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The decarboxylation and dehydration reactions of

monomeric formic acid 
John D. Goddard; Yukio Yamaguchi; Henry F. Schaefer, III

J. Chem. Phys. 96, 1158–1166 (1992)


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17 August 2023 20:14:11

The decarboxylation and dehydration reactions of monomeric formic acid
John D. Goddard,a) Yukio Yamaguchi, and Henry F. Schaefer III
Center/or Computational Quantum Chemistry, University o/Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602
(Received 11 July 1991; accepted 30 September 1991)
Two unimolecular dissociation reactions offormic acid have been investigated theoretically.
The decarboxylation reaction yields molecular hydrogen and carbon dioxide, while the
dehydration reaction produces water and carbon monoxide. The 1,2-hydrogen shift
rearrangement from formic acid to dihydroxymethylene has also been considered. Methods
ranged from double zeta plus polarization self-consistent field to triple zeta plus double
polarization coupled cluster singles and doubles. For certain key structures, the coupled cluster
method including single, double, and linearized triple excitations (CCSDT-1) was applied as
well with the double zeta plus polarization basis set. A barrier height of - 71 kcal mol- I with
zero point vibrational energy correction is predicted for the dissociation to molecular hydrogen
and carbon dioxide. A rather comparable value of - 68 kcal mol - I is predicted for the barrier
to the dehydration reaction. The 1,2-hydrogen shift transition state is somewhat higher in
energy at - 79 kcal mol - I. These predicted energy barriers are discussed with reference to the
existing experimental results on the thermal decomposition of formic acid.

INTRODUCTION lation reaction was minor with the ratio of CO to CO 2 being

approximately 10. This reaction was first order over the
The dissociation of formaldehyde to molecular hydro-
whole range of temperatures (457-780 °C) and an Arrhen-
gen and carbon monoxide has been studied thoroughly both
byexperimene and theory.2 The analogous decomposition ius activation energy of 48.5 kcal mol - 1was deduced. Hsu et
of formyl fluoride to hydrogen fluoride and carbon monox- al.1O studied the thermal decomposition of formic acid at

17 August 2023 20:14:11

ide has been the object of recent high level theoretical high temperatures, 1280 to 2030 K, in shock waves. Their
work. 3,4 The unimolecular decompositions of acetaldehyde results were explained in terms of the two molecular reac-
either to methane and carbon monoxide or to ketene and tions, dehydration and decarboxylation, and thermochemi-
molecular hydrogen have also been examined theoretically cal data was used to rule out free radical decompositions.
in very recent studies. 5.6 All these reactions involve mole- The A factors reported by Blake et al. 9 in their Arrhenius
cules containing the formyl group, HCO, dissociating into analyses were brought into question. Hsu et al. 10 carried out
molecular products. Formic acid, a formyl group containing a two channel RRKM calculation II for dehydration and
organic compound, presents itself as a natural candidate for decarboxylation and found threshold energies of 62 to 65
a high level theoretical study of its molecular reactivity, as it kcal mol - 1for dehydration and 65 to 68 kcal mol - 1for de-
is an important intermediate in the oxidation of unsaturated carboxylation. As dehydration was the dominant process,
hydrocarbons in combustion and in atmospheric chemistry. the similar activation energies were commented on by Saito
In addition, formic acid, like acetaldehyde, has the intrigu- et al. 12 They examined the thermal decomposition of formic
ing feature of two potentially competing molecular dissocia- acid in shock waves in the temperature range 1370 to 2000
tion pathways: K. The decomposition to CO + H 20 was dominant with the
contribution of the channel leading to H2 + CO 2 very small.
HCOOH ..... H2 + CO2 decarboxylation, ( 1) Saito et al. 12 presented thermochemical data to indicate the
HCOOH ..... H 20 + CO dehydration. (2) improbability of free radical processes. Preliminary ab initio
Although there has been revived interest in the electronic computations by these workers indicated that the decarbox-
spectroscopy7 and photochemical reactivity8 of formic acid, ylation barrier was 81.6 kcal mol - 1and the dehydration one
the thermal gas phase reactions on the ground state (singlet) - 62.1 kcal mol - 1. However, later theoretical work (vide
surface of this prototypical carboxylic acid have not been infra) has not supported this large difference in barrier
reexamined recently. heights for these two molecular processes.
An early experimental study9 on the thermal decompo- Several experiments 13-15 employing lasers to initiate the
sition of gaseous formic acid established that the only prod- decomposition offormic acid have been reported. Samsonov
ucts were H 20, H 2, CO, and CO 2, apparently from both et al. 13 studied the decomposition of formic acid induced by
reactions (1) and (2). At lower temperatures the dehydra- laser heating and determined Arrhenius activation energies
tion reaction was second order while at higher temperatures in the range from 61. 7 to 66.0 kcal mol - 1 for the dehydra-
the order was 1.5. Taking the higher temperature dehydra- tion reaction. Multiphoton dissociation of formic acid using
tion reaction to be unimolecular, an Arrhenius activation a pulsed HF laser has been examined by two groups. 14.15
energy of 60.5 kcal mol - 1 was determined. The decarboxy- Corkum et al. 14 suggested that the decomposition to CO and
H 20 proceeded through a bimolecular reaction between vi-
brationally excited formic acid monomers:
a) Permanent address: Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Uni-
versity of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2Wl Canada. 2HCOOH* .... [HCOOH]! .... 2CO + 2H 20.
1158 J. Chern. Phys. 96 (2), 15 January 1992 0021-9606/92/021158-09$06.00 © 1992 American Institute of Physics
Goddard, Yamaguchi, and Schaefer III: Reactions of monomeric formic acid 1159

