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Md. Hassanuzzaman#1, Al-Shahriar*2, Syed Tanvir Faisal#3
#1, 2, 3
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology
Chittagong, Bangladesh

Robo Mechatronics Association,Bangladesh


Abstract— A serious supply shortage of electricity has created in period September 2012 to April 2013 alone stands at Rs
Bangladesh because electricity generation capacity didn’t 30,000 crore. Industries like steel, cement, pharma, ferro
increase proportionately to the demand; there exist 6000 MW alloys, paper and ceramic are the worst hit having suffered a
maximum electricity shortage during hot summer days and also 30% loss in production due to the prolonged power crisis [1].
in the harvesting and irrigation season. Besides to generate
To subdue this problem, many countries look forward for
power environment is being deteriorated more and more
globally. In this circumstances there is no alternative of geothermal energy. It is also one of the extensively used
renewable energy and Bangladesh have a great opportunity to energy around the world. About 10,715 megawatts (MW) of
generate electricity from geothermal energy to overcome this geothermal energy is generated in 24 countries worldwide [2].
power crisis. North-east region of this country is suitable for Geothermal energy becomes popular worldwide because it is
planting geothermal power plant. The geothermal gradient at available, cost efficient, sustainable, safe, and clean.
south-east region varies from 19.8 to 29.5°C/km along the north-
west 20.8 to 48.7°C/km. We may have 110-153°C at a distance of II. BANGLADESH AND POWER DEMAND
3-4 kilometres inside from the earth surface at the north-west. So Power crisis has become one of the vital problems in
the geothermal energy is a great opportunity for eliminating this
electricity shortage.
Bangladesh even if it is experiencing so many major problems
e.g. poverty, over population, terrorism. In 2006-07, the
average maximum demand of electricity was 5112 MW, 6765
Keywords— Geothermal Energy, North-West Region of MW in 2010-11, in 2011-12 the demand is calculated as 7518
Bangladesh, Power Crisis, Electricity Generation, Cost Efficient. MW with an average increasing rate of 481 MW per year.
Approximately the demand will reach at 8916 MW by 2015.
On the other hand, the average generation was 3717.80 MW
Geothermal is the most affordable clean energy in in 2006-07 which has increased to 4890 MW in 2010-11 and
Bangladesh than any other renewable energy. There is a great in 2011-12 it reaches at 6066 with an annual average
opportunity to find investment for geothermal energy in power increasing rate of 213 MW[3] and the average generation
sector of Bangladesh due to power crisis and scope of would be 6705 MW by 2015 where our vision is to generate
producing electricity from geothermal energy. Because of 11500 MW by 2015. Additionally the average maximum load
rapid industrialization and development over two decades in shedding is 1058MW in 2011-12. Again this demand is vary
Bangladesh, power demand rises in large scale. Low amount from east zone to west zone. The demand for electricity in east
and limitation of resources, low generation capacity, high zone is much higher (more than double) than that of the west
demand, low performance machineries of power station and zone. In east zone, the demand for electricity is has increased
high production cost are the main reason behind the power with a rate of 18.3 percent per year. However, in the west zone,
crisis. It is one of the most difficult problems to overcome in this increasing rate was 9.1% during the same time period [4].
this present condition; but this problem can be minimized by
proper utilization of the limited resources. There is a great III. GEOTHERMAL ENERGY
chance to generate power from geothermal energy from the The heat remains inside the earth which flows towards
northern districts of Bangladesh. Geothermal energy can earth’s surface gradually in a slow process. It's clean and
contribute enough electricity in the national grid to recover sustainable. Earth's internal heat comes from a combination of
energy crisis. In these circumstances, this energy is the best to gravitational binding energy (about 20%) and heat produced
utilize among any other energy in Bangladesh. through radioactive decay (about 80%).[5]
Electricity shortage has also become one of the major At the center of the planet, the temperature may be up to
problems throughout the world. Due to load shedding, 6,000 °C (10,830 °F), and the pressure could reach 360 GPa.
production losses for the major industries in India for the [6] Resources of geothermal energy range from the shallow
ground to hot water and hot rock found a few miles beneath The capacity of geothermal power plants in the world totals
the Earth's surface. These resources can be classified as low approximately 9 GW, with an annual electricity generation of
temperature (less than 90°C or 194°F), moderate temperature about 60 TWh, equivalent to less than 1% of the global
(90°C - 150°C or 194 - 302°F), and high temperature (greater electricity demand. Geothermal heating plants have a global
than 150°C or 302°F). The uses to which these resources are capacity of approximately 18,000 MWh and produce some 63
applied are also influenced by temperature. TWh per year.
TABLE 1 A. Dry Steam Plants
DEPTH OF THE EARTH'S LAYER AND DENSITY When resources produce pure steam, the steam drives a
Depth (km) Component Layout Density(g/cm3) turbine and generates power. However, these resources are
0-60 Lithosphere ------- rare; only five such fields have been discovered to date. The
0-35 Crust 2.2-2.9 only commercially developed steam field in the United States
35-60 Upper Mantle 3.4-4.4 is The Geysers, located in Northern California, which began
35-2890 Mantle 3.4-5.6 the commercial production of electricity in 1960. Another dry
100-700 Asthenosphere ------- steam geothermal field in Lardarello, Italy, began production
2890-5100 Outer core 9.9-12.2 in the early 20th century.
5100-6378 Inner core 12.8-13.1
B. Flash Plants & Double Flash
Hydrothermal fluids above 360 F (182C) can be used in
flash plants to make electricity. Fluid is sprayed in to a tank
held at a lower pressure than the fluid, causing some of the
fluid to rapidly vaporize or flash. The vapor then drives the
turbine, which drives the generator and produce electricity. If
any liquid remains in the tank, it can be flashed again in a
second tank (double flash) to extract even more energy.

