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Organic Chemistry Keywords - 2

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Acro ss Do wn
1. A bond re sulting from the pe rmane nt dipole that 2. A re action me chanism whe re part of a compound
arise s whe n hydroge n is bonde d to e ithe r oxyge n, is re place d by a radical.
nitroge n or fluorine . 3. Analytical te chnique that can be use d to ide ntify
7. Ele ctron pair donor functional groups
9 . A re pre se ntation of a compound without drawing 4 . A compound that only has single bonds
any hydroge n or carbons 5. A re action that has wate r as a re actant
11. [O] re actant that is adde d to a re action to 6. Diagram that shows the inte rme diate s and
re move e le ctions, to oxidise . move me nt of e le ctrons in a re action.
14 . An e le me nt or compound that has an unpaire d 8 . A pair of e le ctrons that are not forming a bond
e le ctron 10 . A re action that has wate r as a re actant, or
16. I nte rmole cular bond that cove rs London whe re an alkali provide s a -OH for the re action
force s, and pe rmane nt dipole - pe rmane nt dipole 12. M+ the positive ion re sulting from the
inte ractions. fragme ntation of a compound for mass
17. A compounds that has double or triple bonds spe ctrome try, this is the re sult of one e le ctron
19 . A re action me chanism whe re part of a be ing lost.
compound is re place d by a nucle ophile . 13. A se t of compounds that have the mole cular
21. A compound whe re the alcohol group is formula but a diffe re nt structure
attache d to a carbon that also has no hydroge ns 15. The minimal amount of de tail ne e de d to
attache d to it de te rmine the spe cial arrange me nt od e le me nts in
22. Analytic te chnique that de te rmine s the a compound
mass/charge ratio of fragme nts of a compound. 18 . Se paration of a bonde d pair of atoms whe re
23. Give s the numbe r of e ach type of e le me nt in a e ach atom re ce ive s an e le ctron, le ading to the
compound formation of radicals.
24 . Attraction that is forme d whe n an 20 . A compound whe re the alcohol group is
instantane ous dipole induce s a dipole . attache d to a carbon that also has 2 hydroge ns
25. A re action whe re hydroge n is adde d across the attache d to it
26. A compound whe re the alcohol group is
attache d to a carbon that also has 1 hydroge n
attache d to it
27. A route that has be e n de signe d to turn on
organic compound into anothe r.
28 . A part of the atmosphe re whe re ozone (O3) is
in high conce ntration.
29 . A se t of compounds that have the mole cular
formula but a diffe re nt arrange me nt in space

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