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When To Treat Ventricle

Extrasystole ?
Rerdin Julario
Putri Rachmawati Dewi

Departement Cardiology and Vascular Medicine

Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya

Saturday, May 5, 18
Early depolarizations of the myocardium originating in
the ventricle.


• 1-4 % detected by

• 40-75% detected by
24-48 hour Holter
Ahn MS Journal of Lifestyle Medicine
2013; 3:1
Ng GA Heart 2006; 92: 1707-1712

Saturday, May 5, 18
Benign or malignant?


Ng GA Heart 2006; 92.

Jadhav A et al The American Journal of
the Medical Sciences 2012; 343:2

Saturday, May 5, 18
Benign or malignant?


With structural heart No structural heart

disease disease

Ng GA Heart 2006; 92.

Jadhav A et al The American Journal of
the Medical Sciences 2012; 343:2

Saturday, May 5, 18
Benign or malignant?


With structural heart No structural heart

disease disease

Increased risk of
arrhythmias and

Ng GA Heart 2006; 92.

Jadhav A et al The American Journal of
the Medical Sciences 2012; 343:2

Saturday, May 5, 18
Benign or malignant?


With structural heart No structural heart

disease disease

Increased risk of Kennedy : associated

malignant with a benign
arrhythmias and prognosis

Ng GA Heart 2006; 92.

Jadhav A et al The American Journal of
the Medical Sciences 2012; 343:2

Saturday, May 5, 18
Benign or malignant?


With structural heart No structural heart

disease disease

Increased risk of Kennedy : associated

malignant with a benign
arrhythmias and prognosis
MRFIT : high risk for sudden death over a 7.5
year follow up.
Framingham Heart Study : twofold increase in
the risk of all cause mortality, myocardial
Ng GA Heart 2006; 92. infarction and cardiac death.
Jadhav A et al The American Journal of
the Medical Sciences 2012; 343:2

Saturday, May 5, 18
Benign or malignant?


With structural heart No structural heart

disease disease

When we treat ?
Increased risk of Kennedy : associated
malignant with a benign
arrhythmias and prognosis
MRFIT : high risk for sudden death over a 7.5
year follow up.
Framingham Heart Study : twofold increase in
the risk of all cause mortality, myocardial
Ng GA Heart 2006; 92. infarction and cardiac death.
Jadhav A et al The American Journal of
the Medical Sciences 2012; 343:2

Saturday, May 5, 18
Benign or malignant?


With structural heart No structural heart

disease disease

When we treat ?
Increased risk of Kennedy : associated
malignant with a benign
arrhythmias and prognosis
Need further
death investigation
MRFIT : high risk for sudden death over a 7.5
year follow up.
Framingham Heart Study : twofold increase in
the risk of all cause mortality, myocardial
Ng GA Heart 2006; 92. infarction and cardiac death.
Jadhav A et al The American Journal of
the Medical Sciences 2012; 343:2

Saturday, May 5, 18

Source :

PVCs have the following features:

• Broad QRS complex (≥ 120 ms) with abnormal
• Premature
• Discordant ST segment and T wave changes.
• Usually followed by a full compensatory pause.
• Retrograde capture of the atria may or may not occur.

Frequent PVC àmore  than  5  PVCs  per  minute  on  the  routine  ECG,  
or  more  than  10-­‐30  per  hour  during  ambulatory  monitoring  (>  10  %)
Eugenio PL Cardiology in Review 2015;23.
Rho RW, Page RL Hurst's The Heart One 13 ed 2011.
Olgin JE, Zipes DP Braunwald's Heart Disease : A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine10 ed 2015

Saturday, May 5, 18
Frequency, Pattern and Complexes of PVC’s

Saturday, May 5, 18
...Frequency, Pattern and Complexes of PVC’s

Saturday, May 5, 18
Sinus node Early depolarization of the ectopic
Right atrium Left
AV node

Left ventricle
Right ventricle
Source :

Rho RW, Page RL Hurst's The Heart One. 13

ed. 2011
Noheria A et al MDCVJ. 2015;XI(2)
Saturday, May 5, 18
Sinus node Early depolarization of the ectopic
Right atrium Left
atrium Ectopic firing of a focus within the
AV node ventricles bypasses the His-Purkinje
Left ventricle
Right ventricle
Source :

Rho RW, Page RL Hurst's The Heart One. 13

ed. 2011
Noheria A et al MDCVJ. 2015;XI(2)
Saturday, May 5, 18
Sinus node Early depolarization of the ectopic
Right atrium Left
atrium Ectopic firing of a focus within the
AV node ventricles bypasses the His-Purkinje
Left ventricle
Right ventricle Depolarizes the ventricles directly.
Source :

Rho RW, Page RL Hurst's The Heart One. 13

ed. 2011
Noheria A et al MDCVJ. 2015;XI(2)
Saturday, May 5, 18
Sinus node Early depolarization of the ectopic
Right atrium Left
atrium Ectopic firing of a focus within the
AV node ventricles bypasses the His-Purkinje
Left ventricle
Right ventricle Depolarizes the ventricles directly.
Source :

Asynchronous activation of
the two ventricles.

