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test cases for a multi-tenant screen.

A multi-tenant screen is a user interface that allows users from

different organizations (tenants) to access and manage their own data securely within the same
application. The test cases are designed to cover various scenarios and ensure the screen functions
correctly and securely for different tenants:

1. Authentication and Authorization:

• Verify that only authenticated users with valid credentials can access the multi-tenant screen.

• Verify that users from one tenant cannot access data or functionalities belonging to another

• Test user roles and permissions to ensure that different user types have appropriate access

2. Tenant Selection:

• Test the ability to select a specific tenant from a list or dropdown.

• Verify that data displayed on the screen changes according to the selected tenant.

• Ensure that the selected tenant remains consistent throughout the session.

3. Data Segregation:

• Create data for multiple tenants and confirm that data is segregated and only accessible to the
respective tenants.

• Check for data leakage or cross-tenant data visibility.

4. Data Management:

• Test adding, editing, and deleting data records for a specific tenant.

• Verify that CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations are correctly limited to the tenant's
data only.

5. User Interface:

• Verify that the user interface elements, such as buttons, labels, and menus, are displayed
correctly for each tenant.

• Ensure that the layout remains consistent and functional regardless of the tenant.

6. Performance and Scalability:

• Test the screen's performance with a large number of tenants and data records to ensure

• Measure the response time for different tenants and data sizes to ensure an acceptable level of

7. Security:
• Test for potential security vulnerabilities such as injection attacks (e.g., SQL injection) and cross-
site scripting (XSS).

• Ensure sensitive data, such as tenant credentials, is properly encrypted and stored.

8. Error Handling:

• Test for error scenarios, such as invalid tenant selection or failed data operations.

• Verify that meaningful error messages are displayed to users and logged for troubleshooting.

9. Integration and Compatibility:

• Test the screen's compatibility with different browsers, devices, and operating systems.

• Verify the integration with any external systems or APIs required for multi-tenant functionality.

10. Session Management:

• Test the session handling mechanism to ensure that users are logged out after a certain period
of inactivity.

• Verify that users cannot access the screen after logging out or if their session has expired.

11. Tenant Onboarding:

• Test the process of onboarding new tenants to ensure smooth setup and data segregation.

12. Tenant Offboarding:

• Test the process of offboarding tenants and verify that their data is properly removed and not
accessible anymore.

13. Data Backup and Recovery:

• Test the data backup and recovery process to ensure that tenant data can be restored in case of
data loss.

14. Data Export and Import:

• Test the ability to export data for a specific tenant and import it back without data corruption or
security breaches.

15. Performance Under Load:

• Simulate a heavy load of concurrent users from multiple tenants to test the screen's
performance under stress.

These test cases cover various aspects of a multi-tenant screen, including authentication, data
segregation, user interface, security, performance, and more. Running these test cases will help ensure
the application is robust, secure, and provides a seamless experience for users from different tenants.

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