Many theoretical studies have been published on the were obtained analytically at the SCF level and by the finite
structures of cis- and trans-formic acid and on the internal difference method at the correlated level.
rotation barrier between these two conformations, e.g., Refs. The effects of higher levels of theory on the predicted
16 to 18. A thorough theoretical examination of the vibra- energy differences were examined in two ways. CCSD theo-
tional spectra of both monomeric and dimeric formic acid ry was applied with the larger TZ + 2P basis to assess basis
has been reported. 19 Ab initio studies of the 1,2-hydrogen set extension effects. The CCSDT-1 approach which includ-
shift rearrangement from formic acid to dihydroxymethy- ed single, double and linearized triple excitations was em-
lene and the complex rotational potential energy surfaces of ployed with the DZ + P basis to examine higher order elec-
the carbene species have appeared. 20,21 Feller et al. 21 indi- tron correlation effects.
cate that the barrier to the 1,2-hydrogen shift from trans-
formic acid to the dihydroxymethylene is on the order of 80 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
kcal mol-I. Molecular structures
The theoretical studies most relevant to the molecular
The predicted geometries for cis- and trans-formic acid
decompositions of formic acid were by Ruelle and co-
at three levels of theory are given in Fig. 1. The designation
workers. 22 ,23 Ruelle predicted23 by MP4SDTQ/6-31 G**
of cis-formic acid matches that of the original experimental
single point energy calculations at MP2I6-31G** opti-
work 33 on this species, i.e., the hydrogens are cis. The experi-
mized geometries that the classical (i.e., no corrections for
mental structures given in parentheses in the figure are taken
zero point vibrational energies) barriers were 7S.97
from Refs. 32 to 35. These structural predictions are sensi-
kcal mol- I for decarboxylation and 78.7 kcal mol- 1 for de-
tive to the balance between the size and type of basis set and
hydration. The similarity in these barrier heights in contrast
the level of inclusion of electron correlation effects. All the
to the product ratio of CO to CO 2 of 10 to 1 lead Ruelle to
DZ + P SCF bond lengths are slightly shorter than the ex-
postulate that the decarboxylation reaction proceeded by a
perimental values. The inclusion of electron correlation at
more complicated water catalyzed bimolecular reaction.
In the present study we have reinvestigated the decar-
boxylation and dehydration reactions of formic acid with
larger basis sets and with the more complete incorporation

17 August 2023 20:14:11

of electron correlation through coupled cluster approaches. o
The 1,2-hydrogen shift transition state has been considered
to further explore the possible involvement of dihydroxy-
methylene in the thermal reactivity of formic acid.


cis - Fonnic Acid
The basis sets used were of double zeta plus polarization 108.7·
(DZ + P) type or larger. The standard Huzinaga-Dun-
ning 24 ,2S double zeta Gaussian basis sets were employed. H
Thus the DZ + P basis consists of C,O (9sSpld /4s2pld) 0.968
and H (4s1p/2s1p). The hydrogen s functions were scaled
by 1.2. Polarization function exponents were ad (C) = 0.75,
ad (0) = 0.8S, and a p (H) = 0.7S. A triple zeta plus double
polarization (TZ + 2P) basis set2 6 was used in certain of the
computations. This TZ + 2P basis set can be denoted C,O o H
(9sSp2d /Ss3pld) and H (4s2p/3s2p) and is triple zeta in the
valence shell. The polarization function orbital exponents
were ad(C) = 1.500, 0.375; ad(O) = 1.700, 0.425; and
a p (H) = I.S00, 0.375 for this TZ + 2P basis set. 1.324
Geometries were optimized using analytic gradient 1.3S1 trans - Fonnie Acid
106.6· (1.343)
techniques 27 - 29 at the self-consistent field (SCF) level and (106.3") 0
with the configuration interaction with single and double
excitations (CISD) method. For selected structures, cou-
H~ 0.96S
pled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) 30,31 geometryopti- DZ+PCISD (0.972)
mizations were carried out. In determining the CISD geo- DZ+PCCSD
metries, three core orbitals were frozen and three virtual (Experiment)
orbitals deleted. Any CCSD geometry optimizations in-
volved all electrons and all orbitals. SCF and CISD harmon-
ic vibrational frequencies were evaluated to unambiguously FIG. I. Predicted structures for trans- and cis-formic acid. Geometries were
determined at the double zeta plus polarization (DZ + P) self-consistent
characterize stationary point structures and to provide the field (SCF) level, at the DZ + P configuration interaction with single and
necessary data to compute zero point vibrational energy cor- double excitations (CISD) level and at the DZ + P coupled cluster singles
rections to predicted energy differences. These frequencies and doubles (CCSD) level. Experimental results are shown in parentheses.

