6 Roulette Betting Systems

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A student from Ramapo College in Mahwah, New Jersey won $37,000 during his first ever trip to a
casino. He visited the Borgata Casino in Atlantic City, NJ not long after his 21st birthday. With no
knowledge of any casino game, he went there with a friend and had no idea what would happen to
him. Little did he know he would stumble across a roulette betting system that would change his
life forever.
Featured in the Bergen Record, Toms River Times, Asbury Park Press, The Star Ledger, NBC NEWS, NJ
News 12, CNBC And well over 30 local media sources.
Roulette has long been as the game with the worst odds in the casino until now…

Gambling…If done the right way, it could pay off a mortgage and secure yourself financially for
the rest of your life. But how in the world do you gamble correctly?
Before I get into this let me just tell you a little bit about myself. My name is John Norman and I
am currently a senior at Ramapo College of New Jersey. I am majoring in Business Finance. I will be
honest hear and admit that I don’t get the greatest grades. My current gpa is 2.3, certainly
nothing impressive here. My career goals are possible work in finance, maybe as a financial
analyst or some job in investment banking. Unless I increase my gpa, these goals may not happen,
especially since the job market today is so competitive and a 2.3 gpa doesn’t exactly jump out at
When not living on campus at school in a cramped apartment with two other roommates,
I still live at home in Red Bank, New Jersey. I am your typical American kid. I love sports. I am a
HUGE Yankees fan. I also like saltwater fishing, playing basketball, and football. My parents are not
rich but earn a good salary. My mother is an accountant and my father is a technician. So now that
I gave you a little background information on myself, I insist that you pay close attention from
now on as things get a little more interesting.
I am different from almost every kid at my college. In fact I am different then nearly every 22
year old in the world. I started to become different when about a year and a half ago I went to
Atlantic City, NJ for the first time. From the moment I stepped into the Borgata Hotel and Casino
my life had changed. If you haven’t figured out yet as to why I am different, then I will give you a
hint. I drive to school in a 2008 BMW 550xi. Here is another hint, I paid for the car myself and it
cost $52,000. In a parking lot full of beat up Hondas and used suvs, you can see why I would stand
out. Now there are several benzes and beemers in the lot too and they do belong to the students,
not the professors, but these cars were paid for by their parents. You see, Ramapo College is located
in one of the wealthiest towns in NJ. It is surrounded by mansions as far as the eye can see. Situated
in the suburbs just outside NYC, it is home to many celebrities and wealthy businessman who work
in the city. Matter of fact, it is one of the wealthiest areas in the country. It’s located not far from
Alpine, NJ, which just last year was labeled as the wealthiest town in the country. You can
imagine how being surrounded by so much wealth can inspire one to work hard in life and hope
to someday live that life.
Now I am sure you are very curious as to what happened that day I stepped into the
Borgata Casino. If you think that I hit a million dollar jackpot, then you would be incorrect. I
happen to be the unluckiest guy on the planet. Nothing ever seems to go my way. In fact winning
a million dollar jackpot can’t even happen in my dreams.
So now let me just cut to the chase and tell you exactly what happened. It all started
about two weeks after I turned 21. I decided to visit a casino with my friend for the first time. I
went with my friend Vinny, who also happened to be my roommate at school.
He had previously been to a casino a few times so he knew the ropes of gambling. So Vinny
and I decided to go to the Borgata Hotel and Casino, as it was the newest casino in Atlantic City.
When we arrived at the casino, I first noticed how tall the actual building was. When I first
stepped inside, there was marble and gold all over the place. The casino was very fancy.
As soon as I stepped foot into the casino, I noticed thousands of slot machines and a bunch of
table games in the middle. Vinny suggested that we play some slot machines so I went along with
him. He told me that slot machines range from $.01 to as much as $5, but most people play the
penny slots or the quarter slots. So I pulled out a crisp $20 and inserted it into the machine. I was
playing just the basic slot machine with the three columns that spin and then stop when you
press the button. After a few spins I was quickly losing my money. I think I only won once and it
was only like $.75. So after about five minutes I had lost my $20. I was quickly turned off from
gambling in the casino. I knew that I already had the worst luck out of anybody on the planet,
and to be honest I kinda already figured before I even made my first bet that I would end up just
losing any money I gambled. That’s kinda how my life played out, but then I made a decision
that would change my life.
My friend asked me if I wanted to play a table game. I said yes (now remember this is the
exact moment in my life when things changed). I saw that there were about twenty different
types of table games. I asked him which one was the easiest to learn to play and he quickly said
roulette. He instructed me on the basics of the game.
You can bet on, red or black, odd or even, first half or second half. These were the basic bets
and they pay 2-1. So if you bet $10 on red, you get back your bet plus an extra $10. The roulette
wheel consists of 35 numbers as well as 0, and 00. The basic layout where you place your bets is
shown below.

This entire row of bets including 1-18, even, red, black, odd, and 19-36 all pay even money
meaning if you bet $10 on red and red come up you get a total of $20 back, thus making $10.

All roulette tables have a table minimum, the one I was about to play was a $10 minimum.
Table minimums vary from casino to casino. Most casinos in Atlantic City have a minimum of $10,
and this holds true for many casinos all around the country. However the minimum goes up on
weekends and late night. So if you’re there on a Friday night after 9pm expect the minimum to be
around $20.
I decided to go ahead and place my first bet on the roulette table, it was $10 on red, and
what do you know, red came up on the wheel and just like that I made $10. I was unbelievably
excited. I had just made $10 in like ten seconds. Back at home it would have took me over an hour
to make $10 working at the local ShopRite grocery store. I now had $20 on hand and decided to
place $10 on odd, in hopes an odd number would come up next, and what do you know the
number 7 come up. I had now won another $10. I was now up $20.
Another bet possible to make is to bet on one of the three columns. A win here will pay 3
to 1. So I decided to give it a go. I decided to increase my bet to $15, half of all the money I had
on me. I placed my $15 on the middle column, and what do u know, the number 20 comes out, a
number located in the middle column.
Because of my win I got back $45 dollars. I felt on top of the world at that point. Your
probably saying to yourself that this guy is full of it, nobody wins 3 times in a row. I completely
understand why anyone would question what I am saying, but it is the truth. I guess it was
beginners luck, but who knows.

There are three columns, 1st 12, 2nd 12, and 3rd 12. Each column consists on 12 numbers.
A bet such as the one depicted below will return your original bet plus 2 times your bet.
For example, If you places $10 on the middle column ( 2nd 12) then you will win $30 if the ball
lands on any number in the middle column.

So I kept on playing the colors and bet on one of the columns. I did this for about an hour,
and before you know it I was back to where I started at $20. So their you go, just like that I was
back to where I started. From what everyone told me whenever you go to a casino you almost
always either break even or lose all your money. But this is not what I had in mind. I went to this
casino to win and to win big, so this was exactly what I was going to do.
I went back to the roulette table after taking a brief break. I put my last $20 on red and
won, so I now had $40. I sat back for a second and analyzed the table and calculated all the odds of
every possible bet. I thought to myself that there has got to be a better way to increase your odds
of winning.
Just betting on red or black only gives you a 50% chance of winning and from my past ten
bets 50% seems to be all I had won. Well after analyzing the roulette table for a good 15 minutes,
I realized that there was a way to increase my odds to a 64% chance of winning. In order to do
this, I would place a bet on two of the columns. If the ball lands on one of the numbers in the
column you bet on, you get back three bets after betting two bets.
As you can see 64% of the board is covered, this gives you a dramatic increase to produce
wins. For example, If you bet $10 on the middle column and
$10 on the third column, you will win $30 if the ball lands anywhere within those two
columns. If the ball lands on 17 which is located in the middle column, you lose your bet on the
third column, but because you hit on the middle column you win three times your bet of $10,
giving you $30.

I decided that since I had $40, I would place $20 on the middle column and $20 on the
third column. The number 28 came up, which is located on the third column. So I hit the
number and won $60, because I get three times my original bet of $20.
Because I was covering 2/3 of the board, I am, hypothetically speaking, due to win two out
of every three spins. So I now had $60. As soon as I scooped up my $60 in chips I laid them right
back on the table and repeated the same bet, but this time I bet $25 on one column and $25 on
another column and I won again. So I now have $85. As quickly as I was making money I quickly
lost it when I bet $30 on 2 of the 3 columns and the one column that I didn’t bet on was the one
that came up, so I was back to $25.
But again I kept repeating the same bet and using the same strategy of betting on 2 of the 3
columns and ended up at $155. In total the strategy of betting on 2 of the 3 columns worked
out great. I would have to say that out of 10 spins on the roulette wheel, I won about 8 of 10. On
the 2 spins that I didn’t win on, I increased my bets on the following spin and then hit again.
By now you are probably very skeptical about my whole story. I know I told you that I
bought a $50,000 BMW and here I am telling you about $155 that I won. $155 does not get you
far in life; it could get you a tank of gas and maybe a pair of sneakers but certainly nothing more.
Now from this point on in the story you must pay close attention because it is from this
point on in my life and possibly your life that will change forever.
I was ecstatic that night at the Borgata, I had won $155 and was loving it. My friend won
about $50. I had rented a room for the night. That night I couldn’t sleep because all I was
thinking about was how I can win even more money. At that time, I was driving a 1998 Jeep
Grand Cherokee that had 125,000 miles and wasn’t going to last much longer. I actually dreamed
that night about buying a new BMW 5 series, and I would never have believed it that I would
actually end up buying one a year later. It was that one night at the Borgata that I laid in bed
thinking about roulette. In my mind I envisioned the wheel and the table and was thinking all
night about how I can better my chances of winning. When I was playing I found a way of
having a 64% winning percentage by betting on two of the three rows. I needed to find a way to
increase the winning percentage.
What I came up with was to bet on the second half and the first column. This bet covers
84% of the board and can produce big wins. There is no bet in any type of gambling that is even
close to an 84% chance of winning. In order to win big, you must bet big. What I thought of doing
is placing $200 on the second half and $100 on the first column. In total you are betting $300.
If the ball lands on a number in the second half, then you win $400, a $100 profit. If the
ball lands in the first column you break even. Remember that with this bet you are covering
84% of the board and you win $100 every time it lands in the second half, but if it lands on the
first column you don’t lose anything. You only lose if the ball lands on the six numbers that you
are not covering. There is only a 16% chance that this happens.

