It is essential fr the air to be led off without any ap- preciable counter-pressure in the delivery line, ‘As soon as the pump has started to work normaly, the over- flow valve must be set by means of a pressure gauge at the required pressure. This pressure setting should be maintained ‘while the pump isin operation If the pump refuses to work properly after having been start- fd, it must not be allowed to run for more than about halt 8 ‘minute. Fresh attempts to make the pump go may be made at intervals of about a minute and in conjunction with these aitempts the bypass valve tension should be increased slightly If this does not help. something must be wrong and the fault must be located and remedied before the pump is put into operation. See “Trouble Shooting” Romark After the first start, the ball bearing of the pump must be ‘greased (see Attention and Maintenance during Operation Regulation of Capacity If the pump gives more ol than necessary, the surplus oil can be returned through the bypass valve. If the entire capacity is led through the bypass valve, the oil wil be heated. & pump with internal return (form N3F) must ‘ot operate against a fully closed delivery line fora protracted period of time, as this wil result the oil getting very hat, ‘which may cause damage to both the oil and the pump. ‘The capacity must nat be regulated by throttling in the suc- tion line Suction Lift The IMO pump has 2 high suction capability ard if properly handled gives reliable performance when installed where there isa high suction lift. A condition is that the suction line 's properly dimensioned that the valves installed therein are fully open and that oil strainers, if any, have the correct mash- ing and are not clogged. tis siso essential that the pipes are tight, as air must not be permitted 10 leak in Cold Start ‘When starting up with a cold and heavy oil the friction resist ance in the suction line may be too large. This is revealed by an abnormally high vacuum or by noise (cavitation) at the ppurnp inlet. These troubles will disappear when the oll has Feached the normal working temperature. ‘When starting up pump form N3F, the capacity and the fric- ‘tion inthe inlet pipe can be reduced by using the bypass valve. (Turn counterclockwise) Continue running this way, increasing the valve setting pro- gressively, until the oil has reached its working temperature, ‘The bypass valve is then adjusted to its normal setting, Attention and Maintenance During Oper- ation When correctly installed and property started, the IMO pumps require butte attention Except when othorw se dle ‘tated by special circumstances, they are operated and looked ster inthe same way 2s any other pump, ‘Thocilstraners however, must be dasassembled and clesn- ct reguiar intervals, the necessary frequency being found by experience. A vacuum gouge installed m the suction ine bnween the oll strainer andthe pump @ useful nestor n this connection, sina its readings provide a measure othe Gegree of clogging. Whan cleaning the ol strane. ie else advisable to eneck the pum function the condition f the Lubricating intervals shaft couplings and that there are no disturbances such as leakace, incorrect pressure or abnormal noise. The IMO pumps series ACG are fitted with ball bearings SKF 162-2 with one protective disc functioning with the bearing as, a grease valve. The ball bearing is packed with grease on de- livery But in conjunetion with the frst pump start it should be regressed after one hour of running. Regrease under operat- ing conditions only Under normal operating conditions, assuming temperature up to 60° C(140" Fi, the pump should be regraased at intervals stated in the table Lubricating intervals” below. In excess of that temperature, the lubricating intervals are made shorcer, being halved for every 10° C(1 F) increase in temperature. ‘Speed r/mi ‘Amount of 3000 1750 1450 1150 grease, | “c Lubricating intervals, running hours ‘roms 463 60 ‘8000 12000 16500 21000 