الخطة الدراسية لبرنامج بكالوريوس العلوم في الهندسة المدنية

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Caer eevee er eet eer Ec oy atheoli) jas aoa CHEM] 101 | Geel Chemisty 9 fs] Jfcse [10 | computer Pognmminginc zfs] eat | tor [Animes w Andemie Ts To [3 [Pena | 102 | ioducton wo Repo Wing a [ols [ras [11 | petit and ts Consequences 2 [ol 2 |ftas | 101 | Practical Grammar 2[o[2 MATH] 101 [cates fo [+ [Paral 02 [acu tole PE [101 [Heatvand Piya edvaiont [0] 2) 1 [fre | 102 |Heatnanarpocalbavaien —[o[2[1 HS | 101 | Genel Ps 3 [3 [= |p rrivs [02 [ cere Psi a]at« 151 | Bases of Enviennentl Chemisry | 2 [ 0 rc ils |» ce _ [201 [sas OE CE 2[a[3 ce | 250 | Surveying 1 [3] 2 Jee | 20 | seca estan a fol s TAS _| 201 | Weng orPotesonaiNesie | 2 | 0] 2 [ce | 239 [ramets a fol s wear | 2 | eaten tnd Poesia 3 [0 | 3 [mara] 2m [eens orbiteenalEquons | 3 [0 | 3 wat] 207 [cae 3 [ops fme [aor [osmamics afols ee _ [20 [eecve Crane 3 fof a Peron | 225 [Bite tr ngins 2/3 [> 2 © ce [12 | src atrial 3 [3 [+ [ce | 540 | cones! Engng afale CE [323 | statu Anais 3 [0 [3 [ce | 345 [Transporation Enecing 2] 3[> ce _| 330 | Envronners Engning 2 [3 [3 [ce _| we [co neni tive a]of> CE_[ 335 | Water Enginering 2 [3 [3 ffce | s10 | meducion Ci Engng Dees) 1 | 0 | 1 MATH] 301 | Matos otapmicdMatemates | 3 | 0 | 3 [xxx | vox [fre Hestvel apols TAs _| 212 | Proesions hes 2 [o[ 2 [ce | so | Semptationl Methods in Coir 2[3[3 TAS _| 201 | Or Communication Sie zpola iso ae wlio] Summer Seon ce] 350 | Begin Coupeive Work Opole CE_[ 351 | Cooperative Work © PoP 6 Ye | x | cit enginering Ect spol s e_| wx | Coil nginering Hectne| spel Ce | ait | Senior Design Projet ofels ce | 495 [cv Engineering Senna pets = 1s | 322 | Hanan Rh in am FE = 8 | vx | Geer Sis Eee afels 30 [we | Fe ete a fel s « Eieva ereves eye Re A Cer ne ee EY ey] > Aaa COURSE DESCRIPTION CE 201 Statics (3-0-3) Basic concepts and principles of mechanics; vector algebra; equilibrium of particles in two and three dimensions; definition of moment and couple; reduction of systems forces; equilibrium of rigid bodies; statically determinate structures including beams, trusses, frames, and machines; internal forces; shear force and bending moment diagrams in beams; friction and its applications, centroid and center of gravity of lines, areas, and volumes; moment of inertia and radius of gyration. Prerequisite: PHYS 101 CE 205 Civil Engineering Drawing (2-3-3) ‘The course focus on the following topics: Introduction to Computer Aided Design and Drafting, (CAD), 2D Drawings with AutoCAD includes Multiview Projection, Dimensions, Sections, Auxiliary Views, Free Hand Sketching, Mining and Civil Engineering Problems, Metallic Members and their Connections, Bearing and Slope of Lines and Planes, Contour Map Lines, Cut and Fill, Bue Print Reading, and 3D Drawings. Prerequisite: None CE 211 Structural Mechanics | (3-0-3) Concepts of stress, strain, and constitutive relations; stress and deformation of axially loaded members; thermal stresses; pressure vessels; energy concepts; torsion of circular and thin-walled sections; shear and bending moment diagrams in beams; elastic bending and shear stresses in beams; compound stresses; stress transformation; bending moment-curvature equation; deflection of beams; singularity functions methods, analysis and design applications. Prerequisite: CE 201 CE 233 Fluid Mechanics (3-03) Properties of fluids, hydrostatics with applications to manometers, forces on plane and curved surfaces, buoyancy, ‘equations of continuity, energy and linear momentum with applications, dimensional analysis, dynamic similarity, open channel flow, conduit flow. Note: ME 311 may be taken in place of CE 233. Prerequisite: CE 201, MATH 102 CE 250 Surveying (1-3-2) Introduction to measuring units; direct distance measurement with tapes; tape corrections; electronic distance ‘measurement; levels and leveling; longitudinal profiles and cross sections; contouring; area and volume computations; the Eien encres eee OU CeeS Lon ren p ig oy] > semaines theodolite and angular measurements; optical distance measurements; rectangular coor ‘computations; mapping; introduction to GPS and GIS. ites; traverse surveys and Prerequisite: None CE 301 Computational Methods in Civil Engineering 233) Introduction to numerical methods; error analysis; solution of system of linear and nonlinear equations; numerical integration; numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations; curve fitting and interpolation; statistical methods, descriptive statistis, probability distributions, analysis of variance and regression; introduction to linear programming and optimization problems; introduction to the finite element method (FEM), applications of numerical methods in CE, system analysis, finite difference