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 96, No.2, 15 January 1992

1160 Goddard, Yamaguchi, and Schaefer III: Reactions of monomeric formic acid

the DZ + P CISD level leads to a lengthening of all bond 1.151 o

distances and an improvement in the agreement with experi- 1.179
ment. Proceeding to the more highly correlated CCSD
method with the same DZ + P basis set, all bond distances 148.80
become slightly greater than the experimental values. The 148.0"
average signed deviations of all predicted bond lengths in the 1.020 \
1.005 \
Transition State
two conformers from experiment are highly satisfactory: 1.009 \
- 0.Q15 DZ + P SCF, - 0.002 DZ + P CISD, and H
+ 0.006 DZ + P CCSD.
With a single exception the changes in bond angles with
level of theory are less than 1°. The exception is the COH
angle in both cis- and trans-formic acid. In the cis-isomer, the DZ+PCISD
COH angle decreases from 111.4° at the SCF level to 109.4° DZ+PCCSD
and 108.7° with the CISD and CCSD approaches. The equiv-
alent angle in trans-formic acid changes from 109.0° DZ + P FIG. 3. The predicted structure for the decarboxylation transition state
SCF to 107.2° DZ + P CISD and to 106.6° DZ + P CCSD. connecting the reactant, cis-fonnic acid, with the products, molecular hy-
A change of such a magnitude in XOH angles with the inclu- drogen and carbon dioxide. Geometries were detennined at the double zeta
sion of electron correlation has been observed previously for plus polarization (DZ + P) self-consistent field (SCF), at the DZ + Pcon-
figuration interaction with single and double excitations (CISD), and at the
molecules such as CH 30H and NH 20H (e.g., Ref. 36, Ta- DZ + P-coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) levels.
ble 6.7).
The transition state for the internal rotation connecting
trans- to cis-formic acid proved interesting as its precise loca-
and all the three levels of theory agree qualitatively on its
tion by geometry optimization techniques was an unexpect-
features. The decarboxylation transition state is most readily
ed challenge. Theoretical predictions at SCF and CISD lev-
visualized as arising from the cis conformation. The hydro-
els for this transition state are shown in Fig. 2. Note that the
gens which will form the H2 molecule are slightly more than
HCOO fragment is not exactly planar. The dihedral angles
1.0 A apart. The hydrogen breaking away from oxygen is at
at the transition state are close to 90° (95.8° SCF, 95.2°

17 August 2023 20:14:11

1.268 to 1.308 A which represents an ~0.3 A increase rela-
CISD) as would be expected, given that the trans- and cis-
tive to cis-formic acid. The CH bond is stretched to ~ 1.43 A
forms are quite close (vide infra) in energy. The CO bond
in this transition state and the HCO and OCH angles are
about which the rotation occurs lengthens by ~0.02 A in the
quite small at 98° to 99° and 69° to 67°, respectively. Thus a
transition state as conjugative effects between the 0 lone
rather tight four center, HCOH, transition state structure
pairs and the carbonyl group are minimized. This CO bond
results. The OCO angle which will be 180° in the carbon
length still remains shorter than a usual single bond.
dioxide product is ~ 148° in the transition state. One CO
The optimized geometries for the four-center transition
bond length is 1.15 to 1.17 A and thus close to the value 32 in
state of the decarboxylation reaction are shown in Fig. 3 at
CO 2 of 1.160 A. The other CO distance is 1.238 to 1.265 A
three levels of theory. This transition state structure is planar
depending on the level of theory. The HH bond and one CO
bond which are forming are significantly longer than their
equilibrium distances in the products. Some vibrational exci-
tation of the H2 and CO 2 products might be inferred. This
o decarboxylation transition state is fairly similar to that
1.178 found at the UMP2/6-31G** level by Ruelle z3 and with
UMP2/6-311 G* by Francisco. 37

124.0" The dehydration transition state (see Fig. 4) differs

from that determined by Ruelle and co-workers 22.23 as it is
Transition State significantly nonplanar. It would appear that the transition
state reported earlier by Ruelle zz •z3 was not a true first order
saddle point but rather second order, with an out-of-plane
bending imaginary frequency as well as the frequency corre-
sponding to the reaction coordinate. A similar conclusion
t (OCOH,) 95.80
95.20 has been drawn by Francisco. 37 This dehydration transition
state is formed directly from the trans-isomer. In Fig. 4 the C
to 0 bond which is cleaving as Hz 0 is formed is quite long at
DZ+PCISD 1.85 ASCF or 1.82 A CISD. The OH[ distance and the CO
distance in the forming carbon monoxide are both quite
close to product equilibrium values. The hydrogen which is
FIG. 2. The predicted geometry for the internal rotation transition state shifting is ~ 1.15 to 1.16 A from C and ~ 1.3 9 to 1.3 8 A from
structure between trans- and cis-fonnic acid. This structure was detennined
at the double zeta plus polarization (DZ + P) self-consistent field (SCF)
o and is ~ 7° to 10° out of the OCO plane. The present ver-
and at the DZ + P configuration interaction with single and double excita- sion of the CCSD gradient programs did not allow the reop-
tions (CISD) levels. Note that the HCOO fragment is not exactly planar. timization of this nonplanar transition state at the