46 90 750 ‘1500 2060 2620 60 5000 10500 15000 19500 = 90 600 1310 1875 2440 15 a 60 4800 9500 13600 18000 1 : 90 600 1190 1690 2280 | aa 80 4200 9000 10800 18500 a : 9 | 500 1120 1310 2060 ‘We recommend the following greases: BP Energrease LS2 Caltex Regal Starfak Premium 2 Esso Beacon 325 Shell Alvania 3 For oil temperatures above 90 C(194" Fl the use of synte- hetic greases as per SKF Bulletin T-5345 is recommended, ‘The lubricating intervals at 130°C (266°F) are comparable with the recommendation at 80° C(194"F Periodic Overhauls Periodic overhauls for the purpose of avoiding functional troubles are not normally necessary for the IMO pumps. When properly used, there is very litte wear on the IMO, Foils and other liquids with abrasive propertiss are pumped, pperiodic overhauls may nevertheless be carried out so that, ‘worn patts can be replaced in goad time. The intervals be- tween such overhauls are determined by experience in each individual case. IMO pumps fitted with ball bearings are to be inspected after 20 000 hours of operation when replacement of ball earings is recommended. The rubber parts in the shaft seals usually need to be replaced on account of ageing after periods of about 3-6 years Trouble Shooting The following functional disturbances arin most cases easily remedied ‘Wrong direction of rotation In three-phase motors, two of the electric connection wires must be reversed Pump oil output too small (pump also gets too warm while in operation! The shutsoff valves inthe suction or delivery lines are not fully open. + The bypass valve is set at t00 low a pressure. {A clogged strain or other obstacle in the suction ineis stricting the oi flow to the pump. Pressure too low Counter-pressure in the delivery line too low. «© The bypass valve tension is insufficient (when two or more pumps are run in parallel, all bypass valves must be sat for the same opening pressure + The bypass valve has got jammed. © The pump is wom, Drive motor difficult to start (or tends to stop by tripping of the motor overloads. + Counter-prossure too high. Oil too cold and therefore of higher viscosity than anti- Cipated. If the bypass valve is set for a lower pressure the power consumption for the actual pumping work decres- 526. This relioves the load on the motor and the motor is thus better able 10 avoid overloading due to the highly vis- ous oll When the oll has regained its normal temperature and thus flows easily, the bypass valve is reset 1o the nor- ‘mal pressure. © Motor output inadequate for the prevailing conditions. © Motor overioad relay cut-out setting to0 low. Pump noisy when running (cavitation noise) Gil flow t0 pump insufficient ‘* Suction pipe too long or 100 small in proportion ta the vo- lumetric flow and viscosity ofthe oil. The noise can be elim- inated by dacreasing the volumetric fiow. '* Clogged oll strainer or shut valve in the suction line. Can be checked with a vacuum gauge connected to the pump inlet. '» Suction lift to0 great, «Air leakage into suction line. NOTE Heavy wear in the pump can occasionaly be Oil leakage at shaft seal ‘Sealing capacity decreased due to incorrect contact between the sealing surfaces, The cause may be shaft distortion due to incorrect alignment between pump and motor, aged rubber parts or damaged sliding surfaces due to impurities in the oil (to dry running, A shaft seal set 50G comprises: ‘1 mechanical seal, item No. 509A-C ‘Wear and vibration in the shaft coupling Incorrect alignment between pump and moter. (Oil on the rubber parts of the coupling reduces strength, shortens ser- vice life and promotes wear) pump can be worn by unsuitable liquids too thin or polluted cil andby too high operating pressure or too high oiltempera- ture. ‘When @ pump isto be reconcitioned after heavy weer, the IMO screws and the part of the pump which supports the screws should be repleced. Shaft seal IMO axial type shatt seals are intended to prevent the leakage Of fluid along the driven shaft of