Experiment C

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Hydraulics Lab report

Group Members

1. Hiyab Dawit………………………………………………0816/14
2. Henok Eshetu……………………………………………0783/14
3. Henok Gebreab…………………………………………0786/14
4. Henok Nega………………………………………………0788/14
5. Idae Lemma………………………………………………0822/14
6. Kidus Tehwordos………………………………………0943/14
7. Jundurhaman Fekadu ……………………………….0837/14
8. Hawi Geremew………………………………………….0749/14
9. Kal Abraham………………………………………………0841/14
10.Junied Mustefa………………………………………….0838/14


Submitted to:-Ins.Negussie

Submission Date:- June 13,2023

Experiment 1: Liquid density / specific gravity using a hydrometer
Our objective was finding specific gravity of glycerol using the density of glycerol and a universal

By measuring the density of the liquid and compare it to the known density of water we calculate
the specific gravity of a liquid.

Equipment Required

 Universal Hydrometer
 Hydrometer jar
 Glycerol


Specific gravity of a substance is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of water. The
density of a substance P g will provide us the specific gravity S of that when its divided to the
density of water P w

S = pg/ P w

Equipment setup

First the hydrometer should be cleaned and setup. Then the hydrometer jar should filled with water
and glycerol one after another.


First we measure the density of glycerol by using hydrometer,

Again we measure the density of water by using hydrometer,

Then we calculate the specific gravity glycerol.


Density of Glycerol Pg = 1.25gm/ml

Density of water pw = 1000gm/ml

Specific gravity of glycerol Ps = 1.25×10-3


Therefore by using the hydrometer and identifying the density of glycerol and also using the
known density of water we calculated the specific gravity of glycerol that is 1.25×10-3
Experiment 2: Liquid density / specific gravity using a Pycnometer

Our objective was to measure density and relative density (specific gravity) of glycerol using a
Pycnometer (density bottie).


By measuring the change in weight of a density bottle filed with the liquid to be tested then
calculating the density from the known volume and increase. in weight.

Equipment Required

 50 ml Pycnometer
 Glycerol
 Optional Equipment
 Accurate Laboratory balance


Density is defined as the ratio of the mass of a body to its volume. Therefore if a known volume of
liquid is weighed and if the volume of that liquid is provided, the density of the liquid can be

P L =Mass of the liquid M L. / volume of liquid V L

Equipment setup

We ensured the pycnometer is cleaned and dry before we start our experiment. And also setup the
laboratory balance.


First we measure the dry mass of the pycnometer,

Then we measure the dry mass of the pycnometer filled with glycerol

Finally we calculate the mass of liquid from the above findings and compute the density of the liquid.


Dry mass of pycnometer, M p = 35.6gm

Dry mass of pycnometer filled with liquid, M p+l =78.42gm

Volume of pycnometer, V L =50 ml

Mass of liquid, M L. = M p+l - M p =42.43gm

Density of liquid, P L = M L / V L. = 0.856gm/ml


Therefore by using the pycnometer we found out the density of glycerol through computing mass
difference with and without filling liquid.
Experiment 3: Solid density/ specific gravity using a pycnometer

Our objective is to measure the specific gravity of a small sphere ball using a pycnometer.


By measuring the dry mass of the sphere ball, pycnometer filled with liquid, pycnometer filled with
liquid and ball, we calculate the mass of the liquid displaced, volume of the liquid displaced and
finally solid density.

Equipment Required

 50 ml pycnometer
 Steel ball
 Glycerol
 Accurate laboratory balance


When a solid with a given mass m is inserted in a liquid with a given volume Vi, the liquid will have a
new volume Vf as the solid will displace its own volume of liquid, and that can be calculated as:


Equipment setup

First the pycnometer should be cleaned and made dry and an accurate laboratory balance should be


First we measure the dry mass of the solid sphere ball,

Then we fill the pycnometer with glycerol and measure the dry mass of the pycnometer filled with

After that we insert the sphere balls and measure the dry mass of the pycnometer filled with liquid
and sphere ball.


Dry mass of solid sphere ball, Ms=1.27gm

Dry mass of pycnometer, Mp=35.6gm

Dry mass of pycnometer filled with liquid, Mp+L= 78.42gm

Mass of liquid, ML=Mp+L –Mp=42.82gm

Volume of pycnometer (volume of liquid) Vp=50ml

Density of liquid, pg=0.856gm/cm3

Mass of pycnometer with liquid and solid, Mp+L+s=79.6gm

Mass of liquid displaced,MLdis=Mp+L+Ms-Mp+L+s=0.09gm

Volume of liquid displaced (Volume of solid),VLdis =MLdis/pL =0.105ml

Density of solid =Ms / Vdis = 12.09gm/ml


Therefore by using pycnometer and measuring the volume difference we calculated the solid density
and its 12.09gm/ml.

Experiment 4: Liquid viscosity using a falling sphere viscometer


Our objective was finding the liquid viscosity of a substance by using the mean

velocity and sphere viscometer.


By timing the fall of metal ball through a given depth of the liquid to be tested,

then calculating the viscosity from the mean velocity.

Equipment Required

 Falling sphere viscometers

 Sphere Steel ball
 Universal Hydrometer
 Laboratory stop clock

According to Stoke’s law, the drag force is proportional to the velocity(v),viscosity ( η)
and diameter of the ball (d) as
There is a buoyant force that is pushing upwards and a force due to gravity that is
pulling the sphere downward. The buoyant force(Fb) is proportional to the volume of
the fluid that is displaced by the submerged object and and the difference in density of
the ball or object and the fluid.
Fb= 4/3Πr3(ρs- ρl)g
F=mg - Fb= 4/3Πr3(ρs- ρl)g
When the drag force equals this net driving force (F), the ball will stop accelerating
and will reach terminal velocity.


1. Fill the viscometer: with glycerol.

2. Release the steel ball: from the upper head of the viscometer.
3. Measure time: measure measure the time it take steel ball to travel from 175mm
to 100mm
4. Record the values
Diametre of the steel ball(d) 1.5875mm=0.001587m
Initial distance 175mm=0.175m
Final distance 100mm= 0.1m
Average time taken t1=3.41s t2=3.40s t3=3.46s tav=3.423s
Density of the solid ball(ρs) from experiment 3 7551.9 kg/m3
Density of the glycerol(ρl) from experiment 1 1250 kg/m3

From the general mathematical equation radius of the ball is half of the diametre of
the ball.
r=d/2= 0.00587m/2= 0.002935m
Change in distance (Δs)= 0.175m-0.001m=0.075m
Velocity of the ball is given by:
V= Δs/t
= 0.075m/3.423s
= 0.0219m/s

From the equation of dynamic viscosity(coeficient of viscosity) :

η=2gr2(ρs- ρl)/9u
=2(9.81m/s2)(0.002935m)2(7551.9kg/m3-1250 kg/m3)/9(0.0219m/s)
= 5.38417 Kg/ms
= 5.38417 Pa.s
= 53.8417poise

For kinematic viscosity:

kinematic viscosity = dynamic viscosity/ density of liquid(glycerol)
v = η/ρglycerol
= 5.38417 Pa.s/ 1250 kg/m3
= 0.0043 m2/s
= 43 stoke
= 43st.


Therefore by using the falling sphere viscometer and measuring the time taken of the

Sphere ball to reach the above given distances and calculating the mean velocity we identified the
coefficient of viscosity and kinematic viscosity as respectively.

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