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 96, No.2, 15 January 1992

Goddard, Yamaguchi, and Schaefer III: Reactions of monomeric formic acid 1161

o characteristic tight bridge as it is 1.214 or 1.235 A. from e

Dehydration and a similar distance of 1.220 to 1.233 A. from O. This HOC
Transition State
angle is close to 60· and the CO across which the shift takes
place is 1.265 to 1.300 A. in length. The other CO bond is

beginning to show partial multiple bond character as antici-
1.854 pated for the carbene as it shortens by ~ 0.03 A. from the
value in formic acid.
/ U~9
,/ Classical barrier heights
t (OCOH2l 173.7·
Tables I through V present the total energies in hartree
170.5· and the relative energies in kcal mol - 1 with respect to trans-
formic acid for the minima and transition states examined in
DZ+PCISD this work. In this section, the classical energy differences and
barrier heights, i.e., without corrections for zero point vibra-
FIG. 4. The predicted structure for the dehydration transition state con-
tional energies, will be considered briefly. Comparisons with
necting the reactant, trans-formic acid, with the products, water and carbon earlier theoretical work and/or experiment will be post-
monoxide. This geometry was predicted at the double zeta plus polarization poned until after the discussion of harmonic vibrational fre-
(DZ + P) self-consistent field (SCF) and DZ + P configuration interac- quencies in the next section.
tion with single and double excitations (CISD) levels. Note that this transi-
tion state geometry is non planar.
Table I contains the theoretical predictions of this work
for the energy difference between trans- and cis-formic acid.
The barrier height for the internal rotation between trans-
and cis-formic acid is predicted in Table II. Tables III and IV
DZ + P eeSD level of theory due to computer limitations. contain the energetic data for the decarboxylation and dehy-
Study of the changes in geometry from DZ + P elSD to dration reactions respectively. Table V presents the energies
DZ + P eeSD for the decarboxylation transition state (re- and barrier heights for the isomerization of formic acid to

17 August 2023 20:14:11

call Fig. 3) suggests the reliability of the DZ + P eISD ge- dihydroxymethylene.
ometry for use in various higher level single point energy The trans isomer is predicted to be more stable at all
calculations. levels of theory. The DZ + P SeF energy difference is 5.67
Figure 5 illustrates the 1,2-hydrogen shift transition kcal mol- 1 which decreased with the inclusion of electron
state connecting trans-formic acid to dihydroxymethylene correlation effects to 5.35 kcal mol-I (DZ + P eISD) or
(the "s conformer" in the notation of Feller et al. 20,21 ) at the 5.20kcal mol-I (DZ + P eeSD). A higherlevel treatment
DZ + P SeF, DZ + P eISD, and DZ + P eeSD levels. of electron correlation, eeSDT-l, with the same DZ + P
This transition state is also formed directly from trans-for- basis set does not change this energy difference to one deci-
mic acid. The hydrogen undergoing the 1,2-shift shows the mal place. However, there is a significant decrease in the
trans to cis energy difference with extension of the basis set to
TZ + 2P and use of the CeSD approach. The' TZ + 2P
eCSD energy difference in this work is 4.47 kcal mol - 1
1.225 which is fortuitously rather similar to the MP3/6-
I..:~~........ H
311 + G** result of 4.61 kcal mol- 1 found by Wiberg and
Laidig. I7 Measured relative to the more stable trans isomer
the rotational barrier previously has been predicted to be
1,2 - Hydrogen Shift ~ 12 kcal mol- 1, e.g., Refs. 16 and 17. The DZ + P seF
Isomerization classical barrier height in Table II is 12.69 kcal mol- 1 which
Transition State
increases at the DZ + P eISD level to 13.14 kcal mol- 1.
The more complete eeSD and eeSDT-1 treatments of elec-
1.323 tron correlation also predict slight increases in the barrier
relative to SeF results to 12.98 and 13.37 kcal mol- 1, re-
spectively. The effects of basis set extension were not evalu-
H ated explicitly for the internal rotation transition state and
could change the barrier by approximately 10% or ~ 1.0 to
1.5 kcal mol - 1. This relatively large barrier height for an
DZ+PCISD internal rotation indicates that the e-O bond has some mul-
DZ+PCCSD tiple bond character.
Turning to the decarboxylation reaction, the classical
FIG. 5. The predicted structure for the 1,2·hydrogen shift isomerization barrier height from the DZ + P eeSD method at the consis-
reaction connecting trans-formic acid to dihydroxymethylene. This geome-
tent DZ + P eeSD optimized geometry is predicted to be
try was predicted at the double zeta plus polarization (DZ + P) self-consis-
tent field (SCF) and DZ + P configuration interaction with single and dou- 80.89 kcal mol- 1. Higher level correlation effects included
ble excitations (CISD) levels. with the DZ + P CCSDT-1 modellower the barrier height
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 96, No.2, 15 January 1992
1162 Goddard, Yamaguchi, and Schaefer III: Reactions of monomeric formic acid