a pump. In order to ensure that the seal does not wear during operation, it must be lubri= ‘cated by the pumped liquid. An insignificant emount of leak ‘age may therefore occur, and suitable provsion should be ‘made for collecting this. Seal 4 PTO - fig. 4 ‘The sealing washer (115) rests against @ shoulder an the power rotor (1020) and is brought to rotate by the pin (114), ‘The sealing bush (508A) which slides axially in he front cover (5010) is pressed lightly against the sealing washer (118) by the spring assembly (5090) roll pin(502) in the front cover prevents the sealing bush(509A\ from rotating with the pump shaft The seal is performed by the lapped surfaces of the sealing ‘washer and the sealing bush, The O-ring (6098) finaly, seals against the front cover (5010), Le. against the surrounding casing Dismantling /Reassembly Impurities in the pumped liquid or careless handling during dlismanting and reassembly can result in damage t0 the lap- ped sealing surfaces. The tasks of dismantling and reassembI- ing the seal should therefore be carried out in conditions of scrupulous cleanliness and carefulness and every effore must be made to avoid touching the sealing surfaces with the fingers When attending to or changing the shaft seal, proceed in the following manner, using the tools and material listed below: «Bearing locater, a tubular tool for mounting ball bearings in the following pumps: Pump type Suitable tool dimensions, mm min max Length id od. ACGAB-2NSF | 32 40 85 ACG 52-2 N3F 37 45 95 ACG 60-2 N3F 42, 50, 100 ‘ACG 70-2 NSF a7 55 1 '# Nock-threaded mounting screw, UNC 3/8" x 115 mm, ‘with nut for driving up the ball bearing Adjustable spanner and plastic mallet Tongs for retaining rings (internal and external ¢ Lubricating grease ‘¢ Two wooden crossbars ‘ Vessels for cleaning removed parts in paraffin, white spirit etc, and for collecting any waste oi Remove the front cover (50 10) of the pump, together with the shaft seal and power rotor (1020), Stand the caver as~ sembly as shown in fig. 4a, withthe sealing washer|1 15)rest- ing in two wooden crossbars. Remove the power rotor retaining ring [124]. Tap the shaft, tend lightly with the plastic mallet until the ball bearing (122), releases the power rotor 1020), The inner ball bearing ring is. then supported by the distance sleeve (120) and the sealing washer (118) Release the retaining ring 5 14) and lft the ball bearing out of, the cover. Remove the distance washer (369) and the inner protective disc (359A) Reassembly This takes place in the reverse order to dismantling « Place the O-ringl 169) nits groove on the power rotor, ma- king sure to protect it from contact with sharp edges. Ease the sealing washer (115) aver the O-ring and check that it enters the roll pin 114 in the power rotor. Pass the sleeve 1128) onto the shaft end and smear the upper side of the sealing washer (115) with grease. '* Push the protective disc(359A\ into the front cover (5010) {and press thereafter the distance washer (368) into it to hhold the disc. Make sure that the opaning of the washer i in the way of the grease nipple. ‘* Push the ball bearing into place withits protective disc turn ing upwards and secure it with the retaining ring (514), Fit the spring assembiy (GO8C! together and ease it onto the sealing bush (508A, Place the O-ring [5098] in ts groove. Push the seal(509) into the front cover (5010), being mind- ful of the O-ring(5098) and make sure also that the sealing bush (509A engages with the locating pin (5021 + Pass the front cover aver the shaft end of the power rotor ‘apply the bearing locater to the inner ring of the ball bearing {and fit the mounting screw into the centre hole in the shaft tend (see fig. 4b 1 Advance the nut of the mounting screw in order to push the inner ring of the ball bearing into its proper position on the shaft In doing this check the fit between parts 1147115 ‘and 502/503A respectively. Secure the bal bearing to the ‘power rotor with the