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Prescriptive specifications provide step-by-

step details about the required materials and
the preferred means of installation. It includes
three main elements: General Provisions,
Required Products, and Execution
Procedures. General provisions often refer to
the state and federal building regulations that
contractors must abide by. Required products
lists the many products and materials that
the construction project will require based on
its structural requirements and performance
requirements. It contains a lot of information
about each product and how it should
function. Lastly, Execution procedures
explains how to install and prepare the items
and supplies, as well as how to check for
quality and effectiveness. By doing this, the
materials are installed properly.

Performance specifications outline the
project's final operational needs. This kind of
specification defers to the contractor in
determining the specifics of job execution as
long as they meet the ultimate performance
goals rather than providing detailed
instructions for every task.

Contractors frequently employ proprietary
specifications to outline the project's
incredibly precise material and resource
needs. This kind of specification is most
commonly used by contractors to complete
projects on already-existing structures, such
home renovations. The propriety specification
TYPES may include a description of the existing
OF structural materials as well as a list of
complementary or similar materials required
SPECIFICATIONS to complete the project.

Fong, Jillyn M. specification#:~:text=Prescriptive%20specifications%20are%20written%20documents,of%20

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