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Anul scolar 2022-2023

Limba engleză
Clasa a VIII- a L1

Numele şi prenumele elevului:

Data susţinerii testului:

 Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerinţelor din Partea I şi din Partea a

II-a se acordă 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte.
 Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

PARTEA I (60 de
A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Perfect Simple
or Past Simple:
1. Last Monday he and his deskmate _________________________ (make) a
nice project.
2. She ____________________ (live) in Spain for 10 years.
3. Tom ________________________ (always/ play) in the park in front of his
4. I ___________________ (pay) the telephone bill at the beginning of the
5. ______________________________ (you/ever /be) to France?
6. This famous writer __________________ (write) several novels since 2005.
7. The day before yesterday I ___________________ (start) to read “The Birds.
8. Mike _____________________________ (not write) his homework on Friday.
9. She _________________________ (not arrive) yet.
10.____________ they both ________________ (graduate) high school in 1998?

B. Use the verbs given in the Past tense (simple or continuous) to fill in the
phone, write, do, try, want, work, write, say, get, not want.
Pauline: What (1) _________ you ___________ yesterday afternoon when I
phoned you?
Angela: What time (2) __________ you ___________ me?
Pauline: About four o’clock. I (3) ______________________ ready for going out.
Angela: Oh… I (4) ______________________________some e-mails and I (5)
____________________ to be disturbed. But why (6) ________ you _________
to contact me?
Pauline: I just (7) ________________ to go for a walk with you, that’s all.
Angela: Oh, I see. As a matter of fact, I (8) ______________________ very hard.
Pauline: But you (9) ____________________ you (10) ____________________
Angela: That’s right. But isn’t that hard work?

C. Ask questions to which the words underlined are the answers:

Lions are feared and respected by all the people who come across them.
The lion can be distinguished from the lioness because of the enormous, heavy
mane that covers his powerful head and shoulders. Because of its strength,
majesty and fierceness, the lion is called the King of the Beasts. They are met in
national parks in South Africa and Tanzania. Usually young lions are born three
at a time. They are looked after by both the male and the female.
The cubs are protected by the family when in danger. The females are
those who hunt and the males are those who defend and maintain their territory.
Lions weigh up to 250 kilos.

a. ___________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________________
e. ___________________________________________________________
f. ___________________________________________________________
g. ___________________________________________________________
h. ___________________________________________________________
i. ___________________________________________________________
j. ___________________________________________________________

D. Underline the correct adjective:

a. The Japanese language is so difficult/heavy that foreigners can’t learn it.
b. It was a very bright/dark night. We couldn’t see anything.
c. The wind was so strong/calm that we could barely walk.
d. This book is really good/expensive. I read it whenever I feel depressed.
e. You have a very stupid/fine house. The decorator must have charged you a large
sum of money.
f. She is such a nice/boring person that everybody likes her.
g. Tom has got a bad/thin mark. His father won’t let him to the party.
h. Nine is gooder/better than eight, but ten is the best mark.
i. The students are keeping silent/angry just as their teacher has required.
j. She seems very clever/tired. She has been working all day long.

PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte)

E. Write a letter to a friend of yours telling him/her about your summer holiday.
You should include information about the places you visited, the weather, the
activities, the
location, food and people you met.
Do not use more than 100 words.
Start and end your letter in an appropriate way.

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