Figure 1: The chemical and physical organization of the Earth’s layer is

compared in the figure. Note that this representation not to scale. The
lithosphere accounts only about 1.5% of Earth radius.
Figure 3: A schematic diagram of double flash cycle

C. Binary Plants
This type of plant uses high temperature geothermal water
to heat another fluid which has a lower boiling point than
water. This fluid vaporizes to steam, drives the turbines then
condenses to liquid to begin the cycle again.
D. Combined Heat and Power based on Geothermal Energy
Combined heat and power (CHP) is an energy efficient use
of fuel. Rather than rejecting energy as waste heat when
electricity only is produced, this energy is exploited in
combined heat and power plants.

Figure 2: Internal Stucture of Earth and layers

Bangladesh is located in the northeast part of South Asia
between 20°34′and 26°38′North latitude and 88°01′
and 92°42′East longitude. It has a deltaic terrain with a
complex river system susceptible to major flooding,
particularly in the monsoon season. Two great river systems
drain the highlands in the north. The Brahmaputra drains the
north slope of the Himalayas and skirts the west end to the
range to flow southward into Bangladesh. The Ganges drains
the south slope of the Himalayas, flowing westward to join the
Brahmaputra in the Ganges Delta. The combined system has
been in operation since late Paleogene, and has formed an
eastward thickening wedge of deltaic sediment. About 40
million years ago, after the tectonic collision of the Indian
plate on the south with the Eurasian continent to the north in
late plalegoneon, the geology and structural framework of
Bangladesh is best interrupted. Bangladesh is situated at the
northeast corner of the Indian plate. The Bengal Basin to the
southeast separated from the Indian Shield in the northwest
along the Hinge Line. The Arakan Yoma Folded System
trends north to south along the eastern edge of the country for Figure 4 : Geothermal Map of Bangladesh
450 km. The Sub Himalayan Foredeep (South Shillong Shelf
and Sylhet Trough) has along the north and northeast Geothermal gradients (°C/km) for the deep wells along the
boundaries. In Bangladesh, Indian platform is subdivided into southeast region are following
four parts [7] : TABLE 2
• The Dinajpur Slope, DEEP WELLS
• The Rangpur Saddle,
• The Bogra Slope, SI No. Well name °C/km
• The Hinge Line. 1 ARCO A1 26.1
Bengal Basin of Bangladesh can be subdivided into two 2 Atgram 1 20.1
parts 3 Bakhrabad 1 23.9
• The Southeast Deep Geosyncline Basin, 4 Bangora 1 21.2
• Northwest stable platform. 5 Beani Bazar 1 19.8
6 Begumganj 1 25.4
7 BINA 1 24.2
Geothermal gradient means the change of temperature per
8 BODC 1 25
kilometer. The geothermal gradient of Bangladesh is mostly
9 Chattak 1 21.1
controlled by the tectono stratigraphic setup of the Bengal
10 Cox's Bazar 1 25.6
Basin. With the assumption of a linear increase in 11 Fenchuganj 2 20.7
temperature with depth, the temperature of any depth can be 12 Feni 1 23.8
measured by the following equation (1) [8]: 13 Feni 2 23.5
14 Habiganj 1 20.5
15 Jaldi 1 20.25
Where, 16 Jaldi 3 22.5
Tz is the bottom hole temperature at depth Z (m). 17 Kailashtila 1 19.8
T0 is a mean surface temperature. 18 Kamta 1 23.5
Tg is the geothermal gradient °C/km. 19 Kutubdia 1 26.4
20 Muladi 1 26
Southeast basin part of Bengal Basin occupying the vast 21 Muladi 2 24.4
22 Patharia 5 20.4
area between the Hinge Line and Arakan Yoma Folded
23 Saldanadi 1 27.2
System. At Barbarkund and Gobaniya Chara in the.In the
24 Rashidpur 1 21.7
Sitakund well 5 the geothermal gradient is found to be
25 Semutang 1 27
22.5°C/km. The gradient in the Hatiya Trough at Shahbajpur 26 Shabajpur 1 29.5
1 well 29.5°C/km is the highest followed by Saldanadi 1 at 27 Sitakund 5 24.7
27.2°C/km along the folded belt region of Bangladesh. 28 Sylhet 7 19.9
29 Titas 11 23.1
