Handbook of Lost Wax or Investment Casting Sopcak Text

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Lost Wax or
Investment Casting

By James E. Sopcak

A how-to-do manual that shows you

how to moke the equipment you
will need as well as how to
use it to make patterns,
molds and castings for
jewelry and small
metal parts


ISBN 0-935182-28-4
Copyright © 1986 Gem Guides Book Co.

Published by
Gem Guides Book Company
315 Cloverleaf Dr., Suite F
Baldwin Park. CA 91706
How To Burnout And Cast 48
Temperature Controls
An Introduction to Lost Wax or Investment Casting 4 Preparing Metal 49
Determining Quantity of Metal 49
Chapter 1
Handling Flask 50
Introducing and Melting Metal 50
How to Make a Vacuum Investment Mixer 6 Using The Pressure Casting Machine 51
Bill of Materials 9 Cooling and Removal of the Casting 52
Cleaning the Casting 52
Chapter 2
Chapter 10
How To Make A Burnout Oven 10
Bill of Materials Rubber Molds and Duplicate Patterns 51
Rubber for Molds 51

Chapter 3 Homemade Flask for Curing Rubber Molds 55

leading the Rubber and Curing the Mold 56
How To Make A Pressure Casting Machine Partim.- the Mold 56
Preparation of the Mold for Duplicate Patterns 57
Bill of Material* 22
Using the Wax Injector 50
Finishing Duplicate Wax Patterns 59
Chapter 4
Appendix 60
How To Make A Simple Wax Wire Extruder ... 23
Bill of Material* ... 21 Rubber Molds Without Vulcanizing
by Frank Gemmell 60
Chapter 5 Commercial Equipment 61

How To Make Rubber Molds ... 26

Flask 23
Investing the Pattern 16
Making The Mold 29
Parting The Mold 29
Bill of Material* 30

Chapter 6
How To Make A Wax Injector 31
Bill of Materials 36

Chapter 7
How To Make Wax Patterns . 37
Tools and Supplies . 39

Chapter 8
How To Invest Wax Patterns ... 43
Debubblizers ... 43
Flasks ... 43
Mixing Investment ... 45
Eliminating bubbles ... 45
Investing the Pattern ... 46
Finishing the Flask for Casting ... 47
PREFACE A pressure casting machine that
but “investment casting" is preferred and is

most books, articles, and catalogs use this easy to make from parts available every-

term. where and which eliminates the need for

As often happens in periodical publication, one good article leads to another.
an expensive centrifugal casting machine,
Sometimes it leads to a whole scries of articles that, taken as a whole, constitute a The Basic Materials
Actually, common paraffin can be An easily made burnout oven that will
complete textbook of the subject. But a periodical's life is usually fleeting, even for
give heat up to 1900° F. (and is also
the publisher. !i a series is good, it is not long before back issues containing the used to make small patterns. However,
suitable for enamelling),
material are exhausted and. for practical purposes, it is lost to many people, a stronger, more stable wax should be
used for larger and more complicated A homemade wax injector to be used
particularly newcomers who, generally, have the greatest need for its information.
patterns. Special pattern wax is available with rubber molds to make duplicate
Such was the history of a scries of articles on investment casting byjames E. So peak patterns,
which appeared in Gems and Minerals Magazine (now out of publication). When from jewelry supply houses and its
characteristics will be covered later.
And a wax extruder that will simplify
completed, they constituted a complete “course" in lost wax or investment casting making wax wire forms that simplify
of jewelry. Therefore, it was decided to publish this information in book form. {Note: Should you decide to use paraf-
making patterns for many types of
In this book you will find not only step-by-step instructions for making wax fin, remember that it is highly flamm-
patterns, producing investment molds and casting but, what may be more able. Melt it in a double boiler and be
All of this will he followed with de-
important to many, chapters on how to make the equipment you will need. As very careful.)
tailed, step-by-step instructions for using
mentioned, all of this information was originally published as a magazine series. To The material for making the mold is equipment
the and making investment
keep the cost within reach of everyone, the original type was used in this reprinting. called “investment." somewhat
It is
casting*. When the series
is finished, you
As a result, you may find a few references to "next month” or “last month" that similar in appearance to carting plaster
will have had a “course” that will have
but i* actually quite different. Ordinary
indicate periodical publication. But the meat of the material is affected not at all and given you the knowledge and equipment
piastres will not stand the heat required
you will find here what you need to know to start making your own jewelry you need to enjoy a relatively new and
to burn out the pattern or cart molten
castings. fascinating technique of the jewelry mak-
metal. The mort common investment ing art.
material is a mixture of cryrtobalite (a
high temperature silica mineral) and
other ingredients. It is easy to use. A Safety Note
An Introduction To highly refractive, and low enough in cort When the author originally
it economically practical.
investment, and silver, gold, or
completed the projects covered in this
book, wc did not know that asbestos
alloys are the basic materials needed.
Burning pattern leaving
could cause cancer. Jewelry makers
Because of the need for special equip- 3. out the
negative mold investment Equipment used it for a variety of purposes, as did
ment and a mistaken belief that it is a inside the
material. The equipment has been one
cost of the author in making the burnout oven,
a complicated process, too few amateur-
have tried making investment cartings 4. Carting by fitting the mold with ol the main deterrents to amateur use of the pressure casting machine and the
for jewelry. Though it may sound com- metal. the process. Many books build their wax injector.
plicated. it really i- not. Any amateur 5. Recovering the carting by destroying instructions around rather costly cast- For a number
of these tasks, and for
with the desire can not only make good the mold. ing machines, burnout ovens, electric lining he used sheet
casting flasks,
cartings but can also construct most of Because the wax pattern is completely asbestos which he purchased from a
vibrators and other equipment. These,
the equipment he will need. It will be "inverted" in the mold and removed by plumbing supplier. Wherever
or substitutes for thou, are necessary. It this
the purpose of this series of articles to burning or melting it out. the most com- product was mentioned in the original
is one of the purposes of this book to
show him how to do both. plicated forms can be cast. It makes no
show how to make or acquire sub- text, we have substituted the words
Precision casting using expendable wax difference if they have undercuts, reverse
stitutes arc both satisfactory in
that “asbestos substitute", for such a sheet
patterns was first developed by the dental curves, or similar convolutions. And.
performance and within the hobby material, in strip form, is available from
profession. It was adopted by industry since the mold is destroyed in removing
budget. casting equipment suppliers, such as
to cast complicated precision parts and the casting, there is no need to make a
carting which will“draw” from the mold. Some mechanical experience is
Kcrr/Sybron. It is called Flask Liner and
the jewelry trade, which was quick to
recognize its possibilities, climbed on One meaning of the word “invert" is necessary to make this equipment - issold primarily to dental laboratories

the band wagon. to surround or contain. The process gets knowledge that many do-it-yourselfers for flask lining.

Essentially the process involves: its name from the fact that the pattern possess. If you do not have this know- Many jewelry makers still use asbes-
1. Making a wax pattern that is ex- iscompletely surrounded or inverted. The ledge. perhaps a fellow craftspcrson tos in sheet and other forms (if thev can
pendable, material used to make the mold is called does, and will help you. find it), regardless of warnings about
2. Investing or encasing the pattern “investment." hence, investment casting.
Among the equipment to be described, health hazards. Wc leave the choice to
in a suitable refractory material that will: Since the wax pattern is expendable along with details for building it will be: the reader as to whether to use a sub-
A. Stand high heat; B. Reproduce every and burned out of the mold and. hence, A vacuum investment mixer that elim- stitute or true asbestos, but if you
detail of the pattern in the form of a lost, the name “lost wax" casting has also inates air bubbles from the investment, choose the latter, please be aware that
mold, been used. Both names are synonymous one of the major sources of poor cartings. you must proceed at your own risk.
co\cr plate. The off center hole should

Investment Costing — Port 1

he lap|ied using a inch NPT
Pipe Thread to accept the brass elbow.

HOW TO MAKE The threaded end of the elbow should be

covered with pipe joint com|>ound and
A VACUUM INVESTMENT MIXER lightened in place. The open end of this
fitting should face the nearest outer edge
of the circular brass cover.
An otherwise pood casting is often inches of vacuum and mixing the invest- Next the mixing paddle must l*c pre-
made unuseablr because air bubble* arc ment in this medium a bubble free mix- pared to the inside contour of the mixing
present in the investment when the wax ture can be obtained. In order to attain bowl, leaving about 1/16 inch clearance
pattern is invested. When this happens, the vacuum, one dors not necessarily on all side*. A series of V\ inch holes

small globules appear on the surface of need an expensive vacuum pump. Most should be drilled or punched into this
the casting. Though these can be re- laboratory supply houses carry hydro paddle to provide belter agitation of the
moved sometimes, they normally detract aspirators which will produce the neces- investment. The l/ inch stainless steel
from the detail of the piece and make sary vacuum from normal city water rod should now Ik- slotted, using a hack
finishing difficult. pressure of 30 pounds or more. An saw, to a depth of about V/j inches
aspirator of this type should be mod- and the paddle soft soldered in place.
Various methods have been used to
The brass washer should be also
eliminate bubbles, including "debubblia- erately priced and can he obtained with
soldered to the rod to
-tainlrw fieri
era.” These are essentially detergents that adapters for direct attachment to a
retain this assembly in position wilh
lower the surface tension of the mixture utility sink spigot.
relation to the depth of the mixing bowl. Assembled top of the miser,
and allow air to escape more easily. Wilh the aspirator illustrated the neces-
1' Sec sketch.)

Vibrators have also been used to “shake sary vacuum can Ik- attained in 20 in 30
Cut and attach, using rubber cement, At this point the paddle should be
the bubbles loose. Rut. by far. the most •econds provided the container is wHl
the gum rubber gasket to the bras* cover assembled into the rover und checked
method of eliminating bub-
satisfactory settled and of moderate sizr. For the
bles by mixing the investment in a
is easting of rings and other jewelry mount-
plate. The gasket should Ik- inch / to Ik- sure the paddle does not hind in
wide with the outer dfcmrter the same the mixing bowl. Cut off the stainless
vacuum. The problem is to obtain a ings. a container or mixing bowl wilh
vacuum in a suitable container while still a capacity of one to two cupfuls will l»e
as the cover plate. st.-rl rod% inch above the hushing.

being able to stir the mixture inside. ample. The container should lie suffici-
By lowering the pressure in a closed ently rigid to withstand the exterior at-
container to approximately 2\ to 21] mospheric pressure, ami should be a
nonoxidizing metal or plastic. The
vacuum ntix.-r illustrated was made from
a |dastic sugar howl purchased at a
loeal dime store.
Because the size and shape of the
mixing howl that may he purchased will
vary, we will, in general, outline the
construction procedure, avoiding direct
measurements where possible.
Actual construction of the mixer can
Itegin by cutting or turning the brass
cover plate to a diameter 1/16 inch
larger than the outside diameter of the
open end of the mixing how l. This brass
circle will become the cover. In the
center of this circular brass piece, drill
a %
inch hole and %
inch from Che
ernter drill a 5/16 inch hole. Into the
% inch center hole solder ( preferably
silver solder for greater strength) the
inch outside diameter brass bushing. It
should be flush with the bottom of the

A hydro aspirctcr with fitting for c utility

/ -23 the proper w-ater/investmenl ratio has If a notation is made as to the amount
Thread this end ivilh a thread. a minimum of 50 turns and/or 1 minute
Tin- threaded length should be slightl} after full vacuum is attained. been attained. Wtih a little experimenting of water used to prepare a given amount
Ices than % inch. For those not familiar with the princi- various consistencies of investment can
be achieved in this manner. If thinner
of investment, a W3ter/casting-ring-size
ratio can be <-stablished.
Drill and handle piece with a
'tap the ple of the hydro aspirator, a word of
>4-28 thread. The threaded hole should explanation may be in order. Simply investment is needed for an intricate cast- It has been found that approximately
be centered and %
inch from the end. stated, a low pressure area is formed by ing. the pile of dry investment should
be small. A heavy casting of simple de-
1 >4 ounces of water will produce suffici-
ent investment to fill a casting ring 3
A knob should be attached to the op- a stream of high velocity water passing
posite end to form a crank. over or around an open tube. This princi- sign may necessitate a thicker mixture. inches high and 1% inches in diameter.
The 1 inch piece of *4 inch tubing ple is incorporated in the aspirator illus- This method of determining water/ in- Using the above ratio as a starling point,
is iirserted into the compression fitting trated and. by design, it is an efficient vestment ratio is no! quite as time con- a water/ n vrs Imcn t ratio can be com-

and the assembly tightened. The purpose application. This method of attaining a suming as the weighing method and will piled which will result in a minimum of

of the tubing is to provide a means for vacuum is similar to the medicinal nasal reproduce results satisfactorily. wasted material.
attaching die vacuum hose. aspirator.
Attach one end of the vacuum hose to In using the vacuum nrixer, it is sug-
the hydro aspirator and the other to the gested that a predetermined amount of
mixing bowl cover plate. Prepare the tap water bo put into the mixing bowl.
proper mixture of investment and water, With a spatula or small spoon, small
turn the spigot on full, press the cover quantities of investment should then be
to the l>ow)until a vacuum is attained added by sprinkling the dry investment
and mix. Investment should he mixed for onto the water. Enough time should In-
allowed between each addition to permit
tileinvestment lo he al^orlied into the
water. When a small pile of dry invest-
Assembled ports of the vocuum investment
mixer. ment begins to build on top of the liquid. MATERIALS
1 pc. brew plate, 3/16" thick (see text
for dimensions)
1 pc. VS" brow or stoinless steel rod obout
4"-5" long
1 pc. 22 to 26 gouge stoinless steel sheet
(see text for dimensions)
1 90° brow elbow. W' NPT one end,
VS" tube compression fitting on other end
1 brow bushing, VS" I.D.. O.D., 1VS"
I pc. 1/32" to 1/16" soft gum rubber
sheet (see text for dimension)
1 pc. VS"xl" copper tubing
1 pc.flat brass tt"x1 /I6"'x2"
1 knob for crank
1 pc. vocuum hose, VS" I.D. by 2' to
1 brass washer %"xVS"xl/16"

2 hex mochine nuts, VS -28

1 mixing bowl (see text for recommendation)

1 hydro ospirator (ovoiloblc ot most labora-

tory supply houses. Only the lowest priced

type is needed. If you connot find o
source, contoct your local high school
chemistry teocher, he should hove a
source from which he buys lob eauipment.
Or contoct Central Scientific Corp., 702 1

Irving Pork Rd., Chicogo 13, III.)

