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Cover Letter

Wireless Handtalk

Abstract Summary
The Hope Foundation is seeking a grant to implement our ‘Wireless Handtalk’ program
in VIT-Amaravathi, with the objective of aiding the hearing-impaired students with their
academic skills and communication. This program is based on a specialized software and
hardware and 5 lakh of funding is requested.

Statement of Need
The Hope Foundation has 50 students under it , of which 15 are hearing-impaired. They
struggle when it comes to their academic and social career due to their disability. The Wireless
handtalk aims to improve this by helping them speak out to the world they are in.

Program Description
The Hope foundation’s Wireless Handtalk will enable the students to improve their
academics and communication.The device consists of a special software and hardware which
work together to convert sign language into a text based form that those not proficient the sign
language will be able to read.

Goals and Objectives

● Increase their self esteem
● Allowing them to have fluid interactions and discussions with their peers and the
outside world.
● Helping them stay and be a part of regular, mainstream classrooms; Instead of
requiring a specialized classroom.
● Teach them how to use and maintain the Handtalk device

The budget includes the cost of producing the device for the selected no of students and and
additional cost for training them in its use.
One of the students will be chosen to take part during the testing stage, their level of
interaction with their peers will be observed in order to obtain how efficient the device is in
carrying a conversation.
The testing stage will include a conversation with a teacher on certain topics in order to
observe if they are able to communicate with each other.

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