A Step by Step Guide For Healthcare Content Marketing Success

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A Step-by-Step
Guide for Healthcare
Content Marketing
A Step-by-Step Guide for Healthcare Content Marketing Success 1
Seven percent of Google’s searches are health-related, which
equates to about 70,000 searches per minute or one billion
searches a day.
Now, imagine being the organization or business that comes up in search results as the authority on
these health issues when a person performs a search. It could significantly boost awareness, help you
attract prospective patients, and generate more revenue.

The question is, is the content on your website good enough to earn you a top place in search results?

With so many healthcare-related searches being performed daily, it puts healthcare companies in
an excellent position to offer their advice and services. However, if your content isn’t created to the
highest standard, you can miss out on that opportunity.

This is why a top-notch content marketing strategy is so vital. When you have a well-thought-out,
professional content marketing plan, you will make more of an impact that will help you land a
steady stream of new patients.

In this ebook, you’ll learn how to do just that! We’ll discuss the importance of healthcare marketing
and how to get started executing a quality content marketing plan that delivers results. This includes
the steps you need to take to get started, as well as key SEO components to include to ensure your
content is effective and impactful.

What You Will Learn:

y What healthcare content marketing is and why it’s important

y A step-by-step action plan for executing a healthcare content strategy

y Specifics on developing quality content

y How to convert prospective leads into paying, loyal customers

A Step-by-Step Guide for Healthcare Content Marketing Success 2

What is Healthcare Content Marketing?
Content marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating and distributing relevant and
valuable content to attract a target audience. Healthcare content marketing thus relies on providing
content that specifically targets those searching for healthcare-related topics.

The key to high-quality healthcare content is providing well-researched information that best
answers the medical and healthcare questions people are asking—without sounding like you are
copying and pasting information directly from a medical textbook. The content needs to be impactful
and engaging in a way that makes people want to read it.

A Step-by-Step Guide for Healthcare Content Marketing Success 3

The Importance of Content Marketing in the
Healthcare Industry
Now more than ever, patients are knowledgeable about their own health. With the internet, they can
often have their questions answered without ever needing to make an appointment with a medical
professional. But this is exactly why it is so crucial that healthcare companies provide valuable and
engaging content.

People do still need doctors. They still need to make appointments. But they will be more inclined
to do so when they feel that the provider they are choosing is genuinely invested in their long-term
health and outcomes.

The healthcare industry is ever-changing. Previously, healthcare was a volume-based industry, but
now, it’s value-based. Healthcare companies must provide value to their patients if they expect them
to stick around. And healthcare content marketing is the gateway to that value-based care.

Your content is your voice. It is the first step in communicating with prospective patients. It tells them
what you know, who you are, what to expect, and how you can help them. These are all things that
a prospective patient needs to know to feel like they are making the right decision in choosing your
healthcare company.

By delivering quality healthcare marketing content, it can help your company:

y Spread awareness and build trust

y Find more prospective patients

y Reduce patient anxiety by showing them you have the answers and know how to help

y Boost search engine traffic, generating more long-term leads

y Improve patient engagement

y Retain more loyal customers

y Establish your company as a healthcare authority

y Generate more revenue

When you deliver top-notch healthcare content marketing, you establish yourself as a trusted
resource and authority. This means search engines and the people using them will take notice, which
means more leads, more conversions, and more revenue.

A Step-by-Step Guide for Healthcare Content Marketing Success 4

Executing a Healthcare Content Strategy
At the core of good healthcare content is a quality content marketing strategy. Simply having content
is not enough. For your content to be effective and make an impact, it needs to meet high standards.
And meeting these standards starts with a framework that is based on audience-informed, research-
backed data.

Research Your Target Audience

The first step in developing a content strategy is to know who you are creating content for. You must
understand your target audience if you want your content to make an impact and resonate with

Who are your current customers or patients? What do they want? What do they need? How do they
think? What are their goals or pain points that are driving their behaviors?

These are all important questions to ask as you do your research and attempt to get inside the mind
of your audience. By answering questions like these, you can create content catered to the specific
needs of your audience.

Establish Your Topical Authority

Once you understand your target audience, you then need to determine the specific topics to include
in your content that will be most impactful. In other words, you want to establish yourself as a
healthcare authority by showcasing your expertise on a particular topic or niche.

This can vary, as it can depend on the specific services your organization provides. For example, if you
are an ENT clinic and you notice an increasing interest or demand for vertigo treatments, then you
can focus your content on that topic.

You can still cover a wide range of healthcare topics, but by creating large volumes of content that
primarily focus on a specific topic, you establish yourself as an authority in that area of interest, and
it will help you build more trust with your audience.

Doing this will also help you rank higher in search results for that topic. So if a lot of people are
searching about vertigo, for example, and your content focuses on that topic, your website will show
up more often in search results, which will drive customers to your site who are looking for help with

A Step-by-Step Guide for Healthcare Content Marketing Success 5

Conduct Keyword Research
Keyword research is an essential part of developing effective healthcare content. Keywords help
relate your content to what people are searching for on Google. So by conducting keyword research,
you can tailor your content to the specific things people are searching for online.

For example, if someone is searching for “cardiologist near me,” you would want to include the
keyword “cardiologist” in your content as well as your location if you provide cardiology services.
Or if someone is searching “what are the symptoms of heart disease,” you could use the keyword
“symptoms of heart disease” in your content.

