Line of Defense

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Name: ___________________

Angelina Rivero Date: _______________

Assignment #1: 1st Line of defense Class 4_____

Word Bank

microbial Growth gastric juice immunity innate surface

blocking adaptive protect microbes skin

mucous epithelial cells mucus microbiome prebiotics

Section1: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Use the resources on “ line of defence learners
package” to answer the following activity.( 1 point each=13 points)

1. The 1st Line of defenses are part of _________________immunity

innate that prevents microbes from
entering the body. It can be found outside (Example: Skin) or inside (Example Earwax) the body
depending on its function. It _________body
protect surfaces and mucous membrane by preventing entry
of foreign ____________.
2. Physical Barriers in the first line of defence: They are two primary types of physical barriers of
the first line defense in innate immunity. These include the following: ____________
skin and
3. Epithelial Cells: Tightly packed skin cells that line the __________
surface of the body.


4. Skin is a physical barrier part in the first line of defense of innate immunity that is composed of two
layers. Epidermis: Outer surface layer composed of many layers of ______________.
epithelial cells
o Epidermis: Outermost layer is composed of dead cells that contain the water repelling
protein keratin. This creates a dry environment on the skin preventing_______________.
microbial Growth
o Dermis: Inner layer of skin cells that is thicker than epidermis. Composed of connective
tissue that makes it extremely durable and tough to break.
Mucous Membrane
5. Mucous Membranes: consist of an epithelial layer of cells &
connective tissue that produces __________.
Mucus: Sligthly viscous glycolprotein fluid produced by
goblet cells that prevents lined tracks from dying out.
Mucous membranes line the digestive tract, respiratory
tract and genitourinary tract. Though we have mechanisms to
protect mucous membranes, they’re commonly used by pathogens to enter.

Chemical Barriers
6. Certain types of chemical factors play important roles in the first line defense mechanisms of innate
immunity. Some chemical barriers are earwax, sebum, sweat, saliva and ____________.
gastric juice

(microbiome) population of resident microbes that grow in and on the bodies

7. Normal Microbiota_____________:
of healthy humans. Part of the first line of defense in innate immunity and is essential to immune
development during and after birth.
8. Some members of microbiota protect us by ___________attachment
blocking sites used by pathogenic
microbes. Some members of microbiota produce chemicals that are toxic to pathogenic bacteria.
Can be disrupted when antibiotics are used, which can make the person susceptible to various
9. Probiotics: Live microbe cultures that are applied or ingested, thereby benefiting the normal
microbiota. _____________:
prebiotics chemicals that promote the growth of beneficial microbes consumed
with probiotics.

Section2: Complete the following Concept Map and add a short description of each type of
barrier. Remember to use the “Lines of defense learner package” to complete this activity.
(1 point each=7 points)

Innate Immunity
1st line of defense

Physical Biological Barrier

Chemical Barrier

Skin__ Membrane Microbiome
the collection of all
composed of two layers.
The epidermis:
an epithelial tissue that
secretes mucus, and lines
microbes, such as bacteria,
Outermost layer is many body cavities and fungi,__________
viruses, and their
composed of dead cells tubular organs including genes, that naturally live on
and the dermis: Inner the gut and respiratory __________
our bodies and inside us.
layer of skin cells that is passages.
than epidermis. __________
______ __________
_____ ____

Gastric Juice- Earwax Saliva Sweat Sebum

secreted by lining an oily substance made up of
a waxy substance produced and a salty liquid produced
of stomach or a mixture that fat molecules (lipids) or natural
secreted by salivary by glands in your skin lubrication that protects your
contains HCl and contains sebum or a bodily function that
glands in the mouth skin from:
enzymes; that kill (rich in fatty acids) and is a complex keeps human bodies
and dissolve that lowers the pH mixture containing from overheating. It 1. Things that rub against your skin that
to inhibit microbial enzymes that inhibit
contains the enzyme can cause damage (friction).
most bacteria. lysozyme that degrades
growth found in microbial growth. 2. Moisture loss or brittle hair.
your ears. the bacterial cell walls. 3. Infections caused by bacteria or fungi.

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