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As a tourism management student, why do we need to include ethics in the profession?

As a tourism management student ,we absolutely need to include ethics in the
profession due to the fact that it is one of the crucial element that we need to apply in
our daily lives .Ethics are mostly seen as a word for differentiating what is correct and
what is not, it can also be used to classify acceptance and unacceptance behavior,
acceptable behavior may vary from one culture to another.It is essential for building
trust and credibility with clients, colleagues, and the wider community.It also helps to
maintain the integrity and reputation of the profession and ensures that professionals
are held to account for their actions.

Some of the examples of ethical tourism practices include supporting local

businesses, reducing waste and using eco-friendly transportation options, respecting
local cultures and traditions, and engaging in ethical wildlife tourism.

Here are some examples of Ethical Tourism. Try out the local language .A smile
expresses kindness and respect and will go a long way if you can’t speak the local
language. Try to learn a few simple phrases like ?thank you’, ‘please’ and ?hello’ in the
language of the country you visit. Find out about local cultures . Before you start your
packing, try to find out what sort of clothing the locals will be wearing. If they cover their
legs or arms, then you might also want to think about doing the same.
Dressing differently may also get you some unwanted attention! Show respect when
visiting local cultural, religious and sacred sites. Try something new. Don’t assume that
the way you do something is always the best. What the locals are doing or eating might
seem strange or totally bizarre to you, but it’s completely normal for them. Give it a go!
Try the pickled octopus – who knows you may even like it!. Look after the environment. Is
flying to your destination the only option? Consider taking alternative and more eco-
friendly forms of transport where possible. When you’re out in the countryside, beach or
at tourist sites remember to carry away your rubbish with you.

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