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1 ahmed al abri questions. We certainly had

‘Every student can no access to a library and of
learn, just not on the When I was at school, most of course the internet hadn’t
my teachers were in control been invented in those days.
same day, or the same of everything that happened In my opinion, you can’t miss
way.’ (George Evans) during the lesson. My classmates something if you have never had
and I were very rarely given it, and I have no regrets about
any opportunities to work the way we learnt and absorbed
Recently I had the opportunity to independently or to take risks information. I was fortunate
interview four people about their with our learning. Everything enough to go to university, and
experiences of learning, and I soon that we had to learn was simply I am quite successful in my
discovered that the cartoonist
told to us. When we had to find working life, without doing
George Evans was absolutely out something extra, it involved much active learning at any
correct: everyone is different. speaking to someone in our stage of my education.
Here is what they had to say. family and asking them

2 g i u sy m a n a g o 3 zhang wei
I’m a ballet teacher in Italy, and Call me old-fashioned but I think that using a
one of the most important things phone or tablet to make notes dramatically
I want for my students is for them reduces your ability to think and
to build up their confidence. This create. For me, the best tools are a
is a long, slow process that involves notepad and a pen, neither of which
them taking risks and not ignoring requires power or a cable or a bank
challenges simply because they’re loan to pay for them! I believe that
afraid of failing. Being successful the tools we use with our hands are
is a struggle, and my students have also tools for the brain, and I know that if I write
to understand this. I can show my notes, my brain becomes more active. Also, my
students what to do, but I can’t dance written notes form a fantastic external memory
for them. They need to participate bank – I can check back through handwritten
and ‘get their hands dirty’ – not pages far more easily than anything on a digital
just occasionally, but during device. And let’s not forget that note-taking by
every single lesson that we have hand is an essential study skill, which requires
together. Furthermore, success feedback to the brain. Of course, using a keyboard
will definitely not come their is also an important skill in our digital age, but it
way if they aren’t prepared to doesn’t give the same type of practice as when you
make an effort outside the coordinate hand, pen, paper and brain.
dance studio. I insist that my
students watch professional dancers online or on
television as much as possible. If they do this, they
will be able to reflect on their own performance,
which will contribute to their success.

Cambridge IGCSETM English as a Second Language – Lucantoni © Cambridge University Press 2022

4 a sya k o r k m a z
As a student I often feel pressure to succeed, but the tasks are too easy, and if you get below 85%,
I believe that I respond well when I’m challenged things are probably too difficult. This 85% success
at school. I’m not afraid to take risks, and if I fail, target ensures that you don’t get discouraged by
I pick myself up and try again. In fact, one of my failure, but also helps to avoid boredom if things
teachers told me that scientists have shown that are too easy. As you improve your knowledge and
it is actually good to fail sometimes, because it become more confident, you will become more
encourages faster learning. Apparently, the best successful. Then you can start to challenge yourself
place to be is succeeding around 85% of the time. with more difficult learning material.
If you are always successful, then the questions or

Cambridge IGCSETM English as a Second Language – Lucantoni © Cambridge University Press 2022

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