and finite elements using software packages such as MS Excel, Mathematica and Matlab. Prerequisi ‘SE 103, MATH 202 CE 310 Introduction to CE Design (1-0-1) A broad introduction to design in all four disciplines; design landscape and requirements related to data, information, specification and codes, methods and tools, design considerations and constraints; issues related to safety, economy and impact; professional ethics and responsibility; design drawings; project management principles, a small-scale project work to complement students understanding. Prerequisite: unior Standing CE 312 Structural Materials (3-3-4) Composition and properties of hydraulic cements; characteristics of local aggregates and water; properties of fresh concrete; production, handling and placement of cement and fresh concrete in the local environment; properties of hardened concrete; mix design; special concretes; introduction to pavement types; asphalt cement types, properties and usage; properties of aggregate for asphalt concrete mixes; asphalt concrete mix design concept; types, engineering, properties, and usage of structural stee|; introduction to aluminum, timber, glass, plastics and other structural materials. Laboratory sessions on tests of concrete constituents, fresh and hardened concrete, aggregate gradation and mix design, flexure behavior of reinforced concrete beams, physical properties and testing of asphalt binders, asphalt concrete mix design; hardness test, tensile and torsion tests on metals, measurement of Poisson's ratio and stress concentration, and bending tests on steel beams. Prerequisite: CE 211 CE 323 Structural Analysi (3-0-3) Shear force and bending moment diagrams for frames; influence lines for beams, frames and 2D trusses; displacement of beams by moment area, and conjugate beam methods; displacements of beams, frames and trusses by virtual work; analysis of statically indeterminate structures; method of consistent deformation, energy methods, slope-deflection and. moment distribution; introduction to the flexibility and stiffness matrix methods and computer applications, Pree ete eee ere CEN OME eee] > shel) as tools iriver for Aeon CE 325 Reinforced Concrete | (23-3) Behavior and design of reinforced rectangular and T-sections in flexure; doubly reinforced sections; behavior and design of ‘beams for shear; bond and development length including splices and cut-off points; design of one-way solid and joist floor slabs; design of short columns; design of isolated footings; introduction to prestressing and precast construction; use of ‘STAADPro and other computer software in design; completion of a design project; site visits. Prerequisite: CE 323 CE 330 Environmental Engineering (2: 3) Introduction to major environmental pollution issues; Analyses of water quality; Municipal solid waste management and disposal; Hazardous waste testing, management, and treatment; Air pollution characteristics, effects, measurements, control, meteorology, and dispersion; Noise pollution control; Introduction to wastewater testing, treatment and reuse; Environment Impact Assessment. Prerequisite: CHEM 151 CE 335 Water Engineering The hydrologic cycle, precipitation, evapotranspiration, infiltration, hydrograph analysis, fundamentals of groundwater flow, basic concepts of open channel flow and flow in pipes. Prerequisite: CE 201, MATH 102 CE 340 Geotechnical Engineering | (3-3-4) Soil formation and identification; index and classification properties of soils; clay minerals; soil compaction; capillarity, swelling, shrinkage and effective stresses; flow of water in soils; compressibility and consolidation; stress in soils; shear strength of cohesive and cohesionless soils; introduction to lateral earth pressure and shallow foundation. Prerequisite: CE 233, CE 211 CE 345 Transportation Engineering (2-3-3) Transportation system in Saudi Arabia; transportation planning and evaluation; vehicle characteristics; human factors; geometric design of highways and intersections; basis of pavement design; introduction to capacity analysis of highways and intersections; introduction to airport planning and design. In Transportation lab: Field studies of speed; traffic volume, ‘and delay; capacity analysis; geometric design of highways, intersections, and parking facilities; traffic signal design; pavement material testing and design; flexible pavement design; application of transportation related software. Prerequisite: CE 312, Junior Standing Eien eevee eer a Apt yn rer Et) > Bossy CE 350 Begin Cooperative Work (0-0-0) See contents in CE 351. Prerequisites: Same as in CE 351 CE 351 Cooperative Work (0-0-6) A continuous period of 28 weeks spent in the industry working in any of the fields of civil engineering. During this training period, the student