I woke up the next morning and since I only had $155 I went to the atm and withdrew
$200. I only had about $800 saved up in my saving account so I was very nervous about this
whole idea. I proceeded to make my way to the roulette table and go on with my bet. I seriously
think I was the only person in the casino. I was there at about 6 am.
I put down the bet, $200 on the second half and $100 on the first column. The first spin
happened and the ball landed on 3, so I broke even since my total bet was $300 and I got back
$300. The next spin, the ball landed on 26, which is located on the second half, so I had just won
$100. I repeated the bet and the ball landed on 35 which is also located on the second half, so I
won another $100.
After 2 more spins the ball landed on the first column so I had broken even twice in a
row. 2 more spins later and the ball landed in the second half twice. I was now up $400. The next
spin killed me as the ball landed in that 16% that I had not covered so I lost $300. This
$300 loss was quickly made up as I proceeded to hit the second half the next 6 out of 10 times,
with the four times I didn’t hit, it landed within the first column, so in total of after using my
betting system I was up $700. I continued to play for another hour or so and soon found myself
up $2200. I had made $2200 in about 90 minutes. Back at ShopRite I would have made about $16
in two hours. So, I was obviously very excited.

I know $300 is a lot to bet on one bet, but this system works. The only thing that you
have to worry about is if the ball lands on that 16% of the board that you are not covering. In
order to secure yourself of not losing the total $300, you can place what I like to call safety bets.
You can cover the spot you are not betting on by placing lets say $20 on that column. If the ball
lands there you win $120. You are still losing $160 if the ball lands there, but at least you are
not losing all $300. With only 16% of the board covered by this, the chances of this coming up
repeated times are not likely at all. If this system is played repeatedly you will end up making
money. You can try this method for free with play money online and find out how great this
system works. Also are in mind that the zeros themselves act as safety bets. You only lose half your
money if the ball lands on zero for all even money bets.
Another variance to this system is after a few hits on the second half you can switch it up
and place the $200 on the first half and the $100 on the third column. I told you before that I
was up
$2200 after using this system, but I continued to play this system for a few hours and soon found
myself up $6500.
If $300 is too much to bet, another bet I have found tremendous success with is to place
$50 on the 2nd half and $30 on the 1st column. This bet totals $80 and is a little different than the
previous bet because with this bet you will profit from both bets. A hit on the 2nd half will win
you $100, making a $20 profit. A hit on the 1st column will win you $90, making a $10 profit.
Another variation to the safety bet would be instead of betting on the 6 numbers at the
same time you can just bet on 4 of the 6.
For example you can place $5 on 15 and 18 to split the 2 numbers, this bet pays 17-1. You can
place the same bet on 14 and 17 and split those 2 numbers as well. Using this version of the “safety
bet” lets you bet less money overall.
So if $300 is a lot to spend you can easily spend less, yet still make money. Using a lower
denomination of money, you can place $30 on the 1st 12 and $50 on the 2nd half (19-36) along
with the $5 splitting 15 and 18 as well as $5 splitting 14 and 17. This bet totals $90 and covers 34
of the 36 numbers (94% of the board).
If the ball lands within the second half, you win $100, therefore make a $10 profit.
If the ball lands on the 1st 12 you win $90 and you will break even.
If the ball lands on the 2 bets where you split the 2 numbers, then you win $85, thus a
loss of $5.

Profit from every bet placed, giving you a 94% chance of making a profit!

Using the same betting techniques, you can vary it to gain larger profits. For example, placing $120
on the 1st 12, $175 on the second half (19-36), and $20 splitting 15-18 and $20 splitting 14 and
17. This bet totals $335, and although it is a lot to gamble, this bet allows you to profit from
every bet placed. A hit on the 1st12 will win you $360. A hit on the second half will win you
$350. A hit on the 4 numbers , 14,15, 17, 18 will win you $340. This bet gives you a 94% chance to
make a profit.
Another unique betting system that I have used and found success with is the use of the
rows and colors of the table. A closer look at the table below will reveal that the red and black
colors are not evenly distributed over the table. The top row includes 8 red colors and only 4
black colors. The middle row has just the opposite. There are 8 black colors and only 4 red colors.

There is a way to capitalize on the uneven distribution of colors. One bet possible is to bet
on the bottom and middle row, and place a bet on red. A good bet is to place $25 on the middle
row and $25 on the bottom row, as well as $20 on red. This gives you a total bet of $70. A hit on
the middle or bottom row will win you $75, $5 profit.
If the ball lands on a red number located within the middle or bottom row then you will
win $115, a $45 profit. If the ball lands on a red number located on the top row then you lose
$30. If it lands on a black color located on the top row then you lose all your money, but
remember that there are only 4 black numbers in that top row. This betting technique uses the
64% winning percentage that was discussed earlier, by betting on 2 of the 3 rows. The extra bet
placed on red acts as a “safety bet”. By betting on 2 of the 3 rows there is a chance that the ball
will land on the row you did not bet on.
However you have covered 6 of the 10 numbers in that row by betting on red. If the ball lands
in that row and it lands on red then you only lose $30 rather than all $70.
A detailed look at the bet is shown below.
$25 is placed on the middle row as well as the bottom row. Also $20 is placed on red. Instead of
betting on the 2nd 12 and the 3rd 12 as mentioned before to cover 64% of the board, you can bet
the exact same way by betting on the rows instead of the 3 columns. Both the rows and the 1st
12, 2nd 12, and 3rd 12, all contain 12 numbers and pay 2-1

By placing a bet on red, you cover 8 of the 10 numbers in the top row

As I said before I was up to $6500 that day at the Borgata. Part of that $6500 went towards
a 2nd night over in a row at the Borgata and dinner. The next day I decided to raise my bets
significantly, I would bet $800 on the 2nd half and $400 on the 1st column. When I hit the 2nd
half I made $400, and when I hit the 1st column I broke even. After about an hour of playing
this way I was up about $17,000. I had a handful of $500 chips in my hand, which was probably
the greatest feeling in the world. I left the casino that day up $37,000.
Its been 18 months since I stared gambling, and I now have $650,000 in my bank account. I paid for
school myself. You might find this hard to believe but I do still live at home. At least till I finish
this last year at Ramapo College. And I still live in a cramped apartment with 3 roommates, but I
am having the best time of my life. Oh and I recently purchased a second car. It’s a Maserati
Grand Tourismo. A $156,000 car with 600 horsepower.

One final strategy is to bet on 35 of the 36 numbers. This gives you a 99% chance to profit.
You can bet $1 on every number but one, and as long as that one number that you did not bet on
doesn’t come up then you make a $1 profit. You can bet as much as you want such as $10 on every
number but one and make a $10 profit. Its bet to use this technique in online casinos or electronic
roulette featured in some casinos. Those options allow you to press a repeat bet button so you
don’t have to place chips on every number yourself.
My final advice to you is to always be careful when you are gambling, because it is very
addictive. Never get ahead of yourself and always know when to stop. The systems I presented to
you can work great, just be careful and always watch your chips and make sure you don’t lose any,
because you will have a lot of them. Start with the lower money bets, bet $15 on the second half
and $10 on the first column. A hit on the second half will win you $5. After you win for a while
then increase your bets. Bet $30 on the second half and $10 on the first column, a hit here on
the second half will win you $20. Just keep increasing your bets as you increase your bankroll.
Before you know it you will have enough to bet $200 on the 2nd half and $100 on the 1st
column, and then $800 on the 2nd half and $400 on the 1st column.
Welcome to the Holy Grail - The One System to Finally Beat the Casinos - The CLS Holy Grail System
I have been playing roulette for many years now and spent countless hours trying to come up with the
perfect system. It’s not only the long hours that I spent trying to find a perfect system but it’s a lot of
money as well. I must have spent over $2,000 on roulette systems. I bought everything from the Donny
Millionaire system to the Roulette Sniper. And none of them produced results. I even tried to alter their
systems to take out any flaws and I still could not succeed. I am even very good at math, particularly
probability, which is the basis to the game of roulette. I have calculated all the odds possible to come up
with a winning system, but have never even gotten close, Until Now.
I was in New Jersey playing at the Trump Taj Mahal and I noticed a brand new type of roulette game. It is
an electronic roulette machine similar to a slot machine. It has a large touch screen with a picture of the
whole table and a wheel.

