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Name: Date: Period:

Cell Phone Addiction?

Please note that this survey is not a diagnostic tool, however, it can provide you with some important information.

During a typical school week (time spent at school, at home, at other activities… NEVER RARELY SOMETIMES/ OFTEN/
I look at my phone/electronic device & use it more than I realize.
I have tried to cut down on my phone/electronic device usage without much success.
I lose hours of time mindlessly checking apps, watching videos, &/or browsing the internet on my
I feel anxious or restless when I cannot access my phone (because I’ve forgotten it; battery dies; its use is
banned, etc.).
I sleep with my phone within reach &/or I lose sleep because of my usage.
My device use has interfered with my productivity (at school, home, work).
I look at my device in dangerous or inappropriate situations (crossing the street; cycling; driving; in class; at
the dinner table, etc.).
My device usage has strained or otherwise negatively affected my relationships with family, friends, teachers,
coaches, boss, etc.
My notifications are always turned on.
When I receive an alert or notification, I immediately check it.
I feel guilty, sad, or anxious about my device usage.
I have low self-confidence and self-esteem.
I mindlessly check my device many times each day, even when I know there is likely nothing new or
important to see.
When I get out of bed in the morning, the first thing I do is check my device.
I use text messaging/instant messaging/e-mail to avoid face-to-face conversations with people.
I procrastinate, avoiding school work, chores, exercise, etc. by scrolling on my device.
I pay close attention to the battery life of my device & get stressed thinking about where and when I can
charge it.
I have used my device to gossip about others or negatively interact with others.
When I cannot access Wifi or my data, I get tense/angry/restless/depressed.
When the newest version of my phone/device is released, I get it (or make plans to get it – birthday present,
When I eat meals, my device is part of the table setting.
When I leave my home for any length of time, I have my device with me & I feel uncomfortable/unsafe/lost
without it.
I interrupt other things I am doing to check my device.
I would turn down a vacation if I knew I would not have access to Wifi or data.
I would willingly leave my phone at home, turned off, for a weekend.
According to “cell phone addiction is not yet
listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5 th Edition, though research has compared it to gambling addiction, which
has clearer diagnostic criteria and is included in the DSM-5.”

At least four of the following signs and symptoms are thought to comprise criteria for cell phone addiction, and the problematic cell phone
overuse must cause significant harm in the individual’s life:

a) A need to use the cell phone more and more often in order to achieve the same desired effect.
b) Persistent failed attempts to use the cell phone less often.
c) Preoccupation with smartphone use.
d) Turns to cell phone when experiencing unwanted feelings such as anxiety or depression.
e) Excessive use characterized by loss of sense of time.
f) Has put a relationship/job/school at risk due to excessive cell phone use.
g) Tolerance (need for the newest cell phone, more applications, or increased use)
h) Withdrawal (when cell phone or network is unreachable) – experiencing anger, tension, depression, irritability, restlessness

Physical Effects of Cell Phone Addiction Psychological Effects of Cell Phone Addiction
*digital eye strain *sleep disturbances
*neck/back pain *depression
*increased illness due to germs that contaminate devices (i.e. not *anxiety
washing your hands after using the toilet & touching your phone).
*accidents (people who think they can multitask) *obsessive compulsive disorder
*male infertility (studies have revealed that cell phone radiation *relationship problems
may decrease sperm count, motility, and viability).

If, after taking the survey and reading the above information, you have concerns about your electronic device usage, please consider
employing some or all of the following strategies:

1. Find out how and why you use your device (i.e. boredom, avoidance, etc.)
2. Refrain from using it during in-person social interactions.
3. Ask others to interact with you in person, instead of through your devices.
4. Keep your notifications turned OFF.
5. Leave your device outside of your bedroom when you sleep AND stop using it for at least three hours before going to bed.
6. Keep your phone turned off and stowed away during class time.
7. Talk to your family &/or friends and ask them to help keep you accountable.
8. Talk to your family doctor for expert advice.

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