The complete 660-wotr. homemode burnout

Investment Casting — Part 2

you own a screwdriver, a pair of (in
If We have selected two power ratings
snips and a few ocher basic tools, the for this oven, based on the- availability of
wax burnout oven described here is heating elements. You have a choice of
within your reach. For a low financial cither a 660-watt or a 1000-watt oven.
investment and one or two evenings’ The healing element is the type
labor you can own an oven of which you normally sold in hardware and
can justly be proud. electrical supply stores. The element is
already coiled and needs only be
The oven is capable of temperatures
stretched to the required length lor use
up 1900° and, if equipped with both
a pyrometer and power control, it is with this oven. It is made of Nichrome
capable of maintaining near constant wire which offers resistance to current
temperatures over this range. Once you flow, thus producing the necessary heat.
have determined the power selling neces- Although the oven illustrated has been
sary for a given temperature, it is rela- inuse on a weekend basis for almost tw o
tively simple to establish a lime/ power years,it shows no appreciable deteriora-

ratio to attain and duplicate temperatures, tion of the heating element. If the
element does bum out. replacement is allow for the slight mi-cutting of angles. inch bricks will be the door and the
simple at a fraction of the cost of a Refer to metal layout details for dimen- back of the oven.
commercial unit. sions and areas to be removed. this type of
For those no! familiar with
In addition to the burning-out of in- iNexL all pieces must be bent to 90° insulating firebrick, should be pointed

vested patterns, for lost wax casting, the as indicatedby an X on the metal layout out that it is very soft and should be
oven can be used as a tempering oven detail sketch.If you have a sheet metal handled with care. A fingernail has suf-
for steel tools, heat treating stones, cer- shop in your town, it is suggested that ficienthardness to gouge the brick. For
amics, enamelling and other similar ap- they be taken to the shop for bending. reason and its high temperature
plications. As a lark, the author once If a shop is not available, the bending
roperties it was chosen for this project.
used the oven to produce a delicious can be done by clamping the pieces this same type of insulating brick is
baked apple. Your own imagination can in a visebetween two boards cut to the normally used in some commercially
certainly find ccher applications for this required length. Although bending the made ovens. The brick is made by a
piece of equipment. pieces in this manner is slightly more number of suppliers and can he obtained
Construction is relatively simple and withstand various temperatures. For
difficult,a neat liend can Ik* achieved to
can begin by cutting the galvanized sheet C
with a little care. The bending sequence our purposes the 2300 F brick is suf-
to the required dimensions. Next the in-
should be given some thought prior to ficient and should be specified.
dividual pieces should he laid out in starting of any bends to avoid inter- Take the two half bricks and. referring
anticipation of further cutting, folding ference of one bend with another. This them to receive
to the coil layout, route
and bending. You will note from the completes the metal portion of the oven. the heating clement. The routed width Holf-bricks thol form iho sides of I he
layout details that the areas that have Next refer to the sketch titled, “Brick should be slightly under the outside oven. (Top) The brick routed to take the
•been shaded out arc to be removed. To ami Coil Layout." Two firebricks are diameter of the Nichrome coil and suf- hearing element and the hearing element,
produce neater looking corners, 14 inch.
left whole, two bricks are cut to ficiently deep to contain the coil below
stretched ond ready for installation. (Bottom)
holes have been drilled on centers at the Buck with the hooting clement in place.
inches long ami one brick is cut exactly the surface of the brick. Heating coil
intersections of the areas ro lx- removed. in half. be made with a
All cuts can placement is not critical hut should ap-
These holes permit easier bending and thin bladed back
saw. The two full proximate the placement shown in me
length bricks will eventually be the top sketch and illustration.
Ports used for moklng a burnout oven. The and bottom of the oven. The brick cut If a drill pres* is available, the rout-
shocf matal ports hove already been formed in half will furnish tthe two sides which ing can he done by simply using a drijl
Only three of the five firebricks arc shown. contain the heating element. The 5V£* bit of the required diameter. The coil
layout can he carefully outlined on the
brick in soft pencil. Inc drill hit set to
the required depth and the brick pushed
into the revolving bit, following the pencil
outline. If a drill press is not available,

the routing can be done with a piece of

round steel stock by pressing the end of
the sled into the brick and using the It
rod as a scraper. Although this may seem
difficult, the brirk is relatively soft and
can be compressed to dust w ith case.
The door and back brick must also
be routed to a depth of %-inch along
all four sides so that a portion of the mg flu- coil loops taut so there is a 4-inch
brick protrudes into the oven openings length of straight wire. The straightened
for lietler hc3t retention. This can also ends will be fastened to the terminal
screws at the hack of the owen. About 6
be done on a drill press using a flat ended
bit as a router or by carefully cutting and to 8 straightened coils are sufficient Ho
scraping away the excess material with produce the above length. The total
a knife. Refer to the brick and coil lay- length of the routing should now be de-
out for the width of these cuts. termined and each coil stretched to about
Heating coil preparation comes next. one inch short of this length. Lay a

yardstick on a table top. grasp both

Cut the coil exactly in half. This can flat

be done by simply counting the number ends of one coil 3nd stretch the coil
of coil loops and determining the mid- using the yardstick as a guide. The di-
point. -At both ends of each coil half, mension to which the coils return (they
the coil must be straightened by stretch- will spring back a little) should coincide

with the length needed as determined piece to a point and drive two of these
above. Starting %-inoh from the edge pieces and used as trivets for your flasks
wares, as you would a nail, through each
of the routed firebrick, press the coil full brick into each side brick, both top
during burnout.
into place. (Set- illustration.) Prepare and bottom. The wires should be located The brass machine screws should now
staples ’/o-inch long with a radius of through the full brick so they will be be inserted and the hex nuts tightened.
1 /16-inch and imjsH these staples into driven into the middle of the side brick Remove this assembly, place the hark
the brick along the length of the Ni- one inch from both the front and back brick into position and Care
chrome coil at strategic points to hold edges of the assembly. This reinforce- should be taken to avoid disturbing the
the coil in place. In locating the staples, ment of the brick assembly is needed to Nichrome wire leads. Each Nichrome wire
be sure they are pressed between the hold them together for subsequent as- lead should reach one of the brass ter-
individual coils so as not to short out sembly into the metal case. Pilot holes minal posts.
any adjacent coils. Once the Nichrome slightly under the diameter of the wire At this point, all firebrick intersec-
wire has been heated, it will take a used can be drilled into the full brick. tions. that is, the inside corners, should
permanent set. The staples are used pri- This aids in driving the wire into the be filleted with a high temperature furn-
marily to aid assembly. side brick perpendicularly. By ace cement. This can be done by spread-
You can now assemble the bottom, these holes the wire is' lew apt to be ing a fillet of cement with the tip of the
top and sides of the brick portion of the driven into the sides at an angle. The index finger to form a Vi-inch fillet
oven. Place one full brick on a solid firebrick is soft enough to accept the radius.
fiat surface.
Position the two side bricks wires without breaking, if driven care- By placing die metal door piece face
containing the healing elements flush with The position of the door ond hinge rod down on an insulated surface, the Vi-
the front and side edge.* of the full brick for silver soldering them together. Plocc
Slip the completed brick assembly into inch steel rod can be positioned and
weights on the brick to prevent worping
and place the remaining full hrick on the the formed metal case. Invert the' case silver soldered in position. The end of
top of this assembly. (See sketch.) Pre- the rod should extend three inchesbeyond
containing the assembled bricks so that
pare light. 4-inch pieces of ‘tiff ’^-inch Take the two piece* of 2x3%-inch sheet the width of the door and should he
it rests on its top. Locale and drill two
diameter wire. Sharpen one end of each metal and bend them info a bracket for flush with the face of the door. Weights
holes through the outside of the metal
the terminal board. Bend a ’/4-inch or clamps should hold the door piece-
case one inch from the front and back
flange on each 2-inch end in the direc- down against the insulated surface to
edges of the oven and centered with
tions indicated by the aide view of the prevent warping during soldering. Two
relation to the flange of the bottom piece.
sketch. Drill flic foot of thr flangr* for
The bottom piece should be temporarily 1-inch areas of silver solder, at each
sheet metal screws and the lops lo lake edge of thr door and rod contact points,
put in position to determine the locations
6-32 machine screws. Locale flic foot
are sufficient to hold the door securely
of these holes. The holes should be the hole* on the sheet metal on the hack of
same to thr rod. Do not bend the rod now.
sire as the outside diameter of the the oven so the brocket will just Hear Depending on your preference, the door
sheet nirtal screws used. Again place the back brick. These brackets and the
the bottom piece in position and locate handle ran he either to the loft or the
terminal board form the damp to hold right of the oven. You can tailor this
the drilled holes on the side flanges of the brick in place. Fasten the brackets
die bottom piece.
feature Jo your own need.
Remove the bottom in place with sheet metal screws.
piece and drill holes the root diameter
From the remaining fire brick, cut a
of the screws at these locations. Assemble
the bottom piece to the case using sheet
piece approximately W
thick by 9" x
24" to be used as a terminal board for
metal screws.
For those not familiar with the use the electrical connections at the rear of
of sheet metal screws it may be well to the oven (see illustration on page 16 -
state that this type of screw is to some substituting the fire brick piece for the
degree self tapping. To fasten two pieces asbestos shingle shown). Attach this
of light gauge metal, the outer piece of terminal board to the brackets, using
metal is drilled to the outside diameter of four 6/32x*»." machine screws. Prior to
the sheet metal screw and the inner piece assembling the terminal board to the
drilled to the root diameter of the screw. brackets, drill four holes as illustrated to
In this manner, the sheet metal screw will accommodate four brass machine screws
bring the two pieces together and hold which will be the electrical terminal
them tightly.
posts for the Nichrome wire elements,
the line cord and the top connecting
Brick assembly prior io insertion into the
all in scries (sec photo on page 16).
mctol case. The heoling element is in
place. (Upper) Section of brick morticed Remaining brick can be cut into suitable
on one side to form the bock and door
of the oven. Two ore required. Side view showing instollotion of the door
Rear of the oven with back cover removed. The two ottroctive models give scale to the
Showing installation of the terminal board and
heavy-duty cord.
bumout ovens.
®EZ3 cu®m
the door, position
in place.
and tighten the collar*

gauge copper wire should be attached, cm®

At a point. 2 inches from the hinge as a jumper, to give continuity to the two
bracket, heat the hinge rod to a cherry
heating elements. To the bottom two
red. Bend the rod up toward the top brass terminals, attach the heavy duty-
of the oven at an angle slightly less than
line cord.
00°. At the same time the rod should
Position and affix the back cover us-
be bent hark about 35 c as related to the
ing the remaining sheet metal screws. This
front face of the oven.
Use a concentrated completes the oven asscmhly except for
pinpoint flame to achieve a -harp bend.
painting. The new aerosol wrinkled finish
Prepare the counterweight by drilling
paint in either black or grey gives the
a V4*inch drametcr hole to a depth of
oven a professional touch and instructions
approximately 2 inches. The counter-
for use are printed on the can. is used as a heat indicator, it is sug-
weight ran be secured to the end of the
If you elect to equip your oven with gested that the 660 wall model he built.
rod by an adhesive or a srt screw. The
a pyrometer, the vent holes in the back 'This model has a slower and more grad-
counterweight can be made of any suit-
cover can be used to pass the thermo- ual heat rise and the heat has more
able round stock with sufficient weight to
couple* through to the hack firebrick opportunity to soak through to the center
hold the door tightly closed.
and into the oven chamber. Tlie pyro- of the invested pattern.
Upturning to the back of the oven,
meter can be mounted on top the oven. The author has found that burnout of
attach one Nichrome wire lead to each
In addition, a silicone controlled power a l l,4-inch diameter invested wax pattern
of the four bass terminul screws. Across
Position the oven between two common rectifier of the proper wattage can be can be completed in forty-five minutes,
flu- two upper screws a piece of heavy
bricks placed at the top and bottom of used in conjunction with this oven. By using the 660 wall model. Naturally,
ihe oven so that he oven is level and
controlling the input of current, an in- with a 1000 watt, controlled hoot model,
the hack bracket
held above the work-
is finite range of heal adjustment can be burnout can l>e accomplished much
ing surface of a workbench or table. achieved over the range of cither the faster. With the investment setup (min-
Place the ftonl door firebrick into the 660 watt or the 1000 watt model. imum one-half hour), the flask can be
metal door piece and center 'this assembly A novel way of determining burnout placed in oven preheated to *>00°
on the oven with relation to the oven temperature, if a pyrometer is not 'avail- and burnout accomplished in about
opening. Next drill 14 . inch holes into able. is to use an aluminum nail 3 ? a twenty-five minutes. Trial and error will
Gotvomxcd iron sheet, 26
idle hinge
bracket piece. These holes pyrorortric sphere. The nail can be held produce your own proven method and
I pc. 7'/* ”*32" (top &
should he centered and i/j-inch from the I pc. 7 /i"x8 /V' (do*>
, ,
upright in a ball of cky and the correct. procedure.
" Leftover firebrick pieces can be cut
end of each piece. From the opposite 1 pc.6 '/i"x\ 2 (bottom) reducible temperature determined
end, drill three holes on %-inch centers
to acce|>t sheet metal screws. Hang the
PC '£*'?"„<'*>* C0V,,)

gouge) Z •n the nail
bends or melts. Most
alloys melt at about 1200
into slice* %-inch thick and used as
trivets during burnout Slots can be
6 insulating firebrick. 2300'F. ITx2ft-x4V
two bracket pieces on the positioned door cut into these pieces to aid the free flow
rod and locate the three screw holes on
24 round head sheet metal screws. *6x
2 pcs flat steel. Vx Vx6”
V which
is also
an optimum burnout tem-
the aluminum nail method of wax from The invested pattern.
the sides of the metal case. Drill hole? I pint hightemperature furnace cement
in the case to the root diameter of the I heating element, Nichrome, coiled, 660
‘hcct metal screws and assemble. The
watts at no
volts or 1000 watts or
1 10 volts
floorcan be opened and dosed at this I pc. round steel, Vi"xl8”
time to check any points of binding. 4 brass machine screws, round heed.
Binding points can be relieved by further 10-24* 3^”
culling away the firebrick.
8 hex nuts, brass, 10-24
PC. round metal stock, ony maferiol,
Two !
/i -inch retaining collars should
Vi "x4" (for counterweight)

be used to keep the hinge rod from 1 heavy duty line cord (type used on electric
sliding back and forth. These retaining irons)
4 mochine screws, round heed. 6-32xVi"
collars can he *4 -20 hex nuts drilled to
4 Hex nuts, 6-32
a ^4- inch opening. One of the hex-
1 power control. Type C.R.S., rcted 660
nut faces on each nut should be drilled watts cr 1000 wotts (minimum)*
and tapped to accept a set screw. Place I pyrometer*
1 can, heat resistant lacquer or enomel*
the retaining collars
on the rod, one on
each side of the hinge bracket. Center 'These parts are optioncl.

