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LOS ANGELES a city of California.In which a rare family lived.

They were rare Because they a

had tradition that a baby name can only be decide at 2;00am which is based on a first voice
which will hear at 2:00am.So,those people who want to give their favorite name to a baby.They
should call name first at exact 2:00am.

On 17 February 1980 A Baby girl was born there.According to their

tradition all were ready for 2:00am but unfortunately at 1:59am the light went out so all were
upset on this.At exact 2:00 am a 5 years old boy accidenttaly bump into table and said in anger
Bitch and that was the first voice which heared after 2:00am.All were shocked at that moment.A
baby boy done so big thing.Unfortunately according to tradition the baby girl name set
Bitch.She belonged from a low class family

The name Bitch so wierd. Sometimes her family feel ashamed on calling her name
mostly in public places.When she was 4 year old.She joined school there friends made fun of

At the age of 13 she lost her father and now only her mother and bitch left in a family.Her
mother worked so hard and invest good in her education.At the age of 18,when she was in 11th
Grade.Her mother got a heart attack and now she is not able to do more hardwork.So Bitch left
her studies and start to find a job for her.

In Interview a big trouble faced by her was her name.She got many rejects just on her

At that time she finally lose with her self.She lost her father.Her mother was not able to
do anything.She lost her studies.She didn't get the job.At that time evil thoughts came in her
mind.She decided to commit suicide and to leap from 2nd floor.When she was close to leap she
shouted from her room and said to her mother "Mom you don't deserve me,you do so much
for me and what I done? suicide?" And leap from roof.Her mother ran towards her room but
she was late.The people of the street were gathered and transferred her to
Hospital.Unfortunately,one of her leg got fractured which had to required 4 month to complete
recovery. After 2 days she discharged and able to go home.Her mother was in trauma but after
sometimes she started job in parlour.Her condition was also not well but for financial issue it
was necessary to do.Bitch was feeling ashamed on herself on what she done.After 4 months
she fully recovered. She decided to start her new journey and forget a past.She started to find a
job and she found a job in office on 60 Dollar/ month,which was enough for her and her mother.

It had been 4 month all were going so good and suddenly a boy whose name was "Alex"
fall in love with her and he expressed his feeling.The girl shocked when she knows about this
because her goal was only to achieve his dreams and take care of her mother and she also
knows if she fall in love she will not she would not able to achieve her goals.

She decided to talk with Alex.She called Alex and said to meet in a park.The next day
Alex reach park but bitch was not there.She was late and reach after 30 minutes.She though
Alex must have left the park but when she reached she found Alex on exact that place where
she told him to come.She go towards Alex and said that sorry to him and said "I thought you left
the park because I'm late" then Alex Replied:

I can wait yours for the rest of my life

At that time bitch felt so special and she said: "Thank You!But I call you here for tell you

Alex:Yeah Sure,Tell Me

Bitch:Truly I'm not ready for all the things like relationships because my mother condition
is not well so I have to take care of her

Alex:Oh darling! You shouldn't worry about this we will take care of your mother together

Bitch exclaimed with wonder Really?

Alex Replied "Yeah" and after this he gift her a coin and said "here is the first gift from me,take
it, it's worth is about 2 Lakh Dollars but don't try to sell it because its your 1st gift from me"

Truly he was lying the coin worth is about 1000 Dollar.In Real,Alex was not a good
person.He was a terrorist.His business was to kill a person and sale their body parts in high
amount.He already did this thing in 9 countries and those country's police was In search of
him.So this time his next target was in LOS ANGELES.He wanted to use of bitch in his work.

But first she want a trust of Bitch on him.He played with her feeling continuously 6
months.On 19 March 2002
The day came when he used her in his work.In morning Alex called her and invited her on
breakfast in his house.He made breakfast for her,when they both were eating breakfast together
Alex asked to Bitch "Can you do a small thing for me?"

She replied "Yes,why not tell me what I have to do?"

Alex:"Nothing Darling,It's not a big deal.Tomorrow I'll be so busy I have a meeting with
my client but tomorrow Mr John are coming to get some order on a new street.So you
have to give him a bag and he will give you a bag of money.So you have to receive and
give me"
Alex asked again"Can You Do For Me?"

She Replied "Just This? I'll do don't be worry and attend your meeting calmly"

He said "Thank You!Can You Do One More Thing For Me?"

She replied "Yes,Tell me"

He Replied "When will you leave my home just give this food to my client I also have a
meeting today.So If I go at his house I'll be late"

She replied "Yes, Just give me your client address and food I'll give them"

Alex: "Thank You"

Alex go in the kitchen and add poison in a food and give that food to Bitch and told him

At 4:00 O'Clock she left Alex home with goodbye and reached at destination and gave a
food to an old man.Alex told that man he work in a foundation.So he provides food to old people
from foundation. So old man got a food and thanks to Bitch And Said "You Are Doing So
Good" and bold the door.She confused what he said she ignored him and left from there.

At exact 5:00 O'Clock Alex reached oldman's house and found a dead body of an oldman
then alex did his work and left that place.On the next morning his client cancelled deal with Alex
and told the whole story to police.Alex was so mad on cancellation of order.But when client told
about Alex to police.Police Decided to arrest him with different way.A police officer call Alex and
offer him 1Million Dollar for a deal.It was not enough for Alex but he agreed with him At 2:00
O'Clock Bitch reached at Alex home and got a hand carry bag and move on.She didn't asked to
Alex about the things in bag because she had a blind trust on Alex She met with client.The
client was a police officer so he came with all planning.When she gave a hand carry to a police
officer the heavy force sorrounded her from all the side.Bitch confused at that time and tried to
run from there.Suddenly police officer fired a bullet on Bitch leg.The heavy bleeding start from
her leg and they arrest her.When Alex alert from all the things he packed his bag and decide to
move Sydney From LOS Angeles.But it had been too late Bitch Already gave all the explanation
about Alex to a force and also told how Alex used her in his work.When Alex reached Airport
he arrested by a force.Bitch charged by 4 years of jail And Alex Charged By 8 Years of
jail.When Bitch released from a jail her leg had been expired for a bullet shot and she was on
wheel chair.When she released from a jail her mother was no more with her.She died due to
heartattack.She burned all the things (clothes,gifts) which she got from Alex but she also found
a coin which Alex gave her when they met first time.At that time she used her mind and went to
sold coin.At that time the market was so on peak she got 4 Lakhs dollar of that coin.Now she
has a two options that invest all money on herself or make more money by invest on a
business.She choose the second option and invest in a business.After 6 Years She start getting
5 Lakh Dollars/month from her company Suddenly one day her door knocked by a manager and
he said "someone wants to meet with you mam"
The Bitch gave permission to manager and said "send them in my office"

A man who came to meet with Bitch was Alex.When she saw him she got so many
feelings.She was angry on hime.She don't want to see him again.She was about to cry why he
used her.She ordered him get out with the same way he come.Alex requested and said "Please
listen to me.I'm here to say you a sorry I used you for my work.I failed as a man.I fail in
my life.I didn't found a love because I only thought money is everything now i realize
some relations can not buy with money even some relations has more worth than
He asked to her "can we be together again?,but this time with true feeling "
Bitch was being emotional but she hide her emotions and forbade and told lie that she got
married and also have a kids and said him to leave.

Before leave she gave him 6 lakhs dollars and told him "I sold your coin in 4 lakhs
but in your opinion money has more worth than relations so take it and leave"When Alex
left the office he saw a paper attach on money bundle in which Bitch Wrote:

If death come and we are not with each other.Remember that I really loved

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