This is a picture of the one similar to the one they have at the Taj Mahal. The machine allows you to bet
either $0.25, $0.50, or $1. And you can player either 1, 2, 5, or 10 units for each amount.
So for example if you have the machine set to $0.25,
You can either bet one unit which will be $0.25, 2 units which will be $0.50, 5 units, which will be $1.25,
or 10 units, which will be $2.50. Another extremely important fact to mention here is that all of these
machines feature the European roulette wheel which lowers the house edge because there is only 1 zero
instead of 2 like the American wheel.
Now this system which I will begin to explain is loosely based off the Martingale system. The numerous
even-money bets in roulette have inspired many players over the years to attempt to beat the game by
using one or more variations of a Martingale betting strategy, where in the gamer doubles the bet after
every loss, so that the first win would recover all previous losses, plus win a profit equal to the original
bet. This betting strategy is fundamentally flawed in practice and the near-universal long-term
consequence is a large financial loss.
This system is designed for even money bets such as red/black, odd/even, high/low.
The reason the system fails is that when you receive a string of losses in a row, you may soon exceed the
table minimum, and then you would have lost your entire bankroll. Even just a few losses will be too
much for the average player to recover.
For example, this is how the martingale system plays out starting at $5.
5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280
You can see how just after a few losses you are already risking over $100 on the bet. And having a string
off 8 losses in a row is very common. Most casinos have a table limit of $2000, so after 8 losses you won’t
be able to bet anymore, so this system clearly fails.
Now onto the good stuff.
One of the most popular bets in roulette is betting on 2 of the 3 columns. This is a great hit and run
strategy, as you are covering 2/3rds of the board and will make a profit of one unit.

See below for a diagram of where to place your bets

You can see the 3 columns above, there is the 1st 12, 2nd 12, and 3rd 12 Also on the side you can see 3

This is the same for the columns and the rows. For my systems you will be betting on 2 of the 3 columns
or rows, whichever you choose. I highly recommend you place your bets on the horizontal rows for this
as there is a higher variation in the distribution of numbers.
Now the beauty of the electronic roulette machine is that you can bet as little as $.25, and you can switch
between $.25, $.50, and $1 in between bets. And there are the different amounts of each bet you can play.
There is 1, 2, 5, or 10. There are many variations to bet.
First, we need to take a closer look at the betting pattern I showed you above. When you bet 2/3rds of the
board, you will have about a 66% chance of making a profit.
So let’s break this down further. With a 66% of making a profit, there will be a 33% chance of failure.
So, if we were to play 10 rounds, and since our rate of failure is 33% we can solve this equation.
33/100 x 10 = 3.3
This means that out of the 10 spins of the wheel we will lose about 3 times.
Now this sounds great since we only lose 3 times and win 6 times.
But because we are betting a unit twice on the board when we cover the 2 columns, we will break even
when we have a loss followed by a win.
For example we start with $10:
Player places $1 on one column and $1 on another column covering 2/3rds of the board.
If you lose you are down to $8.
So you do the same on the next bet, place $1 on one column and $1 on another column, so before you
spin the wheel you are down to $6,
If you win this time, you will get back 3 units, bringing you back up to $9.
So have now suffered a 1-unit loss.
The only way this method of play will work is if you hit a streak of wins.
So we need to find a way around these losses, and the only way to do this is with a progressive play.
Now before you start to get angry, because you know that all progressive systems fail, please read on.

Progressive systems fail for two reasons:

You are required to play even money bets, thus having a 50/50 shot at winning. And when you add
in the zeros you are less than a 50% chance
You will progress over the table minimum therefore you will go bankrupt, Not a good feeling,
Now what if you increase that 50% chance of winning to a 66% and cover 2/3rds of the board, you will
have a lot less losses, which means you will not need to progress too high, before getting a win.
So now lets take our 2/3rds of the board bet, and add to it a progressive system.
The main reasons why the roulette machine is attractive:
European wheel, one zero and Low minimum bets
So the progressive system that I will explain is as follows will be for the video roulette machine as well as
online casinos and we set the machine to 25 cent units:
$0.25, $0.75, $2.25, $6.75, $20.25, $60.50
Since you are covering 2/3 of the board, it is not likely that you will get repeated hits in the one column
you are not covering. Notice that the progression does not double after each number because this is not
like the Martingale progression. You cannot play that method when you are making 2 bets each time on
the board as we are when we bet 2 of the 3 rows.
If you do double after each loss, you will find that you will always be one unit down.
So even if you win after 3 losses you will be down 3 units.
The progression I have shown above doubles your bets plus more, this will always keep you ahead.
You always need to double your bet and add one unit in if you want to profit.
There is also an alternate progression using 25 cent units.
The progression shown above will generate a profit for you even after the loss.
Whether you hit on the 2nd or 3rd bet after a loss, you will still make a profit.
Now you can play a safer version using 25 cent units.
The progression mentioned before has you at $10 after 4 losses.
There is also a progression that uses even less money yet still plays 25 cent units as follows:
$0.25, $0.50, $1.50, $4.50 $13.50, $40.50
If you want to win more money each time you can start at a higher progression.
Here we will use $.50 units:
$0.50, $1.25, $3.50, $10.50, $31.50
This will get you winning $0.50 each time vs. $0.25 as stated previously.
This progressive pattern has you profiting after the 1st loss and breaking even after more than one loss.
Another technique that you will want to use is wheel tracking. Take note of where the ball is landing.
Remember you will want to stick to 2 rows when playing The CLS Holy Grail System and never change
them. As you do this, take notice of where the ball is landing. Whenever the ball lands in 1 row for 4 spins
in a row, then you will want to switch your bets and place them on the 2 other rows that the ball has not
landed on during those 4 spins. The system alone already succeeds as it is, but when you add in this
technique your losses are even reduced even further.
For example, if you are betting on the top 2 rows and the ball landed in the top row 4 times in a row, then
you will want to switch you bet to the 2 bottom rows and leave the top row blank.
Or if you are playing the bottom row and the top row, and if the ball landed in the bottom row 4 times in a
row, then you will want to switch your bets to the 2 top rows.
If you do get the ball to land in one row for 4 consecutive spins and you then switch the row you are
betting on, be sure to stay with these rows until you get another 4 hits in the same row again.
Simple math tells you that if you played 10 bets in a row betting on 2 of the 3 rows then you get this
equation: 24/37 x 10 = 6.5
You divide the total number we are covering into the total numbers on the board and multiply by 10
which gives you 6.5.
So we are expected to get a win 6.5 times out of our 10 spins.
Say you get all 3 of those losses in a row.
Well then that means that the next bet will only be $5.
This is where this system shines. You never need to bet extremely large amounts of money with this
system, and this is why I highly recommend this for video roulette.
As I stated in the beginning of this report, the values on the electronic roulette machines are 1, 2, 5, 10.
That’s how many units of each amount you can bet. However newer and newer machines keep popping
up with many different variations.
Some European models have 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15. This allows for much greater variation in your bets.
There are also machines that let you bet more than $1. These machines are located in the higher stakes
area of many casinos. The values on them are $1and $2. So with so much variation in these machines, this
system gets better and better.
Now many of these video roulette machines have fixed amounts. The progressions I gave you previously
for the $0.50 and $0.25 units are highly recommended for online play and video roulette machines that
do not have fixed values. However many video roulette machines allow you to bet whatever amount you
If the video roulette machine you’re playing at has fixed amounts, then you can try this progression:
$0.25, $1, $2.50, $10

So let’s do a test run, Suppose we place $.25 on 2 of the 3 rows and we start with a $50 bankroll:
1. Win = $50.25
2. Win = $50.50
3. Loss = $50 Now as we lost we place $1 on 2 of the 3 rows, bringing our bankroll down to $48
4. Win = $51 We won so we now go back to betting $.25
5. Loss = $50.50 We loss so we now bet $1
a. Loss = $48.50 We loss so we now bet $2.50 and our bankroll goes down to $43.50
b. Win = $51 Our bankroll is back up.
So even after 3 losses in 7 spins, we still managed 4 units profit.

This system is by no means a get rich quick scheme. It is just guaranteed profits every time.
Since you are betting very little at a time, this system is ideal for everyone from beginners to experts.
You can expect to make from around $30-$60 an hour betting 25 cent units, and $60-$100 an hour
betting 50 cent units.

Here is the progression recommended for online casinos as well as table roulette games that have a table
minimum of $1:
$1, $3, $9, $27, $80
The Progression above will always keep you up a unit, thus always profiting.
There is also another progression using $1 bets that will have you break even after a loss.
This is a safer progression because the bets don’t get too high after a loss, and it is as follows:
$1, $2, $6, $20, $40, $136
Now when you look at this progression you may be startled by the high numbers at the end of the line,
but remember you are not playing an even money bet, meaning you do not have a 50% chance of
winning, we have a 66% chance of winning and we are using an European single 0 wheel. We are
covering 2/3 of the table and repeated hits in the row are unlikely. This system just milks all the online
casinos every time.
There has never been a time when I did not profit playing online. I personally have been playing at
bodog, and I always log off of it with at least a $50 profit. Try it for yourself and you will be
amazed. Try it for fun first so you can get a feel for the system.
The number one rule when playing roulette is to never gamble your own money. For your first
time playing you will need to use your own money of course, but when you do make sure you have
a comp card that is inserted into the machine. Most casinos are willing to give out at least $15 in
free slot dollars for your next trip. When you are betting 25 cent units, $15 can go a long way.
Some advice when you are playing online casinos, is to look for the casino with the highest bonus.
You will also get a bonus system along with this system that shows you one particular casino that
gives a great bonus and a system that works with the bonus.
Also as I said before, I don’t recommend this for table games at land casinos only because most
tables have a table minimum of $5.
If you can find a table with a $1 minimum then you can use this system. Your best bet is to go in
the morning and early afternoon to find a $1 table. Most of the time the table minimums get raised
through the day.
Your best bet with this system is to stick to $0.50 and $0.25 units. Profiting with these units is
slow but it adds up quickly.
If you have any questions about anything mentioned here please email me at

