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This is the story of a man who 1. (take) the subway on Friday night. He 2.
(come) with a big bag and 3. (try) to leave the bag in one chair beside him, but an
ugly girl said he 4. (can) not, so he 5. (decide) to step next to a couple of men who
6. (look) rude. The men tried to steal his bag, they 7. (put) a knife in his stomach
and he 8. (leave) the bag go. When the men opened the bag, a snake just 9.
(pop) out of the bag, the men ran and ran out of the station and the brave man who
10. (own) the pet could not stop laughing.

What did the thieves find inside the bag?

A snake.
A dog.
A plant.
A book.
Where does the story take place?

In the subway.
In a bus.
In a cab.
In a car.

Please tell the story with your own words

It was a Friday night, when a man took the subway and took with him a large bag, which he tried to
leave on the chair next to him, but a very ugly girl told him he couldn't, so he went to the other
side, and some thieves stole his bag and when they uncovered it they found a very large snake and
the only thing the thieves did was leave the station running in a hurry, while the owner laughed
and laughed.

How did Edith meet her friends?

In the cinema.
In the job.
At the office.
In the school.

What did Cesar say about the invitation?

He said he could go.

He said he did not want to go.
He said they would not go.
He said he would not be glad to do so.

When we use expressions to talk about routines or repeated actions in the past which we don't do in
the present or we talk about states in the past which are no longer true, it is necessary to refer
to “used to”:

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