TABLE I. Theoretical energy predictions for the relative stability of trans- and cis-formic acid.

trans-formic acid cIS-formic acid

Energy/ / geometry" E (a.u.) E (a.u.) AE (kcal mol- I)

DZ + P SCF//DZ + P SCF - 188.81444 - 188.80540 5.67

DZ + P CISDb/ /DZ + P CISD - 189.25909 - 189.25056 5.35
DZ + P CCSDb/ /DZ + P CISD - 189.310 96 - 189.30264 5.22
DZ + P CCSDT-I b/ /DZ + P CISD - 189.327 19 - 189.31888 5.21
TZ + 2P CCSDb/ /DZ + P CISD - 189.40571 - 189.39858 4.47
DZ + P CCSD//DZ + P CCSD - 189.35649 - 189.34820 5.20
DZ + P CCSDT-lb //DZ + P CCSD - 189.32783 - 189.31953 5.21
TZ + 2P CCSDb/ /DZ + P CCSD - 189.40537 - 189.39824 4.47

• All CISD wave functions employed three frozen core and three deleted virtual orbitals. DZ + P CCSD geom-
etry optimizations included all orbitals. Single point DZ + P CCSD, DZ + P CCSDT-1 and TZ + 2P CCSD
wave functions used three frozen core and three deleted virtual orbitals.
bThree frozen core and three deleted virtual orbitals.

TABLE II. Theoretical energy predictions for the barrier height to internal rotation from trans-formic acid to
cIS-formic acid. This barrier is reported relative to the more stable trans isomer.

Internal rotation
transition state Barrier height
Energy/ / geometry" E (a.u.) AE (kcal mol- I)

DZ+ PSCF//DZ+ PSCF - 188.79421 12.69

DZ + P CISDb/ /DZ + P CISD - 189.238 15 13.14
DZ + P CCSDb/ /DZ + P CISD - 189.29027 12.98
DZ + P CCSDT-lb / /DZ + P CISD - 189.30589 13.37

• All CISD wave functions employed three frozen core and three deleted virtual orbitals. The DZ + P CCSD

17 August 2023 20:14:11

and DZ + P CCSDT-l results reported in this table also excluded three core and three virtual orbitals.
bThree frozen core and three deleted virtual orbitals.

TABLE III. Theoretical energy predictions for the barrier height for the decarboxylation reaction converting
cis-formic acid to molecular hydrogen and carbon dioxide. This barrier is reported relative to the more stable
trans isomer.

transition state Barrier height
Energy//geometrya E (a.u.) AE (kcal mol- I)

DZ + P SCF//DZ + P SCF - 188.66356 94.68

DZ + P CISD b/ /DZ + P CISD - 189.12434 84.56
DZ + P CCSD b/ /DZ + P CISD -189.18221 80.79
DZ + P CCSDT-lb / /DZ + P CISD - 189.20522 76.54
TZ + 2P CCSDb/ /DZ + P CISD - 189.277 50 80.45
DZ + P CCSD//DZ + P CCSD - 189.22759 80.89
DZ + P CCSDT -1 b/ /DZ + P CCSD - 189.206 17 76.34
TZ + 2P CCSDb/ /DZ + P CCSD - 189.277 21 80.42

aAll CISD wave functions employed three frozen core and three deleted virtual orbitals. DZ + P CCSD geom-
etry optimizations included all orbitals. Single point DZ + P CCSD, DZ + P CCSDT-1 and TZ + 2P CCSD
wave functions used three frozen core and three deleted virtual orbitals.
bThree frozen core and three deleted virtual orbitals.
TABLE IV. Theoretical energy predictions for the barrier height for the dehydration reaction converting
trans-formic acid to water and carbon monoxide. This barrier is reported relative to the more stable trans

transition state Barrier height
Energy//geometry" E(a.u.) AE (kcal mo1- I)

DZ + P SCF/ /DZ + P SCF - 188.67028 90.46

DZ + P CISD b / /DZ + P CISD - 189.12788 82.34
DZ + P CCSD b/ /DZ + P CISD - 189.18678 77.92
DZ + P CCSDT -1 b/ /DZ + P CISD - 189.20973 73.71

" All CISD wave functions employed three frozen core and three deleted virtual orbitals. The DZ + P CCSD
and DZ + P CCSDT-1 results reported in this table also excluded three core and three deleted virtual orbitals.
bThree frozen core and three deleted virtual orbitals.

