Unit 8 - Culture

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Bae UI aah ay Seed eee i} RENCE TT La ce Eby) CERUTRS CN) MMVOcABULARY Art and music 2 Win pairs, match pictues 1-10 wit the fps of art are muse below, [Meets Comet Cloner [ecsstre Claehiecure Fim Lstebeaoh sing stor CJeantis musi 1b Gam Listen and eck, Listen again and underine te stessd saben (ach one Then listo again and repeat ¢ Cop Whic hinds of art ana muse are you intrested in? EAREADING 2 Co Look at the pct and tes of each thing in re ail Sto. best bigest and most popu Wich of them have you rad, on or Read the article, Which things. ? + oak ny ea bce pr en eee 7 tem te Wa CY © Read the arte agin and ad the rissng sentences a 1 rk with partner Look at the RI ores ar pases Inthe ete: Wnt do they mean? © Cre you suprised by any af the ings onthe most poplar Ist? ATale of Two Cities Bars cpl the he (BRA bokal ee te be ay Toer bok iTrowe atl Ge ay Peer ‘Sadia Goshen ne ects aortas ele tate reach ‘Temes poplin... ‘The Shawshank Redemption ‘Tre masta neat sphere te mah erin ae Ip ewe tare na bok Seren See Game of Thrones aes Treva watt sre they Sra roe 0 unir* EX GRAMMAR ‘The passive: present and past simple 8 Look tte sentances and anser the questions haves Deke 1258, 2 How dest eb cane ts ase What re Now goto Grammar Facus 8 entine. © Undertin ve more examples the passive inthe ‘ie, Thee ate seven more gether) VOCABULARY Common verbs in the passive 8 Complete the sentences using he past participles of the ers inthe bor, Notal te sentences are tue i pining) bse a en 3 oot rem alec of musi) lo chaater) fete Gang, ms) etm, TV show 1b Gama Wich sentences from 4a do you think ae tus? Talla pater Listen and check EASPEAKING 1 Complete the sentences so te ate te for ou b CT about your answers to Ba in small groups. ra EE | WRC) eee eee UTR MES as DSPEAKING nm when someaneis Wing? Think of tree fella partner, Think about 1b m0 you know any games where you have tie? FALISTENING 4 OREListen tothe nection to ara show cae ov it Answer the questions. D Michal, «payer on can Delve gong to tak about Usain Blt. What do you know abou i? 1 GORE Listen to what Micoe! say, Which ofthe sentences 14 Gam Listen and check your answers to 26 1 Look at the men in the ther two pete sve he questions 2 1 © Listen to hice an Nei talking about te men Check yur avers to 28 14 ©mIa Listen awn. Anon question 1-2 abou each man, th Cm compare your notes wit parte, What do you think the Tes abot each man ae el our pre, Kos Yaoi tan op ise {1 © Listen othe net par ofthe programme and check your ideas in 2 | Chih ofthe thee rear bess nthe programme do you tins the ros intresting? Why? EXGRAMMAR Present perfect with for and since Lok atthe sentence about Konishi Yasoicht Does he ave arto show now? Complete the rae wit he worcs present nc ast. Lok at two more sentences tam the stern (Choose the correct wars. Then came he rls. 2 Hesbaen ns lmacan Ope sm va oe pas pate + weuse tos ete pa, 2 terminus, eee. + woise_—— Dsaywhensonerg sae, esd ear Now go t0 Grammar Focus 88 online erp the sentences withthe past patiples at ‘he vrs in brackets and atime vase with forar ‘ine Wite fur tue sentences and te les 1 tye__th)in yrs 3 ve —— thom my pane 1 Ca Read your sentences to a partner. Can your partner guess which to sentonces are les? EAVOCABULARY sports and activities 2 Look atthe pictures onthe page. Vnich sports and acts can you see? Make 2st Co Have you ever tied any ofthe sports inthe pictures Would yeu ke to? © Dy Now goto Yocebulary Focus Bonin unit a* |SPEAKING 8 You are going to talk about spr and activites. Nate notes bout (1) fist 1 fowler oe bon af 1b Ca Wor in small groups. Compare your interests 2nd experiences, Wich peor your Bou a You ‘nos sie? Ne ned uy since Toye tsehoo, es reaty bor “= Fs} aT Rais Pee eee eee) TO SLC unee MLUSTENING 4 a 09 your tends sometimes do any ofthese things? yes, does it anaoy you? Do thay ao anthing ese that annoys you? 1b Com Look atthe pictures What do you think is happening? Watch or steno Part Lana neck youre © CUR Wath or isten again. Answer the questions. 2 Se apy th it ene Wht os she ae? 5 Why das ons owas erg? 6 Dre Aan nn as i a? 14 Wark in pars. Answer the questions. 1 Won asthe a tre you apo someone Wot oozes? 