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Journal of

Plankton Research

J. Plankton Res. (2017) 00(00): 1–9. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbw096

Community cascades in a marine pelagic

food web controlled by the non-visual
apex predator Mnemiopsis leidyi




Received September 26, 2016; editorial decision December 8, 2016; accepted December 10, 2016

Corresponding Editor: Marja Koski

Trophic cascades are a ubiquitous feature of many terrestrial and fresh-water food webs, but have been difficult to
demonstrate in marine systems with multispecies trophic levels. Here we describe significant trophic cascades in an
open coastal planktonic ecosystem exposed to an introduced top predator. The ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi was
monitored for an 8-year period concurrent with measures of the food web structure of the plankton and strong
trophic cascades were evident. In the 5 years when M. leidyi were found, their target prey (grazing copepods) were
reduced 5-fold and the primary producers doubled their biomass when released from the grazing pressure. The
increased phytoplankton biomass could unequivocally be assigned to grazing release since concurrent measurements
of primary production did not differ between years with or without M. leidyi. Copepod biomass prior to the mass
occurrence of the ctenophore was important. The years without M. leidyi had significantly higher biomass of cope-
pods in July, the month preceding the outburst of the ctenophore. The profound changes of the pelagic ecosystem
faced with a non-selective apex predator shows that marine communities are not exceptions from trophic cascade

KEYWORDS: trophic cascades; predation; ctenophore; phytoplankton; copepods; ciliates; Mnemiopsis leidyi

top-down control by apex predators and the resulting
Predation is the strongest selective force acting on popu- trophic cascades can propagate all the way to the bot-
lations and it is therefore not surprising that the most tom of the food webs. There are two fundamentally dif-
visible controlling factor in food webs is the presence or ferent cascades, those among single species and those
absence of predators. Numerous studies have shown among trophic levels where the levels are considered to

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© The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

be communities of similarly feeding animals (Polis et al., there is still a clear need for unequivocal field evidence
2000). With selective predators feeding on single prey of trophic cascades in the marine plankton.
species, cyclic systems will evolve alternating between Increasing management of nature by manipulation of
top-down and bottom-up control. The numerous exam- predators calls for a better knowledge of the response of
ples of trophic cascades in lakes involve one or a few the pelagic food to apex predators (Baum and Worm,
species at each trophic level and they are also observed 2009). Ecosystem-based management is a leading prin-
because lakes have limited immigration or emigration ciple, but it has still to show its applicability to marine
(Sommer, 2008). In the marine environment, many spe- coastal waters. Since it is generally implemented by
cies typically occupy each trophic level and this redun- altering the fishing pressure of one selected species, it
dancy often prevents observation of trophic cascades relies on a cascading effect of the same sort as in lakes,
over more than two trophic levels (Shurin et al., 2002). i.e. a species trophic cascade, and it is implicit that com-
In order to show cascades in the marine pelagic environ- munity cascades follow the same principle. The critical
ment, the predation needs to be strong and non- test is whether a changing predation regime in the field
selective such that the predator can supress an entire will affect the assembly of zooplankton and result in a
trophic level (Polis et al., 2000; Baum and Worm, 2009). significant effect on the field assembly of phytoplankton.
The time-span of observation also needs to be shorter To test the hypothesis of community cascades, we can
than in lakes due to the transient nature of the environ- use the natural variation of predators on zooplankton
ment. The top-down effects may in fact be as strong as and study periods of high predatory abundance and
in a lake, but when averaged over a long time they are contrast them with periods of few predators. This, how-
obscured by advection. Finally, it must be remembered ever, requires a careful and long-time series of relevant
that the definition of a trophic level is not always clear- sampling at several trophic levels. The approach may be
cut. Part of the difference between lakes and the sea more relevant than mesocosm experiments for the situ-
might be the better definition of distinct trophic levels in ation in the field (Atkinson et al., 2014), but is also very
lakes (e.g. vertebrate predators), but a weaker definition costly (Baum and Worm, 2009).
of lower trophic levels in general, and in particular mar- To test the hypothesis that community cascades may
ine pelagic food webs (Angus Atkinson, pers. com.). control a marine plankton assemblage, we investigated
There are a number of studies showing community an open coastal planktonic ecosystem exposed to an
cascades in laboratory or mesocosm experiments from introduced top predator, the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi.
the marine environment (e.g. Granéli and Turner, Mnemiopsis leidyi is one of the best-studied species
2002; Stibor et al., 2004; Sommer and Sommer, 2006). involved in top-down control in marine planktonic eco-
Their strength is that they are causative since they are systems. Estuaries along the American east coast are the
manipulated in only one factor, typically addition or native areas for the species and life cycles (Purcell et al.,
removal of top predators. The design of the experiments 2001; Costello et al., 2006) and predator-prey interac-
can be said to mimic lakes in that advection is removed tions (e.g. Kremer,1979; Durbin and Durbin, 1981;
and the predation is high. Therefore, it is not surprising Purcell and Decker, 2005; Sullivan et al., 2007) have
that results convincingly show trophic cascades over two been studied in depth. Since the introduction of the spe-
or three trophic levels. However, even in manipulative cies to Scandinavian waters in 2006 (Hansson, 2006),
experiments it is difficult to show effects over three the ctenophore has been intensively studied due to con-
trophic levels (Micheli, 1999). Predation on more than cern about detrimental effects on the pelagic food web
one trophic level (omnivory) or redundancy within each (e.g. Jaspers et al., 2011; Haraldsson et al., 2013).
trophic level will obscure the relationships. Perhaps The sampling was done at a station at the entrance of
most convincing support for this effect is the observation the Gullmar Fjord, a permanently stratified fjord with a
of a switch between three- or four-level food webs maximum depth of 120 m and a water depth of 37 m at
caused by induced behaviours of the grazers (Stibor the sampling station. The upper mixed layer of the fjord
et al., 2004). Field evidence of trophic cascades in marine has a residence time of 16 days (Arneborg, 2004), and
plankton is rare and in principle restricted to systems advection is important for the plankton composition
with strong jellyfish predation. In Narragansett Bay and (Lindahl and Perissinotto, 1987). Calanus finmarchicus and
in Danish fjords, time series of jellyfish, copepods and Calanus helogolandicus are important for the total zoo-
chlorophyll have shown a strong predation effect and plankton biomass (Lindahl and Hernroth, 1988), but
also signs of cascades (e.g. Møller and Riisgård, 2007; smaller species dominate numerically (Tiselius et al.,
Sullivan et al., 2007). They resemble lake ecosystems in 2016). The predation impact from chaetognaths (Sagitta
their long residence times and species level interactions. setosa) is significant (Tönnesson and Tiselius, 2005), but
The cascades are, however, not statistically tested and confined to the period September–October; up to


