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Module-I (10 Hours)

DC AMPLIFIERS: Need for DC amplifiers, DC amplifiers—Drift, Causes, Darlington Emitter Follower, Cascode amplifier, Stabilization,
Differential amplifiers—Chopper stabilization, Operational Amplifiers, Ideal specifications of Operational Amplifiers, Instrumentation
Amplifiers. REGULATED POWER SUPPLIES: Block diagram, Principle of voltage regulation, Series and Shunt type Linear Voltage
Regulators, Protection Techniques— Short Circuit, Over voltage and Thermal Protection.

Module-II (10 Hours)

SWITCHED MODE & IC REGULATORS : Switched Mode voltage regulator, Comparison of Linear and Switched Mode Voltage
Regulators, Servo Voltage Stabilizer, monolithic voltage regulators Fixed and Adjustable IC Voltage regulators, 3-terminal Voltage
regulators—Current boosting . SCR AND THYRISTOR: Principles of operation and characteristics of SCR, Triggering of Thyristors,
Commutation Techniques of Thyristors—Classes A, B, C, D, E and F, Ratings of SCR.

Module-III (10 Hours)

APPLICATIONS OF SCR IN POWER CONTROL: Static circuit breaker, Protection of SCR, Inverters— Classification, Single Phase
inverters, Converters – single phase Half wave and Full wave. DIAC, TRIAC AND THYRISTOR APPLICATIONS: Chopper circuits –
Principle, methods and Configurations, Diac and Triac, Triacs – Triggering modes, Firing Circuits, Commutation.

Module-IV (10 Hours)

Industrial timers -Classification, types, Electronic Timers – Classification, RC and Digital timers, Time base Generators. Electric
Welding – Classification, types and methods of Resistance and ARC wielding, Electronic DC Motor Control.
High Frequency heating – principle, merits, applications, High frequency Source for Induction heating. Dielectric Heating – principle,
material properties, Electrodes and their Coupling to RF generator, Thermal losses and Applications.Ultrasonics – Generation and
Text Books:-
1. G.K. Mithal and Maneesha Gupta,Industrial and Power Electronics –Khanna Publishers, 19th Ed.,

2. J. Millman and C.C Halkias,Integrated Electronics, McGraw Hill, 1972.

Reference Books :-
1. Theodore.H.Bogart, Electronic Devices and circuits –Pearson Education,6th Edn., 2003.

2. M. Rammurthy,Thyristors and applications –East-West Press, 1977.

3. Deboo and Burroughs,Integrated Circuits and Semiconductor Devices –ISE.

4. M. H. Rashid, “Power Electronics”, PHI Publisher


• Industrial electronics is a branch of electronics which deals with the electronic devices in
systems or apparatus which are particularly useful in industry.

• It deals with classical (analog or digital) electronic, power electronic, meters, sensors, analyzers,
automatic test equipment, multimeters, data recorders, relays, resistors, waveguides, scopes,
amplifiers, radio frequency (RF) circuit boards, timers, counters, etc.
Also, it deals with equipment such as variable frequency converter and inverter drives,
human machine interfaces, and computer or microprocessor controlled robotics.

• Industrial electronics are also used extensively in: chemical processing plants,
oil/gas/petroleum plants, mining and metal processing units, electronics and semiconductor

• It covers all of the methods and facts of: control systems, instrumentation, mechanism and
diagnosis, signal processing and automation of various industrial applications.
• The scope of industrial electronics ranges from the design and maintenance of simple electrical
fuses to complicated programmable logic controllers (PLCs), solid-state devices and motor drives.

• The core area of industrial electronics is power electronics.

Power Electronics
• Power Electronics combine: power, electronics and control.

• Power deals with the static and rotating power equipments for the generation,
transmission and distribution of electrical energy.

• Electronics deals with the solid-state devices and circuits for signal processing to
meet the desired control objectives.