30 Hazipur 1 24.2
Northwest part is the vital part for geothermal map of TABLE 3
Bangladesh. Total northwest part situated on Indian Plate. The SIGNIFICANT PLACES IN BANGLADESH WITH REMARKABLE TEMPARATURE
Bogra Slope represents the southern part of the Rangpur GRADIENT
Saddle. In 1981, Petrobangla drill Singra1 well in the Bogra
Serial No. Well name Gradient (°C/km)
Slope with the drilling depth of 4100m. They observed 150°C 1 Kuchma 1 28.5
bottom hole temperature which makes this area seem 2 Shalbanhat 1 20.8
promising for geothermal exploration. 3 Jaipurhat 25
4 Bogra 1 29.5
5 Singra 1 34.1
6 Madhyapara 31.6
7 Thakurgaon 34.2
8 Barapukuria 48.7


In Bangladesh natural gas based power plants are available.
Very recent diesel power plants are constructed to power
production. Geothermal power production is more cost
efficient to the available production system. Generally the
major factors determine the construction cost of power plants
• Government incentives
• Capital cost, operations and maintenance cost.
• Fuel cost.
• Air emission control cost.
Cost comparison between available power production
system and geothermal power production are given here:
Natural gas based power plant
A 200 MW gas fired power plant can cost $150-200
million. By contrast, a geothermal power plant with similar
Figure 5: Geothermal gradient of individual well capacity can be set up at one third of that cost. Fuel cost draws
a large amount. In 2011-12, 151,047.84 MMCFT natural gas
The Barapukuria coal basin is located in Parbatipur thana of is used which costs $342.33 million with an increase rate of
Dinajpur district. At Barapukuria , 40.5°C was encountered at 2362.4 MMCFT per year [10]. Besides a huge amount of
a depth of 380m and 52°C at a depth of 440m. A high CO2 emit from a gas power plant. Amine scrubbing is
temperature gradient of 48.7°C/km is observed here. currently used to extract CO2 from part of the flue gas. It
Approximately the temperature at the depth of 4000m is diverts steam from power production and uses part of the
calculated as 210°C. plant’s electricity production to compress the CO2. The cost
Subsequent research revealed a high anomalous and performance impacts for adding amine scrubbing to a
temperature gradient in some groundwater wells in some parts natural gas-fired combined cycle are also large. The estimated
of the Thakurgaon area. At Barunagaon village in Thakurgaon reduction in net electricity output is 14%, and the estimated
district, 36°C water has been observed in irrigation well at a increase in the plant capital cost is about 100%. [11] Carbon
depth of 80m. According to the notification The Geological capture for an IGCC (Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle)
Survey of Bangladesh drilled a thermal exploratory well at plant involves multi-step treatment of the synthesis gas using
Thakurgaon and observed a temperature gradient of technology. Estimates of the cost and performance impact of
34.2°C/km at a depth of 500m. This area is considered as a incorporating carbon capture into a IGCC design vary widely.
great opportunity for geothermal energy. Geothermal The estimated increase in capital costs ranges from 32% to
gradients (°C/km) for the deep wells along the northwest 51%. The estimated loss in generating capacity varies by more
region are given here [9]. than a factor of two, from 13% to 28%. [12]
Geothermal power plant
Initial construction cost of geothermal power plant is high.
But it is minimized after 10 year production. With the increase
of plant capacity, production cost decrease. For a 5MW
capable geothermal power plant unit capital cost is $2500/kW.
But for a 150MW plant the cost reduced to $1600/kW. Cost of
geothermal power plant can be measured [13] by the equation & Technology, Dr. Sajal Chandra Banik for giving
(2) and equation (3) inspirations and suggestions to complete this proceeding.

