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— Digit!” Siena) . . Procetsing ed 38d gyi —Uohn @. Proakis é A edition) — Digit Signal ‘pnoessing i ps Wt us Pigital Signal frequene| 2 4(n) = AGos (or*®. * Prequene n @ Value fraction 7 PIG M nepavsent CP) n (ga Ba copend 4G" hene 1 Rel Padion per Sample , > 4a) -A aos (anFt +8) * Analo signal wow _Radifr pen Seeond. (F £ fraction 2 WME digi Snot > 4% Cgele. © 28 4 Some "pen sample & %, * 0 He Sample CG Gite FR RX MG = Veg hse Salt podion. Sample numben N= 2 ame. BPE 8 4 WO ad Padian_ & fon Anoleg Signal osaillaion (ar en Te i | Thequeney ear Fe OF Pon. digital Signa peniod 2 joel Numben of Sample, : “fon example Ik gtr Sample %~ @ . N= 10 Dpeniay/ sample pen ayele, = 4 e : Ts 4 aN Yard) — (A412) \ WU ond so ore my ° De Snot CR CE enue ney ars : * Wa Trequency A Gia A Osojllection PIT H WLU LIT py Wray Was Ay Qn 0 FN Wo When. thagiierey @noss x en & we ail. ger a equation ov ‘volue. whieh 18 less than & Henee WE ean say that 118 the maximum value. ; * tact 28 complete oscillation @ oF least aati Analog -b: digital ond digital to analogs [45-24-28] x (eet Anolo Signol eG sormpling war 9 Aime disanote Pig vous AS jiscrete WC ai ¥ Value @ Gomkniovs oe disoncte FAT WH quankear fen TA) * Analog Signa! @ LAG) GR digital ‘Signal & x0) fy nepresent war x Samplon 4 wi suitch Ue ch ig OFF 2a SS ON 8@! 1 x Gd pont @ Comet aa af CFIAR Yolue FT eT FORE 94979 Sistah. On pth, Efe diginl Spal ¥ i> 5 soning * oe acts ~~ , ee Anelog Sompling W=anF ,» Be ant x digital Signal M& Maximum fhequency tt me ay trequency) @onsider. TA | Finan * = = oT t itn GS ane % : Fre a et Si so Bm wt (yolue Same) | Sere alios Te! oe F B= B80 aos ar (Sort ; vena 507 20 Gon tis Teaser!’ aliisaton — Gondition HSE ee (= gee % Signo! gre Frequenc Fe Qh Bora aT (we Fl Germ SETH: Hy a * Sompling nate ari 2a sawoling gee Ponge a Ranh * 0R Signal Ger ou Ht A orn fhequene at oer @arsa GAG 6° oe signal 9 thequeney wore aq TAT sampling Aheauency GA change aary BIG™ alse problem nemove Ta WA |. book @xample > 14.2 : xn = gos A227 35 _ w4 os En = : Qn” 3 eos (am he 5 aes 20.n BOS AEN a quanization. eg bit aa ger level Fog@ GU feet ay, ado Bar ora, x22 bine. : * quantization is an. inevensable procey eA 2A Amplitude. A= l QB ‘ - Ly level BRENT A 4 : A * gai ronge @ A-1 BET : ur FQ! & A BRA O1 4° BME Ba Same, noise. * Signal ‘to rise Telodon —s SNR % Signal @e owen & Mise a Powen Fig BT Re a ndation a Podioe PEM Ay» OE SNR a: SNR = sSo|gp ¥ WE AD. Converion ws oF ARS Gall qe Gomentor. oo apr Tet (p Zeno o¥den. hold dhapten-2 ‘me Signal and System po graphicol Tie pne sentation. > functional Tle pnesentatior ¢ xy 4708 OH -0-9 n=-4 0-4 n--22R and So on-- -- —- “yp 3-Q 72 AO 8.4 5 _B Blemen toa disenete time Signal = ewer non Sinosddle @ Sino goidle Signel convent a WA Founier senies me # 5 2 Unit impbise Signol. loft Side Gy 3M value < % Unit Step Signol — de @ 3M value 4. @R raig Rt gi ¥ unit mamp Signal > nxo 0 D0 nm # disonete System @ angle (A Seite FTA 77 Qe -l-22| chapetz ¥X(N4N) = X(N) Sample oo? x el fon. penindia A functor . X Antisymmetnic (odd) b= f Dh lt TE % down soning Sena ara Payer Te sample pray Hn AG WOM, ORM 1 8 Ala afer ra Somple Heel $n RU WEA a) & Bam te fe are Gi sample Re AG sample 7 @ wat a re THE “3 A. x x(n) @ ly 2 a mn BT: Amplititud @ nally TH i Disenete time System § oy can be oe ware or SoFeacne : | days + (ab) | . f i: Ld input Output Openation. % Stie. > GME input @ oe depen!” ae at * dyra.mie —>. UIE input HT depend 1 » Time, invarian} —> W Somele - 78 (HER rear ies “}me @ ser Output Ge wer change aan 4 x) @ Sa T Bw change G.output @ ot DENTE change 7, Ga time invatant, iii i _ oN dime Invanian+ sn — Shift Output 4G Some o ‘mvariant Te ge input 1 Shing [Chorgieg aay, safer Skt / Chonge oe tm k sfhoor shift Ciansfonmy gg nk ARBer shift TEX OH] ale wy] * dona 70 » 9-0-6) —> Input for time inyoiant (1K) = xe for ime. variant Y Ov mF a — a | @o-nelation Sum gonyalation. Convulation- enoss- Co nelation Sum Ghapten-6 ne Saents Faginenning ) (4 rtal signal proses Chapten-8 (The. Dis enele Founiere Thansh * ge Non- Sinusoidal si inusoi gnal @ diPRenent Gompor @ Cr FA Tet 9 e@omposition. * OM ue Component Sat Far M1 Synthe si s. ae me wo din ae came 00rd Same @0Py zeno e ay Fr cDigenete Mime Fourier Anonsfonm. x Snel Goa founion ‘nonsfonm apply oe aa sig ee Hme domain (re, fhequeney demain Gl eae re pS t . Ga time © gata Frequene @omponent 44k rmgn efioe w (@ll/ (oh 1" ae Fowtier “Transform Fast_Fousien Trane ais o 0 a ona 2 iP aT IS OTP x lett ghia! Are Bate core ax Gremuengy dom pigs gaPk AME Sinvsoid COR FB_ Ge AAT

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