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 96, No.2, 15 January 1992

Goddard. Yamaguchi. and Schaefer III: Reactions of monomeric formic acid 1163

TABLE V. Theoretical energy predictions for the barrier height for the isomerization of formic acid to dihy-
droxymethylene. This barrier is reported relative to the more stable trans-formic acid.

transition state Barrier height
Energy//geometry" E (a.u.) flE (kcal mol- I)

DZ + P SCFIIDZ + P SCF - 188.66490 93.84

DZ + P CISD b IIDZ + P CISD - 189.121 84 86.13
DZ + P CCSD b / /DZ + P CISD - 189.17930 82.62
DZ + P CCSDT-lb I/DZ + P CISD - 189.19969 80m
TZ + 2P CCSDb I/DZ + P CISD - 189.27209 83.85
DZ + P CCSD//DZ + P CCSD - 189.22460 82.76
DZ + P CCSDT-lb IIDZ + P CCSD -189.200 59 79.84
TZ + 2P CCSD b IIDZ + P CCSD - 189.271 87 83.77

• All CISD wave functions employed three frozen core and three deleted virtual orbitals. DZ + P CCSD geom-
etry optimizations included all orbitals. Single point DZ + P CCSD, DZ + P CCSDT-I and TZ + 2P CCSD
wave functions used three frozen core and three deleted virtual orbitals.
b Three frozen core and three deleted virtual orbitals.

by 4.55 to 76.34 kcal mol - I. The extension of the basis set cal barrier height is 82.76 kcal mol- I which decreases by
from DZ + P to TZ + 2P with the CCSD theory gave a 2.92 to 79.84 kcal mol-I with the DZ + P CCSDT-I meth-
small lowering of 0.47 kcal mol- I in the barrier. These two od. Basis set extension to TZ + 2P with the CCSD approach
effects may be taken as approximately additive 2•3 and thus leads to a 1.01 kcal mol- I increase in the classical barrier
the best prediction for the classical barrier height for the height relative to the DZ + P CCSD result. Assuming the
decarboxylation reaction is (80.89-4.55-0.47) = 75.87 additivity of basis set extension and higher order electron
kcal mol - I. Such a value is consistent with the predictions of correlation effects the best predicted classical barrier for the

17 August 2023 20:14:11

Ruelle,23 75.97 kcal mol- I, and of Francisco,37 72.8 isomerization offormic acid to dihydroxymethylene is 81.75
kcal mol- I. kcal mol- I. A value of 83.7 kcal mol- I for this quantity has
On a technical note the results in Table III show that the been determined by Francisco. 37 Thus the 1,2-hydrogen
prediction of the barrier height is not sensitive to the choice shift classical barrier is 6 to 8 kcal mol - I higher than the
of geometry at which to carry out higher level single point comparable quantities for the decarboxylation and dehydra-
energy studies. Thus the DZ + P CCSDT-1 prediction for tion reactions. Further discussion of the energetics is post-
the decarboxylation barrier at the DZ + P CISD geometry poned until after the consideration of the predicted harmon-
is 76.54 kcal mol- I while it is 76.34 kcal mol- I at the ic vibrational frequencies which can be used to determine
DZ + P CCSD geometry. Similarly the TZ + 2P CCSD re- zero point vibrational energy corrections.
sult for the activation barrier is 80.45 kcal mol - I at the
DZ + P CISD geometry and 80.42 kcal mol - I at the Harmonic vibrational frequencies
DZ + P CCSD structure. The predicted harmonic vibrational frequencies and in-
The dehydration transition state structure was found to frared (ir) intensities for trans- and cis-formic acid are re-
be non planar and of C I symmetry (vide infra) and computer ported in Table VI. Theoretical values at both the DZ + P
limitations did 'not permit DZ + P CCSD geometry opti- SCF and DZ + P CISD levels are given as well as the experi-
mization. At the DZ + P CISD geometry DZ + P CCSD mental fundamental (anharmonic) vibrational frequencies
and DZ + P CCSDT-I energies were determined. The clas- of the trans isomer. 35 ,38 The predicted harmonic vibrational
sical barrier height for dehydration (Table IV) is 77.92 frequencies are not scaled 36 to approximately correct for re-
kcal mol - I at the DZ + P CCSD level which decreases by striction to a particular level of theory or for anharmonic
4.21 kcal mol - I with a higher level description of electron effects. SCF and CISD methods with DZ + P basis sets typi-
correlation, CCSDT -1. The best prediction for the classical cally give vibrational frequencies which are larger than ex-
barrier height to dehydration of formic acid is 73.71 periment and anharmonicity corrections of 5% are not unu-
kcal mol - I. Basis set extension effects are likely to lower this sual. 19
value by -0.5 kcal mol- I if the decarboxylation reaction is The absolute and relative difference between DZ + P
an appropriate guide. Such a classical barrier is in good SCF harmonic frequencies and the observed fundamentals
agreement with Francisco, 37 74.8 kcal mol-I, at the of trans-formic acid are the same as Ref. 19 to within one
MP4/6-311 + + G**/IMP2/6-311G** level. The dehy- wave number. The present DZ + P CISD predictions of the
dration and decarboxylation reactions are predicted to have harmonic vibrational frequencies of the trans species are in
very similar classical barrier heights with both in the range rather better agreement with experiment. The absolute and
74 to 76 kcal mol-I. relative difference between DZ + P CISD harmonic fre-
The energy predictions for the barrier height to the iso- quencies OJ and the observed fundamentals v are 376
merization of trans-formic acid to dihydroxymethylene are cm- ' =1O.5% (VI), 287 cm- ' =9.8% (v2 ), 147
presented in Table V. At the DZ + P CCSD level this classi- cm- I =8.3% (v3 ), 90 cm- 1 =6.5% (v4 ), 148

