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4B My music- Beethoven

Born in December of 1770 in Bonn, Ludwig van Beethoven became

one of the most influential composers, writing dozens of symphonies,
concertos, piano sonatas, etc.

Beethoven first fell in love with a young countess named Julie

1801, but could not marry her because he was a commoner. His
famous Piano Sonata No. 14, “Moonlight,” is dedicated to her. A few
years later he met and fell in love with Josephine Brunswick, another
countess, after he began giving her piano lessons in 1799. They would
write a series of love letters, of which 15 by Beethoven survive, until
her family pressured them to terminate the relationship
Beethoven started to lose his hearing when he was 26 years old
and by the last decade of his life it was completely gone. Although
there are many theories about why Beethoven lost his hearing, we
don’t really know what caused it. The most likely cause might be a
disease from his early childhood like typhus.
Beethoven passed away on March 26, 1827 after a long illness. We
don’t really know Beethoven’s final words, although his friends and
biographers have recorded many different versions including “Pity,
pity — too late,” or “Applaud, my friends, the comedy is over” and “I
shall hear in heaven,” a reference to his deafness.
1. Who is Beethoven?
2. Was he lucky in love stories?
3. Whom is dedicated Moonlight sonata to?
4. What can be the reason that the composer lost his hearing?
5. When Beethoven said “Pity, pity.. too late”

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