Rho RW, Page RL Hurst's The Heart One. 13

ed. 2011
Noheria A et al MDCVJ. 2015;XI(2)
Saturday, May 5, 18
Sinus node Early depolarization of the ectopic
Right atrium Left
atrium Ectopic firing of a focus within the
AV node ventricles bypasses the His-Purkinje
Left ventricle
Right ventricle Depolarizes the ventricles directly.
Source :

Asynchronous activation of
the two ventricles.

QRS complexes with prolonged

duration and abnormal morphology.

Rho RW, Page RL Hurst's The Heart One. 13

ed. 2011
Noheria A et al MDCVJ. 2015;XI(2)
Saturday, May 5, 18
Sinus node Early depolarization of the ectopic
Right atrium Left
atrium Ectopic firing of a focus within the
AV node ventricles bypasses the His-Purkinje
Left ventricle
Right ventricle Depolarizes the ventricles directly.
Source :

Triggered mechanism : Asynchronous activation of

the two ventricles.
• Delayed
• Early QRS complexes with prolonged
afterdepolarizations duration and abnormal morphology.
• Reentry
Rho RW, Page RL Hurst's The Heart One. 13
ed. 2011
Noheria A et al MDCVJ. 2015;XI(2)
Saturday, May 5, 18
Idiopathic PVC
• Arrhythmia not related
with any detectable RVOT LVOT
structural cardiac disease.
• 20% of all patients
referred for evaluation of
ventricular arrhythmias.
• Considered benign,
though they have been
associated with a more
than two-fold higher risk of
cardiovascular outcomes.
• Can becoming
lifethreatening arrythmias
as well

Pachon et al Journal of Atrial Fibrillation 2016; 8:6

Luebbert et al Card Electrophysiol Clin 2016; 8
Betensky et al Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2011; 57;22

Saturday, May 5, 18
Idiopathic PVC
• Arrhythmia not related
with any detectable RVOT LVOT
structural cardiac disease.
• 20% of all patients
referred for evaluation of
ventricular arrhythmias.
• Considered benign,
though they have been
associated with a more
than two-fold higher risk of
cardiovascular outcomes.
• Can becoming Common PVC ORIGIN :
lifethreatening arrythmias • RV outflow tract (80%)
as well • LV outflow tract
• Aortic cusp (10-15%)

Pachon et al Journal of Atrial Fibrillation 2016; 8:6

Luebbert et al Card Electrophysiol Clin 2016; 8
Betensky et al Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2011; 57;22

Saturday, May 5, 18
Focus locatization : General Principle

1. PVC Morfology : RBBB or LBBB?

- RBBB à from left ventricle
- LBBB à from right ventricle
2. PVC Axis : inferior or superior
- Inferior (positive lead in II, III, aVF) à from
superior wall (ex : outflow tract)
- Superior (negative lead in II, III, aVF) à from
inferior wall (ex : apex)
Yuniadi et al Kapita Selekta Aritmia 2017

Source : akademir et alcleveland clinic journal of medicine2016

Saturday, May 5, 18
R wave in lead V1

1. Anterior RVOT : a typical LBBB morphology in

lead V1.
2,3. Between the anterior RCC of the aortic valve
and the posterior RVOT : a small but variable R
wave is seen.
Source :
4. Region of the LCC/aortic mitral continuity/
NCC : a distinct R wave in V1.
5. The posterior mitral annulus : RBBB
# morphology.

Asirvatham SJ. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2009;20:955

Source :
Saturday, May 5, 18
Which outflow tract PVC

Betensky Score
ECG characteristic for
outflowtract PVC Lead V3 PVC
R/S transition
Measuring R/S transition in
precordial lead (Betensky score)
àfocus from RVOT/LVOT PVC R/S transition
later than SR?
Focus from anterior or posterior Yes No
# - Positive lead 1 : posterior Measure V2
RVOT Transition Ratio
# - Negative lead 1 : anterior
<  0.6 ≥  0.6
From epicardial or endocardial #origin
à by MDI score

Yuniadi et al Kapita Selekta Aritmia 2017

Betensky et al Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2011; 57;22

Saturday, May 5, 18
Differentiate RVOT and LVOT

Saturday, May 5, 18
Measuring Transition
Ratio Betensky Score

Transition Ratio:
< 0.6 = RVOT
> 0,6 = LVOT

Saturday, May 5, 18
Triggered Factor
1. Hypertension and hypertrophy
• MRFIT : The level of systolic blood pressure was linked with
the prevalence of PVCs.
• ARIC study : frequent or complex VESs are also associated
with hypertension.