is exposed to the profession of civil engineering through working in many of its fields. The student is required to submit, and present, a formal written report of his work. Prerequisites: ENGL 214, CE 323, CE 345 and approval of the Department. CE 352 End Cooperative Work (0-0-0) This course is the same as CE 351. Prerequisit fes: Same as in CE 351 CE 401 Civil Engineering Optimization Methods (3-0-3) Techniques commonly associated with systems engineering; new techniques applicable to design and operations of civil engineering systems; linear optimization, linear programming, transportation and assignment problems, network analysis; simulation techniques; decision analysis; nonlinear optimization; critical path method. Prerequisite: CE 301 CE 410 Structural Mechanics II (3-0-3) Bending of beams of non-symmetrical sections; shear center; energy concepts including Rayleigh-Ritz method; use of Classical and energy methods in the analysis of curved beams; torsion of prismatic members; beams on elastic foundations; Use of finite element methods in solid mechanics, including introduction to use of ANSYS software; stability of beam- columns; failure theories and fracture mechanics. CE 411 Senior Design Project (0-63) ‘A course that integrates various components of the curriculum in a comprehensive engineering design experience. Design of a complete project including establishment of objectives and criteria, formulation of design problem statements, preparation of engineering designs. The design may involve experimentation, realization and/or computer project. Team design projects, where appropriate, are highly encouraged. Prerequisite: CE 323, CE 345 and approval of the Department. Ciera eters eer ene eer ne eee Tey] > theo) ja tool Trent of An CE 412 Concrete Technology (23-3) In-depth study of cement composition, hydration of cement; structure and properties of hardened cement paste; volumetric changes in concrete; properties of concrete related to durability such as water absorption, water permeability, chloride permeability, and chloride diffusion; use of mineral admixtures; advanced concretes and reinforcing bars; requirements and specifications for producing durable concretes suiting the local conditions. Prerequisite: CE 312 CE 415 Durability, Evaluation and Repair of Concrete Structures (3-03) Durability problems of concrete structures such as reinforcement corrosion, sulfate attack, cement-aggregate reactions, salt weathering, efflorescence, acid attack, and environmental cracking; factors causing severe deterioration problems in the Arabian Gulf; condition survey, diagnosis and evaluation of deterioration damage in concrete structures; repair ‘materials and methods; preventive measures such as protective coatings, cathodic protection, de-chlorination, and re- alkalinization. Prerequisite: CE 312 CE 417 Structural Analysis I! (3-0-3) Review of matrix algebra and solution of simultaneous equations; flexibility (force) method analysis; stiffness (displacement) method of analysis; 2-D trusses, beams and frames; development of computer programs using the stiffness method; use of available computer packages for applications in structural analysis; introduction to the Finite Element Method; introduction to Structural Stability. Prerequisite: CE 323 CE 419 Reinforced Concrete I! (2-3-3) Design of two-way slabs using ACI ,direct design method"; design of continuous beams; behavior and design of columns under axial load and bending moment including slenderness effect; introduction to various types of foundations; lateral resistivity, design of wall footings and combined footings; design of retaining walls; simple design of prestressed, precast elements; STAADPro software application in design; completion of a multistory design project. Prerequi ce 325 CE 421 Steel Design | (23-3) Properties of structural steel; steel sections, introduction to load resistance factor design (LFRD), design of tension ‘members, compression members and capacity calculations; width thickness ratios; design of beams with and without lateral supports; design of members under combined axial and bending loads; design and details of simple bolted and welded Sener Tees eee. LCS snare EYE ey] > Somenraet connections, and an introduction to common building connections; use of STAADPro software for design of elements and overall design of frames; completion of a design project; site visit. Prerequisite: CE 323 CE 42 Steel Design Il (3-0-3) Introduction to elasto-plastic material behavior, plastic analysis and design of continuous beams and simple frames using load resistance factor design (LRFD); design of built-up beams and plate girders, optimum proportioning of -beam, design ‘of composite section analysis and design for torsion, design of semi-rigid and