16 17
Investment Casting — Part 3


In essence, lost wax or investment desired and die intricacy of the pattern,
casting consists of investing a wax put- By referring to the illustrations and the
tern, eliminating the wax through burn- parts list, a general picture can In- ob-
out, and cavity with
filling the resulting tamed as to the function and method
molten silver or gold under pressure. n f assembling the pressure casting mo-
I'he necessary pressure can he achieved chine.
in a number of ways through centrifugal Square steel tubing ha* been used for
force, steam pressure, or air pressure. ,hc working parts of the machine with
The method used hero is air pressure, a 3/ 16 or 14-inch steel plate for the
generated by a foot-powered tire pump. base. Assembly can begin by cutting the
The initial pressure necessary to force M |uare tubing to the required lengths to
the molten metal into the cavity is five form the handle, the lever arm, the two
pounds. In theory, the metal should flow uprights, and by cutting the base plate
into the cavity without turbulence to pre- to the required dimensions. It would be
vent air from entering the cavity ahead well to mention at this point that if square
of the metal. After about four seconds tubing is not available, -tamlard pipe
at five pound* i»rc*<urr, a secondary load and pipe fittings can be used and can
must be placed on the molten metal to produce similar result*. Your own in* The completed pressure costing mochlne
with relation to the width of the tubing.
with o flask in position. The pressure plate
achieve greater density. This secondary genuity in using this urticle as a basis The bra-s hushing should next he
on this mochlne is a costing but V4-inch
loud can vary from 20 pounds up to 40 f or construction and dimensions con pro- sheet aluminum will serve os well. The soldered into place by first drilling a '/.*•
pounds pressure, depending on the density duce a casting machine u«ing pipe in-icad swivel that joins the pressure plate to the
inch hole through both sides of the tub-
arm ollows the plote to odjust to the top
of tubing.
of the flask even though it is slightly out
ing parallel to the handle. The center
The T lhaped assembly which forms the of square. of this hole should be 1 inch from the
handle and the lever arm are airtight, open end of the lever arm mid centered
and act as an air reservoir for licttrr airtight.The 14-inch hole in Ihe handle- with relation to the width of the tubing.
control of pressure to the molten metal. piece should he centered and the hole Center the brass bushing through the
After cutting all pieces to dimension, should face into die open end of the tubing and silver solder it in place.
select the 5-inch length of square tubing lever arm, this will permit free passage Throuali this bushing will |ru-s the lever
which forms the handle. Both ends of of air into the handle. You should now
pin which acts as the fulcrum for the
this piece must lie sealed bv silver solder- have a T-shaped piece with the cross of lever arm assembly.
ing filler blocks into the ends, being sure the T sealed al both ends. Lay this piece Prepare die last filler block by drilling
flat and designate the top and bottom
that the silver solder makes an airtight a l^-mch hole through the center anil
A must be drilled into with relation to the final assembly.
seal. Vi -inch hole silver solder a 2-inch length of V4'* l,c^
permit air to reach Facilities must be provided in die lever
this 5- inch piece to copper tubing into this hole. Silver solder
the handle. The Vi -inch hole should be ann to affix the air pressure gauge and this assembly to the open end of the lever
centered in relation to both ends and the pressure plate. TTiis can lie done by
arm. The tubing will be attached to the
also centered across the width of the roldoring a reducer into the top and bot- pump which supplies
hose from the foot
tubing. tom of the lexer arm which has been air through the lever arm and the pres-
Next the handle piece should he drilled to iTCeixe the reduerrs. The re-
silver sure plate to the molten metal.
soldered to the end of the 9-inch lexer ducer for the air pressure gauge should plate is a 3-inch circular
The pressure
ami, again being sure the solder joint is he 1 inch from the handle end of the piece of V4*' n ch aluminum, drilled and
lever arm. on the top. The pressure plate
upped for 14" N.P.T. (Naiional Pipe
The pressure casting machine with the arm reducer should In- 6 inches from the
raised and the flask in position. The con- handle end, and 4 inches from the op-
Thread). To this piece affix, with water
centric circles on the bose aid in centering posite end of the lever ami. on die bot- glass (sodium silicate) as ail adhesive,
the flask under the pressure plate. ihrce lavers of sheet asbestos substitute
tom. Both reducers should be centered
18 19
cui to size. Assemble all parts of the 1-inch No. 8 wood screws for subsequent
lever arm as illustrated in both the mounting of the casting machine to a insulator, being sure to punch a hole Since we will go into complete details
exploded and side views, using pipe bench or table. Next space the uprights through the asbestos substitute to coin- about investment casting later, now we
cide with the hole in the base plate. will give only basic instructions for use
joint compound on all threaded fittings. I 1'"- 1 apart, locate and drill two
lo *e4 in *** b®* With a compass, make a scries of con- of the pressure casting machine, high-
Til is completes the assembly of the lever ’ ph*,c ,0 accept the flat
bead bolts for attaching the uprights to centric circles, in pencil, on the asbestos lighting the important steps and outlining
The upright pieces must be prepared the base plate. The spacing of the up- substitute, using the hole in the base the areas of difference between pressure
next. Lay out and drill six %-inch holes rights should be such that the hushing plate as a center. These circles will aid in and centrifugal casting.

in each upright, starling one inch from in the lever arm can be inserted between Flasks used for pressure casting may
centering the flask under the pressure
the lop. The holes should be drilled on 'be uprights with some side play. Coun- he any type of tubing that has sufficient
plate when casting.
%-inch centers. It is best to drill both tersink the two holes from the bottom, strength and which will withstand the
Paint the entire machine except for
uprights together to insure alignment of Assemble the uprights into place on the burn-out temperatures. The top and bot-
the areas covered with the asbestos sub-
holes when the uprights are assembled base plate. Specific spacing for the above tom should be even and smooth, par-
stitute and attach the foot-powered tire
to the base. In addition, two %-inch hex boles can be determined by trial. The ticularly the top. so the seal between it

spacing of the uprights not extremely

pump. The wrinkle finish paints avail- and tin- pressure plute on llic machine
nuts must bo silver soldered into the open is
able in aerosol containers result in a can be maintained without having to
end of each upright at the bottom. These critical. They should be about •4-inch
from 'be bark edge of the base plate and professional- looking machine and. in apply excessive pressure on the handle.
nuts should he flush with the edges of
the tubing so the uprights will In- perpen- centered with relation to the side or some instances, can hide poor soldering The wax model should he sprued in
dicular when u»emblcd to the bane. If edge-. All holes in the uprights should techniques. Mount the machine at a the conventional manner using a wax
necessary, the ends of the uprights, with accept the %-inch lever pin without bind- workable height to a heavy table or sprue wire no larger than 10 gauge. If
the nuts soldered in place, can be filed in g- (See llic avembled illustration.) bench. It may he necessary to add to the the wax model is of a size which would
to achieve squareness. Prepare the lever pin, as by
illustrated, length ol the hose supplied with the tire not permit complete filling of the cavity,
Prepare the base piece by drilling four silver soldering a knob to one end and pump. This completes the pressure additional sprues may be necessary. If
mounting holes ut each corner to accept slightlytapering the opposite end. As- casting machine assembly. additional sprues are used they should he
semble the machine and locate the center gathered together at or about the center

An exploded view ot the parts of the pressure A ,hr w r fc! *° «** »P of the sprue former so that the invest-

costing machine The asbestos substitute baw

* Dr,l ‘ « ft*. 'f\
hole through the |— ,/r—1
ment will separate each sprue wire by
covor lor the baso ond tho hole In the base are «• <* I'hile at this point to permit passage at h ast 1/32 inch.
not shown II a compressor is used lor air of air. Cover the base plate with one The wax sprue wire and the wax model
pressure, the filler piece (under Reducer (1» layer of asbestos substitute as a heat 20 (IVU SltU *UM(t should Ih- completely painted with a dr*
should hovo a V hole in it
huhhlizcr, ftennilted to dry, rinsed, and
•!/••• •- ^ again permitted to dry before investing.
1 I
'Hie inventing of the model is clone in
the conventional manner being sure that
no air bubbles adhere to the wax model.
Prior to burn-out. the invested model
should be permitted to set at least one
half hour.

When the investment has set, a cavity

must l>e reamed into the investment to
sr*UC #10 CAUtt-
facilitate the melting of the metal. This
cavity should be a hemisphere approxi-
mately %
inch smaller in diameter than
die insidediameter of the flask. A piece
of sheet metal can be cut to this con-

H-l !/?• I.D.-d figuration and used as the reamer. The

bottom of the invested flask should also
I»e scraped slightly concave. (Sec* illustra-

The casting machine should be ad-
20 GrjSC
sun im b justed to the proper height of the flask
through correct placement of the lever
arm. Abo set the pressure plate by press-
ing down on the lever arm w ith the flask
Cross sectfoo of o typical flosk with reamers
in position.
of sheet metal to form the top or>d bottom
of the investment. Burn-out is accomplished at 1200°F
for a time sufficient to completely elimi- needed to produce a dense casting. The
nate all wax Complete burn-out
residue. increased pressure should be held for

for a man's ring normally takes one hour about 2 minules or a sufficient length of
but this would depend on the wattage time to permit the metal to solidify.
and size of the burn-out oven used. If you are perplexed at this point,
it should be explained that the surface
When the investment is free of wax.
the flask can
be centered in the casting tension of the molten metal will not per-
machine. The proper amount of metal mit it to flow through the sprue until ex-
should now be placed into the reamed ternal pressure is applied. \ou will re-

cavity and the metal melted. No flux member that we said the sprue should

should be added to the metal until the not exceed a 10 gauge wire size because
metal is completely molten. After flux- if a larger sprue is used, some of the
ing. the metal should be again heated metal will flow prematurely and spoil the
until completely fluid. The exact temper-

ature at which to cast the metal is a Af ter a few minutes, pick up the flask
matter of trial and error but occurs at with tongs and quench it in a container
a point just under the temperature at of water. Remove the casting, pickle and
which the metal begins to “Spin.” The finish. Two versions of the wax wife extruder. Top: the piston designed to be used under the
author's first try was unsuccessful but I As mentioned previously, the pressurr The hand-operated extruder with the pipe quill of a drill press or on arbor press.
have had no difficulty since in determin- casting method and the casting machine cap unscrewed to show the assembly of
Lower: A group of dies with a variety of
outlined capable of reproducing the shapes and some extruded wax wire made
ing the casting temperature. is
the piston. Center: An extruder barrel with with the device.
The flame should now he removed from most intricate castings. With this casting
the metal and the lever arm and pres- machine there is no chance of losing
metal through unbalance, as is the case
sure plate brought to bear on the flask.
Firm hard pressure should be applied. with centrifugal machines. Investment Casting — Part 4
Immediately bring the air pressure to 4 Because of its design, the pressure
casting machine does not require elabor-
to 6 pounds by pumping the foot pump.
In approximately 2
the air pressure to
4 seconds
40 pounds. The
ate safety guards nor does it need a
great deai of space in a normally crowded
initial air pressure of 4 to 6 pounds is workshop. Also your cost per casting
needed to gently force the metal into the will be less when one considers the neces-

cavity and the increased pressure is sity of replacing crucibles in the centri- Purchased wax wire shapes are rela- The construction of the wax extruder
fugal casting method.
tively costly. If you are the type that can begin by sawing off the threaded
An alternative method of supplying has difficulty with design or would like portion of the 94-inch pipe. The inside
pressure to the molten metal is to use to try making your own jewelry designs, diameter of this piece is approximately
a small compressor capable of producing the wax extruder described here will .824 inch and must be carefully filed to
BILL OF MATERIAL 35 pounds pressure. If this method is permit you to experiment to your increase this to .875 inch or the out-
used, a ^4-inch hole should be drilled side diameter of the brass tubing. When
30” —
" squore steel tube
8‘" into the filler block of the handle, on
heart's content at minimum cost. Wax
wire jewelry designs not to your liking you have removed sufficient metal from
1 pc. 9”; pc. 5"; 2 pcs.

