Purposive Communication Module Unit 1 Lessons 2 5

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(Unit 1: Lessons 2-5)

Lesson 2: Communication and Globalization

Write an informal research paper on communication challenges in a global

atmosphere and methods for effective and ethical global communication.


Globalization is the communication and assimilation among individuals,

ethnicities, races, institution, governments of various nations supported by the technology
and compelled by international trade. Due to globalization, the more you become
exposed to diversity--- the valuing of the uniqueness or differences in gender preference,
color, age, religious affiliation, ethnicity, education, social economic status and political

Globalization is not a new process or concept. Years before the advent of

technology, people have been purchasing and selling each other properties, goods and
other object of certain value.


Communication has since been increasingly global, blurring national boundaries. The
ability to communicate effectively in a global setting can be a challenge. Hence, to
effectively communicate in a global context, a general understanding of a differences
in conducting communication from one country to another or from one culture to
another must help avoid miscommunication.

People’s background and experiences influence the view of the world and values,
beliefs and behavior patterns assumed t0 be good. The following are the possible cultural
barriers to effective communication in a global environment.

1. Cultural Relativism
2. Lack of knowledge of other’s cultures
3. Discrimination and harassment
4. Language differences

To get the desired outcomes or response, the above barriers must be properly
addressed. It is the responsibilities of the parties involved in the communication process
to illuminate the possible hindrances in their exchange. The goal of effective global
communication is to achieve communication that gets the desired response leading to
harmonious connection. Krizan (2014) suggests these strategies to become an effective
global communicator:

1. Review communication principles

2. Analyze the message received
3. Be open to accept other cultures
4. Learn about culture and apply what is learned
5. Consider language needs

Activity Time!

Activity 2

Direction: Make an informal research paper on communication challenges in a

global atmosphere and methods for effective and ethical global communication
following these formats:

 Content
 Introduction
 Communication Challenges in global context
 Methods for effective and ethical global communication
 Conclusion
 Porma (for encoded)
 Long bond paper
 1 inch all sides
 Font Size-10.5
 Font style

Grading Rubrics

Criteria Points
Completeness 25 pts
Correctness 20 pts
Timeliness 10 pts
Total 50 pts

Lesson 3: Local and Global Communication in Multicultural Settings


Cite examples on how to enhance one’s ability to communicate with people

from diverse culture.
Create a three-to-four-minute presentation about various cultural modes of
communication of a certain country.


Living in a globalize world, you encounter people with diverse cultural

backgrounds. Such interaction occurs in social, educational, political and commercial
settings. Hence, in today’s era of increased global communication, it is imperative to
understand intercultural communication for us to enhance our intercultural awareness
and competence. Intercultural competence is essential for us to live harmoniously
despite our differences in culture.


Intercultural Communication- refers to interaction with people from diverse

cultures (Jandt, 1998)

Forms of Intercultural Communication

1. Interracial Communication- communication with people from diverse races.

Interethnic Communication- interacting with people with different ethnic
2. International Communication- communicating with representative from different
3. Intracultural Communication- interacting with members of the same racial or
ethnic group or co-culture.

According to Gamble and Gamble (2008), communication style among cultures

are differ; it may be high-context or low-context communication.

High-context Communication- is a tradition-linked communication system which

adheres strongly to being indirect.

Low-context Communication- is a system that works on straightforward


Improving Intercultural Communication Competence

The following guidelines may help you enhance your ability to communicate
effectively across cultures (Gamble and Gamble, 2008).

1. Recognize the validity and differences of communication styles among people

2. Learn to eliminate personal biases and prejudice.
3. Strive to acquire communication skills necessary in multicultural world.


Lesson 4: Varieties and Registers of Spoken and Written Language.


Apply the varieties and registers of spoken and written language in the proper


The spoken mode is often associated with everyday registers while the written
mode is strongly associated with academic registers. However, this is not always true. For
instance, in everyday communication, face-to-face conversations are usually
supplemented by text messaging. In academic context, significance forms of oral
communication are used along with written communication. Significantly, both everyday
and academic communications are characterized by multi-modality or the used of
multiple modes of communication, including spoken, written modes and images, music,
videos, gestures, etc.

