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194 IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 47, No.

1, FEBRUARY 2001


Heung-Gyoon Ryu, Yun-Young Kim, Hyeong-Man Yu and Sang-Burm Ryu
Department of Electronic Engineering, Chungbuk National University
48 Kaesin-dong, Cheongju, Chungbuk, 361-763, Rep. of Korea

ABSTRACT level. And, in [3], it was proposed that replacing

ROM (read-only memory or look-up table) with
DDFS-driven PLL synthesizer has a high nonlinear DAC could save the power con-
frequency resolution and wide frequency sumption. In spite of these efforts, there are
bandwidth. Since the output of DDFS is a many problems to be improved when this DDFS
synthesized analog signal, the waveform shaper is used for DDFS-driven PLL synthesizer, since
is needed to provide the digital input for a DDFS-driven PLL synthesizer uses the fiill
DDFS-driven PLL synthesizer using the digital DDFS structure. For the PLL,it is necessary to
type phase detector. Furthermore, a lot of digitize the analog output signal of DDFS by a
components in a DDFS unit can increase the nonlinear device such as a hard limiter or
switching time and the power consumption. In Sclimitt trigger, since the digital type phase
this paper, we propose a new design method of a detector is used. This digitizing process can give
DDFS-driven PLL synthesizer, which does not rise to rather increase the power consumption,
need the waveform shaper as well as the extra when the designed DDFS in 131 is used for
circuits of DDFS. As a result, the proposed DDFS-driven PLL synthesizer. Therefore, when
method makes improvements such quality we use the structure of DDFS-driven PLL, the
factors as switching time and power con- techniques presented in [2] and [3] can not
sumption, compared with the conventional sufficiently improve the quality factors of
DDFS-driven PLL frequency synthesizer. frequency synthesizer.
In this paper, we propose a new structure of
DDFS that has a significantly reduced structurc
1. INTRODUCTION as compared with the conventional DDFS.
Because only the complexity of DDFS is
DDFS (direct digital frequency synthesizer)
reconstructs the digital signal with a high-speed drastically reduced in the proposed method for
DAC (digital-to-analog converter) to provide an thc performance improvement, it does not need
any technique for reducing the power con-
analog output signal and is used as a means of
sumption. In other words, the proposed mcthod
generating the signal with performances of
can simukaneously reduce the circuit complexity
exquisite step size, fast switching time, and
and power consumption, without process of [3],
excellent spurious performance [ 11, For broad-
band applications, DDFS-driven PLL frequency Furthcrmore, the proposed synthesizer provides
synthesizer is frequently employed. faster switching speed than the conventional one.
Recently, there have been many researches on Additionally, another scheme is investi- gated to
provide the digital reference with low jitter.
techniques for thc frequency synthesis with such
high quality factors as fast switching speed, low
power consumption, low phase-noise, low spur- 2. CONVENTIONAL DDFS-DWVEK
ious level, and so on [2-71. In [2]: a method was PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER
presented for reducing the spurious signal in a
fill1 DDFS structure by using a dithering signal.
However, there is no room to improve other Conventional DDFS-driven PLL synthesizer is
quality factors except for the reducing spurious

Contributed Paper
Original manuscript received January 17, 2001 0098 3063/00 $10.00 2001 IEEE
ct al.: Design of DDFS-Driven PLL Frequency Synthesizer with Reduced Complexity
RYLI 195

. Phase
> D/A f,\ Hard PLL -+
I7L7 -accumulator /( i converter ; hter +

1st MSB fl

Fig. 1 Conventional DDFS-driven PLL frequency synthesizer

shown in Fig.1. The input to tlie accumulator is reference signal for PLL. Of course: when the
the frequency control word. Since this word analog phase detector type PLL is used; this
represents an N-bit digital value, the output procedure is not needed. However, since the
frcqucncy of DDFS, f b , is changed by variation analog phase detector type PLL has a very large
size in circuit dimension [4], it is not appropriate
of input control word. The relationship between
for applications of portable unit. Therefore, the
the output frequency f o , and the input word, W . digital phase detector type PLL is preferred and
is represented by we are going to use this PLL in this paper. As an
input of the PLL: the digital waveform shaping
is necessary. There is an effect of non-ideal hard
limitation on the system performance such as thc
increase of the power consumption.
where fCLK is thc clock frequency. The phase
accumulator is a digital integrator and generates
the digital ramp output by pcrforming the 3. PROPOSED DDFS-DRTVEN PLL
arithnietic function FREQUENCY SYNTHESlZER
S(n) = S(n - 1) + w (2)
In the previous section, we investigated the
where S(n) and S(n - 1) represent the present major portions of the performance degradation
and the previous accumulator output. Eq. (2) in conventional DDFS-driven PLL synthesizer.
shows that the amount of accumulated phase is As shown in Fig. 1, the phase accumulator has
irregularly changed as W is increased. This an N-bit input and (N-2)-bit output words. The
becomes one of the main factors to generate the two MSBs of the accuiiidator output bits are
discrete spurs in DDFS - it is considered as used to control the output waveform. In other
phase jitter in a digital signal - in the output of words, the first and second MSBs are used to
DDFS. control the phase of 90" and 180", respectively.
The ROM or look-up table converts the phase It is easily found that the period of the first MSB
into its equivalent aniplitude. In this con- is equal to that of the DDFS output siiyial. That
version, the quantization error is necessarily is: the output frequency of DDFS is determined
generated. Furthermore. this ROM would by the first MSB of the accumulator output.
consume most of the power in this conversion Therefore, f =1iT.
that usually uses a large look-up table. In D/A
Hence, in a DDFS-driven PLL synthesizer,
conversion, there is additional power con-
the MSB of accumulator output is most appro-
sumption. Therefore, it is necessa3-y to provide a
countermeasure for this large power con- priate for the input of PLL, because the
sumption. digitizing process is needless.
The hard limiter, which interfaces DDFS with
PLL, converts thc output of DAC to digital
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 47, No. 1, FEBRUARY 2001