2 Daya ens ress faced + yousoge seer’ ay younmet ares tea i FLUSEFUL LANGUAGE Apologies and excuses ‘8 aM Listen and complete the sentences rom © EM Complete he phrases Annie uses to acept Part Leo's apigies. Ten listen und check 2 1 lor jou mesg 2 Wels ot 61 erkthat mich 1 Clams Usten and repeat the phrases in 20 1§ Ch War in pars. ake tus to apologise forthe Stuatons and tage an exis, Respond and In which of te phases in 285 Leo. ? 1 spas pt your partners polos. Use Ideas tom the 2 geganacue Bove tyr own ideas. © GM Listen and repeat he phases in 2. sates + bag it a eat 4 complet the excuses with werd rom 2 4 potanweingen ena retentive my phone, + ara pay ack sae ney ‘Tones for continuing or finishing Work in ples Look athe sanerces. Wo might say Lictn to two sentences. Ooes the ach one? me ue, REET) tng ny Aichtbatreyengstnt yin apa We sear warts stow thy om smth ey har wee fen Desoshnon ye) | yrs tone es dove tho penn ‘apr te Ineaton yn ghee, or epee 3 pa eee eee What cases oul you ge uation in 5 Swap pater. Tak tums saying the sentences fom Listen to four sentences, Do you ato your partner. Apolgise and Ev an excuse thnk each seater has isha or bas hoe exces ae bette? Ssamething more tay? z repoctlasked stomevtng al Yuta. ‘moms. tt acho ite Pat 2, What does Leo Thats OX ts sgt dot rotyou faut Wath itn again, Ya at he thee heesk ter suggestions Annie mals? Uy does. Leo ike them? Siescton’s srs ens espns: — You can now do the Unit Review and What do you think of Anne's suestions? es Gan you think of anything 8 to supp? 716 ces me | ST Ora Tin tg ene PO eo LISTENING AND SPEAKING 8 Qa Look 2 the book covers. What do You think the stories ae about? they sila to sour eas in La? 1 mesma tage Megan an Hawt i © GEA Listen tote people taking out he books. Answer the questions (¢ CE Listen again and answer he ‘estons yuremenber, What happen ‘oy? Male notes about £ aver in smal groupe. Tak about Your book and a you Tiedt Hove Sy one students read? Would they Tike tread tn? EAREADING 4 Read the online reviews, Match them withthe books inthe pictures. CT st revewer gare the book toe stare quite # 20), How many star dou tink the oer reves ge? P8a a 3113) “This books quite exciting. Even afer their few pages you want to know who killed he woman, and you dr’ aot un he ends AEB an the character are reily . inersting nd RR However te sory is st RTT case here are so many diferent ‘People 20 deny sts much s Lexptd “This isthe best book I've ever read in English! I's beaut soy, though i so very sd and itmade me e). The man andthe ‘koman are RUE characters and They are described very wel You ca relly Understand how they fel I definitely recommend i! “This book is OK, buts I, The scr is quite ineresting and i's 0 rea Hower, CRG. case you know fom the te that the gi an her rend wil sve de g's fater fom the storm ad they willl live hap eve aftr. 1 slko thought the characters were MEG In ral ie, peopl aren good and kind all of the time a ely eaoyed this Book Ir was interesting o read andi describes Edinburgh very well, so you can relly imagine what he city an the People ae like. Although he story is [Gp yoo should Keep going because the nding i ery clever You ant us who Killed the ‘woman nti the very ast pg | GUTS TH wT goto the ent T ean ecommend it unit © EDWRITING SKILLS Positive and negative comments; Linking: although, however Look at he EBB ass inthe bok evens. re they postive or nagatve? Make two Look atthe examples and answer the questions. ower, te Sry sgt ars ot ampouph sy ute ae tow. 1 Oothe mrs weer ae ang. ? LUndectne four examples of however and althourh inthe tots, Where ean although cme the sentence? Look tthe tw sentences in comments 1-4 Jn the two sentences in each comment using however or altouph Tare is mere thn one possible answer: 1 en racormend the tok scat EAWRITING Think ofa book you ee. (Use the one you hacen Le orient ne) Youre goin wie a ei of he book. Answer the questions 1 at athe pr ad is? Tink abut Use your idea in ata wit a eve ofthe bok and give a star rating 1-2) War in pas. Read your garters vow. Chock ‘hai work. Des ito al ese tings ik ech to [Diet tet ne races loves ascpton testy [Bis ren and atrgvenacty Read ther stent’ reviews. Chee a bok you ‘ald keto eb and fel the cass why

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