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Objective: Different embroidery stitches are performed based on the

given steps.

Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education

Grade Level: Grade 7

Learning across curriculum:

1. Art: Students can explore different patterns and designs in embroidery, enhancing
their artistic skills.

2. Mathematics: Students can measure and calculate the dimensions and placement
of stitches accurately.

3. History: Students can learn about the cultural significance of embroidery in

different civilizations.

Review Motivation:

1. Show examples of intricate embroidered artworks from different cultures and time

2. Share success stories of individuals who have turned embroidery into a successful

3. Conduct a hands-on demonstration of basic embroidery stitches.

Activity 1: Basic Stitches


- Embroidery hoop

- Fabric

-roidery needle

- Embroidery floss

- Scissors

1. Introduce and demonstrate the basic embroidery stitches: running stitch,

backstitch, satin stitch, and French knot.

2. Provide step-by-step instructions for each stitch, including illustrations and written

3. Allow students to practice each stitch on a fabric using different colors of

embroidery floss.

4. Assess students' based on the accuracy and neatness of their stitches.


- Accuracy of stitches: 10 points

- Neatness of stitches: 10 points

Assessment Questions:

1. What is the purpose of the running stitch in embroidery?

2. How is the backstitch different from the running stitch?


Evaluate the students' understanding and execution of the basic stitches. Provide
feedback to help them improve their techniques.

Activity 2: Advanced Stitches


- Embroidery hoop

- Fabric

- Embroidery needle

- Embroidery floss

- Scissors

1. Introduce and demonstrate advanced embroidery stitches, such as chain stitch,

feather stitch, and cross stitch.

2. Provide step-by-step instructions for each stitch, including illustrations and


3 Allow students to practice each stitch on a fabric, incorporating different colors and

4. Assess students' performance based on the accuracy, neatness, and creativity of

their stitches.


- Accuracy of stitches: 10 points

- Neatness of stitches: 5 points

- Creativity of stitches: 5 points

Assessment Questions:

1. What is the difference between chain stitch and feather stitch?

2. How can cross stitch be used to intricate designs?

Evaluate the students' ability to apply advanced stitches creatively. Provide
constructive feedback to enhance their skills.

Activity 3: Embroidery Project


- Embroidery hoop

- Fabric

- Embroidery needle

- Embroidery floss

- Scissors

- Design template or sketch


1. Assign students to create their own embroidery project using the stitches they
have learned.

2. Provide a design template or allow students to create their own sketch.

3. Guide students in choosing appropriate colors and stitches to bring their design to

4. Assess students' embroidery projects based on the complexity, accuracy,

neatness, and creativity of their work.


- Complexity of design: 5 points

- Accuracy of stitches: 10 points

- Neatness of stitches: 5 points

- Creativity of stitches: 5 points

Assessment Questions:

1. How did you choose the stitches and colors for your embroidery project?

2. What challenges did you encounter while working on your embroidery project?

Evaluate the students' ability to apply various stitches and techniques in their
embroidery project. Provide feedback to help them improve their craftsmanship.


Discuss the importance of attention to detail and patience in embroidery. Highlight

the transferable skills acquired through embroidery, such as focus, precision, and


Present a real-life problem where embroidery skills can be applied, such as creating
personalized gifts or designing custom clothing for a local business.


Teachers can assess the students' learning through observation of their embroidery
techniques, participation in class discussions, and evaluation of their completed
projects based on the rubrics provided.


Design and create an embroidered artwork inspired by a famous painting or cultural

symbol, showcasing a variety of stitches and techniques learned. Provide a written
reflection on the process and significance of your artwork.

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