Perez-Silva et al E-Journal of the ESC Council for Cardiology Practice. 2011;9:17

Jadhav A et al The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 2012;343:2

Saturday, May 5, 18
Triggered Factor
1. Hypertension and hypertrophy
• MRFIT : The level of systolic blood pressure was linked with
the prevalence of PVCs.
• ARIC study : frequent or complex VESs are also associated
with hypertension.

2. Caffeine
• Dobmeyer et al : Caffeine did not affect cardiac conduction
but did alter some of the electrophysiologic measurements.
• Graboys et al : No changes of arrhytmias were seen with a
modest dose of 200 mg of caffeine.
• DeBacker et al : caffeine restriction does not appear to have
any significant effect on PVC frequency.

Perez-Silva et al E-Journal of the ESC Council for Cardiology Practice. 2011;9:17

Jadhav A et al The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 2012;343:2

Saturday, May 5, 18
...Triggered Factor
3. Exercise
• Jouven et al : Demonstrate an association between the
occurrence of frequent VES during exercise and a long-term
increase in cardiovascular death.
• Frolkis et al : Frequent VESs after exercise were a better
predictor of increased risk of death than VESs occurring only
during exercise.

Perez-Silva et al E-Journal of the ESC Council for Cardiology Practice. 2011;9:17

Jadhav A et al The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 2012;343:2

Saturday, May 5, 18
...Triggered Factor
3. Exercise
• Jouven et al : Demonstrate an association between the
occurrence of frequent VES during exercise and a long-term
increase in cardiovascular death.
• Frolkis et al : Frequent VESs after exercise were a better
predictor of increased risk of death than VESs occurring only
during exercise.
4. RVOT Tachycardia
• Caused by cyclic AMP (adenosine monophosphate) mediated
triggered activity.
• Long-term prognosis in patients with truly idiopathic RVOT-VT is
excellent despite frequent episodes of VT

Perez-Silva et al E-Journal of the ESC Council for Cardiology Practice. 2011;9:17

Jadhav A et al The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 2012;343:2

Saturday, May 5, 18
Clinical Diagnose
Sign : ‘Missing a beat’ or ‘Feeling the heart has stopped’
What to concern ?
• The presence, duration and frequency of any fast palpation.
• Triggering factors.
• Ischemic and structural heart disease should be assessed for.
• Family history of sudden cardiac death.
• Presyncope or syncope related with palpitation.

Akademir B et al Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2016;83:7

Saturday, May 5, 18
Clinical Diagnose
Sign : ‘Missing a beat’ or ‘Feeling the heart has stopped’
What to concern ?
• The presence, duration and frequency of any fast palpation.
• Triggering factors.
• Ischemic and structural heart disease should be assessed for.
• Family history of sudden cardiac death.
• Presyncope or syncope related with palpitation.

Physical examination
focus on any signs of underlying heart disease :
• Significant murmurs
• Abnormal S3 or S4
• Displaced and diffuse point of maximal
• Signs of right or left heart failure

Akademir B et al Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2016;83:7

Saturday, May 5, 18
Diagnostic tool
1. Electrocardiogram (ECG)

• Look for any evidence of underlying structural heart

disease, ex : Pathologic Q waves, Long QT interval, ST
segmen elevation, Epsilon waves, electrolyte imbalance,

• In idiopatic PVC, examination of the morphology of the PVC

on 12-lead ECG is extremely helpful.

Akademir B et al Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2016;83:7

Priori SG et al European Heart Journal. 2015

Saturday, May 5, 18
2. Holter monitoring.

• If the patient reports several episodes per

day, a 24- or 48-hour Holter monitor should
both allow for a diagnosis and document the
PVC burden.

• Useful in determining whether the PVCs are

unifocal or multifocal and whether the
patient has nonsustained or sustained VT.

Akademir B et al Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2016;83:7

Priori SG et al European Heart Journal. 2015

Saturday, May 5, 18
3. Exercise Stress Test (EST)
• Recommended for patients with
symptoms associated with

• PVCs that reduce in frequency

on exercise is benign

• PVC that worsen with exercise

4. Echocardiography do further investigation.

Akademir B et al Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2016;83:7

Priori SG et al European Heart Journal. 2015
Pedersen CT et al Journal of Arrhythmia and Heart Rhythm. 2014;11:10

Saturday, May 5, 18
3. Exercise Stress Test (EST)
• Recommended for patients with
symptoms associated with

• PVCs that reduce in frequency

on exercise is benign

• PVC that worsen with exercise

4. Echocardiography do further investigation.

• Recommended for patients with symptomatic

PVCs, a frequent of PVCs (10% burden), or
when the presence of SHD is suspected.