6" or Va" sheet steel for base the left side facing the machine. With the inside of the threaded piece so that
1 pc. 3/1 can be remelted and the wax used to
3 pcs. Va"x\"x-\" sheet steel for fillers this method the compressor is started
extrude new wire. it just slips over the tubing, the thread
2 Vb"x\" flat head bolts when the casting temperature reached,
With the wax extruder illustrated, you can he silver soldered to the brass tube.
2 Va" hex nuts (for above) brought bear on
the pressure plate is to
will not be limited to commercial wire Be sure this piece is a tight fit. If
2 Za'xZb" N.P.T. reducers’
1Va" N.P.T. connector* the flask and the air pressure is controlled
forms. Because the wax extruding dies facilities are available a %-inch metal
Va" N.P.T. swivel fitting* by closing off tlie escaping air through drill can be used to enlarge the threaded
can be a product of your own imagina-

pc. y4''x3“' flat aluminum or dural plate the hole in the handle, with the thumb. pipe and eliminate the tedious filing.
tion. the wire shapes extruded can be
pc. sheet asbestos substitute (see Safety
A little practice will be necessary to be- limitless. Perchance you already have A filler piece must now be silver
Notes, pg. 5)
I V I.D. x W
0.0 x 1 Vi" brass bushing come adept at first bringing the pressure
gauge to read 5 pounds and then dosing
an unusual jewelry design in mind. Here soldered to the opposite end of the brass
tube. This filler should be solderablc
1 0-30 p.s.i. oir pressure gouge with Va" is your opportunity to create something
N.P.T. off the hole still further to bring the truly different using extruded wax wire material, either steel or brass, and at
foot-operated pump air pressure to 30 pounds. least 3/ 16-inch thick. The filler block
of a shape not normally available. How

1 pc. %"x3'/2” round

steel rod
One last point is the greater latitude
Miscellaneous: silver solder, flux, pipe joint about a design using three integral half should be filed to fit snugly into the
compound, hose clamp. with regard to size of castings that can round wires or possibly a design com- inside of the tube and soldered flush
be produced with this casting machine- bining three different sized triangular with the edge of the tube. The filler
’These materials normally available from
electrical supply houses handling lamp Flasks up to 5 inches in height and up wax wires? Your own ingenuity and piece after assembly should be drilled
parts. to 3 inches in diameter can be used. creativeness can be your guide. and tapped with a 5/16-24 thread.

22 23
Next, drill and tap the pipe cap in For purposes of this article, the basic
the center of the top to take a %-16 die shapes will be described and the
thread. If a drill and tap are not avail- construction of the dies outlined. The
able, a %-inch hex nut can be silver more intricate shapes or the products
soldered exactly over a %-inch hole of your own imagination will follow
drilled in the center of the pipe cap. the same basic method of construction.
Aplunger or piston, approximately All dies construction begins by
one inch long* must be made. It must threading the end of the 5/ 16-inch rod
be a snug fit to the inside diameter of with a 5/16-24 thread. The thread
the brass tube. A friend with a lathe should be %*inch long. After thread-
would be most helpful at this point or ing, cut off the threaded end of the rod
try a local machine shop. Through the to %-inch ’long, overall. This piece
center of this piece drill a %-inch hole. should now be drilled, starting at the
This piece, in conjunction with the threaded end, to a depth of 1 /16-inch
threaded rod, will force the wax through less than the overall length of the piece,
the die to produce the wax wire. using a 3/ 16-inch drill. A number of
these pieces can be made in prepara-
To one end of an 8-inch length of
tion for various die forms.
the threaded rod, silver solder a %•
inch round bar, about 4 inches long. W
Round ire Dies
This will form a T handle. Assemble A hole of required size should be
this piece through the threaded pipe cap drilled on centers through the end of the
and install the piston to the opposite die piece opposite the threaded end. This
end using three %-inch hex nuts and hole can be any diameter up to and in-
two %-inch washers. The two hex nuts cluding 3/ 16-inch. The holes should
on top of the piston should be locked correspond to the various wax wire
together tightly. If you prefer one hex sizes desired. Combinations of round,
nut can be used but it should be silver integral wax wire shapes can also be
soldered in place. This completes the made by drilling overlapping holes.
body of the extruder. Other Die Shapes
Making the Dies Take a die piece prepared as above
The more tedious and exacting por- and scribe a line through the center
tions of the wax extruder is the con- of the end opposite the thread. With a
struction of the wax extruding dies. The fine cut flat file, file away half the

dies used to extrude round wire are diameter of the piece to a depth of
relatively simple to construct. The 1/ 16-inch. Keep the file parallel to the
square, triangular, half round and diameter and square to the length of
double half round may take a little more the piece. Using the 5/ 16-inch brass
effort but they are not outside the abil- flat a piece slightly over 5/ 16-
stock, cut
ity of the amateur. incli long. Into this piece file the shape
desired using square, round or triangu-
lar needle files. Center this piece with
respect to the die piece and silver solder
BILL OF MATERIALS it in place. An infinitenumber of die
the temperature where the extruder be- After a few tries you will be able to
shapes can be prepared in this manner. comes uncomfortable to hold, the wax extrude without difficulty.
I pc. 1x1x3/16" steel or brass
Using the Extruder can be extruded. Point the extruded or arbor press available,
34" pipe cap If a drill is
The extrusion of the bulk wax into

I pc. brass tube, Va" O.D., 6" long wax toward the floor to permit gravity the wax extruder can be adapted to use
the various wire shapes is a relatively wax
I 34" close pipe nipple to straighten the wire. The
begin- this method. By replacing the thread
simple operation. Having charged the
I pc. threaded rod, 36-16, 8" long ning length of extruded wire will tend on the tubing with a flange of sufficient
extruder with a length of bulk wax. to curl. When a sufficient length has diameter, the extruder can be placed
4 36-16 hex nuts
select the die and assemble the extruder.
1 pc. 36" rod, 4" long been extruded the weight will straighten into a hole in the drill press table and
pc. round stock, 1" long, diometcr to Using a Bunsen burner or an alcohol the remainder. Permit the extruded wax the quill used to apply pressure. With
D. of barrel. See text. lamp, heat the extruder over its full method the threaded piston rod can
to form a large coil, on the floor, allow this
I pc.round brass rod, 5/16" dia. For dies. length by rotating it over the flame. Per- time for the wax to harden, and then also be replaced with a non-threaded
Length os required. mit sufficient time to elapse between each cut it into desired lengths. rod. The pipe cap can also be elimi-
pc. bross flat stock, I / I6''x5/I6". For heating to allow the heat to penetrate
The temperature required for wax ex-
nated. Both versions of the extruder
dies. Length os required.
the entire mass. At a point just below trusions is a matter of trial and error. are illustrated.
24 25
item would be heat. Professional mold to vulcanization is 300 F. for
makers use a device which applies both approximately 30 to 40 minutes, depend-
pressure and controlled heat to the rub- ing on the size of the mold. A mold
ber filled flask to achieve vulcanization. lxl 1/4x2 inches which is an ideal size
This device is rather costly and unless for rings and small jewelry pieces, takes
you intend to make large numbers of 30 minutes at 300 degrees to cure.
rubber molds, your kitchen oven can Larger molds will take relatively more
be used satisfactorily. The heat required time. Once you have established your
mold size, trial and error will produce
the proper time for repetitive results.
Ports ond motenols for vulconizing rubber One word of caution with regard to
molds. The flask is shown between the
clomping screws on one plate of the vul-
your kitchen oven —the internal tem-
perature of the oven does not always
canizing clomp. The other plate fits on top
of this assembly and is held in place by agree with the oven dial setting. The
the wing nuts. heat required to produce vulcanization


A rubber mold, ported to show the covity.

Note the four keys cut or each corner to
align the halves. At the right is the metal
pattern used to mold the covity, complete
with sprue and sprue button.

— Part
Investment Casting 5


In the event a particularly attractive The rubber used to make the molds
jewelry design is achieved or you need is unvulcanized gum rubber. It can be
duplicates of the same design, they can purchased by the pound in sheets
he made by using rubber molds. An inch thick. The rubber normally has
example is a bracelet which requires a a cloth backing which must be removed
number of links of the same design to before use. In addition, the rubber
achieve the necessary length. These can
be the product of repetitive wax patterns should be dipped into naptha or ben-
made with a rubber mold. Through the zine to remove any residue of oils.

use of this media it is only necessary (Naptha and benzine are very flamm-
to execute one metal pattern. Soft metals able. Handle with care at your own
such as lead, pewter or tin -lead solders risk).
can he used as the master pattern ma-
terial. They are all relatively easy to The materials needed to produce a
carve, file and engrave to create the rubber mold are the pattern, the un-
first design.A rubber mold made with vulcanized rubber, a flask to contain
the master pattern can then produce the unvulcanized rubber and a means
wax patterns which can be used to cast to apply pressure and heat
additional pieces in more durable metals
such as silver, gold, brass, and alumi- Having already covered the subject
num. of the rubber and the pattern, the next

is within plus or minus 5°F.
critical fla^k. With both pieces clamped to- tered with relation to the width and
Preheat your ofren for approximately gether. drill four holes %-inch from length of the flask. Centering with re-
15 minutes prior to curing the rubber each outside edge and centered with spect to height will be automatic when
mold, then check and adjust the temper- respect to the length and width of the the flask is packed with rubber.
ature accordingly. A small oven ther- pieces. Lsc a No. 7 drill so one set of
Place the flask on a flat surface and
mometer purchased at a local hardware holes can be tapped with a 94-20 stand-
store will suffice for temperature cheek- ard screw thread (N.C.). Designate one pack half of the precut rubber pieces
into one side of the flask. Place the pres-
ing. If your rubber mold is not com- of these pieces as the top, the other
pletely vulcanized, increase the time of sure plate on top of the packed rubber
as the bottom, and separate.
curing. If the mold has a burnt ap-
and turn the assembly over. Pack tin-
Thread the four holes in the top piece
pearance around the pattern, decrease remaining half of the flask with rubber
with 94-20 threads. Obtain and cut four
the curing time. Again, establish the and put the other pressure plate into
294-inch lengths of 94*20 threaded rod
position. Screw on and tighten the wing
time necessary in conjunction with your and screw these into the threaded holes nuts to compress the rubber into the
mold size to vulcanization and
attain in the top piece. With one end of each flask. Place the entire assembly in a
use this time “forever more.” threaded rod flush with the face of the
preheated oven and cure as outlined
After curing, the rubber mold must top piece, center punch around its per-
above. After about 5 minutes in the
be cooled in water to room temperature imeter to anchor the rod in place. Lock
heated oven, the rubber will soften and
before cutting or parting. After re- nuts can be used if desired to anchor
begin to flow. At this time, again tighten
moving the mold assembly from the the threaded rod to the pressure plale-
the wing nuts until the pressure plates
oven, plunge the entire assembly into The must be
holes in the bottom plate arc in imimate contact with the rubber
a bucket of tap water and permit it to redrilled to
94 inch to accept the filled flask. Remove (hot; handle with
remain submerged until completely threaded rod as a sliding fit.
cooled. Approximately a half hour will
care: and cool when curing is complete
Obtain four 94*20 wing nuts and as-
be a sufficient length of time to pro- as outlined above.
semble the pressure device as illustrated.
duce complete cooling. Do not attempt Parting the Mold
Making a Mold
to part or cut a hot mold as this will
The actual making of a rubber mold The most exacting portion of making
result in uneven shrinkage and a faulty
consists of cutting a number of pieces the rubber mold is the actual cutting
wax pattern.
of the sheet rubber to the inside di- or parting of the mold. Basically, the
Adevice must be made to contain
mensions of the flask. The exact num- mold must be parted so that the wax
the pattern and the rubber, plus a means
ber can be calculated. If 94-bich sheet pattern can be extracted with a mini-
to apply pressure during the heating
rubber is used, divide 94 into *hc flask mum of difficulty. A little forethought
cycle. The device illustrated is a simple
height. As an example, a flask one inch prior to the actual cutting of the rub-
way to achieve tins end.
high will require 8 pieces of sheet rub- ber will pay dividends when the time
Flask ber cut to dimension. comes to remove the wax pattern. Study-
The rubber mold flask is a length of Next sprue the pattern to a short ing the actual pattern and predetermin-
extruded, rectangular, aluminum tube length of 94*i nch brass or copper tub- ing where the mold should be cut will
stock cut and squared to the correct ing. affixing the sprue piece to the pat- aid greatly when the mold cutting be-
height. This material can normally be tern with soft solder. Assemble the gins.
obtained from aluminum supply houses sprued pattern with the sprue button To outline the various intricacies as-
as cutoffs or from your local aluminum in place through the 94-' n <b hole in sociated with rubber mold cutting would
storm door and screen showroom. The the fla-k. The pattern should be cen- be much too lengthy for an article of
flask illustrated measures 1 inch high brass flat stock cut and silver soldered this nature. We shall endeavor to ex-
by 1 V>x2 inches in width and length to the correct dimensions. plain and illustrate the cutting of a
inside. A *4-inch hole must be drilled Pressure Device SOlS ONV* ONE CORNER Of HOLD. rubber mold for a man's ring. Adapta-
into one end of the flask to hold a A device to apply pressure to the rub- tions of this method will permit the
sprue piece. This hole should be cen- ber filled flask must also be made. This cutting of the other molds using the
tered with respect to both the height and can simply be two ^-inch flat brass or same basic techniques.
width of the flask. In addition, a line aluminum plates, cut to size, with pres-
sure applied by means of C clamps. For Begin by holding one corner of the
should be scribed around the inside
perimeter of the flask centered with re- convenience and ease of use, however, rubber mold in a bench vise. Place
the illustrated pressure applying device the rubber mold into the vise in such
spect to the height. This line will be
will be well worth the added construc-
a manner that it will be held along
duplicated in the finished rubber mold
tion time. its entire width at the bottom edge.
and will act as a centered cutting line
when mold is parted. In the event
the Obtain two pieces of Vi*inch brass or (See illustration With a sharp knife,
. ,1

extruded aluminum is not attainable, a aluminum flat stock, 94-inch larger in cut across one corner, at the parting
line, to a depth of 94 inch then cut up-
flask can be fabricated using 1/ 16-inch length and width than the outside of the
ward at a 45° angle and back down
28 29
A rubber mold clomped in a bench vise
porting. Below are two molds (four
halves) that hove olready been parted. A
sharp model maker's or art knife with a
Investment Casting — Part 6
thin, razor-sharp blade was used to cut
of the rubber mold. As the cutting
progresses, continually pull the mold
apart and proceed with further and
deeper cuts.In order to cut the rubber Once a particuliarly attractive jewelry The wax injector outlined here is,
easily, the rubber must be stretched design has been executed in metal and in general, quite similar to the com-
prior to the application of the knife a rubber mold is made, it becomes a mercial models. The molten wax is
edge and the actual cutting of the simple matter to reproduce this design transported to the rubber mold by hy-
rubber. in wax. Although wax can he poured draulic pressure produced by a piston

When the pattern has been

or centrifugally cast into the mold, a and cylinder arrangement. The temper-
better, quicker method is to use a wax ature of the wax is controlled thermo-
reached around its outside perimeter,
injector. Basically a wax injector con- using a selfcontained flat iron
again stretch the rubber and cut the
sists of a heated pot to hold the liquid thermostat. The heat is produced elec-
center portion of the rubber mold. This
area would correspond to the center or
wax and a means to transport the wax,
finger portion of the ring. Finally, if
under pressure, to a rubber mold. Com- Sirnuloted use of the wax injector. The
mercial models are available utilizing finger points to the pump plunger where
the ring is a bezel setting, cut thro-'-b
both air and hydraulic pressure with pressure is applied to inject the wax into
just above the bezel seat to the outside
of the pattern cavity. The mold should heat that is thermostatically controlled. the rubber mold. Note the bag of dusting
Needless to say the commercial models talc for dusting the interior of the molds,
now be dusted with baby talc and the
excess talc blown away. Be sure that
are relatively costly. several rubber molds, ond wax potterns.

c the talc comes in contact with all cut

to the parting line, again at a 45 and pattern surfaces of the mold in
angle. The resulting triangular mounds order to facilitate removal of the wax
and recesses in the rubber will act as pattern.
locks to align the mold when completely
Rubber molds need not be restricted
cut. When the four corner locks have
to jewelry articles alone. Small, non-
been cut, proceed to cut around the
replaceable parts of almost anything
parting line of the mold down to the
can be duplicated in rubber and the
pattern. Once the pattern has been
wax patterns cast in brass or aluminum.
reached at one point, cut from the pat- If the part is broken, it need only be
tern to the outside of the mold. En- temporarily soldered together and a
deavor to cut from the center line of rubber mold made. The resulting cast-
the pattern to the outside center line ing will be as good as a new one.

