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Enea was in an unknown and new land. He was sad and afraid, but Jupiter, king of gods, was
protecting Enea and the troians. The land was Carthage with Dido queen. Jupiter

Mercury gave Carthaginias a friendly mind. So it was a small danger for troians. Enea and a friend,
named Achates, in unknown fields, sadly roamed. Suddenly Venus, goddess of love and mother of
Enea, comes down from the sky to the ground/land and goes to Enea. but the goddess wears clothing
of a girl: Enea doesn’t recognise the mother.

Venus greeted the men ‘hello, men! Who are you? Why are you here? Where do you come from?’
Enea says ‘we are trojans and from troia we sailed. We are seeking a new land but gods are hostile:
they sent many dangers and a big storm. Now we are in an unknown land. But who are you? Are you
a god? Maybe you are a girl? Where are we? Who lives here? Are they kind men?

Venus says ‘you are safe Trojans. You are on the Carthaginians’ land. Carthaginians are kind men
and Dido is a friendly queen. Carthaginians sailed to here per sea; they arrived recently. Now they are
building a city. I am not a god but a huntress; I know streets and fields. Now hurry to the city!’ then the
goddess with radiant steps leaves/departs: Enea immediately recognises the mother. Enea and
Achates search for Carthage. Venus covers the men with a thick cloud; No one can see Enea.

They arrived at the new city. Carthaginians were building forum, walls and temples. Men and Women
were working just like bees. Enea suddenly sees the beautiful Didone. With the queen there was a big
crowd -wondrous to say- of young of Trojans. Enea and Achates happily seen friends. Then the cloud
suddenly vanishes. Enea in the forum and the crowd walked. Dido amazed Looked at Enea Troian.

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Enea walked to queen. “Leader” said. “You search for a soldier of Trojans, o queen. I, Enea, I’m here.
You invited in the city the tired sailors and saved the scattered race. O big gods, save Carthaginians,
the city and the good queen!” Then Dido said “Why did the leader come to the country of
Carthaginians? What did you do against the gods? Why do the gods hate the Trojans? I heard many
story about Trojans and Enea. I’m also exile: I left my country and now I build a new city. You are very
welcome, Trojans. Come to royal palace!”
The queen led the Trojans into the royal palace. She ordered the slave to prepare a big dinner.
Enea ordered the messenger to lead the son of ascanius to the city. But Venus now toke a new plane:
not ascanius, but Cupid, looking like ascanius, sent to city. While Carthaginians te Trojans dine, Cupid
burn to love the hearth of dido for Enea.

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After the dinner Enea told to Dido a long story about the destruction of Troy and the journey of
Trojans. The queen and the Carthaginians were amazed. In the middle of the night a arrow pierced
Dido through love: the queen loved the head, the hairs, the eyes of the Trojan man. Every day Dido
and Enea visited the temples, gave the gifts to gods, and walked into the streets of the city. Juno, the
queen of gods, wanted Enea to stay in the land of the Carthaginians for a long time. The goddess
toke a plane. Dido and Enea led the hunt; Juno sent a big storm. The queen and Enea ran away to
cave: here they stayed. Here they made love. The happy Dido now called Enea the husband.

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But Aeneas was not able to stay with Dido: it was not his fate. He needed to lead the
Trojans to a new homeland. Jupiter angrily sent Mercury to Aeneas in the middle of the night. Mercury
came to the leader in a dream.
"Foolish man!' he said 'why did you not remember the words of Jupiter? You must
find a homeland for the Trojans. This is not your kingdom. You are not the husband of Dido. Leave
immediately! Hurry!' The words of the god terrified Aeneas. On the next day he prepared the ships
and ordered the Trojans to sail. Dido, when she found out the plan of the Trojan leader, was sad and
angry. She cried, she shouted, she ordered Aeneas to stay: but in vain. Aeneas hurried to the ships
and ordered his friends to sail away from the land of the Carthaginians. The queen shouted 'Now, the
Carthaginians will be the enemies of the Trojans. O gods, avenge the Carthaginians! Punish the
Trojans!' Aeneas and the Trojans left; queen Dido stabbed herself with a sword and threw herself onto
a fire.

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