IstMSB frequency
DDS output 5
Fig. 2 Proposed DDFS-driven PLL frequency synthesizer

Furthermore, such as ROM, D/A converter,

and hard limiter are not necessary, as shown in 4. SIMULATION RESULTS
Fig.2. Also, the effects of t h o x devices on the
system performance can be removed without
other manipulations. As compared with the con-
ventional DDFS-driven PLL synthesizer in Fig. 1,
since only a phase detector is used for DDFS in
Fig.2, the proposed synthesizer has the advan-
tages as follows: 1) The switching time can be
greatly shorten by removing the delay time at
each device. 2) The circuit complexity becomes
very simple and the power consumption can be
dramatically reduced.
Since the phase jitter of DDFS is generated by
the irregularly accumulated phase, we can not
make the jitter-free signal with the above
method. An alternative scheme to provide the
jitter-free signal is shown in Fig.3. This DDFS
unit uses two phase-accumulators. The second
stage takes the output carry of the first stage as
input. It does function as a noise-shaper. Even if
the first stage outputs the signal with the phase
error, the second phase accumulator generates
the jitter-free signal. Therefore, it is very
appropriate for applications of DDFS-driven
frequency synthesis.

77 ac cumulatar

Conventional Proposed
Required Transistors Transistors
accumulator devices (2428) (1804)
(pieces) Analog Analog
devices(35) devices(0)
j itter-f re e signal
Switching 33.144 12.654
time(ys) /2.2MHz step /2.2MHz step
Fig. 3 Jitter-free DDFS unit
Ryu et al.: Design of DDFS-Driven PLL Frequency Synthesizer with Reduced Complexity I97

....................1 .................
4fl” .~ - 1
1 I
........ ........ ~. .... .:..... ..
i I I
i 1 I I
.,.................. ‘i ................... I I I
I I ! I

0 U .I. ........;.. ....... j ........ .j ........ I -40011s -200ns Os 20011s

OS 2” 4”
(a) Jittered signal from the conventional
Fig.4 Loop filter output
phase accumulator
Next, the switching speed is generally defined
as inverse of the required maximum time to
switch and settle from one frequency to aiiothcr
frequency within its operating range. Here, we I

consider the switching time as the required time

to switch fromW=l toW=15, when fcLK=10
MHz. The switching speed is specified at 2.2
MHz frequency step. As a result, for thc above
frequency step, the conventional DDFS takes -ov5u+-------------- r-------------- i
33.14411s (Table l), while the proposed one does -20~s ns 2 0us
12.654ps. It means that the conventional one e y e - s w e e p ( 2 7 . 3 ~ ~1~us)
takes the switching time approximately 2.62
times longer than the proposed method. If the (b) Jitter-free signal from the noise shaper
switching time of PLL is constant, the switching
speed of DDFS-driven PLL synthesizer depends Fig. 5 Reduced jitter by noise shaper
on only the DDFS unit. Fig. 4 shows the loop
filter output of PLL. It means that it is possible 5. CONCLUSIONS
for the proposed method to lock toward the
desired frequency likc the conventional frc- In this paper, we have investigated the
quency synthesizer. Therefore, the proposed problems of the conventional DDFS-driven PLL
method can lock within the desired frequency synthesizer. Because of these drawbacks, the
range in addition to faster switching speed and conventional DDFS causes larger power con-
sinaller power consumption. sumption, circuit complexity, and switching time.
Finally, we investigated how much the noise To overcome the above drawbacks, we have
shaper of Fig. 3 can reduce the phase jitter. Fig.5 proposed the DDFS-driven PLL synthesizer with
shows the outputs of the accumulator output reduced complexity and verified the improved
when W = l . In case of the conventional performance for the switching speed and power
accumulator of Fig. 5(a), there is obvious phase consumption. In addition to these results, we
jitter. This phase jitter causes the terrific phase have introduced the noise shaper, which is a
noise in the PLL. On the contrary, the phase method to reduce the phase jitter. On the
accumulator using noise shaper provides the contrary to the general phase accumulator, the
jitter-free reference to the PLL (see Fig. 5(b)). noise shaper has provided the jitter-free
Thereforc, if the PLL maintains the desired reference to the PLL.
phase noise level, this DDFS-driven PLL From the above results, if the more frequency
frequency synthesizer can maintain the least control word bits are used for fine resolution, it
phase noise performance. is expected that the power consumption, swi-
198 IEEE Transactions on Consuiner Electronics, Vol. 47, No. 1, FEBRUARY 2001

tching speed, and circuit complexity arc more National University, Korea, where he is
improved. currently professor of electrical and electronic
department. His main research inteiests are in
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BIOGRAPHIES February 1996. He is
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Heung-Gyoon Ryu was M.S. degree in the depart-
born in Seoul, Korea in ment of electronic engineering, Chungbuk
1959. He received the B.S. National University. He is currently working on
and M.S. and Ph.D. digital modem design. His research interests also
degrees in electronic engin- include direct digital frequency synthesis and
eering from Seoul National digital F
G communication and CDMA.
University in 1982, 1984
and 1989. Since 1988, he
has been with Chungbuk

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