2 pcs. Va" bross or aluminum sheet (see
I length 14-20 threaded rod about 12" long
I pc. extruded rectangular tube about
" or sheet brass 1 /4"x7"x
1 V£"x2"xl 2Y ,

1/16" (see text)

4 Va -20 wing nuts
1 length Ya" copper tube (for sprue, see
1 pc. Yi" brass or aluminum round stock
forsprue buttons, (see drawing and text)
1 (or more) lbs '/*” unvulcanized gum rubber
(Available from jewelry craft suppliers, such
as Bartlett & Co. 5 South Wabash Ave.
Chicago. IL 60603)
Ousting Talc, solder. X-Acto knife, naptha

30 31
trically by using resistance wire (ni- tom. Leave a 6-inch lead of nichrome
chrome) wire atboth top and bottom. Two thirds
The construction of the wax injector of the length of wire should be wound
can begin by cutting off a 4^4 -inch on the bottom half of the pot. the re-
length of 3-inch diameter stainless steel maining one third on the top half. Be-
or brass tubing. Next prepare a circu- caii'-e the concentration of wax will be

lar piece of 1/ 16-inch steel or brass the at the bottom of the pot the greatest

outside diameter of the tubing. Center amount of heat must be generated in

this piece with respect to the tubing and this area.

either silver solder or soft solder it in

place. This will form the bottom of the Be sure to space the nichrome wire
melting pot and should be fluid tight. so no two wires touch. The nichrome
Cut strips of 3”-wide sheet asbestos leads going to the thermostat and the
make up width line cord should be covered with radio
substitute, 4 W' long (or
what available type fiberglass spagetti.
equivalent with is .

Taking one at a time, dip a piece into In the event you? are unable to pur-
water and apply it to the outside ol the chase the nichrome wire specified (ohms
pot. covering the entire surface except per foot), substitutions can be made,
lot the bottom. When the asbestos sub- the wax melting pot. as designed, re-
stitute has thoroughly dried, trim off the quires approximately 145 ohms resis-
excess from both top and bottom. tance to produce 100 watts. To deter-
Next begin winding the nichrome wire mine this, use a simple application of
around the pot. starting from the bot- Ohm’s law. To find the amperage neces-

— 1 3"
The working parts of the injector. Left, the
inside The gasket
piston with its piston rod Center, the pump
cement necessary to prevent leakage
cylinder with assembled wax transfer lube and

tip. Right the wax pot covered with

asbestos of the wax. Do not at this point attach
substitute and wound with nichrome resis- the thermostat permanently.
NOZZLE tance wire to form the heating element Next lake the 1” diameter brass tube
PLASTER and cut off a length of approximately
W”. Square one end of this piece, which
sary, divide the watts required into the 1
BAR volts. To determine the resistance willbe used as a mold. Mount the tube,
needed, divide the amperes, derived base down, on a piece ol sheet asbestos
from the above, into the volts. As an substitute. Hold it firmly against the
(center I in? «i?») example: 120 volts divided into 100 asbestos substitute by some means.
DISCHARGE watts equal .83 amperes. In like man- Melt sufficient lead, tin-lead solder, or
ner, .83 amperes divided into 120
TUBE volts
white metal to be able to pour two slugs
equal 144 ohms of resistance. If the
of metal approximately 1” in height.
CAST nichrome wire is rated at 5 ohms per The short piece of brass tubing should
foot, the amount necessary would
SLUGS be coated with a light film ol oil or
144 ohms divided by 5 or 29 feet of
petroleum jelly prior to pouring this
wire to obtain 100 watts.
metal. The two slugs thus made will be
The thermostat must now he attached
used for the piston and check valve
to the bottom of the pot. This can be
assembly of the wax injector.
done by centering the thermostat and
locating the two mounting holes with
Taking one of the slugs you have

m a .201" hole the

respect to the bottom. Drill two cor- cast, drill
Tap hole with a ,/4-20 na-
THERMOSTAT responding holes with a number 29 drill center. this

(.138") and tap with an 8-32 thread. tional course thread. Cut off a 5-inch
-A 9-32
Coat the ends of the screws with gasket length of the threaded rod and screw
this into the thread in the metal slug.
FIBER-, cement and attach the thermostat to the
VALVE bottom of the pot. The tw o screws, when Lock the rod in place with a 1^-20 hex
in place, should be flush with the bot- nut. This combined part is the piston
and piston rod assembly for the wax just fit into the inside of the oil can. Drill
aligned and rigid. Care should be taken
pump. when soldering this bar not to overheat a W' hole into this circular piece which
Take the remaining slug and scribe the wax pump and thus melt the pre- will align with the adjusting shaft of the
a line through the center
of one end viously installed check valve assembly. thermostat. Place the circular piece in
and down both sides. Refer to the to the wall o! the
de- Place this entire assembly into the position and epoxy it
tails of the check valve
assembly and wax melting oil can around its perimeter (tack solder
drill holes as outlined. It is suggested pot. Cut off the i4 .i 1.ch
brass tubing approximately if vou have a metal can). The circular
dial the l/s" holes be drilled
first and
of an
inch above the top edge of the wax
% piece should be just inside or below the
then rcdrilled with a larger drill.
When pot. Prepare the nozzle! as illustrated, bottom edge of the oil can. Prepare
the holes have been completed, set a
and dowel 1”
bail bearing in each bole. Place
soft solder it in place.
Locate the three small wooden legs from
a drift center of the check valve assembly with
punch on top of the ball bearing and and secure these legs to the bottom of
respect to the melting pot. Drill a hole
strike the punch smartly. This tlie assembly, using sheet metal screws.
opera- through the bottom of the pot to align
tion will tend to form the bottom
of the with the threaded hole in the check Turn the entire assembly over. Again
hole to the ball bearing, thus
providing valve assembly. Coat the bottom of the pack loose fiberglass insulation between
a better seat. Tap the hole on the left
wax pump with a heavy layer of gasket the melting pot and the oil can. As the
of the diagram with a '4-28 national
cement and assemble the wax pump into packing of the loose fiberglass insula-
tine thread to a depth of
3/16 inch. the pot. tionprogresses, be sure that the leads
The two
holes on the side of the coming from the nichrome wire are not
slug will be the intake and discharge The
thermostat can now be assembled
touching either the melting pot. other
to the
bottom of the pot. One of the ni-
ports for the molten wax. The smaller
chrome leads will go to one terminal nichrome windings, or the oil can. When
hole, to the right in the diagram, will
of the thermostat, the remaining ni- the fiberglass insulation has been packed
he the intake port, the larger hole to
to within one-half-inch of the top of the
the left will be the discharge port.
chrome lead will go directly to the
oil can, fill the remaining void with
line cord. The remaining lead from the
Taking next the remaining four-inch planter of Paris. When the plaster has
length of one-inch diameter Bottom view of the wox injector with the dried thoroughly, paint the entire out-
brass tub-
ing, drill two holes corresponding
Bottom view of the wox injector showing base plate removed, showing the fiberglass side. Affix a pointed radio type knob
the wooden feet ond thermostot knob. Note insulotion, thermostat, wiring, and position
the holes previously drilled in the to thethermostat shaft.
check that the cover plot e is soldered inside the of the thermostot. The terminals of the
valve assembly. The check valve case, slightly below the end. and that it is thermostot hove been covered with refroctory cover must be made for the wax
sembly should be flush with one end of only 'locked" in several ploces so it can cement for odded electrical insulation. melting pot. This can be a circular piece
be easily removed To the right
the one-inch tubing. Make a wire re-
if necessary.
of '4-inch masonite cut slightly larger
is the top cover plote with holes for the
tainer.as shown in the diagram, and linecord will be attached to the second than the outside diameter of the pot.
injector nozzle ond piston rod. Below
is o
assemble the check valve into the tubing, rubber mold with two pieces of mctol sheet terminal of the thermostat to complete Drill two '4-inch holes in the masonite
making sure the holes in the assembly used to hold it together while the wax is the circuit. to correspond with the piston rod and
are aligned with the holes in the
tube. Cut out both ends of a one-quart, the wax discharge tube.
1 lie intake ball should
be in place when composite oil can. or a metal can of the Fill the wax melting pot three-quarters
this portion is assembled. same size, and dean it thoroughly. Place full of broken pieces of wax. Set the
Cut a piece of the ^-inch tubing the can on a flat surface and center the thermostat completely counterclockwise.
a 45 degree angle, the overall length of assembled wax melting pot. bottom Plug in the line cord. Lsing a double
this piece should be 1 >/ recepticle, one for the wax injector and
2 inches. The re- side up. into the center of the can.
maining length of '4-inch tubing, also another for a lamp, move the thermostat
Begin packing loose fiberglass insula-
with the 45 degree angle, should setting slightly clockwise. When the
be tion between the melting pot and the
silver soldered to the first lamp flickers, the heating coil of the
piece at a inside of the oil can. Wear gloves and a
90 degree angle. Thread the short arm melting pot has been enerized. Turn
dust mask when handling the fiberglass:
of the tubing with a '4-28 thread the adjustment 10 to 15 degrees further
for a work in a well-ventilated area and
length of 3/16 inches. Prior to assembl- clockwise. Observe the wax after about
ing the brass tubing to the check proceed at your own risk. Discard the 15 minutes. If the wax has melted, in-
gloves when the job is done. sert a thermometer to obtain the wax
assembly, place a U
shaped piece of
wire into the tubing to act as a retainer Next cover the entire bottom of the temperature. If the wax lias not begun
for the bearing ball. This piece
of wire
wax melting pot with loose fiberglass to melt, advance the thermostat slightly
should keep the ball from seating into except for the area around the thermo- clockwise. A point must be found on
the end of the tubing. Assemble as stat. To prevent the loose fiberglass the thermostat setting where the_ wax
illustratedwith the discharge ball in from entering the thermostat mechan- will be held at approximately 158°F.
place. A reinforcing bar must be ism. make a U-shaped metal dam to Be sure to allow sufficient time between
soldered between the '4-inch each adjustment of the thermostat to
and the retain the fiberglass. Cut a circular piece
1-inch brass tube to keep the assembly
of 20 gauge galvanized iron which will permit the entire contents to become
34 35
BILL OF MATERIALS against the wax nozzle and, at the same
1 pc. brass or steel tube, 3" dia., 414"
long time, apply pressure to the piston
PC. brass tube, I" dia., S’/i" long
through the piston rod. A
pc. brass tube,
length nichrome wire, 5 to
foot. (See text for length.)
!4" dia., 8" leng
9 ohms c*r
great deal of
pressure is not needed to force the wax
into the rubber mold. Applv pressure
Investment Casting — Part 7
1 pc. asbestos substitute sheet
2 5/32“ bearing balls
- 3” wide, if for
approximately 15 to 20 seconds. Re-
the pressure from the pump, turn
Icomposite. -qt. oil can or a metal can of same
the rubber mold so the orifice is facing
size (A -qt. metal oil can was used for up. and permit the wax to solidify. Part
original project, but these are hard to find the rubber mold carefully and remove
today. The author advises that one of the the wax pattern.
laminated composite oil cans will suffice. If The wax used for injecting is especi-
you can find a metal can of the same dimen- ally compounded for
this likeli- Casting, as with other forms of art,
sions. it would be more durable).
Normally the working temperature of The casting of metals, in all
requires a knowledge of the basic step-
I pc. steel or brass plate 3V4"x3Vi"xl/16" : hood, first occurred at some time in the
the wax is 158 F. But it is best to check by-step procedures in order to produce
line cord
long history of man as an accidental

I flat iron thermostat (General Thermostat with your supplier for confirmation of the desired results. The pictorial and
Ccrp., Model B-200, 1500 watt, achievement. Possibly a rich piece of
1 15-230 this temperature. written step-by-step procedure outlined
volt, AC only) ore or placer deposit used to bank a
The wax injector outlined here will can be a guide to your first successful
I pc. threaded rod, 14-20 x 5" fire resulted in bringing the metal to
14 -20 hex nut
have a slight tendency to over shoot run casting. From this point,you can ex-
its molten state. The metal, having

