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We all are very ambitious & try our best to reach at the top and become successful in life. However some
are able to achive & many cant. Out of these – very few fails miserable & thus become bankrupt.

Lets see one practice example of bankruptcy


The native is almost bankrupt & failed in every attempt & leading a very poor & help less life in a metro

1. Lord of Lagna in D-1 chart is a malefic planet Mars- is debilitated in house of Luck 9 th house.
2. This Mars is aspected by malefic Saturn , also Saturn is conjunct with lord of 7 th Venus.( venues
carries the negative energy of 12th house & shares with Saturn )
3. This Mars is with malefic Ketu & functionally malefic Mercury.
4. Even the Neech bang raj yog ( Mars debilitated but Moon exalted in 7 th ) could not save him …
because the exalted Moon is with Saturn the malefic & a functions malefic Venus being lord of
12th house, thus restricting the yoga to perform.
5. This exalted moon is also aspected by Rahu from 3 rd house( not a good combination for
manifestation of yoga )
6. Lagna lord is aspected by Rahu & Lagna is aspected by Ketu.
Note- most of the happening is with the Lagna & 9th house- house of luck .
7. Lord of 11th house Mercury is in 9th but with debilitated Mars & malefic Ketu-thus spoiling the
energy of house of profit.

8. The lord of 10th house of d-1 Sun is posited in 10 th house with malefic ketu & aspetecd by
debilitated Mars & malefic Rahu in D-60 thus fully spoiling the energy of 10 th house ie house of
achievement & status & profession.
With other planetary combination we can sufficiently see that the native will fail in his status in life.

The above is a very simple way of looking into such possibility.

In D-1 see the lord of 10th house Sun is in 8th house shoes end of profession in a bad way.

Will come back with other subject soon.


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