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Text 6.3

LISTENING the media about the ‘Mozart

effect’, and they suggested
research is certainly worth
bearing in mind.

TO MUSIC that listening to Mozart makes

you more intelligent. Sales of
There’s plenty of guidance
online about music and learning;
WHILE YOU’RE classical music, especially to
young people, rose sharply and
and it’s often supported by
evidence from academic studies.
STUDYING – IS some parents even started
playing it to their babies. In all
Some tips are about musical
styles while others relate to
IT A GOOD IDEA? the excitement, however, key
details were ignored: that the
differences between individuals.
There are too many to list them
test assessed one specifi c
Teacher Ray Marriott considers all, but a few stand out. For
skill only, not general
whether music helps or example, if you want music while
intelligence, and that the
interferes with learning. you’re studying, then it should
positive impact on test-takers
have a regular rhythm and not
From recent conversations was very brief. What’s more,
be too loud. If you’re a sociable
with my students, it’s become similar experiments carried
person, listening to music might
clear that most of them usually out later haven’t produced the
suit you, but if you’re reserved
listen to music when they’re same results.
or shy, it’s likely to distract you,
studying. As the college library
In some more recent research, especially if the task you’re
is always full of people wearing
psychologist Nick Perham put doing is complex.
headphones while writing
students into different groups
essays or revising for exams, Some people think video-
to revise for a test. A group
this was hardly shocking news. game music might be good
that revised while listening to
‘Listening to music means for studying. If you’re not a
music without lyrics achieved
you don’t get distracted by gamer, you might be puzzled:
better marks than a group
someone coughing or papers don’t soundtracks feature
that had revised to music
rustling,’ is a typical comment. strange, distracting electronic
with lyrics. Whether students
‘Certain rhythms and sounds sounds? And aren’t they aimed
liked or disliked the songs
help me focus’ is another. Not at typical gamers – mainly
made little difference to their
that they’re all confident they’re teenage boys? The interesting
results. A group that revised in
doing the right thing, as I’ve point here, however, is that
silence, which is what I would
rather unexpectedly found soundtracks are there to help
choose, achieved considerably
out. In fact, several of them keep players focused on the
higher marks than students
have asked if I’d recommend game. That’s why they seem
who revised with music. Also
a different approach. relevant to studying. Having
– and this really caught my
said that, video games are
What do we know about how attention – the higher-scoring
constantly developing. People
music affects learning? In one students were extremely good
of all ages play them, there
experiment, people who listened at forecasting how high their
are plenty of female gamers,
to music by the classical scores would be. It would be
and today’s soundtracks are
composer Mozart as they did a wrong for everyone to adopt a
no longer the simple tunes of
particular test performed better particular approach because
the past; they range from big
than others who did it in silence. of one experiment, but this
orchestral pieces to hip-hop.
This led to lots of stories in

Cambridge IGCSETM English as a Second Language – Lucantoni © Cambridge University Press 2022

So, should you listen to music much difference to what my

when you’re studying? If you do, students do. After all, music
your brain will have to cope with means so much to us. We link it
two activities at the same time, with excitement, happiness and
and the fewer different things love, so it’s natural to want
the brain has to deal with, the to hear it.
more effi ciently it’s likely to
work. So, unless future studies
reveal something different – and
that might well happen – it’s
best not to listen to music if
you need to concentrate on
something complex. Not that
what I say is likely to make

Cambridge IGCSETM English as a Second Language – Lucantoni © Cambridge University Press 2022

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