J. Chem. Phys .• Vol. 96. No.2. 15 January 1992

1164 Goddard, Yamaguchi, and Schaefer III: Reactions of monomeric formic acid

TABLE VI. Theoretical predictions for the harmonic vibrational frequencies (in cm - J) of trans- and cis-formic acid. Infrared intensities (in km mol - J) are
reported as well. The results from both DZ + P SCF and DZ + P CISD methods are reported.

trans-formic acid ciS-formic acid


Infrared Infrared Infrared Infrared

Frequency intensity Frequency intensity Frequency Frequency intensity Frequency intensity

Wid 4116 116.3 3945 77.2 3569 4180 121.1 4003 82.4
lU2 a' 3293 52.9 3225 46.3 2938 3208 87.7 3138 81.1
{V3 a' 2015 533.4 1921 422.1 1774 2059 450.9 1962 351.0
It)4 a' 1537 10.5 1470 5.6 1380 1561 5.9 1488 3.1
(Us d 1426 26.1 1366 18.9 1218 1408 434.5 1344 368.8
(£)6 a' 1268 300.8 1203 269.5 1103 1229 26.7 1174 30.5
UJ, a' 690 61.6 649 53.0 626 722 11.6 680 10.8
CtJ8 a" 1183 0.3 1102 0.4 1036 1166 3.1 1084 0.6
(J)9 all 693 200.7 687 175.0 638 503 113.2 507 102.6
ZPVEb 23.2 22.3 22.9 22.0

aR. L. Redington, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 65,171 (1977).

b Zero point vibrational energy in kcal mol- J.

cm- I =12.1% (vs ), 100 cm- I =9.1% (v6 ), 23 Theoretical predictions for the harmonic vibrational
cm- I =3.7% (v7 ), 66 cm- I =6.4% (vs ), and 49 frequencies of the various transition states considered in this
cm - I = 7.7% (V9)' The C=O stretch V 3 , C-O stretch V 6 , work are collected in Table VII. Both DZ + P SCF and
and the torsion V9 are predicted to be the most intense modes DZ + P CISD values are reported. The single imaginary vi-
in the infrared spectrum. brational frequency for each stationary point confirms that

17 August 2023 20:14:11

Experimental vibrational assignments for cis-formic these structures are true transition states. The zero point
acid are not available. The most valuable predictions may be vibrational energies, in kcal mol- I, are included and will be
the shifts in certain bands for the cis-isomer relative to trans- used in the next section to correct the classical barrier
formic acid. Attention will be focused on the more accurate heights.
DZ + P CISD results. VI' the OR stretch, is blueshifted by The imaginary frequency associated with internal rota-
58 cm - I in the cis form as would be expected given that the tion is small at 595i cm - I as would be expected given the low
OH bond lengths are predicted to be 0.961 A cis and 0.965 A barrier for this process relative to the other three reactions.
trans at the DZ + P CISD level of theory. The C=O stretch, For the decarboxylation, dehydration, and isomerization
V 3 , increases by 41 cm - I in the cis-formic acid as the bond transition states where the classical barriers are 74 to 82
length is predicted to decrease by 0.007 A relative to the kcal mol - I the harmonic vibrational frequencies for motion
trans species. The torsional mode, V 9 , is redshifted by 180 along the reaction coordinate range from 1919i to 2477i
cm - I for the cis species which is less stable than the trans by cm - I (DZ + P CISD). These large imaginary frequencies
-1400 cm - I and thus faces a smaller barrier to rota- suggest significant involvement of hydrogen motion in the
tion. 33 •34 transition states as would be anticipated from consideration

TABLE VII. Theoretical predictions for the harmonic vibrational frequencies (in cm - J) of the internal rotation transition state, the decarboxylation
transition state, the dehydration transition state, and the isomerization to dihydroxy-methylene transition state. The results from DZ + P SCF and DZ + P
CISD methods are reported.

Internal rotation Decarboxylation Dehydration Isomerization


WI a' 4152 4006 2317 2237 4131 3959 3983 3790

lU2 a' 3242 3173 2226 2222 2802 2708 2825 2757
(i)3 a' 2043 1932 1993 1919 2154 2020 1710 1616
Cc)4 a' 1536 1465 1458 1397 1122 1110 1437 1373
a>s a' 1322 1256 1183 (a") 1127 (a") 781 792 1321 1251
lL)6 a' 1244 1170 929 938 514 587 743 (a") 732 (a")
6h a' 1010 954 781 761 462 399 670 635
0)8 a' 740 697 669 (aM) 632 (aM) 276 320 425 (a") 407 (a")
0)9 a' 582i 595i 2684i 2477i 1952i 1919i 2429i 2181i
ZPVEa 21.9 20.9 16.5 16.1 17.5 17.0 18.7 18.0