Copyright2009 James Michael Quigley

The Trident System

Hello, I would like to introduce you to a roulette system I recently designed. I have been playing
roulette for several years and bought perhaps every roulette system under the sun. About 2
months ago I came across a system created by a guy called Donny Millionaire. He was selling it for
$1,000 on his site and could not figure out why the high price. All it was, was a set of DVDs. I was
on a message board online and found a guy who actually bought his system and all he got was a
bunch of word documents.
The $1,000 product he was selling consisted of a few systems. One of them claimed that you can
profit from every spin of the wheel. You covered 100% of the board and profited on every spin.
Now anyone with half a brain can tell that his whole system was BS. Because there is no way to
cover the entire board and profit on every spin. The house edge eliminates that possibility.
Well I had to find out more, so I went ahead and bought his system, now I will not tell you anything
that was in his system, because I must respect the rights of the creator of the product, but I would
like to point out one very interesting system in his report titled “The Double Pitchfork System”
The Double Pitchfork System was the one system that sparked my curiosity because the statistics
he came up with really seemed to work. His Pitchfork System is the base of my system.
Before I go into my system “The Trident System” I just want to bring up another system that plays
a part of my system and this is the “The D'Alembert System”, also called montant et demontant
(upwards and downwards).
It is often called a pyramid system. It is based on a mathematical equilibrium theory devised by a
French mathematician of the same name. Like the Martingale System, which is a system that
requires you to double your bets after a loss, this system is mainly applied to the even-money
outside bets and is favored by players who want to keep the amount of their bets and losses to a
The betting progression is very simple:
After each loss, one unit is added to the next bet,
and after each win, one unit is deducted from the next bet.
Starting with an initial bet of, say, 10 units, a loss would raise the next bet to 11 units.
If this is followed by a win, the next bet would be 10 units.
Another win would lower the next bet to 9 units.
The elegance of the D'Alembert system that makes it a classic is: Whenever the number of wins
equals the number of losses, the net gain is equal to the number of wins.
Now I have played this method before and it does work, but there is a flaw. Much like any system,
the one major downfall is long losing streaks. Such as if you’re playing the black color and red
comes out 10 times in a row. Well I feel that I have worked that kink out of the system.
Trident System
The Trident System works just like the D’Alembert System in that you will play only even -money
bets. You will also increase your bet one unit after a loss and decrease your bet one unit after a
See below for an example -
A player places 5 bets
1. Bet $5 : Outcome=Lose
2. Bet $10 : Outcome= Lose
3. Bet $15 : Outcome= Win
4. Bet $ 10 : Outcome=Win
5. Bet $5
As you can see the basic principle above, you increase your bet one unit after a loss and decrease
your bet one unit after a win. I recommend $5 units to play The Trident System.
Now for the next step in the Trident System: What I suggest playing is red/black. As you play
these colors you need to visualize the black side as being positive and the red side as being
As I mentioned before, the one flaw to all systems is long streaks of one color coming up. When
you play the Martingale System, you are required to double your bets after a loss. Well after a
while of losses and constant doubling of your bets, you will eventually run out of money or reach
the table minimum.
What you will need to do is work both colors into the equation, by doing this you will create an
equilibrium within your betting progression. You will never be placing too much money on either
For instance, Bet $5 on black, if you win then Bet $5 on Red, if you lose then Bet $10 on Red, if you
win Bet $5 on Red, if you win Bet $5 on Black.
The system requires you to increase your bet one unit after a loss and decrease your bet one unit
after a win. If you have several wins on won color and you are back to the $5 that you started
with, then your bet needs to shift to the other color. This will create the equilibrium in your bets.
Imagine the line between the red color and the black color as “The Line of Equilibrium.” You will
never want to stray to far from this line either way. It’s when you venture away from the
equilibrium line, that you then will begin to suffer losses.
See Below for an example:
1. Player places $5 on Black and Loses
*(Since you lost, you then increase your next bet one unit)
2. Player then places $10 on Black and Wins
*(Since you won, you then decrease your bet one unit)
3. Player then places $5 on Black and Wins
*(Notice on the next bet, since your next bet should statistically be zero, you will instead place $5 on
Red, this is the shift from Black to Red and this is what prevents long losing streaks)
4. Player then places $5 on Red and Loses
5. Player then places $10 on Red and Loses
6. Player then places $15 on Red and Wins
7. Player then places $ 10 on Red and Wins
8. Player then places $ 5 on Red and Wins
*(3 Wins in a row brings you back to equilibrium line, so now your next bet will be $5 on Black)
9. Player then places $5 on Black

You can see how the bet swayed back and forth from black to red. It’s the change in betting
patterns that allows you to stay away from long losing streaks. You will also notice that despite 5
straight Red outcomes, you still made up for the losses and you never ventured to far from the
equilibrium line.
The base of the Trident System is the D’Alembert System as I mentioned before and it can work
wonders by itself. See below:
1.Bet $5 Lose
2. Bet $10 Lose
3. Bet $15 Lose
4. Bet $20 Win
5. Bet $15 Win
6. Bet $10 Win
Outcome= +3 units or $15
As you can see you broke even in regards to win and losses, yet you still made a profit

When you use the Trident System you get the advantage of the D’Alembert System without having
to worry about long streaks of one color coming up. Now the reason why I have called it the
“Trident System” is that it will replicate this technique 3 times. There are 3 even money bets on
the table
( red/black, odd/even, first half/second half ).
When you use The Trident System you will use the techniques mentioned above on all 3 of these
even money bets. It would be wise however to keep a notepad handy because it can be confusing
trying to keep track of your bets. As I said before your bets will sway back and forth between
odd/even, red/black, and first half/second half. I would recommend starting with a bankroll of at
least $100 of $5 chips if your just playing red/black. If you are going to play all 3 even money bets
at once, then $300 is recommended as a starting bankroll. I believe that it is ok to carry a notepad
and pen at land casinos, so this is recommended.
The Vellasio System
Laid before you here today may be the greatest roulette system you will ever read. For a roulette
system to be successful it must work in 2 ways: short term and the long term
There are endless amounts of roulette systems out there that work in the short term, but fail
miserably in the long term. It is the major flaw of just about every system out there.
Placing a quick bet and leaving is a great way to win at roulette, however you would not need a
system for this, just a little luck. And this is where your short term victory’s come into play
A roulette system is designed to help you win in the short run and the long run. However a
problem with roulette systems these days is that they do neither.
Many roulette systems combine a ton of jibberish and complication that makes it unreadable.
They add “fluff to a system” so it seems that you are getting more for your money. They add in
symbols and pictures and all other kinds of nonsense that does not relate to their system.
So what I am going to do is get right down to the point.
First off, as I said before a roulette system must win long term and short term.
Secondly, a roulette system is based upon 2 theories:
You are waiting for a certain number or group of numbers to NOT appear for a certain amount
of spins and then you are required to bet on them.
The second theory is that you continually bet on each spin, but if you get a loss, you will
increase your bets on the next spin.
I will tell you right now that the most inspiring system and perhaps the greatest system is
when you bet on 2 of the 3 dozens.
You place 1 unit on 2 of the 3 dozens and cover nearly 66% of the board. If you get a hit on the
2/3rds of the board you’re covering then you profit one unit.
This is by far the greatest technique for playing roulette. It really works and if you can get a few
wins in a row then you are set for the day. Unfortunately with this system there is a flaw. If you get
a loss after 2 wins in a row then you are right back to where you started because you would have
lost your previous 2 winnings. So if you played this system out you will always end up breaking
even in the end. Of course when you add in the house edge you will actually be down about 5% of
your starting bankroll.
However I would still recommend this system as a great hit and run strategy because you are
covering 2/3rds of the board and have a great shot to profit.
But now, what if there was a way to cover more of the board and increase our success of
making a profit. You may have seen some of the other systems out there such as Donny
Millionaires “win on every spin system” where he tells you to cover every number but 1.
So here you will risk $35 to win only $1. That is obviously not logical. A good rule of thumb
when playing roulette or analyzing a new system is that you never want to risk more than double
what your expected winnings are.
So now lets break down my system:
In order to gain more coverage of the table without producing some insane system such as
betting on every number, we must use groups of numbers. This will minimize our total bet and
provide less risk.
One group we will be betting on is the second half (18 numbers).
The other is the first dozen (12 numbers).
Or you can reverse it and bet the first half and the third dozen.
A closer look at the table will reveal that we are covering 84% of the board, a huge increase
from the 2 dozens system I mentioned earlier. And the beauty is that we are only placing 2 bets.
We cover about 20% more of the board than the 2 dozens system, making this a far superior bet
The Gameplay:
For a smaller bankroll place $20 on the 2nd half and $10 on the 1st column. A hit on the 2nd half
will win us $10. A hit on the 1st column will break even. You will always need to be placing a 2:1
ratio for our bets. So, either $10 on the 2nd half and $5 on the 1st dozen, or $50 on the 2nd half
and $25 on the 1st dozen.
If the ball lands on the 7 numbers we are not covering then you will lose your whole bet. A
progressive method could be used to recover any losses, but that gets very risky. Progressive
methods are well known to destroy an entire bankroll after only a few losses. One way to avoid
needing to add a progression is to use wheel tracking. I used to progress on my units after a loss
but I found a way to not need to do that because I wouldn’t get losses. I didn’t get losses, because I
used proper wheel tracking.
As I mentioned on the first page, one aspect of a roulette system is wheel tracking. So now we
will add this to our system. We will only place our bets after the ball lands in 7 uncovered numbers
for 2 consecutive spins. This is not uncommon and you will not need to wait long. This will just
prove as an added safety measure. You will not place any bets until you have seen the ball land in
the uncovered numbers for 2 consecutive spins. After you place your bets after the ball landed in
the uncovered numbers, the chances that the ball will land there again is .4% From there, its game
You can bet 2 units on the first half and 1 unit on the 3rd dozen. You are actually waiting for 2
consecutive hits on the double street (or the 6 numbers plus the zero) we are not covering in
between the first half and the 3rd dozen. So if the ball lands on the dozen that you are covering
and you keep breaking even, you will want to keep on betting till you get 3 consecutive hits in the
large group you are covering (either the second or first half). Remember that is the first half or the
second half that is making us our money. So when you get 3 consecutive hits in this area then stop
Spin the wheel without betting and wait for the ball to land in the uncovered numbers for 2
consecutive spins, then proceed with the system. Remember once you see the ball has landed in
the uncovered area 2 consecutive times, you will start betting with 1 unit on the first dozen and 2
units on the second half, you will only stop betting until the ball has landed in the second half for 3
consecutive spins.
EXAMPLE: If the ball lands in the first dozen twice, and then the second half twice you should keep
betting because the ball has not yet landed in the second half 3 consecutive times....
If it bounces back between the 1st dozen and the 2nd half then you will be rapidly increasing your
bankroll. If the ball lands in the uncovered area during your session, in the middle of your play,
then don’t worry, just continue your bets When beginning your session, waiting for those 2 hits
may take a while, so you can wait for only 1 consecutive hit. I have had tremendous success
playing that way.
This Is The Technique Right Here That Changed My Life
There is also a higher bankroll bet that is recommended after you have built your bankroll up.
You place $200 on the 2nd half and $100 on the 1st column. A hit on the 2nd half will win you
$100 and a hit on the 1st dozen will break even. After only a couple hits on the 2nd half and you
are set for the day. I would suggest a target mark around $1000 for the day. Once you hit $1000
you should stop.
Now before you place your $300 bet I highly recommend that you wait for 2 consecutive hits
on the 7 numbers we are not covering. This is highly recommended when you risk $300 on one
bet. By waiting for these 2 consecutive hits in any of the 7 numbers we do not cover, we almost
ensure ourselves of winning $100 on the next spin. Once again the chance that the ball will land in
the uncovered numbers for a third consecutive turn is .4%

