Lesson 4

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oop Isa by the same author Unit 1: Fiction: No.1 and the car thieves Doiyou remember? We can read and understand new words. We can: use phonics to read new words work out the meaning of new words talk about how these words make a story interesting * use the glossary to understand new words write down new words we like and use them in our own writing. We can use our hands and our faces to communicate with others. When we write a story, we can explain how a character feels by describing what they do. Get starte 1 In this next story, car thieves steal an expensive car from outside Mama Coca-Cola’s restaurant. Be a text detective as you read. a Work out the meaning of the words in yellow. Can you spot any ¢ Read each word aloud. clues in the sentence Segment each word and use phonics to read it. (to help you? « Read the sentences you find the words in. b Work out how the characters feel by understanding what they do. The next morning, before the sun has even passed the HanizouH, I am back in the palm tree. “Today I want to see palm nuts,’ Grandmother orders. ‘No matter if cars are stolen left, right and centre!” Uncle Go-Easy, Emergency and Tuesday are picking palm nuts today. Fish needs palm oil to fry. Coca-Cola is in the trees as well. Akara needs palm oil too. Only Sissy and Nike are sweating on the hot ground. Sissy narrows her eyes and sucks her teeth. iction: Different stories by the same auth Unit 1: It is so early in the morning even the road is slow. Only tumble up and down. The one they call Always Willing stops first. Its passengers climb down to eat akara, squatting by the roadside. Then cars start to pass. “Peugeot 504,’ I whisper so Grandmother does not hear me. ‘Santana.’ No WP- The cars park in front of the EHSBRHONSE. People get out to buy akara. The men from the Peugeot eat in their car. I can see them busy on one tiny-tiny laptop. ‘Honda Accord. Golf. Daewoo.” ‘Rolls-Royce Phantom!” Our mouths are open, our hands are frozen. Auniformed driver gets out and opens the back door of the Rolls. A big man in a GHifS(Sesaua robes enters the chop-house to sit on a chair and buy his akara at prices as (ABEEE as his agbada. His driver goes around the back to buy his own akara at a more GifGreGBIB price. “That car is shinier than Saturday night shoes!’ Tuesday whispers. Grandmother looks up. We start to pick nuts again quick-quick. But I keep one eye on the chop-house. I have seen that chief before. In the newspaper! In the Peugeot, the two men are still busy on their laptop. Then one of them jumps out. He jumps into the Rolls. The Peugeot and the Rolls Royce drive off at top speed. The akara falls out of the chief's driver’s mouth. ‘THIEF!’ I shout. ‘THIEF! THIEF!’ People pour out of the chop-house. But by the time the chief emerges, his Rolls Royce is gone, There is only his driver running up the empty road with his mouth still open. Glossary horizon: where the land meets the sky mammy-wagon: bus rumble: move making a deep noise akara: fried bean fritters Popular in West Africa chop-house: a restaurant agbada: a traditional Nigerian outfit for men inflated: make larger affordable: not very expensive ee chief: a local leader I slide down the palm tree and jump to the ground. Coca-Cola, Emergency, Tuesday and Uncle Go-Easy all follow me. Thump! Thump! Thump! Like j ripe fruits falling to the ground To find implicit meanings, look for clues in the way the characters speak or behave. 2 Look for implicit meanings in the extract to answer these questions: a How do we know that Sissy is cross? b How do we know that everyone is amazed when they see the Rolls-Royce? | ¢ How do we know that the driver is shocked when the Rolls-Royce is stolen? d_ Why does Anituke use so many exclamation marks in this extract? Imagine how the car thieves feel as they drive away in the Rolls-Royce. a Mime how the robbers behave before and after they steal the car. How do they look? How do they talk with their hands? b Write the sequence of events from the point of view of the robbers. 1 Reread the extract with a partner. Answer these questions: a Which characters are rich and which are poor? How do you know? b Why does Mama Coca-Cola charge different people different amounts for her akara? ¢ How did the thieves manage to steal the Rolls-Royce Phantom? Reread the last paragraph of the extract above. a Talk about which words help you to imagine what is happening. b Why does Atinuke compare the characters to ripe fruits falling to the ground? Add speech bubbles to your What do you think is going to happen next? eee to show what Will the thieves be caught? Use a storyboard to Ne characters might say. plan the next part of the story. Write your main ideas on the storyboard, w rere 1 Use your storyboard to tell the next | Can you use different part of the story to a partner. voices for different 2 Write the next part of the story. characters?

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