[2] Ingvar B. Fridleifsson, Ruggero Bertani, Ernst Huenges, John W.
Lund,Arni Ragnarsson, Rybach Ladislaus (2008-02-11), O. Hohmeyer
and T. Trittin, ed., The possible role and contribution of geothermal
Where, energy to the mitigation of climate change, Luebeck, Germany, pp. 59–
Cd represents unit capital cost 80, retrieved 2009-04-06.
[3] Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB). 2010. Annual Report
C0 represents operations and maintenance cost
2011-12. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
P represents the capacity of plant
Capital cost is more than operations and maintenance [4] Power Cell. 2006. Bangladesh Power Sector Data Bank. Dhaka,
Bangladesh. Retrieved from
cost. Drilling cost is one third of total cost. In 2001 ERRI (12/07/2013)
estimated 65%of total costs needed for the plantation. But [5] D. Turcotte, L. Schubert. Geodynamics (2nd edition). Cambridge,
only represents 22% leveled cost of electricity production, England, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 136–137, 2002. ISBN
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[6] Alfè, D.; Gillan, M. J.; Vocadlo, L.; Brodholt, J.; Price, G. D. The ab
power plant. However, geothermal plants have no fuel costs,
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and over a typical 30-year plant life the fuel costs for a natural of the Royal Society of London 360 (1795): 1227–1244. Retrieved
gas or coal plant can represent twice their initial capital cost. 2007-02-28.
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of the Fossil Energy and Geothermal Potential of Bangladesh.
total fuel costs, geothermal projects can be a sound investment. Bangladesh Investigations (IR) BG-6, Department of the Interior
Moreover geothermal power plant has no smoky emission. It Geological Survey, USA.
emits only water vapor. [8] M. A. Akbar, “An Assessment of the Geothermal Potential of
VII. CONCLUSIONS [9] Geological Survey of Bangladesh, Ministry of Power, Energy and
Mineral Resources, 153 Pioneer Road, Segunbagicha, Dhaka 1000,
Steady base load power is produced by geothermal power Banladesh.
plants. No fuel need to purchase for to run geothermal power [10] Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB). 2010. Annual Report
plant which is capable of operating about 98% of the time [14] 2011-12. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
and is also compatible with agricultural land uses. Because of article&id=75&Itemid=81 (12/07/2013)
this reason geothermal power plant is a great option for [11] National Energy Technology Laboratory, Cost and Performance
Bangladesh. Geothermal plants produce a small amount of Baseline for Fossil Energy Plants, Volume 1, May 2007, Exhibit 5-25
pollutant emissions compared to traditional fossil fuel power and page 481; EIA, Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook 2008,
Table 38.
plants. Hence it is much efficient for reducing Global [12] Stan Kaplan, Specialist in Energy and Environmental Policy Resources,
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CRS report for Congress.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT [13] Cost of Geothermal Power and Factors that Affects It. Sanyal S.K.
Geotherm Ex, Inc. Richmond, California, 94804, USA.
The author would like to thank, IEEE Member and [14]
Associate Professor of Chittagong University of Engineering _Energy.pdf

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