The Mathematics Behind The System

So now lets have a look at the precise mathematics behind our system to fully understand it.
As you know we are leaving 7 numbers uncovered. Those 6 numbers are called the double
street, and of course there is the zero. They are the 2 vertical columns containing 3 numbers in
each column for a total of 6 numbers each.
The probability that the double street will hit one time is: 16%
The equation: 6/36 = .162 or 16%

The probability that the double street will hit twice in a row is: 2.6%
The equation: .162 x .162 = .026

The probability that the double street will hit three times in a row is: .4%
The equation: .162 X .162 X .162 = .0042

So, during the play of the system, while we are betting the dozen and the half, our only fear is that
the ball will land in the uncovered numbers. As you can see from the equations above, there is a
16% chance that the ball will land in these numbers. If the ball does land there, then don’t worry
and continue your betting because the chance of the ball landing there again is 2.6%. In the very
extreme scenario that the ball landed there twice in a row, then the chance the ball will land there
a third time is .4%. A very minuscule figure to never need to worry about.
This is a very powerful system and it does work. As your bankroll builds you can move up to
higher levels, such as betting $800 on the second half and $400 on the first column. A hit on the
second half wins you $400 and you break even with a hit on the first column.
As you increase your bets, you must increase the amount of times you wait for the ball to land
on the 7 numbers we are not covering. Depending on your patience level, I suggest waiting 2 or 3
hits in the uncovered numbers before betting $200 and $100. If you are betting $400 and $200, I
would wait for 3 or 4 hits in the uncovered numbers. If you are betting at extremely high units
above $400 then wait 4 or more spins in the uncovered numbers. I do realize that it could be a
very long time before you get a hit of 4 consecutive spins in the 7 numbers, so I have played only 2
hits and have had success. So no matter what level you play at just wait 1 or 2 hits in the
uncovered numbers before placing your bets. If you do have a ton of patience, then wait around 4
hit in the 7 numbers.
Also be sure to only play at a European roulette table because they only have one zero which
minimizes the house edge.
Betvoyager casino has a roulette wheel without a zero so there is no house edge. If you are outside
of the US then be sure to play at that casino. Another very unique casino is Virgin Casino. They
have special roulette table with bonus zones on the wheel.
The Zero Factor - Betting "all sides", is that really The Most Stupid Bet?
Mr. Oops explains why this seemingly stupid bet can be a really good idea.

DO YOU use progressions?

Do you bet on the "even" chances, Columns, Dozens or the Streets (3- or 6-numbers)?
If your answer is "yes" to both questions, this one is for you!
I am going to show you that betting "all sides" of a bet - meaning both Red AND Black, all three
Dozens or, why not, all twelve Single Streets at the same time - will eliminate a part of the loss
when a Zero hits and, in the case of the "even" chances, will need a smaller bankroll than needed
when betting one side only!
Why the latter is the case, is explained in Part 2, while showing how to achieve the former will be
done with the aid of an example sequence of spins (25 - 10 - 18 - 25 - 33 - 7 - 30 - 7 - 0 - 29) where
a progression (Martingale) is used on the Low/High bet. I chose the Low/High bet because of
simplicity (you can easily see which won) and the Martingale because of clarity (a double bet is
very distinct). However, all of this is adoptable to other progressions and all the above-mentioned
bets, and you will have no problems understanding how to use your favorites.
Part 1: The Zero Factor
To really understand what happens here, I think it is necessary to first show what happens if only
one side at the time is bet.
Let us start with Low:
Spin 1: We bet 1 on Low. Decision: 25 High. We lose. Net Result: -1
Spin 2: We bet 2 on Low. Decision: 10 Low. We win. Acc Net Result: +1
Spin 3: We bet 1 on Low. Decision: 18 Low. We win. Acc Net Result: +2
Spin 4: We bet 1 on Low. Decision: 25 High. We lose. Acc Net Result: +1
Spin 5: We bet 2 on Low. Decision: 33 High. We lose. Acc Net Result : -1
Spin 6: We bet 4 on Low. Decision: 7 Low. We win. Acc Net Result: +3
Spin 7: We bet 1 on Low. Decision: 30 High. We lose. Acc Net Result : +2
Spin 8: We bet 2 on Low. Decision: 7 Low. We win. Acc Net Result: +4
Spin 9: We bet 1 on Low. Decision: ZERO! We lose. Acc Net Result: +3
Spin 10: We bet 2 on Low. Decision: 29 High. We lose. Acc Net Result: +1

Please note the results after the last 3 spins:

Spin 8: +4,
Spin 9: +3 and
Spin 10: +1 as those figures are keys to understand how this works.

Now let's see what happens when we are betting High:

Spin 1: We bet 1 on High. Decision: 25 High. We win. Net Result: +1
Spin 2: We bet 1 on High. Decision: 10 Low. We lose. Acc Net Result : 0
Spin 3: We bet 2 on High. Decision: 18 Low. We lose. Acc Net Result: -2
Spin 4: We bet 4 on High. Decision: 25 High. We win. Acc Net Result: +2
Spin 5: We bet 1 on High. Decision: 33 High. We win. Acc Net Result: +3
Spin 6: We bet 1 on High. Decision: 7 Low. We lose. Acc Net Result: +2
Spin 7: We bet 2 on High. Decision: 30 High. We win. Acc Net Result: +4
Spin 8: We bet 1 on High. Decision: 7 Low. We lose. Acc Net Result: +3
Spin 9: We bet 2 on High. Decision: ZERO! We lose. Acc Net Result: +1
Spin 10: We bet 4 on High. Decision: 29 High. We win. Acc Net Result: +5

(Please note the 3 last results) This is not a bad ending, is it? We are 1 unit up on Low and 5 units
up on High despite we had a total loss on the Zero. So it didn't matter which side we were betting;
the end result is positive.
But what would happen if we bet BOTH sides at the SAME TIME?
Spin 1: Bet 1 Low + 1 High, Total bet 2. Decision: 25 High. Win 1, Lose 1. Net Result: 0
Spin 2: Bet 2 Low + 1 High, Total bet 3. Decision: 10 Low. Win 2, Lose 1. Acc Net Result: +1
Spin 3: Bet 1 Low + 2 High, Total bet 3. Decision: 18 Low. Win 1, Lose 2. Acc Net Result: 0
Spin 4: Bet 1 Low + 4 High, Total bet 5. Decision: 25 High. Win 4, Lose 1. Acc Net Result: +3
Spin 5: Bet 2 Low + 1 High, Total bet 3. Decision: 33 High. Win 1, Lose 2. Acc Net Result: +2
Spin 6: Bet 4 Low + 1 High, Total bet 5. Decision: 7 Low. Win 4, Lose 1. Acc Net Result: +5
Spin 7: Bet 1 Low + 2 High, Total bet 3. Decision: 30 High. Win 2, Lose 1. Acc Net Result: +6
Spin 8: Bet 2 Low + 1 High, Total bet 3. Decision: 7 Low. Win 2, Lose 1. Acc Net Result: +7
Spin 9: Bet 1 Low + 2 High, Total bet 3. Decision: ZERO! Win 0, Lose 3. Acc Net Result: +4
Spin 10: Bet 2 Low + 4 High, Total bet 6. Decision: 29 High. Win 4, Lose 2. Acc Net Result: +6

If you compare these last 3 results with the sum of the same results above, they are exactly the
Spin 8: 4 + 3 = 7,
Spin 9: 3 + 1 = 4 and
Spin 10: 1 + 5 = 6. (This is true for all spins - check it!)

