LOTF Chapter Summaries

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Chapter 1

Ralph meets Piggy toward a lagoon on a beach. He is described as plump, short and
wearing thick spectacles. We are introduced to the characters by the physical characteristics
and not names. They talk, and we find there is a war going on. A group of English boys were
on a plane before it broke down into a thick jungle on a deserted island. The boys can’t find
each other or the pilot. The boys discover a cream conch, where Piggy is the first to think of
using it to call the other boys. They come, about 12 older boys, 6 young. Among them, there
is a boys choir, dressed in black gowns, led by Jack, march down the beach in an orderly
fashion, Jack ordering at them, while they ridicule piggy. The boys elect a leader, and the
choir boys vote for Jack, all others for Ralph. Ralph wins, asks Jack to lead choirboys as
hunters, Jack and Simon explore the island. As they do so they come across a wild pig.
KJack goes in to kill it, but hesitates and the pig flees. Jack promises next time he will kill it.

Chapter 2

Ralph sounds the conch shell to summon boys. Jack mentions the pig and Ralph agrees that
they need to kill animals for meat. Ralph declares that the conch shall declare who speaks,
Jack agrees. But Piggy is thinking ahead, and shouts the fact that no one knows that theyre
on this island. The group is silent and scared, and on of the young uns (small boy mulbery
colour mark on his face - again introduced by physical appearance) claims he saw a beastie
last night. Older boys try to reassure. Ralph proposes for a large signal fire on the top of the
islands mountain. The boys collect a mound of dead wood and use piggys lenses for fire, but
it quickly. Piggy tries to give advice but his voice carries little weight. Jack volunteers his
group to be responsible for the fire. In the disorganized frenzies, the boys set some trees
ablaze, enraged at the groups recklessness, piggy is the only one that remembers the boy
with the mark is still by the fire and missing. They pretend nothing has happened after being
shocked and sad.

Chapter 3

Jack sharpens a stick to use as a spear. He trails a pig but it evades him. Simon and Ralph
are by the beach building huts for the younger boys to live in. Ralph is irritated as the huts
keep falling down, and although the huts are vital for their survival, Simon is the only one to
help him. The other boys splash about and play in the lagoon. Ralph talks about how excited
the boys get excited for the meetings but none are willing enough to makes the plans work.
Ralph points out Jacks hunters inability to hunt a pig, Jack promises more success. Ralph
worries about the young uns nightmares, but it seems Jacks, prime goal is the pig as he is
uninterested in this. An annoyed Ralph claims that Jack and hunters use this as an excuse
to avoid other work. Jack responds that the boys want meat. They continue to bicker and
grow hostile with each other, hoping to regain sense of camaraderie, they go swimming in
the lagoon together but with persistent feelings of mutual dislike fester. In the meantime,
simon is described to be wandering the Jungle alone. He helps some of the littluns, this is
where they start to call the younger boys this nickname, for fruit and he eventually finds a
jungle glade, peaceful and beautiful adorned with flowers, birds and butterflies. He makes
sure that he is alone, and sits down to take in the scene, marveling at the abundance and
beauty of life that surrounds him, even with the chaos going on behind him. This seems to
be one of the rare, positive and peaceful scenes in the book and establishes Simon’s

Chapter 4

Life on the island develops as a daily rhythm and the morning is pleasant with cool air and
sweet smells, boys play happily. By afternoon some of the boys nap but are still troubled by
bizarre images that seem to flicker above the water, piggy makes logical sense of this,
dismissing it for mirages caused by sunlight striking the water. Darkens seems to fall quicker,
nightime being frightening and difficult. Littluns continue to talk about the beastie and eat lots
of fruit which causes stomach problems in a few of them. Roger joins Maurice in cruelly
stomping on a sand castle the littluns have built. Roger throws stones at one of the boys
although he is still careful to not hit the boys (civilised). Jack is still obsessed with killing the
pig and paints his face with charcoal. On the beach, piggy and ralph see a beach on the
horizon, they try to hurry and rekindle the flame and the ship doesn’t come for them. Ralph is
furious with jack as this was their duty. Him and the hunters come from the jungle covered in
blood and chanting a song. They carry a dead pig on a stake. The hunters beng crazed with
bloodlust barely hear Ralphs complaints. When piggy does, Jack slaps him and breaks one
of the lenses in his glasses. Jack acknowledges his responsibility but does not apologize to
piggy. Jack and Ralphs relatioship goes from friendliness to resentment. The boys later roast
the pig, dance and sing, and reenact the savagery of their doings. Ralph declares a meeting,
goes toward the beach alone.

Chapter 5

Ralph thinks of how much of life is an improvisation as he looks at his feet walking. Perhaps
this links to their situation right now. Ralph is irritated by his long and tangled hair. In the
meeting, ralph talks about everyones lack of discipline and order. There is increasing fear of
the beast is increasing amongst the littluns. One of them claims he’s seen it and that it may
come from the ocean at night. The meeting plunges into chaos. Jack proclaims his hunters
will kill such beast. Eventually, only ralph piggy and simon are left, and the hunters leave
with jack to dance and chant.