8-32 x '/ ''

round head machine screw the nominal temperature setting when pand to design and reproduce articles
into a cavity, could have been man’s
1pc. Va" bross rod, see text for length the wax first melts. The temperature of lasting beauty limited only by your
2 6-32 machine screws first recognition that a casting process
of wax will become stable when
the own application and interest.
Misc.: hard ond soft solder, loose figerglass was possible. Although this may be
the entire mass of wax is molten. From
insulation, fiberglass spaghetti, costing only a theory, it does seem to be logical The basic technique described here is

lead, solder or white metal,

this point, the wax injector is capable centered around the use of a self-made
plaster of as a beginning.
Paris, point. of a nearly stable temperature within Although
Regardless of the origin of casting, pressure casting machine.
plus or minus 2°F. for extended periods.
the process has evolved and refinement centrifugal casting is more popular, the
The wax injector illustrated and de- centrifugal machine is more complex,
has brought it to its present state. Willi
scribed has been used to make a multi-
today’s technolog) - castings are possible expensive and difficult to use. Pressure
heated. W hen the optimum temperature tude of wax patterns. Naturally, with
within tolerances of one thousandth of casting, in addition to simplicity, need
has been found, mark this point for any device of this type you may have
an inch or closer. Not generally known not be as elaborately safety guarded as
future reference. difficulty with the first few wax patterns.
the fact that your dentist is a master a centrifugal machine. Also, pressure
The actual making of a wax pattern However, after you become adept at
craftsman in the casting art'. Gold in- casting, as outlined, has an inherent
is relatively simple. First the rubber powdering the rubber mold and applv-
lays are made to exacting tolerance* safely factor as there is little if any
mold must be powdered with baby talc ing the correct amount of wax pressure,
through the technique of investment risk of spilling molten metal. The metal
to prevent the solidified wax pattern no further should be encount-
casting. Industry uses investment cast- isheated directly in the flask cavity and
from sticking. Hold the rubber mold to- ered. Waxpattern sizes ranging from
ing techniques to produce a multitude forced into the mold bv air pressure.
gether with Uvo 1/10-inch aluminum very small medallions and rings to large
of intricate mechanical parts which, Centrifugal casting requires that the
plates slightly larger than the mold. pendants and pins are within the srope
without these pro<x^ses, would require molten metal revolve at high speed to
Press the opening of the rubber mold of this wax injector.
extensive machining at high cost. attain the needed casting pressure.
Although the casting methods outlined The process also involves the use of

here are simple adaptations, the basic other homemade equipment. We shall
Because start from beginning which i*
the very
principles of casting remain.
of these simplified methoils and the the preparation of wax for a pattern and
availability of the material, investment follow through with each step necessar)

casting can become a most interesting to complete a successful casting.

and productive hobby. Using self-made With this introduction in mind, let’s
tools and equipment, very satisfactory begin.
casting results can be ac hieved. Making a If ax Pattern
The prime area of investment casting Sheet and wire wax can he purchased
to be covered is the casting of silver from most jewelry supply shops. The
and gold jewelry. Rings, brooches, wax wire can also be made with a
buckles and jewelry ornamentation can homemade wire extruder so we will start
be produced by the handful once the with instructions for making the wire.
casting processes have been mastered. We must first charge the wax ex-
You can use investment casting for other wax
truder. F.xtruding isavailable from
applications such as making small parts jewelry and
supply casting supply

and fittings, also. houses. Wax comes in a variety of

At a point just below where

the wax
extruder becomes uncomfortable
to the
touch, the wax should be
readv for
extrusion. Trial and error,
from the
beginning, will gi ve the I
correct extrud-
ing temperature. Again,
be sure the ex-
truder is heated over
its entire length
and allow sufficient time for
the heal
to penetrate the entire mass
of wax.

-shapes and hardnesses such as blocks

sheets, rods, and wires. If
you have
made the wax extruder, order a rod hand so that when a particular shape
that is just under the inside diameter is needed for a design, it will be avail-
sanded, filed, pierced, formed or im-
of the extruder barrel. Specify
the hard- able. pressed into a positive or negative cav-
ness and the diameter when
you order. ity for embossing. A portion of the joy
If rods of the right diameter
are not of working in this media is the flexibil-
available, you can use a
tube of the ity and ease with which the wax can
same size as your extruder
and melt be worked.
and cast a rod of the right size.

When the correct extruding tempera-

ture has been attained, hold the
truder, as illustrated, and begin
ing pressure to the piston
bv turning
the threaded piston rod. The
length of extruded wax
will tend to
curl. As more wax is extruded, the
weight of this wax will straighten
remainder. Work from a standing
tion, permitting the extruded
wax to
form a large coil on the floor. In It is possible to make sheet wax by
event the wax cools during pouring a quantity of molten wax onto
reheat it and the extruder a lubricated sheet of glass. By placing
to the correct In addition to various wax wire
temperature. another sheet of glass, spaced by wires shapes and sheet waxes, there are a
If only small quantities
of various ex- of a given diameter and strategically number of other forms. Among these
truded designs are needed, placed, on top of the molten wax, it can are hard carving wax. This wax yields
Once the wax extruder has been you can
charged with change the dies. Once you have be formed into sheets. The results are readily to files and knives and can be
bulk wax and the ex- ex-
truded a sufficient length mediocre at best, so it is suggested that sculptured into the most intricate de-
truder assembled, the correct of anv particu-
die can
be put into place. The wax in the
ar shape, cut the wax into
workable sheet wax be purchased. Sheet wax can signs and patterns. Also available is a
truder must now be heated
lengths. Normally, lengths of four to be obtained in various hardnesses and sticky wax. This can be used to fasten
throughout nve inches are sufficient
its full length. This can be done bv for most de- thicknesses. the various shapes together.
rotating the extruder signs and are easy to store. When
over an alcohol extruded wax has been cut Tools and Supplies By placing two pieces of wax to-
lamp flame or a Bunsen burner. into lengths,
Heat straighten any irregularities The shows but a few of
illustration gether in intimate contact and applying
the outside for a period
of about 30 bv rub-
bing with a wet finger or, in the tools that can be used for working heat to the joint with a heated probe
seconds, then remove it from the case
the heat. of square wax, pressing the wax. Depending on the hardness of the (much like soft soldering), the waxes
Permit the heat to penetrate the pieces be-
entire tween two sheets of wet glass. It wax and the ultimate design, the wax can be fused or welded together. This
hulk of the wax before heating is best
again to have a number of extruded shapes on can be formed, scraped, cut, fused. procedure is used when various com-
I ,
Sn we sha11 ,eave
to the in-
dividual. ,
It is sufficient
to say that.
h e b '.rth of 30 i<Iea the design
L,! r
should first
be put on paper. Referring
to this paper sketch, the
various shapes
of wax wire and sheet can
be cut Once
the pieces have been cut, the
actual fus-
ing together and building
up can begin,
through manipulation of the waxes,
design can take shape. Do
not hestilate
to try a design.
Little can be lost ex-
cept your patience and possibly
a small
amount of wax. Who knows.'
we mav
have another Cellini in our midsL

ponent* are integrated to Remembering that the metal casting

form a design.
\Vax can be first willbe no better than the wax pattern,
melted and then
applied in the desired extra care should be taken to clean up
location with a Remove
all fused and irregular areas.
heated spatula. In this
manner wax any excess wax. Polish the accessible
can be built up in anticipation
of sub- Although not elaborate, our design areas by holding the wax pattern under
sequent reworking or cutting. Wax does show how a wax design can be
working tools need not be a stream of water while rubbing it with
purchased achieved. Note the ends of the twisted
items. It , s a simple matter
a nylon stocking stretched over the in-
to take wire have been fused to the sheet wax. dex finger. The action of the nylon in
heavy gauce copper wire and
insert a Although not apparent in the illustra- conjunction with the cold water tends
short length into a
pre-drilled piece of tion. the half round and full round wax to burnish and polish the wax. A few
wooden dowel. Once this has been
done, wires are fused to the sheet wax base additional minutes spent in cleaning up
the end of the copper
wire can be with with a pointed probe which had the pattern will save many, many min-
shaped to either a cutting edge,
a spat- been heated in a flame. When connect- utes when it conies time to polish the
ula, or a sharpened The design chosen for practice here
point. ing or fusing waxes, endeavor to place
If for some reason too much wax has little if any aesthetic value.
Its main the fused area where it will not detract
is removed in cutting or purpose is to illustrate the various waxes
again a simple matter to
filing, it is from the design and can he readily now time to attach the sprue.
build up this that can be used and It is
the procedures cleaned up in the finished casting.
area with molten wax
as described needed. Bordering two sides Choose a piece of extruded wax wire
of this de-
above. Unlike carving in sign are half round wax wire, with that is 10 gouge or slightly under in
granite, the the
broken off nose can be replaced two remaining sides bordered in twisted diameter. The wax wire diameter is
recut when wax is used. wax wire. The spiral radiating from
center is round wax wire
and the dots
are drops of molten wax fused
position. The entire design is built up
on a piece of sheet wax.
If you find that the wax is too brittle
to form into the shapes required, dip
the pieces into a beaker
of warm water.
Be sure the water is not too warm
it can melt the wax.
The wax should
first be dipped into the
warm water for
only a few seconds, removed
and tested
lor pliability. If the wax is still too critical. If the sprue wire is too large,
brittle to conform to the shape, it can
be redipped and tried again. preflow of metal will occur. If the sprue
A point wire is too small, there is the possi-
w.ili be reached when
the wax becomes
bility of an incomplete casting. Cut off
pliable enough to work
40 a piece of the wax wire 3/ 16-inch

longer than the radius of the flask a space between each sprue.
which will be used. This
This will allow technique can also be used if more
sprue length when the subse-
quent reaming operation takes place.
than one wax pattern is cast at one time.
Instead of the one large wax pattern, Investment Casting — Part 8
each individual sprue could hold
ring. In this manner it
pending on the size of the flask, to cast
up to four or more rings or small
patterns at one time.

To reduce surface tension on the wax

pattern and sprue, a debubblizer must
be painted o\er all surfaces. Commercial
debubblizers are available- Equal parts
of tincture of green soap and hydrogen
peroxide make a very good debubblizer.
Flow on an ample coat of debubblizer.
The sprue piece must be fixed to the making sure it wets all corners and
pattern. This can be done by holding Once the sprue has been attached to undercuts. Set the sprued pattern aside
and permit the debubblizer to dry
the sprue wire in intimate contact with the wax pattern, an exact weight must
the pattern and fusing the two pieces thoroughly.
be obtained in order to determine the
together. The heat can be applied to amount of metal necessary for the com- When the debubblizer has dried, rinse
the joint with a pointed probe which pleted water.
Normally, the amount the pattern in a beaker of clean
has been heated over a flame. Be sure of silver necessary will be nine Observe the pattern to be sure the w atcr
to ten
that the wax sprue wire is securely times the weight of the wax.
Gold, de- wets all surfaces. If the water forms
fused the pattern to prevent subse- pending on the karat, will take from
small globules on the surface of the
quent loosening. fourteen to sixteen times the weight
of pattern! repeat the debubblizing pro-
the wax Simply weigh the wax
pattern cedure. Again permit the pattern to dry
and multiply this by the factor neces- can be made from either brass or stain-
thoroughly, rinse, and inspect- If most
sary. Any reasonably accurate balance less tubing. It is best to cut a
of the debubblizer is not rinsed from
or scale can be used for this oxide number of tubes varying approximately
purpose. the pattern, an excessively heavy
casting. >4 inch in height. A good supply of
will result on the finished
flasks would range from IY> to 3 inches
in height. The diameter of the flasks
should vary according to the size of
the castings to be made.

The wax pattern with the attached

sprue must now be attached to the circu-
lar plate or base. The plate can be al-
most any available material such as
aluminum, brass, plastic,
rubber, etc.
The sprued pattern attached by either
fusing the sprue directly to the plate
or by using sticky wax. Be sure that
The shows the technique of
the sprued pattern is centered w ith rela-
using multiple sprues.If you have an
tion to the disc.
unusually large wax pattern, multiple
The pattern is now ready for investing
sprues may be necessary. Note
that which is the process of actually
each sprue terminates at the center
of the mold in which the casting will A number of flasks should be pre-
the circular bottom plate and there be pared in anticipation of the various pat-
is poured.
terns which may be cast. The
with no asbestos substitute covering, mix the dry investment by hand
will act as locks to retain the investment to produce a homogeneous mixture. The
within the flask when the flask is dry investment will tend to adhere to the
removed from the burnout oven and mixing paddle of the vacuum mixer if
transported to the casting machine. not completely mixed and this can result
in a non uni form investment.