So, what's the benefit here? The answer is: There is none!
There is no benefit at all, because of the way we made the bets; we were betting as if we were 2
persons betting one side each, and at the end of the series we put our results together.
This is obviously a dead-end but we can do exactly the same thing in a much better way:

Betting the DIFFERENCE between the 2 bets (or between ALL bets, if you are betting something
else). This means that you subtract the lowest bet (in units) from all bets - even itself, thereby
making itself a zero-unit bet (no bet).
Have a look at the same sequence as above, bet this way:
Spin 1: (1 Low + 1 High) We bet Nothing as the two are equal. Decision: 25 High. Net Result: 0
Spin 2: (2 Low + 1 High) We bet 1 on Low as 2 - 1 = 1. Decision: 10 Low. We win. Acc Net Result:
Spin 3: (1 Low + 2 High) We bet 1 on High as 2 - 1 = 1. Decision: 18 Low. We lose. Acc Net Result:
Spin 4: (1 Low + 4 High) We bet 3 on High as 4 - 1 = 3. Decision: 25 High. We win. Acc Net Result:
Spin 5: (2 Low + 1 High) We bet 1 on Low as 2 - 1 = 1. Decision: 33 High. We lose. Acc Net Result:
Spin 6: (4 Low + 1 High) We bet 3 on Low as 4 - 1 = 3. Decision: 7 Low. We win. Acc Net Result:
Spin 7: (1 Low + 2 High) We bet 1 on High as 2 - 1 = 1. Decision: 30 High. We win. Acc Net Result:
Spin 8: (2 Low + 1 High) We bet 1 on Low as 2 - 1 = 1. Decision: 7 Low. We win. Acc Net Result:
Spin 9: (1 Low + 2 High) We bet 1 on High as 2 - 1 = 1. Decision: ZERO! We lose. Acc Net Result:
Spin 10: (2 Low + 4 High) We bet 2 on High as 4 - 2 = 2. Decision: 29 High. We win. Acc Net Result:

As we saw above, when we actually bet both sides at the same time, the result after spin 8 was +7
units. This last way, the result is the same - exactly as all the other results before the eighth spin
(check it).
So there is still no benefit up to and including Spin 8!
The truth is:
As long as the Zero doesn't hit, the result of betting the difference will always be exactly the
same as betting all sides at the same time. But when the Zero hits, only the difference is at
stake thus losing less than if both sides had been bet - this is "The Zero Factor".
Now compare the "added" result with the "difference" result after the 9th spin, when the Zero has
hit: Betting both sides, the result is +4 but betting the difference keeps our result up at +6 - that's
two units more! And this difference will be the same for all future spins (as can be seen at Spin 10
where the "added" result is +6 while the "difference" result is +8) until the zero hits again, when
the difference will be even bigger.

As a last example in this part, I will show you how to calculate the "difference" bets when you are
betting, for example, the Double Streets (6-numbers). Suppose your six bets - according to your six
separate progressions - are: 5 + 6 + 2 + 6 + 2 + 3 for Streets 1 to 6 respectively. The lowest bet is 2
and this figure we subtract from all bets including the 2s themselves. This ends up in that for
Streets 1 to 6 you shall bet: 3 + 4 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 1 (no bets on Streets 3 and 5). Whichever street
wins, your result will be exactly the same in both cases (try it!) but if the Zero hits you will lose
only 12 units betting the difference, compared to betting all streets when the loss would be 24 -
you save HALF the bet! This is saving money exploiting "The Zero Factor"

In the second part, I will show you why a smaller bankroll is needed when betting both sides of
"even" chances, compared to betting one side only. There is, however, something there even for
you who bet the thirds or the streets as the savings are considerable using the "difference" instead
of all sides - you always save more than one bankroll!

IN PART 1 we learned that any kind of progression and any of the bets "Even", Thirds or Streets,
will benefit from betting the difference of an all-sides betting. But this way may at first appear
expensive as you have to bet all sides - 2 bankrolls for Red/Black betting, 3 for Dozens etc.
Let me assure you this is not so:

Part 2: The Bankroll Benefit

The most obvious benefit is that you need one bankroll LESS than you would, had you bet the
sum of all bets. So for betting Red/Black you will only need one bankroll, for betting all the Dozens
you need 2, for the Double Streets 5, and for the Single Streets you will need 11 bankrolls.
Let me explain why this is so:
The technique behind betting the difference is, as we saw in Part 1, to subtract the lowest bet from
all bets. One consequence of this is that the lowest bet will reduce itself to nothing and this will
happen every time you are betting. And then, as you actually completely delete one bet every
time, you are saving one bankroll namely the bankroll handling the "lowest bet".
But you don't have a bankroll handling the lowest bets, only the Red/Black bankroll! Well, that
doesn't matter, really; as you are deleting one bet every spin, no matter what bet - this will even
out in the long run - you are in fact deleting one complete bankroll and deleting one bankroll
means that one bankroll is saved.
That's why you only need
For betting RED and BLACK: 1 bankroll
For betting LOW and HIGH: 1 bankroll
For betting EVEN and ODD: 1 bankroll
For betting ALL COLUMNS: 2 bankrolls
For betting ALL DOZENS: 2 bankrolls
For betting ALL DOUBLE STREETS: 5 bankrolls
For betting ALL SINGLE STREETS: 11 bankrolls
But this is not all: You will, in reality, need even less than that due to the fact that you always
subtract the lowest bet from all bets thus diminishing all bets to some degree - admittedly most of
the time by one single unit only. But this is enough to give you a reduction of your bankroll needs
and this is especially obvious for the "even" chances Red/Black, Low/High or Even/Odd as the
bankroll needed for betting both ways at the same time is LESS than what is needed for betting
only one side!
First you delete one bet/bankroll so you will only need one. But then your lowest bet (that never
will be actually bet) will reduce the other bet thus giving the result of a lower bet than what
should have been bet in the original way.
Let's look at it this way: We are going to bet the Martingale up to, and including, the 3rd bet, thus
the bankroll needed is 1 + 2 + 4 = 7 units (this is NOT a recommended way to play).
If the 3rd bet (4 units) is lost, we stop the game.
Now, we hit the bad streak:
Spin 1: (1 Low + 1 High) We bet Nothing as the 2 are equal. Decision: 5 Low. Net Result: 0
Spin 2: (1 Low + 2 High) We bet 1 on High as 2 - 1 = 1. Decision: 6 Low. We lose. Acc Net
Result: -1
Spin 3: (1 Low + 4 High) We bet 3 on High as 4 - 1 = 3. Decision: 10 Low. We lose. Acc Net
Result: -4
As we lost the 4 units on High, we terminate the session.
As you can see, the bankroll needed is not 7 units; it's only 4!
But this is the Martingale; I have used it in the examples because it is a simple progression and it
clearly shows what is happening. As I have said before; any progression can be used.
When using the Martingale progression, we mostly have a lowest bet of 1 unit, meaning that the
other bets are not lowered very much.
There can be a big difference, however, if you use a progression that does not immediately return
to the lowest bet after a win (and/or you start with another value than 1).
Such a progression is the d'Alembert; increase your bet 1 unit after a loss and decrease 1 unit after
a win.
Let's see what would have happened if we used this progression instead, betting the 10 spins from
Part 1.

Spin 1: (1 Low + 1 High) We bet Nothing as the 2 are equal. Decision: 25 High. Net
Result: 0
Spin 2: (2 Low + 1 High) We bet 1 on Low as 2 - 1 = 1. Decision: 10 Low. We win. Acc. Net
Result: +1
Spin 3: (1 Low + 2 High) We bet 1 on High as 2 - 1 = 1. Decision: 18 Low. We lose. Acc Net
Result: 0
Spin 4: (1 Low + 3 High) We bet 2 on High as 3 - 1 = 2. Decision: 25 High. We win. Acc Net
Result: +2
Spin 5: (2 Low + 2 High) We bet Nothing as the 2 are equal. Decision: 33 High. Acc Net
Result: +2
Spin 6: (3 Low + 1 High) We bet 2 on Low as 3 - 1 = 2. Decision: 7 Low. We win. Acc Net
Result: +4
Spin 7: (2 Low + 2 High) We bet Nothing as the 2 are equal. Decision: 30 High. Acc Net
Result: +4
Spin 8: (3 Low + 1 High) We bet 2 on Low as 3 - 1 = 2. Decision: 7 Low. We win. Acc Net
Result: +6
Spin 9: (2 Low + 2 High) We bet Nothing as the 2 are equal. Decision: ZERO! Acc Net
Result: +6
Spin 10: (3 Low + 3 High) We bet Nothing as the 2 are equal. Decision: 29 High. Acc Net
Result: +6

Compare this result with the 2 results from betting 1 side at the time or the added result of both -
these figures:
Low: Bet total 20 units, Won total 18 units giving the Net total -2 units
High: Bet total 18 units, Won total 22 units giving the Net total +4 units
Low/High Added: Bet total 38 units, Won total 40 units giving the Net total +2 units
Low/High Difference: Bet total 8 units, Won total 14 units giving the Net total +6 units.

