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NAME: Layno, Mia Angeline B.

Jaurus Pon-an

Directions: Write a reflection paper which is composed of not more
than 300 words based on the question provided below. Type your
reflection paper on this task sheet. Please download first the task
sheet then upload it to this BB Learn.

Rubrics: Logical organization of idea – 10 points, clear contents – 5

points, supporting details are provided – 5 points, meaningful
conclusion is provided – 5 points

1. Why is it important to know the elements and principles of arts?
2. How do we apply the principles of arts in the use of elements?

The elements and principles of arts serve as a guide for us on how

we can appreciate and understand art more. Not everyone is fond of art;
it is not easy for everyone to understand art effortlessly, so the elements
and principles of art are a great help. It also acknowledges the process of
creating art, learning that it is not as easy as it looks. Artists spend their
time and effort in creating art; by thinking of what and where to start, the
context, meaning, and the whole reason to create the art. The art’s
elements and principles are there to serve as “building blocks”, and
without them, it would not be an art and will be pointless. It also helps to
communicate and convey an artist’s thoughts and feelings, which is
better because it helps to make art more realistic which would help
people to relate to the art better and feel connected. We apply the
principles of arts in the use of elements by carefully thinking first of
what principles to apply and if they will be fitting to the art to produce
the elements. Elements are applied and used properly by organizing
them beforehand to avoid the art being overly done and confusing. The
principles also represent how an artist conveys their technique, purpose,
and intention, following the application of the elements of art. The
principles and elements are dependent on one another, the elements
(line, color, shape, form, value, space, and texture) are arranged and
used together in the artwork to produce the principles, and vice versa.
They are basically the foundation of an artwork.

In conclusion, the elements and principles are both important to be

familiar with and are twins, there wouldn’t be art without both.
Analyzation and appreciation of art became less complicated, owing to

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