Akademir B et al Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2016;83:7

Priori SG et al European Heart Journal. 2015
Pedersen CT et al Journal of Arrhythmia and Heart Rhythm. 2014;11:10

Saturday, May 5, 18
5. Imaging.

Akademir B et al Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2016;83:7

Priori SG et al European Heart Journal. 2015

Saturday, May 5, 18
5. Imaging.

6. Electrophysiological study (EPS)

• The utility of EPS to determine prognosis and to guide
therapy in patients with cardiomyopathies and inherited
primary arrhythmia syndromes.
• Has been used to document the inducibility of VT, guide
ablation, assess the risks of recurrent VT or SCD, evaluate
loss of consciousness related to arrhythmia, and asses the
indications for ICD therapy.

Akademir B et al Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2016;83:7

Priori SG et al European Heart Journal. 2015

Saturday, May 5, 18

Pedersen CT et al Journal of Arrhythmia and Heart Rhythm. 2014;11:10

Saturday, May 5, 18
Algorithm PVCs in Primary Care

Akademir B et al Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2016;83:7

Saturday, May 5, 18
Pharmacologic Therapy

1. Beta blocker
• First-line strategy

• Reduce intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate and thus

reduce automaticity.

• If intolerant to side effects of β-blockade, a calcium channel

blocker may be considered Nondihydropyidine calcium channel
blockers (verapamil or diltiazem)

Akademir B et al Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2016;83:7

Saturday, May 5, 18
2. Antiarrythmic drugs
• For patients with persistent symptoms despite calcium
channel or β-blockade.

• In patients without structural heart disease a 1C agent

(flecainide or propafenone) is well tolerated.

• Sotalol has been shown to reduce the PVC burden with a

range of 8% to 67%

• Amiodarone is effective at reducing the frequency of PVCs

in patients with congestive heart failure.
Akademir B et al Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2016;83:7

Saturday, May 5, 18

Noheria A et al MDCVJ. 2015;XI(2)

Luebbert J et al Card Electrophysiol Clin. 2016;8

Saturday, May 5, 18

High PVC burden : pharmacotherapy or catheter ablation ?

Noheria A et al MDCVJ. 2015;XI(2)

Luebbert J et al Card Electrophysiol Clin. 2016;8

Saturday, May 5, 18

High PVC burden : pharmacotherapy or catheter ablation ?

Noheria A et al MDCVJ. 2015;XI(2)

Luebbert J et al Card Electrophysiol Clin. 2016;8

Saturday, May 5, 18
Malignant PVC
• Large PVC Burden and LV Dysfunction assosiated
increased SCD

• Short Coupling Interval ( < 300 ms ) prior PVC

• Normal structural heart disease PVCs can cause Malignant

usually from His-Purkinje system, Outflow Tract , right
ventricular anterior wall, or LV papillary muscles

• Progressive PVCs are induced with exercise or stress

Ng GA Heart. 2006;92
Jadhav A et al The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 2012;343(2)

Saturday, May 5, 18
PVC Induced Cardiomiopathy

Alterations in intracellular impairment Alterations in heart
calcium and membrane rate dynamics
ionic currents

cardiomyopathy Myocardioal and
peripheral vascular
autonomic dysregulation

Ventricular Increased oxygen

dyssynchrony consumption

Cha YM et al Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2011; 5

Saturday, May 5, 18
• The focus of the initial evaluation of PVC is to determine whether
there is underlying structural heart disease.

• Idiopathic PVCs (in which there is no structural heart disease) have

a benign prognosis.

• Patients with structurally normal hearts and frequent PVCs should

be offered complete work-up

• Frequent PVC or high PVC burden can induced cardiomiopathy

• β-blockers may be used to control the symptoms

• Catheter ablation may be reasonable treatment in patients with PVC

high burden.

Saturday, May 5, 18
Saturday, May 5, 18
Saturday, May 5, 18
Risk factors for PVCs induced cardiomyopathy :

1. High PVC burden no clear-cut points that mark the frequency at

which cardiomyopathy is unavoidable.

2. PVC origin, morphology and duration

• PVC originating in the right ventricle can cause more severe LV


• Longer PVC QRS duration was also associated with the presence
of cardiomyopathy.

Eugenio  PL  Cardiology  in  Review.  2015;23

Ahn  MS  Journal  of  Lifestyle  Medicine.  2013;3(1)  

Saturday, May 5, 18

Saturday, May 5, 18

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