Organic Chemistry Keywords - 1. Crossword Puzzle

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Organic Chemistry Keywords - 1

Primrose Kitten - YouTube tutorials for Science and Maths

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Acro ss Do wn
2. A compound that has a le ast one triple bond 1. A hydrocarbon that only has single bonds in it.
11. A formula showing the lowe st whole numbe r 2. A compound that contains a be nze ne ring
ratios of e le me nts in a compound. 3. Se t of organic compounds that have the same
14 . A compound that contains an -OH group functional group, and an incre asing numbe r of
15. A se t of re actions whe re a small mole cule carbons and hydroge ns
(usually, but not always wate r) is a product. 4 . Chlorofluorocarbon, a compound that is made up
16. Alkane s that contain a haloge n from carbon, chlorine and fluorine .
17. Formation of an e ste r 5. A compound that has at le ast one double bond
18 . Whe re the e le ctrons are arrange d in space . 6. This shows that position of all atoms and the
20 . A side chain that has be e n forme d from an bonding be twe e n the m
alkane by re moving a hydroge n 7. The part of an organic compound that is
24 . Ele ctrons that are be ing share d by more than 2 re sponsible for the prope rtie s
atoms 8 . A Compound that contains a C=O group
25. A compound with a ring structure 9 . A Compound that contains a -COOH group
26. A form of ste re oisome rism whe re the re are 10 . Subse t of E/Z isome rs whe re two groups
diffe re nt groups around the C=C, and the C=C attache d to e ach C=C are the same
pre ve nts fre e rotation 12. A long chain forme d of re pe ating units, e g
27. A compound that is made from hydroge n and alke ne s
carbon only 13. Covale nt bond whe re both of the e le ctrons are
provide d by one of the e le me nts
16. A haloge n is adde d to a compound across the
C=C, an addition re action.
19 . Se paration of a bonde d pair of atoms whe re
one atom re ce ive s both e le ctrons
21. A compound in a branche d or straight chain
22. Ele ctron pair acce ptor.
23. The simple st alge braic formula for a compound
26. A Compound that has a -COO group

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