This is 4 UNITS MORE - the bet we didn't do when the Zero hit (Spin 9)!
Also note that only a total of 8 units were at stake, instead of 38 - not even one quarter of the
added bets!

Suppose now that we have 4 Low hits in a row:

Spin 11: (4 Low + 2 High) We bet 2 on Low as 4 - 2 = 2. Decision: 16 Low. We win. Acc Net
Result: +8
Spin 12: (3 Low + 3 High) We bet Nothing as the 2 are equal. Decision: 18 Low. Acc Net Result:
Spin 13: (2 Low + 4 High) We bet 2 on High as 4 - 2 = 2. Decision: 17 Low. We lose. Acc Net
Result: +6
Spin 14: (1 Low + 5 High) We bet 4 on High as 5 - 1 = 4. Decision: 15 Low. We lose. Acc Net
Result: +2

Now, the figures are:

Low: Bet total 30 units, Won total 38 units giving the Net total +8 units
High: Bet total 32 units, Won total 22 units giving the Net total -10 units
Low/High Added: Bet total 62 units, Won total 60 units giving the Net total -2 units
Low/High Difference: Bet total 16 units, Won total 18 units giving the Net total +2 units

By using only 16 units instead of 62 - close to 25% - we have turned a negative result into a
positive one! There is still only the 4 units difference (due to the Zero at Spin 9) but in this case
that is enough to keep us on the safe side. For a while...
Finally the Reversed Labouchere is applied to the difference betting on the 14 spins above.
I will use the line (also bankroll) "1 - 2 - 3 - 4" (first bet is 5 units, total bankroll is 10), adding won
bets (to the right) and canceling lost ones. Minimum bet is 5 units. This one is going to LOSE!
Here we go:
L line: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
H line: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Spin 1: (5 Low + 5 High) We bet Nothing as the two are equal. Decision: 25 High. Net Result: 0

L line: X - 2 - 3 - X
H line: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Spin 2: (5 Low + 6 High) We bet 1 on High as 6 - 5 = 1. Decision: 10 Low. We lose. Acc Net Result: -

L line: X - 2 - 3 - X - 5
H line: X - 2 - 3 - 4 - X
Spin 3: (7 Low + 6 High) We bet 1 on Low as 7 - 6 = 1. Decision: 18 Low. We win. Acc Net Result: 0

L line: X - 2 - 3 - X - 5 - 7
H line: X - X - 3 - X - X ==> Next bet less than min. Bankroll #1 gone (-7) NEW LINE! 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Spin 4: (9 Low + 5 High) We bet 4 on Low as 9 - 5 = 4. Decision: 25 High. We lose. Acc Net Result: -

L line: X - X - 3 - X - 5 - X
H line: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Spin 5: (8 Low + 6 High) We bet 2 on Low as 8 - 6 = 2. Decision: 33 High. We lose. Acc Net Result: -
L line: X - X - X - X - X - X ==> Bankroll #2 gone (-10, Tot -17) NEW LINE! 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
H line: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Spin 6: (5 Low + 7 High) We bet 2 on High as 7 - 5 = 2. Decision: 7 Low. We lose. Acc Net Result: -8

L line: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
H line: X - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - X
Spin 7: (6 Low + 7 High) We bet 1 on High as 7 - 6 = 1. Decision: 30 High. We win. Acc Net Result: -

L line: X - 2 - 3 - 4 - X
H line: X - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - X - 7
Spin 8: (6 Low + 9 High) We bet 3 on High as 9 - 6 = 3. Decision: 7 Low. We lose. Acc Net Result: -

L line: X - 2 - 3 - 4 - X - 6
H line: X - X - 3 - 4 - 5 - X - X
Spin 9: (8 Low + 8 High) We bet Nothing as the two are equal. Decision: ZERO! Acc Net Result: -10

L line: X - X - 3 - 4 - X - X
H line: X - X - X - 4 - X - X - X Bankroll #3 gone (-6, Tot -23) NEW LINE! 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Spin 10: (7 Low + 5 High) We bet 2 on Low as 7 - 5 = 2. Decision: 29 High. We lose. Acc Net Result:

L line: X - X - X - X - X - X Bankroll #4 gone (-10, Tot -33) NEW LINE! 1 - 2 - 3 – 4

H line: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Spin 11: (5 Low + 6 High) We bet 1 on High as 6 - 5 = 1. Decision: 16 Low. We lose. Acc Net Result:

L line: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
H line: X - 2 - 3 - 4 - X
Spin 12: (6 Low + 6 High) We bet Nothing as the two are equal. Decision: 18 Low. Acc Net Result: -
L line: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
H line: X - X - 3 - X - X Bankroll #5 gone (-7, Tot -40) NEW LINE! 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Spin 13: (7 Low + 5 High) We bet 2 on Low as 7 - 5 = 2. Decision: 17 Low. We win. Acc Net Result: -

L line: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
H line: X - 2 - 3 - X
Spin 14: (8 Low + 5 High) We bet 3 on Low as 8 - 5 = 3. Decision: 15 Low. We win. Acc Net Result: -

At the end of this series of 14 spins, we could have (if we had bet the added bets) been betting a
whopping 178 units (Low 92, High 86) and won a total of 154 units (Low 98, High 56) giving a
total net result of -24.
We also had to be prepared to use at least 7 bankrolls (5 lost and 2 in working), meaning a total of
at least 70 units.
Betting the difference, we had a TOTAL of 22 units AT STAKE - that's less than the TOTAL RESULT
for betting the added - and won 14 giving us a net result of -8.
In terms of bankrolls/lines we never used 2 as worst down was 13 units and in terms of betting
only one side, we can divide the added result by 2 to get a figure in between:
Bet 89 units, Won 77 units, Lost 2.5 lines or bankrolls and having a total of 6.5 units in profit,
So at least 4 bankrolls were needed here, meaning a total of 40 units as we lost 2.5 x 10 units and
have one line in working.
The "difference betting" did never even get close to 2. In my opinion, this is saving money!

600% in 6 Days -Make fantastic returns on your money at the casino playing roulette

Table of Contents
Preface to Version 2 3
The Strategy
Some important notes, hints and observations:
Some statistics
High Risk High Reward strategy
Rules of Roulette
Roulette Extras
Finding a Place to Play
A Note on Matched Bonuses
Hedge your Bets
Risk Disclaimer

Preface to Version 2
I have updated this version of 600% in 6 Days for a couple of reasons. The body of the system
remains the same and I am now distributing this product for FREE as opposed to charging
£20 ($40 USD) for it. 600% in 6 Days has been my flagship product for a good couple of
years and has served me well. Over time, there have been many people who have
copied my system and sold it off as their own… this has been rather difficult to control (if
not impossible) so rather than stress about it, I give this to you FREE in the hope that
you will see that my product is genuine, obtain your trust and that you will not mind me
sending you details of any of my new products in future and updates to this report. There
is absolutely no catch, you can remove yourself from my subscription list whenever you
want and still keep this product and use it. However, of course I hope that you will be
interested in my future products and find that they do work. I am only interested in providing
you with the very best methods, things which I have personally tested and happy with.
The Internet gambling scene is also changing, and they are making it more difficult to
take money from them. I also discuss this in this report and will provide an up-to-date list
of casinos which still work with my methods. By remaining on my list, I will be able to
send you any new additions to the report as the Internet gambling scene evolves.
In addition, I provide you with the system that most other people sell. This is much
higher risk, but the rewards also are higher. In contrast, my system is for the more risk
averse (like myself) who prefer a more conservative system… however, it can still generate a
600% on your money in less than a week as I have. With this, I hope that I can provide you
with a complete and simple system to playing roulette successfully.
As always, if you have any comments/queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
info@600percentin6days.com Regards Alan

Firstly, thank you for the purchase of this report. What I am about to reveal to you has
taken me many months of testing and spending money buying systems. This is the easiest
and quickest way I’ve found to make some money and it involves playing Roulette online.
You could also probably take this to an actual casino but I’ve never tried it, the concepts
should be the same and I find playing online is so much easier and it works for me! First,
as with all these things, please read the disclaimer below.

