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TRUDNG CHET HAS MADE Ho, Meth ai Mark the temer-4, ic, POH SF the primivcy ste Qestee lA Lintergerten —f oclsscaut C rerpecta 1 ticipate (Ceatbon 25 A Sarropantty Mark the tester Nee thea ts pew Wetton aA. cnc Wertta HA. solucnes Mark It e Wis filer A, A, Com Do pig Sater thet to indicate the-correct answer to each, 19 Regt pestions, ‘Ulfestion 5: Ponty he A will ‘Question 6: Last ‘Year she A. tice more than Question 7: Not only A. some whale ‘Question 8: Final year students A oughi to Qiestion 9: the oe arriving aU was (C)On arriving at/ had ideation 10° IF 1 A. jiadn't been for ‘Quiestion’11: She is attending the seminarwithikVieWjo. move qualifieations Dita siadbel A having acquired 4+ _ estio: Tam not sure how old hes Gut fielmust be for 70, °e SB oe Deri up E- going by D. getting on, js take, she apologized. ; Queatien te hae says mist Gee Wawete 4 in 60 ‘(Question 14: . ae tne lest it A. As the bay was C. Intell elation in euch of the following auestians et e boy oanpetition RONG OE ksen eae {HL AGL HHH MAL Wor ‘ No MEN TENG ANI LEN 4d Tht she Shaky dan Aree? YREREfinlicate the med Nd differs room the HEN ef the allot qcitions. NM MIE SHO I aiher terete 1B. uncertaingy © ins 1D Camiliae Den Yur antwer sheet ikicare the vont whose underlined pat ifers froin the Bh. sarpet CAtagit 1D. comncs DW. lauighy © uke 1D. developy ¢ —— Scecpt some hel wil the work inttend of trying ta da it alondl may Svoula D were camed her brother Boowiccasmany er Cotwiceaymoneas |p Ywhe afbrach as ‘Mong the largest animals thal ever lived, but thag@te aly anPSBf the mont tine gent B. they tte whales Chare whales 1D @hales se ___ amend Ieetyres_ ie) C-domn't have D. mun’ BL shouldnt Aihes itpont, I was very worried to Tine Ye cP for me. Waiting 1B. OW areiving in’ had Waited waited Dgiiheriaei¥ing al! was waiting, th it, he coll havelgiven it a eee B hadn't heen By acquiring 4 “9G aequire inures. {Bp Intelligent as the boy. was 1 As intelligent the boy was i i international eVery major judo title, Mark retired from anternationa eae Sit ell ‘ C.Whenhewen (2D A. Winnin, B. On winning sce of petrol hace times. the price of pet Dintwed Question 16: A. have gone up ver the last fewmanths garages Ciave put up 7 have risen = Whas come: sand at - ai Cveaton 17: He hasbeen wating for tier or days an Aglast Question 18: Quite seen, a gel into A nun out of Mark the letier A, B, to the undertined part B, the moment cures world is: going 10 eer ot come up rase(s) CLOSEST In et (o indicate the word(s) or pl hes on your answer sheet 10 ai of the following, questions: ‘Teany M4 Questinn 19) He was ashes om © complain n what could (C, demon A. exchange 0 Que Tee ve Behinw A ef Mark the lerter A. B, Cor D art |. B, Cor D on your answer sheet ta indicate the word(s) o7 phrase(s) OPPOSITE in ments a the underlined part in each of the following questions. 0 wf Question 21: Biol garded it a3 an © ap peice) Bleloess Gre remeed It= ample of adaptation by naturn! selection, tue far plrysicist fe Bee B. flexibility © adjustment D.Brflexibiliry 19 esto 22: The dstinction berwean schooling and gdoech plied by this remark is important re B. explicit CT hmplicit Dodd Mark the tester 4 een Bic Paeicn venzeneee shee indicate the most suitable response fo complete 22h 0f > Br i's very late, 0 _ oa 2 John: " You'realready leaving? The ball is only starting” Peter: 2 good day BJgoorthyc for now Cat's great fim, thanks, take care Jimmy ~__" Question 24; John: “Why don't we go toa pas” |!! eae” ae to play baseball Bho, hit Pd rather go to the an gallery D. No, thanks. I like to sit here rect word Read the following passage ani ter in Rees eu a Ese aa nae is aa 2 Cor D on your answer sheet to indi Polar bears are in danger of dying out 25 some other endangered anima that are the problem, i's climate change Since 1979, the ice cap atthe Arce Circle where tnpolag bears ive has redues! in size by about 