rigid connections, use of STAADPro software in design of rigid frames and stee! buildings. Prerequisite: CE 421 CE 425 Construction Management (3-0-3) ‘An overview of construction industry, contracts, contract documents and professional liabilities, issues during construction phase, business ownership, cost estimation, equipment productivity; concrete form design; planning and scheduling, resource leveling, cost control; introduction to pert, construction management aspects; materials management, construction productivity and safety. Prerequisite: CE 312, Junior Standing CE 433 Groundwater Engineering (303) Introduction and definitions, groundwater storage and supply, Darcy's Law and its limitation, Dupuit approximation, steady and unsteady flows in confined and unconfined aquifers, radial flow towards wells, storage coefficient and safe yield in a water-table aquifer, design of wells, flow nets, introduction to sources of groundwater contamination, Prerequisite: CE 233, CE 435 Surface Hydrology Review of fundamentals of hydrology and advanced treatment for estimation of elements of the hydrologic cycl ‘modelling, hydrologic flood routing; probability concepts in hydrology, flood frequency analysis; hydrologic principles in engineering design; computer applications in surface hydrology and introduction to minor structure design. Prerequisite: CE 335, Zs EY aver eRe er eee ghee sey] > ome ae CE 437 Open Channel Hydraulics (3-0-3) ‘Analysis and characteristics of flow in open channels; channel design considerations including uniform flow, flow measuring devices, gradually varied flow, rapidly varied flow, normal depth analysis, hydraulic factors for the design of reservoirs, dams, spillways and stilling basins. Prerequisite: CE 233, n and Distribution Systems (2-3-3) Fundamental principles and design of water supply, sanitary and storm sewer systems and their components, including pipes, pumps, storage facilities, open-channels, culverts; computer applications in the design and analysis of hydraulic systems, CE 440 Wastewater Engineering Processes (3-3-4) Analysis of wastewater collection systems; water treatment including coagulation, flocculation, softening, sedimentation, filtration, desalination and disinfection; water treatment, principles of biological treatment systems including activated sludge, extended aeration, aerated lagoons, and stabilization ponds. Prerequisite: CE 233, CE 330 CE 441 Wastewater Treatment and Reuse (2-3-3) Water treatment including pre-design issues, desalination, lime softening, sedimentation, filtration, membrane systems, ion exchange, adsorption, and disinfection technologies; Wastewater treatment including fundamentals of reactor design, activated sludge system, membrane bioreactor, trickling filter, and secondary clarifier; Natural wastewater treatment technologies for smaller and remote communities; Wastewater reuse including water scarcity issues, legal issues, health issues, technical issues & methodologies, areas of application, and case studies. Prerequisite: CE 330 CE 443 Design and Operation of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants (3-0-3) Theory and practice in sanitary engineering including the concepts of processing, design, economic evaluation and computer analysis; class projects incorporating practical considerations in the design and operation of treatment units and the combining of unit processing in water and wastewater treatment plants; field trips will be organized to visit various ‘spesof restmen plans in oparmion, oo Kin Prerequisite: CE 330 Chen Ents eee erty eet gE Tee cer) > Wael CE 445 Municipal Solid Waste Management (3-0-3) Problems, regulations, collection, handling, recycling and disposal issues related to municipal solid wastes; Characterization of municipal solid wastes including physical, chemical, and biological characteristics; Integrated municipal solid waste ‘management practices including resource recovery, composting, incineration, and landfill design. Prerequisite: CE 330 CE 447 Industrial Hazardous Waste Management & Treatment (3-0-3) Theory and design of several industrial hazardous waste management and treatment aspects including regulations, environmental audits, pollution prevention, risk assessment, chemical & biological process fundamentals, and industrial hazardous waste separation, handling, treatment, & disposal techniques. Prerequisite: CE 330 CE 449 Geotechnical Engineering I! (3-0-3) Fundamental relations of elasticity and plasticity in soil masses; unsaturated soils behavior; deformation properties of cohesionless and cohesive soils; advanced strength concepts in soils and stress path; slope stability analysis; introduction to soil dynamics. Prerequisite: CE 340 CE 452 Soil Stabilization and Site Improvement (303) General