Keywords can be short, meaning just one to two words, or they can be entire phrases. And there are
many different keyword research tools available to help you discover keywords and which ones are
suited to your business and your target audience. Some popular keyword tools include Semrush,
Google Search Console, and Ahrefs.

The goal of conducting keyword research is to find specific words or phrases that connect your area of
expertise to what people are searching for. And you particularly want to look for keywords that have
high search volumes and a low difficulty score, as this will help your content rank better and drive
more traffic to your website.

Analyze Industry and Competitor Data

Another important step in developing your healthcare content plan is looking at industry trends and
what your competitors are doing. This is essential if you want to remain relevant and competitive.

The healthcare industry is always changing, and there is always some new information or healthcare
trend going around the internet. So it’s important to stay on top of these trends as it will show
your audience that you are up-to-date on the latest healthcare information. Trending information
will also change the relevant keywords, so you’ll want to stay in the know so you can update your
content with new keywords if necessary.

Competitor analysis is also important. You want to know what your competitors are doing so you
can respond accordingly with your own content that helps you stand out from the competition.

What content formats are they using? What categories and topics are they focusing on? What
marketing channels are they using to promote their content?

Analyzing all of this information will give you a better sense of what is working well and trending in
your industry so you can create a corresponding content plan.

A Step-by-Step Guide for Healthcare Content Marketing Success 6

Developing Healthcare Content
Once you’ve done all the initial steps that help you plan your content strategy, it’s time to start
creating the actual content. This is where you take everything you’ve learned and put it into action.

Create Engaging and Impactful Content

Your goal should be to develop high-impact, compelling content across multiple channels. This
includes blogs, articles, social media posts, website content, case studies, infographics, etc. Blog posts
and short articles tend to be the most popular and effective, with 83% of marketers focusing on this
type of content, so it’s best to focus your efforts there.

When you do create content, choose topics that are the most impactful and relevant to your business
and your audience, as mentioned earlier. You should also develop content that is well-structured,
clear, and compelling to create the best experience possible.

Your content should be:

y Logical: It is clearly structured

y Specific: Focuses on relevant topics

y Visually appealing: Contains images and videos

y Targeted: Uses keywords and easy-to-understand language

y Reassuring: Effectively answers your reader’s questions and doubts

A Step-by-Step Guide for Healthcare Content Marketing Success 7

Optimize Your Content with SEO Best Practices
SEO is essential as it helps your website’s search rankings. You want to optimize your content so it is
easier for search algorithms to read which will then help the search engines know when and where
to list your website in search results.

To do this, you should follow these SEO best practices when creating your content:

1. Use unique titles, headings, and descriptions: Avoiding duplicate content is key when it comes
to SEO. Google specifically states that you should avoid duplicate content across your site. And
this rule is most important when creating things like title tags, headings, meta descriptions, and

2. Use your main keyword early in your content: Keywords should be spread throughout your
content. But the main keyword for each content piece should be used as early on in the content
as possible as Google puts more weight on words that appear at the top of the page.

3. Optimize images: When including images or videos in your content, you should include
descriptive filenames and alt-text so Google understands what the image or video represents.
For example, instead of an image name or text being “image123.jpg,” you should change it to
something more descriptive of what is shown in the image, such as “man receiving vestibular
dysfunction therapy.” This not only allows Google to better understand what is in your content,
but it also serves as another way to sneak in keywords to help your content rank better.

4. Use internal linking: Internal links are hyperlinks in your content that point to other pages on
your website. This SEO practice helps Google find, index, and understand your content and all of
the pages that are on your site. It can also help direct readers to other pages that can be helpful
to them.

A Step-by-Step Guide for Healthcare Content Marketing Success 8

Convert Like a Pro!
The final step in developing your content is to create a section at the bottom of the page that
encourages your readers to take action. Including a call-to-action (CTA) or “next steps” section is
what turns your readers into customers. Think of your ABCs—Always Be Converting.

What’s the point of great content if there is nothing at the end of it that allows the reader to easily
follow through and take the next steps?

CTAs convert readers into loyal customers. It makes them aware of what their next step should be if
they want to get help. If you let your readers know exactly what you want them to do, they are more
likely to follow through and do it.

For example, an effective healthcare CTA could be: Contact us for a consultation today!

The most effective CTAs are simple and to the point. They should also be bold or highlighted in some
other way and should include a button or a hyperlink that will take the reader to another page
where they can take the next step to get in touch. Or, your CTA can include a form directly at the
bottom of the page for the reader to fill out and send.

There is no one right way to create a CTA, but the goal should always be to get the reader to take
action and make an appointment or get in touch with someone who can help them and answer their

A Step-by-Step Guide for Healthcare Content Marketing Success 9

Get Started with Healthcare Content Marketing
Are you ready to start attracting more patients and increasing your revenue? Digital Logic is here to
help. We’re a digital marketing agency specializing in web development, content creation, and other
digital techniques that maximize your online presence.


“Hiring Digital Logic was the best decision I ever made! The entire team is
absolutely excellent; Their SEO expertise will change your entire approach to
marketing. Give it time and you will see your business bloom!”


A Step-by-Step Guide for Healthcare Content Marketing Success 10

Let’s work together.


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(318) 678-5020


A Step-by-Step Guide for Healthcare Content Marketing Success 11

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