a Zero point vibrational energy in kcal mol

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 96, No.2, 15 January 1992

Goddard, Yamaguchi, and Schaefer III: Reactions of monomeric formic acid 1165

of reactants and products or of the saddle point structures in this rotational barrier is 10.9 kcal mol- 1 by Miyazawa and
Figs. 3 through 5. Examination of the eigenvectors associat- Pitzer. 40 Francisco37 has predicted an energy difference of
ed with the imaginary vibrational frequencies verify these 4.1 kcal mol - 1 and an internal rotation barrier of 11.7
inferences. For the dehydration transition state with v* of kcal mol 1 for the trans-cis formic acid system. Thus where
1919i cm - I, only H2 (Fig. 4) has large components in the comparisons of theory and experiment are clearly possible
reaction coordinate. Similarly for the 1,2-hydrogen shift iso- for the formic acid species, agreement is very good.
merization transition state with v* equal to 218li cm - 1, only The barrier to the 1,2-hydrogen shift from trans-formic
the shifting hydrogen makes large contributions to the eigen- acid to dihydroxymethylene is predicted to be 79
vector. For the decarboxylation transition state, motions of kcal mol - I. Such a value is in general agreement with the
both hydrogens are involved in the reaction coordinate. early ab initio results of Feller and Davidson. 2o,21 More sig-
Clearly, substitution of deuterium for hydrogen would yield nificantly the predicted value of this study is in agreement
interesting isotope effects both due to the changes in zero with that ofFrancisc0 37 although somewhat, 5.3 kcal mol- 1
point vibrational energies and to quantum mechanical tun- or ~ 7%, higher. Although this barrier to the 1,2-hydrogen
nelling for these reactions. shift is definitely higher than those for the decarboxylation
or dehydration reactions (vide infra), it is not so much
Barrier heights and relative energies greater as to rule out a priori any dihydroxymethylene in-
Figure 6 illustrates the energies including zero point vi- volvement in the high temperature thermal chemistry offor-
brational energy corrections relative to trans-formic acid for mic acid. Further study of dihydroxymethylene decomposi-
two minima and four transition states on the singlet tions to molecular products (cf. Ref. 20) may be in order.
HCOOH potential energy hypersurface. DZ + P CISD har- Prior to considering the decarboxylation and dehydra-
monic vibrational frequencies were used for the zero point tion reactions a brief consideration of free radical as opposed
vibrational energy terms. The energy differences have been to molecular processes will be given. Previous workers lO,I2
rounded to the nearest kcal mol - 1 and represent our best have cited reaction energies for radical processes as
current predictions for these quantities. Error bars of ap- + COOH
HCOOH -+ H· 93 kcal mol- I,
proximately ± 5 kcal mol - 1 could be estimated for the de- HCOOH-H' + HCOO 106 kcal mol-I,
carboxylation, dehydration, and isomerization to :C(OH)2

17 August 2023 20:14:11

barrier heights. 2,3 Smaller error bars on the internal rotation and
transition state energy and the energy differences between HCOOH-> 'CHO + 'OH 112.2 kcal mol- I
various stable species would be more appropriate. based on thermochemical data. 39 ,41 These radical heats of
The energy difference between trans- and cis-formic formation should be at least moderately accurate and thus
acid of 4 kcal mol - 1 is in excellent agreement with the ex- molecular decompositions of formic acid are clearly pre-
perimental value 33 ,34 of 3.900 ± 0.085 kcal mol- I. The pre- ferred on the ground state surface. Note that the reaction
dicted barrier to internal rotation in this work of 12 energies for formic acid decomposing to H 20 + CO and
kcal mol -. 1 is in agreement with several other theoretical H2 + CO2 have been determined l2 from thermochemical
studies. 17,37 One of the more reliable experimental values for data to be 8.31 and - 1.36 kcal mol - I, respectively.
The decarboxylation barrier is 71 kcal mol - I and that
for dehydration 68 kcal mol - I. The fact that the dehydra-
tion reaction has a lower barrier is consistent with those ex-
periments which observed a predominance of CO over CO2
product. 12,14 However, the rather small difference in activa-
tion energies of ~ 3 kcal mol - I may not be large enough to
explain a CO to CO2 ratio of 10 to 1 at the elevated tempera-
tures of the experiments. The predicted barriers are slightly
larger than but in overall good agreement with the threshold

energies of 62 to 65 kcal mol - I for dehydration and 65 to 68
kcal mol- I for decarboxylation determined by Hsu et al. 10
The results for these activation energies in this study are
slightly higher (4.8 or 5.8 kcal mol- I) than those of Fran-
cisco. 37

The major conclusions of this work may be summarized
briefly as follows:
( 1) The activation barriers for the decomposition of
monomeric formic acid to H2 plus CO2 and to H 20 plus CO
FIG. 6, Best predictions of the relative energies (in kcal mol- I) of the sta-
are very similar. The best estimates for the decarboxylation
tionary points examined on the HCOOH potential energy surface. Zero and dehydration activation energies are ~ 71 and ~ 68
point vibrational energy corrections are included in these values. kcal mol- 1, respectively.

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 96, No.2, 15 January 1992

1166 Goddard, Yamaguchi, and Schaefer III: Reactions of monomeric formic acid

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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 96, No.2, 15 January 1992

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