kleon only small amounts of the invest-

ment at a time. At first the water will
Select a flask at least % to V
2 inch
larger in diameter than the overall width absorb the investment and it will sink
to the bottom. Eventually the dry in-
of the wax pattern. The flask should
he from 3/16 to 5/16 inch higher than \estment will begin to build on top of
the water.
the spruce! pattern. A
sufficient amount Dip the asbestos-substitute-lined
of investment should cover the pattern flask into a beaker of water. Wetting the
to prevent the molten metal from
break- asbestos substitute is neccssarv to
ing through the bottom when the metal
prevent excessive absorption of water
is cast. This thickness should not be With the vacuum mixer assembled as
from the investment. After the flask has
so great, however, as to prevent the shown, attach the hydro aspirator to a
been dipped, iron out with the index spigot. Turn the water on full. Press
free passage of gasses through the bot-
finger any air bubbles under the asbes- the top cover of the mixer against the
tom of the invested flask.
tos substitute. Set the flask aside and bowl to create a vacuum inside. Place a
cut strips of sheet asbestos sub-
permit any excess water to drain. thumb against the top and push upward.
stituteapproximately 'A" less than the
height of the flask. Form these pieces Irving to raise the top. If the top can-
not be raised when reasonable pressure
over the outside of the flask to give them
If the pattern is intricate and de- is applied, it is assurance that the
curvature. Insert enough pieces into the
tailed. a thinmixture of investment will vacuum is being retained. Mix the in-
be needed. If the pattern is bulky, a vestment for at least 50 turns of the
thicker investment will be required. Al- handle. Occasionally tap the bowl as-
though a thinner investment will more sembly against a solid, flat surface to
readily conform to an intricate pattern, dislodge any dry investment adhering
it is inherently weaker. There is no to the sides. When mixing is finished,
hard-and-fast rule which can be used pull the tube away from the aspirator.
to determine the consistency. Begin Do not simply turn off the water before
with a consistency approximately that pulling the tube away as residual vac-
of a pancake mixture. uum in the bowl will tend to draw-
Place the asbestos-substitute-lined water into the mixture. Remove the top.
flask over the sprued pattern. Center it If a vacuum mixer is not available,
with relation to the wax pattern. The the hand-mixed investment can be vi-
flask can be held in place with a small brated to dislodge air bubbles. The
quantity' of sticky wax around the bottom vibrator shown in the illustration is a
at the junction of the flask and base. foot massager that can be bought for
cover the inside. A small amount
flask to
a reasonable price. The purpose of
of overlapping is permissible. The
The next step is to mix the invest-
ment. vacuum mixing or vibrating is to re-
asbestos substitute is needed to absorb
If your flask is 1% inches high
move all air bubbles captured in the
and 1 /> inches in diameter, measure
expansion of the investment during out about one ounce of water at room mixed investment. After casting, air
burnout. The pieces should be centered temperature. Place the water into the bubbles against the pattern will appear
with relation to the height of the flask. mixing bowl. With a spatula, sprinkle as nodules of metal. These can usually
The exposed areas, both top and bottom, the dry investment on the water. Sprin- be removed with pliers but sometimes
44 45
buildup of investment on the reamer.
they are so firmly
attached that The reamed cavity will hold the casting
otherwise good casting is ruined. metal after burnout.
Hold the Hash containing the pattern Ream the bottom of the investment in
and vibrate the investment into the flask Set the invested flask containing the the flask with a tool like that shown.
as illustrated. Note that the thumb of pattern to one side for a minimum of The reamer should have a large radius
the left hand is in intimate contact so it will not cut too deeply into the
with one-half hour. This is necessary in order
the vibrator. The thumb acts as a to give the investment sufficient time to investment. Reaming the top is neces-
dampening device for vibrations trans- absorb any free water. If free water
mitted to the flask and prevents break- An method of investing is
alternate is present when the burnout schedule
ing the sprue or wax pattern. The cup to directly immerse the pattern into an begins, there is a tendency for the water
containing the investment is placed di- investment-filled flask. This method is to form steam which will break down
rectly on the vibrator and tilted forward normally used if the pattern has severe or distort the investment
until a steady stream of investment flows undercuts, such as a domed ring. Using
into the flask. When the flask is com- the example of a domed ring, it is ap-
of investment it should again
letely full parent that, if the previous method of
C- vibrated directly on top of the vi- investing were used, an air bubble could
brator with the little finger acting as a be captured under the dome of the ring.
cushion. This additional vibration is an
If the pattern is extremely intricate,
added safety measure to be sure that it
is often a good idea to paint the invest-
no air bubbles have been captured in
ment on with a small brush. In this
the investing process. Naturally, if a to
manner the investment can be flowed sary to provide a cavity in whicli
vibrator is not available, the investment
into the most intricate cavities. The melt the metal. The bottom is reamed
can be poured directly into the flask.
painting of the pattern
is an added safety to assure that none of the investment
measure and can be used with either projects below the flask so the rim will
of the two investment methods outlined present a flat surface to the casting
previously. machine. The sketch shows the flask
before and after reaming.

Remove the bottom plate from the

flask witha twisting motion. The point
at which the sprue attaches to the bot-
tom plate will normally detach from the
plate and be retained in the investment.
When the investment has set for one-
half hour, it should be hard to the
touch. With a sheet metal reamer ap-
IftYfrMll* 4MU1I
proximately %
inch in diameter smaller
than the inside diameter of the flask,
ream a cavity into the investment. Use
the wax sprue wire as a guide to center The pattern is now completely in-
the reamer. Occasionally clean off the vested and ready for the burnout process.

and flow through the sprue hole onto
investment Costing — Part 9
the floor of the oven.
When the sprue
completely devoid of wax.

HOW TO BURNOUT AND CAST the flask should be turned over (use
tongs and handle carefully so that the
sprue opening is lacing up. In this
position the gasses from the remaining
wax can escape more readily. A com-
plctclv burned out flask is indicated by
the clean appearance of the
Since the actual casting must be made -i investment or by looking down through
immediately after burning out the pat-
the sprue hole into the cavity for the
tern, while the mold is still hot, burn-
presence of visible red light (glow).
out and casting are almost one contin-
uous operation. So, the pressure casting
machine must now be set to the correct
height. Center the invested flask with
respect to the base and the pressure
charcoal block to the melting point.
plate. Remove the fulcrum pin and
Flux the metal thoroughly with borax
select the correct hole so that the lever
arm of the casting machine will be as and permit it to cool. Next pickle the
nearly parallel to the base as possible. metal in Sparcx or other suitable
Replace the pin. Press the lever arm pickling solution (check with your
down so that the pressure plate firmly supplier). The metal used for casting
contacts the flask. Release the pressure must be absolutely clean or pits will
ami repeat the pressure application to result in the finished casting. A pinch of
the flask a number of times. The pres- saltpeter added to the borax will help
sure plate is attached to a swivel and a pyrometer is not available, a
If purify the molten metal.
may not completely seat with the first suitable temperature indicator can be
application of pressure. The casting ___ made from an aluminum nail. Most
machine is now adjusted to receive the - . - aluminum alloys melt at approximately
, .

dependent on the wattage rating

first flask. 1200°F. By placing the nail at a slight
of the oven and the number of flasks
angle into a piece of clay, the nail can
being burned out at one time.
act as a pyrometric indicator. Place the
nail close to the invested flask within
the oven. When the nail bends, as
an internal heat of about
1200 ha* been attained. Because this
method of determining heat is not quite
as accurate as using a pyrometer, visual
Weigh out sufficient metal for the
determination of the internal tempera-
casting. As stated previously, this will
ture of the flask becomes more import-
be nine times the weight of the wax
ant. Color vs temperature charts are
pattern for silver, and 14 to 16 times
available. Normally, the first indication
the weight of the wax If a
for gold.
of red appears at 900*F and dull red
balance is not available, the amount can
at 1100°F. The reason for visual de-
termination of temperature within the
be determined volumetrically. Take a
beaker with enough water in it to sub-
If vour oven is equipped
with a cavity is to insure thorough penetra-
pyrometer, it is a simple matter to tion of the heat.
merge the pattern. Note the height of
the water, then submerge the pattern
gradually bring the temperature
to During the burnout operation, the
and note the point to which the water
Place the invested flask into the burn 1200°. Hold the temperature
at 1200° metal for casting can be prepared. If
rises. Remove the pattern. Now add
out oven, sprue opening down. Close for a period of 10 to 20 minutes. The new or virgin metal is to be used, go on
small quantities of metal until the water
the door of the oven and turn on the initial heating of the flask should to the next step. If you are using used
be with again rises to the same position it at-
switch. Normally, the burnout sequence the sprue hole facing down. As the heat or otherwise unclean gold or silver, the
tained when the pattern was submerged.
takes in the neighborhood of one hour. metal must be cleaned. This can be done
penetrates, the wax will become molten Tli is amount of metal will contain the
48 by heating small quantities ol metal on a
same volume as the pattern. A tall, thin As the metal melts, it will form a Again apply heat until the metal is Begin pumping the foot pump to bring
container will be more accurate than a molten ball in the center of the cavity. completely molten. This will be evident the pressure to approximately five to
wide, Hat one. Remove the heat at this point. when the metal attains a shiny, glass- ten pounds. Hold this pressure for ap-
like appearance. At this point, grasp proximately two to three seconds and
the handle of the lever arm with your then bring the pressure to from twenty
free hand. Remove the torch and quickly to forty pounds. The higher pressure
bring the pressure plate to bear on the
top of the flask. If you are using the
pressure casting machine we have de-
scribed, be sure to place your thumb
over the hole in the handle.

should be maintained for approximately

two or three minutes. The initial pres-
sure will gently force the metal through
Using longs, remove the flask from the sprue opening into the cavity. The
oven and immediately place it on the higher pressure is necessary to attain
base of the casting machine. Be sure density in the finished casting. Remove
the flask is centered with respect to the Quickly place a small amount of
both the air pressure and the lever arm
pressure plate. The sprue opening borax on top of the molten metal. This
pressure from the flask. Permit the flask
should be facing up. can best be done with a half filled,
to cool for about five to ten minutes.
plastic bottle of borax. Squeeze the bot-
At this point the casting operation has
tle gently and the escaping air will carry
been completed.
a small amount of borax to the metal.
A large quantity of borax is not needed.
The equivalent of / teaspoon of borax
is sufficient to cleanse the oxides and
impurities from the molten metal. This
operation of preheating, applying borax
and reheating the metal should be done
as quickly as possible to prevent ex-
cessive loss of heat from both the metal
and the invested flask.

Place the preweighed metal into the

cavity. Immediately begin heating the
metal with a torch adjusted to a non-
oxidizing flame.

Pressure can be applied to the casting

mac hin e by either a foot pump or a
compressor. The compressor, if used,
should have a rating of twenty to thirty
pounds of free air per minute and a
capability of generating at least thirty
pounds of pressure. The use of an air
compressor will necessitate the modifica-
tion outlined in the section on how to

build a pressure casting machine.

After the initial cooling period, re-

move the flask from the casting machine
using a pair of suitable tongs. Plunge
The pfessure costing mochine with o foot
the flask into a bucket of water at room
pump, set up to simulote the costing
procedure. temperature. As the water contacts the

50 51
With a stiff bristled brush and a water and have any ourns ircaicu uy a Remove the sprue with either a saw
good laundry soap, scrub the casting doctor. If acid ever gets in the eyes, hold or a suitable pair of nippers.
thoroughly to remove all traces of in- your head under a spigot and
vestment. Stubborn areas ran be probed
thoroughly wash out die eyes, then get
\'ith a sharp nail to help remove the
to a doctor or emergency room, taking
along the acid container so that the
medical people may see what they are
dealing with.
Whatever solution you use. pickle the
casting until all traces of oxide have
hot investment, steam will be gem
been removed. The illustration shows
and the investment will disintegrate
the water. the casting as it should appear after
Permit the flask to rt
submerged until completely coole pickling and polishing.

A completely scrubbed casting will

look like the one illustrated. Note the The casting is now completed. It is
heavy layer of oxide. only necessary to affix the findings. If
the casting is to be used to make a
rubber mold, findings can also be at-
tached at point.
this Within certain
can he made an integral
limits, findings
part of the rubber mold and the re-
sulting wax pattern.

If the casting has not already dropped

from the flask, when the flask is
removed from the water, gently force
the casting from the investment. Some
investment will adhere to the finished
casting. The illustration shows a casting
just removed from the flask. Clean all
investment and asbestos substitute
from the flask in preparation for the remove theoxide. A commercial
next casting.
pickling solution, such as Sparcx. may
be used and is preferred by many. Or.
you may do as some jewelry makers do
and use a 10% solution of sulphuric acid
in water. This soluuon is more dan-
gerous than Sparcx. but the author has
found that it does a better job. Handle
acid with great care and keep it out of the
reach of children and pets. Always pour
acid into the water (NEVER the opposite) to
preient dangerous splattering. Should anv
acid get onto the skin, wash im-
mediately with copious amounts of
52 53
number of pieces of unvul-
Investment Casting — Part 10
Prccut a
canized gum rubber the exact inside
dimensions of the flask. Remove the
RUBBER MOLDS and DUPLICATE PATTERNS protective covering from the pieces ol
rubber. Dip each piece of rubber into a
beaker of either naptha or white
unleaded gasoline. (Both solutions are
highly flammable. Use with great care
and proceed at your own risk .

When duplicates of a design are

Drain the excess solvent by tapping
Soft solder the Vfc-inch brass tubing the piece of rubber against the edge of
needed, additional duplicate wax pat-
to the finished casting to form a sprue.
terns must be made. The easiest way the beaker.The solvent dip is necessary
Place the sprue into the opening of the
to do this is to make a rubber mold, us- to remove any traces of oil or dirt from
sprue button.
ing the original casting as a pattern. the unvulcanized rubber. Do not handle
!•rom this mold any number of duplicate the rubber after dipping as this will
wax patterns can be made. Once made, deposit oil from the fingers. Unvul-
the duplicate patterns are used the same canized rubber normally comes W"
as an original to make an investment
thick. It is a simple matter to measure
the height of the flask and predetermine
the number of pieces needed. As an
example, if the flask height is I", eight
pieces of rubber will be needed - four on
each side of the pattern.