The Strategy
The strategy for playing roulette is known as the rule of the 3rds and involves betting on
a third (from the diagram of the roulette table, these are the boxes marked 1st 12, 2nd 12
and 3rd 12) of the roulette table at any one time.
First select your starting stake (see figure 1 table in appendix, it lists entries for £2, £5,
£10 and £20 stakes but of course you can choose your own).
Look at the 3 boxes that you can select, 1-12, 13-24 or 25-36…
if you look at past spins, are there any numbers which appear more often than the
others? If so, select the 3rd in which the numbers reside.
If you win, use the same starting stake and bet on your chosen 3rd again.
However, if lose, look down vertically down the bet table and select the next stake to bet
according to the column in which your starting stake resides.
If you lose again, look down at the next number and bet on the same 3rd again and so on
and so forth.
If you have 5 losing spins in a row, abandon the 3rd selection and chose another.
If you’re unfortunate to lose 10 spins in a row then select another third etc.
Each time you spin the roulette wheel, you have approximately a 33% chance of winning.
If you lose, you increase your bet by a 3rd (which covers your previous losses) and every
time you win, you put your bet back to the original stake.
If this makes no sense, hopefully the flowchart makes more sense:

Just to elaborate
 You bet only on a particular 3rd until you win. The 3rds you can bet on are 1-12, 13-24
and 25-36.
 If you have 5 losing bets in a row, look to see if there has been any 3rd which has been
appearing more often than the others, select this 3rd for your subsequent bets. If you lose
the next 5 then choose another 3rd and so on.
 Stick with a predefined win and loss for each gaming session. On £5 stakes, I look to take
£100 each session and will give up if I rack up losses of £200. Scale up and down according
to your starting stake.
If the ball lands on white, this is effectively a loss so take the next bet as the next spin
according to the bet table.
Example 1: Bet £5 on the first 3rd (1-to-12) and the first spin is 24.
You lose this spin but the next bet is £7 (look down the bet table) on the first 3rd again.
Again you lose as the ball lands on 16.
The 3rd spin of the wheel you then put on £9 on the first third once again.
This time, the ball lands on 4 and you win… you take the £27 profit.
Now reset your stake back to £5 and continue to bet.
Example 2: You are betting on the second third (13-24) this time and you are using the
bet table as before. You have made 5 bets and still no winners.
Our rules state that we should move to the most popular third every 5 bets.
The ball has been landing mostly on numbers in the first 3rd so bet on the first 3rd.
This is the 6th turn and we look on the bet table to see that the stake this time is £21.
The bet table below will help you with planning your bets. Choose the stakes you want to
play with and stick with that column during play. If you lose a spin, take your next bet as
the number below your previous bet amount etc. If you manage to lose 5 spins in a row,
select another 3rd to bet on.

High Risk High Reward strategy

The bonus strategy which I have incorporated is one of the simplest. Most other casino sites
will advocate this strategy. It can work and can earn significant amounts, but be careful, it
is high risk but also high reward. The choice is yours should you decide to use this.
The strategy involves betting on black or red and hence have almost 50% chance of winning. I
write almost 50% because of the presence of the 0 which is neither black or red but if it falls
on this, you will lose.
Choose your betting stake. If it is £5 for example place your chip on either red or black.
If you win, you will again bet £5.
If you lose however, you will double your betting stake.
If you lose twice or more in a row, you will double the stake size each time.
The problem is that if you are extremely unlucky and keep losing, your money can
diminish very quickly (as you’re doubling your stake each time).
In addition, there may be a table limit for the maximum bet size so check.
I hope this make sense, look at figure 2 in the appendix for betting size but I also have
some scenarios below as examples to solidify the strategy.
Example 1. You decide to bet £5 as your starting stake.
You have checked the maximum betting size and it is £500.
You put £5 on black and spin the roulette wheel, it lands on red and you have lost £5.
You look down the betting table (figure 2 in appendices) and then bet £10 on black again.
You spin the wheel again and again you lose.
You then put a £20 bet (double previous stake size) on red and spin the wheel.
It lands on red and you win.
As you have won, you then go back to the initial stake which was £5 and start again.

This is the bet table for planning your bets for the high-risk high reward strategy. This
table is shorter as you should never need to bet more than 10 turns. If you do, you are
probably betting at a not so honest casino. I recommend betting no more than £5 stakes.

Some important notes, hints and observations:

Find out what the maximum bet size per turn is. If it were unlimited and you had
unlimited funds, then this strategy will win 100% of the time (unless the Casino is
cheating!). However, by adopting the strategy, the only way you can lose is if you’re very
unlucky and you reach the maximum pot limit and lose.
The reason why I’ve set a target limit per session is that I have found it more difficult to
win if you are on a winning streak. Sometimes it seems that the odds of winning a hand
are less than 33% particularly if you have been winning a lot. However, saying that, there
have been occasions where I have won £400 on a £5 stake on one session
 After you have won back the initial amount you put into your Casino account, transfer that
money back out into your bank account. It’s better for the psychology to know that you’ve
not ‘lost’ any money by banking that initial amount you put in.
Play on European Roulette tables as opposed to the American ones. There are two zero
slots on the Roulette table of the American system which means your chances of losing
are double. In addition, there are also European Roulette tables known as en prison
which gives you half your bet back if the ball does fall on the zero.

Some statistics
If you’re a fan of probability and statistics like myself, and like to work out the chances of
winning or losing then here are some calculations.
I like to take worst case scenarios in each case..
The chance of winning each round is the chance of landing on 12 of 37 slots which works
out to be 32.4%. Lets take that to be 32% as the worst case scenario.
If we take the example that we’re staking £5 and that the maximum you can bet each
turn is £500. If you look at the betting table, this means that you have 17 tries on the
roulette table before you reach the table limit.
Now look at these probabilities:
Chances of losing each turn = 100% - 32% = 68%
Chance of losing 17 times in a row = (0.68)17 = 0.00142 which is approximately
1/1000 chance
Note: My rules state that on $5 stakes, the cut off is $200. I would never recommend that
you play until you are betting $500 stakes. The above serves as just an example.

If you are unable to win at a casino using my methods then you need to look at the casino
and wonder if the casino is not acting within the rules. Use my list of casinos which I have
used my strategy on and have won (click to access, ensure you have Internet connection)
Rules of Roulette
For those who are familiar with Roulette, you can skip to the next section should you
wish. However, do read the Roulette Extras section as this will help with getting that
extra edge in helping you win.
Roulette is very simple in context so I am going to give a very rudimentary introduction
to it. If you require further information, please do a search for “roulette rules” on the
Roulette is a game played between the players and the casino. The European roulette
wheel is separated into 37 slots of which 36 are numbers and one is zero. The American
roulette wheel has 38 slots, 36 which are numbers and there are two zero slots.
Players would place bets on numbers, a group of numbers or in special areas on the
roulette table. The croupier would then spin the roulette wheel and release the ball.
Wherever the ball lands determines the wins or losses.
The below diagram shows the American roulette table (note the two zeros) with the different
types of bet that you can put on each spin. Each letter represents an example bet.
Roulette Extras
For the best odds, European Roulette is the best. There is only one zero as opposed to the
two in American roulette. This automatically cuts the casino odds in half.
In addition, in some casinos, there are special rules called ‘en prison’ and ‘la partage’.
Both these rules benefit the player should they land on the zero. In the usual case,
landing on zero will cause you to lose your bet completely. The en prison rule allows the
player to lose only half of his bet for that spin or leave the bet in for another spin. La
partage is similar to that of en prison except that you can’t leave the bet in for another

Finding a place to play

The first step is to find a decent reputable online casino in order to start playing. There
are many that you can sign up to but I only look at those which have a good track record
and seem legit.
Casinos which offer you a matched bonus are also essential to allow you to essentially
hedge any loss. Please see the Hedging your Bets section.
I usually look to see if they have been audited by a top tier accountancy firm.
In addition, I have found that the methods work better at certain casinos. This makes me
think that some casinos are not completely ‘fair’… it’s strange that you cannot win at
certain casinos at all despite the probability of chance.
I have compiled a list of casinos where I have tested my methods. This will constantly
change as I play at them. To access this list, please click here (ensure that you are
connected to the Internet)
The laws in the US concerning online casinos are such that some are not able to accept US
players, please double check to ensure that the casino accepts US players (if applicable).
A note on matched bonuses
Casinos quite often offer you matched bonuses on the amount you deposit initially to
entice you to sign up with them. It would be nice if you could deposit £50, get your
matched £50 and then close the account, taking home £100. However, it rarely (if never)
works like this… you can only take out the bonus cash if you bet a certain amount…
casinos know that over time, the average Joe will not only lose his or her bonus money
but also their initial deposit.

Hedge your Bets

The way that I insure myself against losses is to make use of the bonuses which the casinos
give out. Some casinos will also give you a matched bonus each month. With the strategy
(as detailed on the following pages) and the use of the matched bonuses together, you
should be able to eliminate any risk to your capital amount.
For example, if I sign up to Example Casino* who give out a 100% matched bonus for up
to $50 and also provide a month to month matched bonus for the same amount, this is
how I would play it:
I would put in $50 to get my $50, totally $100 of play money. I would then play with the
strategy and will only stop if I lose the $50 of bonus money. This will mean that I have
only lost the money that they provided as a bonus and not my own. If I do lose my money
then I can take out my money and sign up with another casino.
However, with Example Casino, they do a matched bonus every month so I can play each
month by putting in $50 and getting the free $50 and only stopping if I lose the matched
bonus value.
For those reading, you may be thinking. What if you can put in $50, get the $50 and
withdrawing the $100 play amount. Online casinos won’t allow you to do this, you do
need to do some gambling before they release the funds. With my strategy, you should be
able to take out far more than they give you so don’t worry!
*Example Casino is fictitious!
My list of casinos where I play, also show the current matched bonuses which are available.
Click here to access (ensure you are connected to the Internet)

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read this document. The system is indeed simple
but yet it is the most consistent way to make a profit playing roulette over the long term. The
good thing is that you can log into an internet casino site 24/7 as it never closes. However, do
note the rules carefully. Human greed and emotion may cause you to stray outside of the rules
so please take note. Have fun and go make some money!

Risk Disclaimer
The following report details an idea which has been tested and tried by myself and the results
which I advertise are genuine. However, what I am about to detail does involve an element of
risk as with all things of this nature and it is possible to lose your initial investment. However,
by exercising strict money management and discipline as explained in the report, you should be
able to minimise losses and capitalise on gains. However, this report is provided on an
educational basis and I accept no liability for any loss in which you may incur.

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