Concept Grounding

Varieties of Spoken and Written Language

Lin (2016) presents the following nature of language variation as prescribed by

most linguists base on the idea of Manboob (2014).

1. Language varies when communicating with people within (local) and outside
(global) our community.
2. Language varies in speaking and in writing.
3. Language varies in everyday and specialized discourses.
Mahboob (2014) identifies eight (8) different domains in which language varies
depending on the combinations of different values on the three dimensions (field,
tenor, and mode) of the context of communication.

The first four domains include language variations that reflects local usage done in
one local language or multiple local languages depending on the context. They vary in
the following ways:

1. Local everyday written.

Include instances of local everyday written usage found in the neighborhood
posters (e.g. a poster looking for transient/bed spacers).
2. Local everyday oral.
It may occur in local communication among neighbors in everyday, informal
and local varieties of language.
3. Local specialized written.
An example of this usage can be found in publications and websites of local
4. Local specialized oral.
It involves specialized discourses. For example, in a computer shop in the
neighborhood, specialize local usage can be found (e.g. specialize computer
game-related vocabulary is used)

On the other hand, the other four domain involves global usage. These four
domain of language differ from the first four domains since they refer to context of
language usage where participants need to communicate with people not sharing thei
local ways of using language. They are as follows:

5. Global everyday written.

It avoids local colloquialisms to make the text accessible to wider communities of
readers. This can be found in some international editions of newspapers and
6. Global everyday oral.
It may occur in interactions between people coming from different parts of the
world when they talk about everyday casual topics.
7. Global specialized written.
It expands to as many readers internationally, hence the non-usage of local
colloquial expressions (e.g. international research journal articles).
8. Global specialized oral.
It occurs when people from different parts of the world discuss specialized topics
in spoken form (e.g. paper presentation session in an international academic

It’s Activity Time!

Activity 3

Direction: Make an essay on the topic “The Importance of Using Appropriate

Varieties and Registers of Language in Certain Communication Context”. Make sure
to cite the sources for your idea and do not forget to include reference. You have to
follow these formats:

 Content
 Title
 Introduction
 Body
 Conclusion
 References
 Porma (for encoded)
 Long bond paper
 1 inch all sides
 Font Size-10.5
 Font style
Grading Rubrics:

Criteria Points
Idea and Relevance 25 pts
Organization and Correct use of 15 pts
Timeliness 10 pts
Total 50 pts

Lesson 5: Evaluating Messages and/or Images of Different Types of Text

Reflecting Different Culture

Analyze media messages and/or images using Key Concept of Media Literacy
Create a multimodal advertisement of a cause oriented event.


The Key Concepts of Media Literacy framework serves as a basis for developing a
critical understanding of the content of mass media, the techniques used and the
impact of these techniques. It can be very helpful in the construction of media texts for
different purposes.


It refers to any form of written, spoken or media work conveying meaning to an

audience. It may use words, graphics, sounds, and images in presenting information. It
may also be in oral, print, visual or electronic forms.


Key Concept of Media Literacy (Center for Media Literacy, 2005)


1. What is the message of the text?
1. All media messages are
2. How effectively does it represent reality?
3. How is the message constructed?
1. What lifestyles, values and points of view are
2. Media have embedded
represented in the text?
values and points of view.
2. Who or what is missing?
3.Each person interprets 1. What message do you perceive from the text?
messages differently. 2. How might others understand it differently? Why?
4. Media have 1. What is the purpose of the text?
commercial, ideological or 2. Who is the target audience of the text?
political interests. 3. Who might be disadvantaged?
5. Media messages are 1. What techniques are used and why?
constructed using a 2. How effective are the techniques in supporting the
creative language having messages or themes of the text?
its own rules. 3. What are other ways of presenting the message?

 Deadline for submission is on September 18, 2023. Activities can be done true
written or encoded.
 Read the modules carefully. Long quiz will be given on next meeting.

Good Luck everyone,

Happy Long Weekend!

Prepared by: Sir Photz

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