This shows the rubber-filled flask. All

that remains to be done at this point is
to place the top pressure plate over the

Making the rubber mold starts with four threaded studs and tighten the
obtaining a short length of brass Select a rubber mold flask which will wing nuts in place.
copper tubing, %-inch in diameter. Also contain the metal pattern. There should
a sprue button must be made. be a minimum of ^-inch around all
sides of the metal pattern. Less than As the wing nuts are tightened, the
‘/4-inch of rubber around the pattern unvulcanized rubber will be compressed
may result in a deformed wax pattern
within the flask. Be sure to tighten the
in subsequent wax injection. wing nuts securely.
Preheat your kitchen oven to a tem-
perature of 300° F. Place the entire
assembly into the oven and bake for
30 minutes.
The size of the rubber mold will de-
termine the length of time necessary
to obtain complete curing of the rubber.
The temperature is constant at 300° F.
If the rubber mold is overbaked there
will be a tendency for the rubber to
char or darken in the area of the pat-
tern. If the rubber mold is undercured,
the rubber will have a putty-like tex-
This shows the metal pattern in place ture after cooling. Again, trial and
in the rubber mold flask. Note that the error will establish the correct time for
pattern is centered with respect to the baking. If the rubber mold is under-
height and sides of the flask. baked, it can again be reheated to at-
tain the desired results.
the other side of the mold. All cuts Your collection of rubber molds will
should be made with a slicing, continu- grow as more and more desirable pat-
'-lanip one edge ot the ruDher mold
ous stroke. Each cut will result in a terns arc made.
in a vise. With a very sharp knife, cut small irregularity in the surface of the
Remove diagonally across one corner, at
the vulcanized rubber mold the rubber which will act as additional
from the oven and cool in a bucket of center line of the mold, to a depth
of locks to align the two halves.
cold water. The entire assembly
about ys inch.
Cut upward at a 45° Here is the completely parted rubber
angle, again for about
be placed into the water. Allow sufficient ys inch, and mold with the pattern still in place.
time to obtain complete cooling throu“h- back down to the center line. Repeat
Note the rubber locks at all four corners.
out the entire bulk of the rubber this cutting at all four corners of the
mold. Other patterns will follow the same basic
Cooling normally takes from twenty mold. When the rubber mold is com-
sequence of cutting. In the case of ring
forty minutes. pletely parted, the mounds of
rubber patterns, it will be necessary to first cut
thus formed will act as locks to align
the the rubber mold around the entire out-
two halves.
side of the ring. When this has been
done, the rubber can be stretched and
the finger portion of the rubber mold
cut through. If the ring pattern hap-
pens to be a bezel setting, cut across the
bezel area just above the bezel seat.

After parting the rubber mold, the

half molds should be completely dusted
with babv-tvpe talcum powder. An ef-
ficient means of applying the talc is
i U a
m old containing
VU,Canized ce^ ^deeptr im^theTubl^ mold.' by using a plastic squeeze bottle, the
1 mold !ont it metal
pat- starting from the sprue button and
work opening of which has been covered
, ik V"«- b ° ng
,he rU ,het
C Ub whcre
are eXChanged]
f 3

': ,oId down a| ong the sprue until the pattern
has becn reached. Cut around thecenter
with one or two layers of coarse muslin.
Fill the squeeze bottle about half full of
f ll- ^ it is 3
** ?***'
U 'Ie of the pattern for 180’ or to the
side of ,he ruhber mold opposite
talc and apply muslin over the opening:
screw the top in place. Holding the

-e plate witHon? the
me 3 nHrr0r
Kpp ea
M- r '
n i
UC A,wa s cut
° U,side ° f ,he mo,d
the pattern to
When the side
plastic bottle at a slight
squeeze the sides gently but
er "" “ “ *

quickly. The escaping air will carry a

again start cutting IT

down the sprue on quantity of baby talc to the mold.
Again flex the mold to be sure that
no undue amount of sufficient burnout. An incomplete cast-
talc is bein® re-
ing may be the result of not enough
tained in the crevices or fine details
of heat to completely melt the metal or
the rubber impression.
an insufficient amount of air pressure to
Once the thermostat of the wax in-
quicklv force the metal into the cavity.
jector has been stabilized to give I60°F
Again, review the casting procedure
"ax temperature, it need only be If this does not
if difficulties arise.
switched on to again attain this tem-
yield a solution, identify the problem
perature. Normally the attainment contributing
of and record all possible
the proper temperature takes about one- a time,
factors. Taking one variable at
half to three-quarters of an hour.
Wax eliminate the possibilities until the solu-
which is too low in temperature will
tion is found. Experience has been that
freeze before the rubber mold cavitv
most casting difficulties can be attributed
is completely filled. Wax which is loo to haste.
high in temperature will result in undue
shrinkage of the wax pattern. Part the mold carefully, starting from
the sprue end. The parting should be
done slowly to permit the rubber to flow
Cover all cut surfaces of the rubber or to have time to release from the
mold with a fine layer of talc. \ext undercuts. The single pattern in the
illustration is the original metal pattern.
flex the mold to expose ail pattern
surfaces and cover these with talc. Re- The group below are wax reproductions.
move the excess powder by tapping the V rubber mold such as the one descriltcd

mold sharply against a solid object. can be used to produce hundreds of wax

To the right are wax patterns, to the

left are finished and semifinished silver
Place the rubber mold between two
tlic step-by-step sequence outlined
metal plates. Holding the mold
as illu- followed, there should !>c no difficult}
strated. place the sprue opening
in obtaining satisfactory castings. Norm-
the wax discharge nozzle of the wax
ally. difficulties arise only if some por-
injector. Next apply pressure to the
piston tion of the casting sequence has been
rod with the finger. A gentle
pressure is sufficient to force molten wax omitted or otherwise incompletely per-
into the rubber mold cavity. Remove formed. In the event you do experience
linger pressure and lift the rubber mold difficulty, a review of the casting se-
quence will often yield the solution.
awav. While still applying pressure with
the lingers to the metal plates, turn the The casting sequence outlined, although
not the ultimate, has been reduced time-
rubber mold so that the sprue opening
w ise to w hat may be considered the bar-
faces up. Hold the mold under pressure
fur about est minimum.
one to two minutes to permit
If for some reason difficulty is ex-
the wax to solidify. Do not relieve
perienced. the solution is usually one
the pressure from the mold as ibis will
tend to increase the size of the cavity of applied logic. As an example, if the
and result in a malformed wax pattern. casting is pitted, this is the result of
either dirtv or unclean metal or in-
appendix loaded latex may be mixed in any cup make provision for clamping the mold
or glass as it will not adhere. together with C clamps.

Additional Rotes
Step 2 Latex is not a rubber cement, al-

When the first half is completely though for certain applications it does
cured, remove the florists' or modeling a good job, especially for temporary
clay, invert the whole in the wood frame bonding to glass, such as wooden frames
so that the loaded latex section is now to contain plaster for intarsia. It is a
at the bottom. The upper surface, now- liquid latex formulated for air curing.

How To Make — exposed. is that which was against the

the florists’ clay, w ith half of the pattern
It is very commonly used for ceramic
molds. While molds made in this man-
RUBBER MOLDS WITHOUT VULCANIZING exposed. Now coat this entire surface ner lack the durability of vulcanized
rubber, they are sufficiently durable
with parting agent and proceed with:
By Frank Gemmell 1. The several coats of pure latex and. formost amateur purposes. Latex molds
- «*• »/
2. coats of loaded latex. Be sure to
apply the coats of parting agent bet-
have a shelf life of about two years be-

""V ~.
‘"°U fore deterioration sets in.

\lr Gemmell
e "' Ca"in* *“
sen, ,n Dus description
»1*— !-r 'hr average hobbyist ween the two operations.
If properly prepared, the mold will
The secret of using this system is in
working out the optimum thickness of
of a simplified method which he uses.
qu res no hea, or vulcanizing. Though I, re-
no, as durable a, vulcanized part readily for the removal of the pat- the shell section in relation to the parti-
molds, the non-
vulcanized variety can be
used for a reasonable number tern. and also the loaded sections will cular pattern to be reproduced. The
of duplicate war ItteZ part from the thinner, pure latex, mold more intricate the pattern as regards
Our thanks Mr. Gemmell for sharing his
methods Ed sections. The wooden frame will serve as undercuts, the thinner the shell should
a guide for reassembling the mold parts. be. However, the thinner the shell, the
You now have a four-part mold. The more difficult it is to assemble the mold.
This method of making molds two thin sections are sufficiently flex- liquid or jellied parting agent
for Step 1
duplicate wax patterns is quite ible to allow the removal of the wax containing silicone can be used to coat
simple, Imbed the pattern to its halfway point
requiring no elaborate equipment, patterns regardless of any undercuts, the sections. This can be supplied by
pro- ina block of florist's clay or
cessing or heat treating f vulcanizing). modeling while the firmer sections, made of load- ceramic shops or, possibly, by other
day having a flat surface! This block of ed latex, will be sufficiently firm to back
The original pattern may be made types of craft outlets. The use of talc is
of clay should be about 3” square,
any convenient material such as wood, larger up the thinner sections and hold them
not advisable since the latex must be
linoleum, metals, or plastic, for larger patterns. Surround it with
a in place. The thin sections may be made
wooden form extending about H" brushed on, and this can disturb the
except wax. The pattern, of course, thicker or thinner as experience dictates,
must powder and cancel its purpose.
have a sprue attached so that a pouring above the pattern. Grease the inner depending on the intricacies of the orig-
on face is molded into the mold. surfaces of the wood form with inal pattern. The latex has also been used as an
Now coat the enure surface of the Obviously, provision must be made in electrical insulator. But remember that
match the sprue will loosen in contact with moisture
Use a mold material such as Pure pattern and the block ofclay with fouror the wood frame to it

five coats of the latex. opening for pouring the wax. This mold and it is definitely NOT oil resistant.
Rubber Brushing Latex which is obtain- Apply it with a completely soluble in most light hy-
brush. Drying time for each will stand warming to the temperature It is
able in many art supply, hobby and coat ranges
necessary to allow the wax to flow free- drocarbons such as gasoline, naptha,
plastic from a half hour at elevated tempera-
supply shops. ly. It may sometimes be advisable to
benzine, xylol and similar solvents.
ture (about 100 °F) to two hours
room temperature.
When all coats are set and tack-free,
brush on two coats of a parting
such as silicone, and let it dry.
Next fill*
the area within the wood
frame with
latex which has been loaded
with a verv
fine sawdust or some similar
brushing in successive
coats that are
no thicker than ’/e-inch. Thicker coats
will take too long to cure. The loaded
latex should be mixed as used
as any
that is left over will cure
before you are
ready for the next coat. The brush
wash out readily if washed immediatelv
after each coat in running water. The
Commercial Equipment

The Neycraft Fiber Furnace" from the J.M. Ney

Co. is among the variety of burnout ovens that
are available to jewelry makers.

mail-order suppliers. Representative

examples from the many types available

^; ^n
r ^
croltsperson operates the fingertip
suppliers are electrically heated

1 ^'r^
control The model r-Trhen
spatulas for -soldering' cltting
ZZ ,
h ®" dp,ece '^T"*
hen th «
are pictured here.
Predominant among
chines arc centrifugal and vacuum
casting ma-

Id units. However, other types may come

on the scene. Suppliers have offered a
steam caster, consisting of a cap that
houses a water- saturated gasket, which
when clamped over a flask in which
metal has been melted, forces the metal
into the mold cavity by the steam

The Injectomatic II wax injector from Kerr Divi-

sion of Sybron Corp. uses compressed air to
deliver wax to a mold cavity.
Jewelry Making for Beginners, Soukup. Cabochon Cutting, Cox.
Here is an easy-to-learn method for Illustrations, photos,
and detailed instructions
fabricating soldered jewelry pieces. All show how to cut a cabochon. Answers all
steps are dearly shown. Leam jewelry the questions from dopping to setting
crafting with little investment of tools and stones. $4.50
( no previous knowledge or experience. $4.50
Advanced Cabochon Cutting, Cox.
Jewelry Maker's Handbook, Geismger. Learn how to master special shaped
All techniques are shown step-by-step cabochon cutting, assembled stones, star
allowing the reader to follow along and stones, and cat's eyes. Special sections on
create the projects in the book, then begin opal and jade. $ 4.50
designing and fabricating originals.
Profusely illustrated $5.95 Facet Cutter’s Handbook, Soukup.
This book contains everything one needs
Jewelry Craft Made Easy, French. to know in order to facet gemstones
For the hobbyist arvJ professorial craftsperson expertly. Includes twenty-two beautiful
who prefers purchasing already finished cuts. $4.50
gemstones, mountings, and findings for
assembling interesting jewelry. Detailed Handbook of Gemstone Carving,
instructions and illustrations cover a wide Wertz. Easy-to-follow book on carving
variety of jewelry. S5.95 gemstones with detailed instructions for
carving work, carvings
flat in the round,
How to Design Jewelry, Austin & and portraits in stone. $4.50
Geisinger Design is the element that adds
something special to jewelry creations. The
How toUse Diamond Abrasives,
questions to design problems are answered Riggle. How to cut cabochons and small
here and much information is given to help flatsusing diamond abrasives. Subjects
you fashion unique jewelry pieces. Illustrated. include trim sawing, slab sawing, grinding,
$4.50 dopping, smoothing, polishing, and
equipment. Illustrated in color. $5.00
How to Make Wire Jewelry, Jenkins &
Thrasher Step-by-step instructions and
How to Tumble Polish Gemstones,
illustrations show how to use inexpensive Wexler. How to turn pebbles and rough
Readymade investment vibrators, such as this tools and supplies make stones into sparkling jewels. Guide to
Vigor' model from B. Jadow and Sons. Inc., are to pins, pendants,
available to jewelry workers. also tumbling equipment. Illustrated in color and
chains, rings, bracelets, earrings, and
novelties S5.0O
B/W photos. $5.00

How to Repair Jewelry, Phelps. MISCELLANEOUS

pressure generated. A book was also Written by a professional jewelry repairman. Handbook of Crystal & Mineral
Detailed step-by-step instructions show Collecting, Sanborn. You can find no
published that told how to make such
how to broken chains, replace lost
better book to tell you about crystals and
a caster. parts, remove and
reset gemstones, solder minerals, their physical properties, where
For making wax models there is also a without removing gems, size rings, remodel and how to collect them, the different types
wide variety of tools. And, periodically, old pieces and much more. $5.00
of specimens, how they fit into different
newdevices are invented and offered, types of collections, methods of housing,
many of which makejewdry work GEM CUTTING and much, much more. $3.50
and more efficient. Checking with
The Art of Gem Cutting. Dake.
Tells how to buy
rough stones, cut the gems,
How to Create With Horseshoe Nails
jewelry- craft suppliers, reading Link. Detailed illustrations help describe
choose and use equipment. Gets the reader
magazines for the hobby and trade, and how to make a wide variety of art pieces
started on the right path and builds an
visiringgem, jewelry and mineral hobb from nails, including jewelry pieces, belts,
v interest in many phases of the hobby of
shows will reveal many gem cutting. $5.50 art deco and interesting sculpture. $2.25

Molten metal may also be introduced

into the
flask w,th a vacuum casting
machine, such as Prices are subject to change.
the Vac-U-Cast from Swest. Inc.

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