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(1) Some people believe government should spend money on building train and

subway lines to reduce traffic congestion. Others think that building more and
wider roads is the better way to reduce traffic congestion.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

+ all parts of the question

Stance 1
Stance 2
+ clear position:
 Stance 1 > Stance 2 (benefits vs downsides)
 Stance 1 = Stance 2 (make sure they are not contradicting)
+ extend, support main ideas:
 A => B => C
More public transport => decrease personal vehicles (overgeneralize)
Improve quality => encourage public use => decrease personal vehicle
 Repeate ideas in different language

(2) Some people think that /studying from the past = study history/ teaches us
nothing about today’s life. Others argue that the history is a value source of
information. Discuss both views and give your opinion
Stance 1: why some people think that… ; why its not relevant
Stance 2: full benefits + solve

(3) Some people think that everyone has the right to have access to university
education, and that government should make it free for all students no matter what
financial background they have. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this

(4) Some people think that men and women have different qualities. Therefore, some
certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
(5) Traffic and accommodation problems are increasing and government should
encourage some businesses to move from cities to rural areas. Does advantage
outweigh the disadvantages?

(6) The consumption of the world's resources (oil, and water etc.) is increasing at a
dangerous rate. What are causes and solutions? To what extent do you agree or

(7) Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport. Why is it
not popular in many places? And how to increase its popularity?

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