• Control deals with the steady-state and dynamic characteristics of closed-loop

systems for energy conversion to meet the desired of electrical load.

• Power Electronics is used to change the characteristics (voltage and current

magnitude and/or frequency) of electrical power to suit a particular application.
Ratings of some power devices

• Power diode – 6000 V, 3500 A, 1 KHz

• Thyristors – 6000 V, 300 A, 400 Hz

• Triac – 1200 V, 300 A, 400 Hz

• BJT – 1200 V, 400 A, 20 KHz

• MOSFET – 1000 V, 50 A, 100 KHz

Direct Coupled(DC) Amplifiers
• Need for DC Amplifiers:-

• Used where there is a need of retaining DC components that is

accompanying the AC components.
• Hence, reactive elements can’t be used.

• In industries, often, the signals derived from various transducers

like thermocouples, photodiodes, phototransistors, strain-gauges etc.
are very small in magnitude and vary very slowly w.r.t time.
This small magnitude and slow time varying signal will need DC
• A direct-coupled amplifier or DC amplifier is a type of amplifier in
which the output of one stage of the amplifier is coupled to the
input of the next stage in such a way as to permit signals with zero
frequency, also referred to as direct current, to pass from input to

• The frequency response of the direct coupled amplifier is similar to

low pass filter and hence it is also known as "Low-Pass Amplifier".
• Simple circuit arrangement as there are minimum number of components
• Quite inexpensive
• Can be used to amplify zero and low frequency signals


• In dc amplifier DRIFT is observed, which is an unwanted change in output

voltage without change in input voltage.
• The output changes with the age or time and change in supply voltage.
• Transistor parameters like Vbe and β changes with temperature. This causes
change in collector current and voltage. Therefore, the output voltage changes
• Any noise or stray pickup appearing at the input of the amplifier increases at
the output, due to the high gain.
• Used in TV receivers, computers, regulator circuits and other electronic instruments.

• It also forms a building block for differential amplifiers and operational amplifiers.
Frequency response of an amplifier
Frequency response of a DC amplifier
Basic DC Amplifier
• Collector of T1 is directly coupled to the base of T2.

• VBB1, VBB2 & VBB3 used for biasing.

• VBB2 provides biasing for T1 and T2 both.

• VBB3>VBB2 so that C-B junction of T2 is reverse biased.

• No. of stages is restricted as each successive voltage must be greater.

• Constant gain over all frequency due to the absence of reactive

coupling element.
❑ Uses several batteries.

❑ Installation and maintenance of batteries required.

❑ These batteries have shunt capacitance. These capacitances

deteriorates the performance of amplifier at high freq.
Special DC Amplifier
(i) Darlington Emitter Follower
• Very high current

• Very high input


• Darlington
pairs are widely
available in a single

• Convenient and
easy circuit
configuration to use.
Hybrid parameters

For a CE BJT
Prob. Compare these parameters
with a single stage emitter
• Slow switching speed

• Limited bandwith

• High overall B-E voltage i.e. 2.VBE

• High saturation voltage(0.7 V) which can

lead to power dissipation.
• CE stage in series with a CB stage.
Cascode amplifier without supply
Read section 18.4 from
Mithal and gupta.
DC Amplifier with Stabilization
• The stability of a system is a measure of the sensitivity of a network to variations in its
• In any amplifier employing a transistor the collector current IC is sensitive to each of the
following parameters:

o β increases with increase in temperature

o VBE: decreases about 7.5 mV per
degree Celsius (°C) increase in temperature
o ICO (reverse saturation current): doubles
in value for every 10°C increase in

• Any or all of these factors can cause the

bias point to drift from the designed
point of operation.
• The higher the stability factor, the more sensitive the network to variations in that
• In DC amplifier, it is difficult to maintain stability.

• Variation in output current of first stage gets amplified by 2nd stage.

• One of the limiting factor to use limited no. of stages.

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