support ring|124A) and the retaining Fing (124), CAUTON Never strike the ball holder or uter ring ofthe bearing, ‘» Mount the cover assembly with attached power ratorin the pump, making sure nat to forget the flat gasket (506). Fil the ball bearing space completely with lubricant (grease nipple 473). Prepare the pump for testing, The mounting ‘screw for the ball bearing (or similar! to be used for the ‘mounting of the shaft coupling. Thumps may damage the ball bearing and retaining ring (122/ 124), Procaed in ac- Cordance with the instructions given under the heading "Starting up Maintenance ‘The sea is self-adjusting and requires no subsequent tighten- ing. In this pump series, there are two threaded connections SP 3/8" by the shaft seal chamber. From the lowermost connection point, a waste pipe should be connected to collect, ‘any ol squeezed out from the seal, The waste pipe should be short enough to prevent clogging. If copiuos leakage occurs, this s the usual sign of wear, which may be due to such causes as incautious starting. diy ol poor alignment or running without ol Form N3E Fig. Spare parts, design NE, {useluac ~ (partly applcsbe for form N2F Pump parte Pum sie and form 452NSF G2INGF 6OZNGF_[70.2NBF Denomination tem ay ‘Comppront No Rotor set 126 waii7y 131185 / 131193 | 191201 (alco eppiable fo Power rotor 10201 Inasembly 126 oy ler rotor 202, 2 Imassemby 12G/oy Front bearing Inot applicable for N2FI Distance love 01123508 129539 129588 | 123612 Bal boarng SKF 122112385 123703123760 | 104287 Retaining ring 124) 1 026989 026997 027003 027011 Support ring waa aa 105700 107888 | 108265 Distance washer we \ tt 123847123570 | 129620 Sealing 359A \'1 323661123729 129786 | 129828 Pump casing Pump body aor 1X 2422123830 © aaaae | 129468 Front cover soo t/ \ 123489 «323821 rza662 | 123608 Roll pin 502 Zé 027367 027367, 027367 027367 Joint sos /1 — ‘ote422 019628 020750 | o21030 Retaining ring 514 1 027177 027193 027227 027235 Rea cover #00 / 1 — Ste design - dont sss / 1 or9430-019836 20768 | ozt048 * solcable for for N2F \ Shaft sea! 606 1 069633 \\ 089641 oosse | obgaee (also append for N2FY \ Mechanical sal PTO \ Sesing washer 1151 = tn asembiy 586 only Oring gasket, 12 1018709 018725 ore7a1 | on6758 Seaing bush 508A 1 In assembly 506 Only O-ring gesket 5098 1016768016782 ~—oreei6 | on6eaz Spring assembly sosc 1 077398. 077408 © ov7ar2_| 077420 Bypass valve 70G lexcl. housing) 077933 077933 077941 o77941 {also applicable for oe \ Valve elomont: \ Sealing 802 101108011080 onyoss | 011088 O-ring gasket 605 1——ose248 086829 © oeada | ose2as Seal sng 607111056.» ont086.-as108a | ot 064 Vale spite sos 1030743 osg743—oe74a, | ogg749 Valve piston 814 1039768039768 oagoga\\ 04083 Vale sexing 815 1 o7azee © o7agea —o7aao2 \/ 074202 Washer 631 1039784 osa7ee © cazoay 043081 When ordering state Sie and form Denomination Component No Ordering example: 45.2 Rotor at 126 vari77 Agents AUSTRALIA WEST GERMANY NORWAY Afa-Laval Pty Ltd IMO-Pumpen GmbH Mastin-A/S ZETA PO Box 282 Stresemannstr. 3 P.O. Box 7553, OSLO 2 LIDCOMBE NSW. 2141 -4000 DUSSELDORF 24 Carter Steet PORTUGAL Gustavo Cudell LOA AUSTRIA GREAT BRITAIN P.O Box 248 AG. Alfs-Laval ‘Weir Pumps Limited OPORTO. Postfach 99 148 Newlands Rd, Catheart 1121 WIEN GLASGOW 644 46x pani BELGIUM Thune-Eureka Espanola S.A Stefens Electro S.A. GREECE ree on oe Noorderlaan 107, ANTWERP Aifa-Laval Hallas S.A, MELSGRESADE ADEA Parties 262 Messoghion Avenue DENMARK Holargos SWEDEN ALFA-LAVAL ZETA A/S ATHENS AB Zander & Ingest Krondalve) 7, OK-2610 RODOVRE BO, Box 12088 $-10223 STOCKHOLM FINLAND HOLLAND Oy Zeta AB Alfe-Laval NV. SWITZERLAND PLit P.O. Box 341 IMO-Pumpen AG ‘SF-02101 ESPOO 10 AMSTELVEEN Oberfelstrasse 20, CH-8302 KLOTEN IMO AB Mait Box 12150 Telegrams: Imoindusti §-102 24 Stockholm Sweden Telephone: + 468 80 23 20 Visit: Gustavslunésvagen 151°C Telex’ 11548 IMOJMW S (Marine Div! Stockholm Alvik 13244 |MOJMW S (Screw Pump Div)

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