30 per cent. The temperature in the Arctic bas slowly bee rising this ts 26 the sea ice to melt, endangering the polar bears' home The polar bears main s@tirees ofpod sre the differen P= of seals found in the Arctic They catch them by waiting next to tht Reais have made inthe ce 27 the bears are very strong swimmers, they could never catch seals i is means that the bears really do over a huge terntory and often swim rely on the ice to hunt Polar bears also need sea ice to tay 28. "to fgaup up to 100 kr, but when there i 1683 12 from one part of the ice to another They have becn they may have to swim further and this can .29.. @ ‘A number of bears have drown im the Aast few years and scientists belicve that it is beeause they Were Het ‘able to reach more ice before they became tao tired and couldn't swim any further (Adapted from “A Wild Life; My A ‘ound the World by Martin Hughes - Games) Question 25: A. Compared B. Uni C. Opposite D. Different Question 26: A kausing C. turning. D. resulting C. Even D. Although Question 27; A.AS Question 281 A. learnt G Cknown ~D: noticed VS C.prove _Djeome and mark the lester A, B, C or D on your answer sheet (0 indicate the ee 4: Question 29: A. end Read the follo answer to each of the following questions. [ The word robot first eppeared ina 1921 sage play by Czech writer Karel Capek: In the Fr makes a machine that can think, which he calls a robot and which ends up killing ivs owner, I the American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov wrote & ‘series of stories about robots and in robotics, the science ‘of robots. Meanwhile, in the real world, the first robots Were Joseph F. Engelberger, and an inventor, George C. Devol. Together they suarted company that produces the first real robot in 1961, called the thie General Motors automobile plant and proved to be a success. They eli F i " Motors, so other companies were Soon acquiring robots aswe These industrial robots were nothing like the terrifying id never nd ever go) gry sleepy of ditneed th Astral subots have bat * id Toit be use of Hed Ae the espn, develaprocar eon Kite of he Rabots, Silicon Valley Entecprencier, Martin Bur 19 E20 When dd te erd rater ngemry ne nn an aie tbe Brin the 6s Ceca thes vation 3h: What's Uimation? L156 robo! making rogram W's the name of abot the name of robot in | robot inventor D.Ii'sthe producer ofthe fr Q an AP Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a chametsriatie of rpbots? Hey can do jobs involving high heat B, They dan’t need food iY are not distracted Di They are ting ‘Qusstion 33: What are industrial robots like? A. They look like humans DB. They behave like humans *¥ controlled machinety Do They se computer-contralied machines Pike $4: Wriat can be said about Karel Capek? ie was the first to create the ward "robot 1. He made a robot Hemade a robot in order to kill a person D. He is 2x Ameniean seriter Read the following passape and mark the.teiter A, B, Cor Diem your snswer-sheet fied AAIWer th eOCK af the followinw questions. PHOTOS TTESIS: ha Almost all live es ultimately get their enerey frorn the-sun. In aprOppss ealled phot plants, algae, and son rgatisms capture the sun's energy and use 1 make simple sugars Slubgse Most other organist jes Organic mole ¥ rganie reatiriala tremendous amount of cnergy. As food, they fuel our bodies and thal’ OF bo, gaa) and coal, they heat our hommes, rin ou Photosynihesis begins when solar energy 12 abs eontained Within an organism. The most common photosysiliss ni Fae areca caured oy Mn ane ve aca esi tat ny ask the Gren Because of these pignienits, algae may be not only greepjhut brbwh, red. blue or even Baek Ina series of enzyme-contralled reactions, thegoltheriet gy capiured by chlorophyll and other pi used to make simple sugars, with carbon dioxidesand Water a5 the raw materials, Carbon dioxide i ane few carbon- containing molecules not cong

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