Chapter 6

As the boys sleep that night, military aeroplanes battle fiercely above the island. Sam and
Eric were supposed to watch the fire, but are asleep. A parachutist drifts from the sky and
his chute is tangled in some rocks, he is dead. The shape of his shadows scares Sam n eric.
Ralph immediately calls for a meeting and the boys then organise an expedition to search
the island for monsters. Armed with wooden spears, they leave piggy and the littluns behind.
Jack leads, and ralph and Jack seem to feel the old bond rekindling. Many other boys lose
sight of the purpose of the expedition.
Chapter 7

Ralph gazes disconsolately at the choppy ocean and muses at the fact that the boys hae
become slovenly and undisciplined. He feels that the ocean is like an impenetrable wall
blocking any hopes of escape. The hunters find pig droppings that afternoon and Jack
suggests hunting the pig while they continue to search for the beast. They wildly chase a
large boar and ralph quickly gets caught up in the chase. He flings the spear at the boar but
it escapes. The boys remain in a frenzy in the aftermath of the hunt, reenacting the chase,
robert plays the boar. Ralph tries to remind everyone that they’re just playing a game. Jack
challenges Ralph to join the group but he disagrees. Jack is the first to spot a terrifying
specter, large shadowy form with the shape of a giant ape making strange flapping sounds in
the wind at the top of the summit. The boys warn the rest of the group.

Chapter 8

There is uproar the next morning after the news of the monster. Jack seizes the conch and
clumsily blows for assembly. He talks about the beast on the mountain and claims Ralph is a
coward who should be removed from leadership role, but others disagree and Jack storms
off. Piggy has a new idea to build a signal fire on the beach instead of mountain. The boys
set to work on this but many of them sneak away into the night to join Jack’s group. Jack
gathers his tribe and crowns himself chief, the hunters kill a sow as Roger drives a spear.
They leave it’s head on a spear in the jungle as an offering to the beast. The boys run away
from it afters its frightening blood dripping look. Jack tells Ralph’s followers they are
welcome to join his feast and tribe that night. Simon slips away back to the jungle glade but
this time it is contaminated with the sow’s head implaled on the stake in the middle of the
clearing, swamming with flies. Simon has hallucinations that the head comes to life, it
speaks in the voice of the ‘Lord of the flies’ ominously declaring that Simon will never be able
to escape him but also promises to have some fun with simon. He faints after this apparition.
It is important to note that simon is the one to experience this.

Chapter 9

Simon wakes up with a nose bleed and staggers toward the mountain in a daze. He crawls
up the hill and in the failing light sees the dead pilot with the flapping parachute. Simon
realizes the boys have mistaken this for the beast. He throws up as he sees the corpse then
begins to untangle the parachute from the rocks. Piggy and Ralph attend the feast in hopes
of keeping control over events. Jack sits like a king on a throne but with his face painted
while the other boys eat the pig. Most of ralphs group accept joining Jacks tribe. As it rains,
Ralph challenges Jack how he plans to shelter but Jack just orders his tribe to do its wild
hunting dance. That’s his only resort, power and savagery. Even Ralph and piggy get swept
up into the fringes of the dancing, again reenacting the hunting. They see a shadowy figure
come out of the forest but little do they know it is Simon. In their state, they do not recognize
him and pounce on him as he desperately tries to explain what he has found, and eventually
the boys kill him. Waves wash Simons corpse away.
Chapter 10

Ralph and Piggy meet on the beach the morning after. Bruised, sore, awkward and ashamed
of their behaviour last night. Piggy is unable to confront his role in simons murder and
pretends it was a mere accident. Ralph clutches the conch and laughs, insisting that they
have both been participants of it. Neither of them fully say the words though. It is just them,
sam n eric and some littluns part of Ralphs group. At castle rock, Jack rules with absolute
power. Boys punished for no reason, Jack ties up and beats a boy named wilfred. Then
warns the boys against Ralph saying they are a danger. This tribe however believes that
Simon was actually the beast, capable of using any disguise. But jack says he must continue
to guard as the beast is never truly dead. He says that him + maurice and roger should raid
Ralphs camp. At the camp, the boys are depressed, and losing motivation about the fire.
They are awakened by the attack from Jack and his group. They would’ve gladly shared the
fire, but steal they get beaten up in order to get power over the fire. There is an additional
foreshadowing clue in piggy getting his glasses stolen to make fire, him losing his glasses
and the ability to start a fire both.

Chapter 11

Ralphs group try to light fire in cold air but hopeless. Piggy suggests ralph hold a meeting,
and he blows the conch. Only ralphs group appear. They decide the only option is to go up
to castle rock and convince Jack’s tribe. Ralph hopes the conch will remind them about
former authority. They encounter armed guards and they throw stones, but still aiming to
miss. Jack and some boys appear with a dead pig, they immediately have a heated
argument. Jack demands they leave, ralph demands they return the glasses. They fight, with
jack to attack first. Jack orders for sam n eric to be tied up. Ralph lunges at Jack, they fight.
Piggy cries to try make himself heard, in hope of reminding the group of rules, order, rescue,
but ironically instead Roger shoves a rock from the top of the mountain, ralph hears this,
dives and dodges it. But boulder hits piggy and he falls off the mountain to his death. Jack
throws his spear at ralph, the other boys join but ralph escapes into the jungle whole roger
and jack find a new savage entertainment to torture the twins and force them to submit to his

Chapter 12

Ralph hides and thinks about the deaths and that all vestiges of civilisation have been
stripped off the island. He stumbles across sows head which is now a skull (as white as
conch). Ralph uses the stake to use a weapon against Jack. the twins give ralph food where
they are guarding the camp at castle rock. They tell him that they send the tribe after him.
Ralph hides and falls asleep. In the morning, he hears jack torturing the twins for Ralphs
location. Then ralph smells smoke and realises jack is trying to set the jungle on fire in order
to smoke him out. He runs and collapses on thebeach in exhaustion after being chased by
body painted warrior boys with sharp wooden spears. Suddenly ralph looks up to see a
naval officer, telling him he saw the jungle fire. He assumes the boys are up to ‘fun and
games’. After finding the truth, he wonders how a group of boys, especially english, could
end up in an uncivilised state like this in such a short time. Ralph begins to cry and the
others join him.

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