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Ocean-land interactions deterimned the

Climate Change:
The Karst Record IX (KR9),
Innsbruck 17-20 July 2022
specific timing and structure of Termination II We are David and Kris, ask
us if you have questions

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David Domínguez-Villar , Juan A. Vázquez-Navarro , Kristina Krklec , Sonja Lojen , Jose A. López-Sáez , Miriam Dorado-Valiño ,Ian. J. Fairchild

Department of Geology, University of Salamanca, Plaza de los Caídos s/n, 37008, Salamanca, Spain
Department of Geography, Madrid Autonomous University, Ctra. Colmenar km 15, 28049, Madrid, Spain
Department of Soil Science, University of Zagreb, Svetošimunska 25, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia
Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova Cesta 39, 1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Institute of History-Centre for Human and Social Sciences, CSIC,C/ Albasanz 26-28, 28037, Madrid, Spain
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmimngham, Edbagston B15 2TT, Birmingham, UK

Tufa deposits are continental carbonates deposited downstream of karst springs. We studied a 12 m thick tufa
deposit in Trabaque canyon (central Spain). The canyon enabled the formation a tufa-ramp that occupied the full
canyon and formed a lake upstream. The lake retained detrital sediments of the river preventing erosion
episodes and favored a continuous record. When the water table drop below the rim of the tufa ramp, the
sediments aggregated in the lake and eventually floods caused the erosion of the full deposit.
The base of the sequence shows lateral interdigitation with three pulses of gravitational deposits (grèezes
litées) characteristic of cold and arid events. The top of the sequence is characterized by alternations of tufa
layers with variable degree of cementation indicating a decline in the karst waters flowing over the tufa ramp.
Therefore, sediments suggest that a full interglacial and at least part of a termination are recorded in Trabaque.

The chronology is based on a
isochron U-Th date (Domínguez-
Villar et al, 2011) and the
synchronization of d O records

using the chronology of Corchia

speleothems (Drysdale et al.,
2009). A paleomagnetism
sequence was also conducted.

Multiple geochemical, isotopic,

sedimentological and ecological
proxies were analyzed. Samples
were taken every 20 cm. The
isotope record was measured
three times and its average
considered to minimize the signal
Millennial cycles
During the deglaciation of T-II the tropical Beella megastoma
planktonic foraminifera Beella magastoma
Synchronization was also
invaded the Nordic Seas with three distinctive applied to the ocean
pulses. These so called Beella events (Bauch et record of the ODP 984 site
al., 2000), were not recorded during T-I. (Mokeddem et al., 2014).

Stratification cycles in the Northern Seas during the deglaciation of T-II

Maximum stratification No stratification


Beella events
Evolution of the deglaciation in two stages
North Atlantic and Mediterranean Bipolar Seesaw Mechanism Stage 1: Once the insolation increased, large glaciers started to meltdown in
the Northern Hemisphere (NH). In the Nordic Seas, supply of freshwater
caused stratification of the ocean preventing tropical waters releasing heat and
cooling the atmosphere, which eventually limited glacier melting. With reduced
freshwater supply there was no stratification and tropical waters released heat
to the atmosphere. These cycles occurred at millennial scale. Three of these
cycles took place before T-II. The Northern Seas stratification cycles caused in
the Mediterranean a synchronous response of precipitation. Deglaciation
during this stage only occurred in the NH.

Stage 2: Deglaciation continued until a large outburst occurred from North

America (Adkins et al., 1997) triggering the Heinrich event H11 (largest IRD
event) and the collapse of Thermohaline Circulation. At this stage, the Bipolar
Seesaw Mechanism was triggered starting the deglaciation in the Southern
Hemisphere (SH). CO2 and CH4 started raising and Antarctic Deep Current
flooded the North Atlantic affecting bentic foraminifera. This second stage
contributed with 70% of the global sea level raise during the deglaciation (Grant
et al., 2012). Deglaciation in the SH continued during two additional millennia
once interglacial conditions were stablished in the NH.

Deglaciation occurred in two stages and was asynchronous across
hemispheres. There is no Younger-Dryas like event during deglaciation of T-II.
Instead, T-II records three millennial cycles with limited impact on the
Thermohaline Circulation. The millennial structure of T-I and T-II was very
different and it was caused by different climate dynamics. The structure of
deglaciations T-I and T-II are repeated in the past. Therefore, we suggest the
existence of at least two modes of deglaciation (Domínguez-Villar et al., 2020).

Adkins et al., 1997. Nature 390, 154-156. Bauch et al., 2000. Palaeoceanography 15, 76-84. Grant et al., 2012.
Nature 491, 744-747. Domínguez-Villar et al., 2011: Global and Planetary Change 77, 129-141.
Domínguez-Villar et al., 2020. Millennial climate oscillations controlled the structure and evolution of
Termination II. Scientific Reports 10, 14912.
Drysdale et al., 2009. Science 325, 1527-1531. Mokeddem et al., 2014. PNAS 111, 11263-11268.

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