survey of soil types and their behavior and the available techniques for improvement; shallow and deep mechanical ‘modifications; modifications by admixtures and grouting; modifications by inclusions; the use of geosynthetic material in filtration, seepage control, separation, reinforcement and water retention; hydraulic modifications; and treatment of ‘marginal soils. Prerequisite: CE 340 CE 453 Foundation and Earth Structure Design (3-0-3) Site investigation, including determination of soil properties for design; bearing capacity theory of shallow foundation; settlement of building foundations; design and analysis of retaining walls, sheet piles and braced excavations; design of pile and pier foundations. Prerequisite: CE 340 Ereva orev eee cre eee et gre ere se] > ashen) as als. Gieayet not eats CE 460 Highway and Airport Materials (3-0-3) Construction materials; asphalt cement; emulsified asphalt; foamed asphalt; Portland cement asphalts; cement; aggregates and asphalt additives; specifications; material selection and evaluation; tests of asphalts and aggregates, mix design procedures for hot and cold asphalt mixes, including Marshall and Super Pave; mix design for Portland cement concrete ‘mixes for rigid pavements; characterization techniques; modulus of resilience; fatigue and rutting performance prediction; field quality control procedures; Computer applications in materials evaluation and design. Prerequisite: CE 312 CE 462 Design of Pavement (3-0-3) Pavement types and design factors; stresses and strains in flexible and rigid pavements; traffic analysis and design considerations; material characterization; performance evaluation; reliability aspects in design and construction; structural thickness design of highway and airport pavements using different methodologies; pavement evaluation; Computer application in pavement design Prerequisite: CE 345, CE 464 Construction and Maintenance of Highways and Airports (3-0-3) Selection and processing of construction materials; asphalt concrete mix design; asphalt plants operation; material placement and compaction methods; quality control; earthwork, highway drainage and roadside requirements; construction standards; pavement performance and evaluation; pavement distress identification; surface treatments; techniques; application and design; overlay design; pavement recycling techniques; computer applications. Prerequisite: Junior Standing CE 466 Traffic Engineering and Roadway Safety (3-0-3) Vehicle, roadway and driver characteristics; traffic engineering and safety studies; highway capacity analysis; traffic control methods and devices; intersection signalization and signal timing; fundamentals of intersection design; parking facilities; introduction to attenuation devices; Intelligent transportation system; computer applications. Prerequisite: CE 345 CE 468 Highway Planning and Design 6-03) Highway planning in rural and urban areas; highway location studies; engineering and aesthetic considerations; geometric design, structural design, highway materials; drainage, highway construction, highway safety engineering; discussion of AASHTO and Saudi highway design manuals; complete geometric design of a two-lane highway; introduction to computer software for geometric design. Prerequisite: CE 345, en Eee eee eer AY Meee > Ae tala CE 480 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 8-0-3) Introduce the relatively new and rapidly expanding field of GIS technology. Fundamental concepts of GIS such as GIS Components, Data Input and Output, Spatial Data Structures, GIS Planning and Implementation, and the various applications of GIS. The course includes extensive hands-on exercises to reinforce the presented concepts. Junior Standing il Engineering Seminar (1-0-1) Weekly presentation of lectures by the instructor and the invited speakers on topical issues in civil engineering, including contemporary issues, professional responsibilities, ethical issues and advances and challenges in civil engineering profession; each student will be required to make a presentation ona selected topic and participate in classroom discussion. Prerequisite: Senior Standing CE 499 Special Topics in Civil Engineering (3-0-3) The contents of this course will be in the areas of interest in civil engineering such as (but not limited to) intelligent Cities, ‘Smart Structures, Sustainable Infrastructure, Intelligent Construction, rehabilitation, advanced topics in structural, transportation, water, environmental and geotechnical engineering. The specific contents of the course will be given in detail before the start of early registration for the semester in which the course is offered, Prerequisite: Senior standing or consent of instructor

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