48% d−1 on Pseudocalanus sp., 29% d−1 on Paracalanus representative animals for each species was measured
parvus and 7% d−1 on Acartia clausi. In the deeper part of for cephalothorax length and converted to carbon con-
the fjord, Sagitta elegans can remove 5–18% of the tent (µg C ind.−1) using appropriate length–weight
Calanus sp. population daily. regressions (Mauchline, 1998). Ctenophores were
In this study, M. leidyi was monitored for an 8-year sampled by duplicate oblique tows (0–20 m) with a
period concurrent with measures of the food web struc- 450 µm WP-3 net (113 cm diameter) equipped with a
ture of the plankton and strong trophic cascades were flow metre. All animals in the sample were analysed
evident. We discuss the development of the M. leidyi live, typically within 1–2 h and the oral–aboral length
population in relation to zooplankton and point to the (L, mm) measured on each individual. Biomass (wet
dual controlling factors for the initiation of rapid growth weight (WW) g) was then estimated for each individual
of the predator population. We conclude that a top using a length–weight regression established from 32
predator may control even the productive waters of the individuals of various lengths:
Swedish west coast.
WW = 0.0146*L1.9, R 2 = 0.92.

Predation impact of M. leidyi was estimated based on

reported gut contents and digestion times from the
Data for this study comes from sampling at the perman- Gullmar Fjord in September 2008 (Granhag et al.,
ent sampling station at the entrance of the Gullmar Fjord 2011). The gut content method alleviates the negative
(58°15,6′N, 11°27,2′E). The data for primary production effect of container size that all incubation methods have
and chlorophyll were sampled every 2 weeks and the zoo- and should therefore give a more correct estimate of
plankton and M. leidyi at variable frequencies from every predation. We used their regression relating clearance
second day to once each month from September 2007 to rate (FC, L ind.−1 h−1) to oral–aboral length of M. leidyi
December 2014. The measurement of primary produc- (LOA, mm) with Acartia sp. as prey
tion was part of the national monitoring programme
described in detail by Tiselius et al. (2016). Briefly, incorp- FC = 0.0022 L OA 2.33.
oration of 14C-labelled carbonate was recorded in
100 mL glass bottles filled with water from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, The average size M. leidyi at each sampling was used
6, 8, 10 and 15 m and suspended at the same depths for for the regressions and the estimated individual clear-
4 h during midday. After retrieval, the samples were acid- ance was subsequently multiplied by total abundance of
ified and remaining carbonate removed by gentle bub- ctenophores (ind. m−3) to yield a population clearance
bling and the incorporated 14C analysed on a Beckmann rate (L m−3) expressed as the fraction of the water vol-
scintillation counter. We used the full water fraction, ume from 0 to 20 m cleared of calanoid copepods per
which include released dissolved organic matter during the day (d−1). This approach to estimate predation rate is
incubation, and primary production (mg C m−2 d−1) was affected by temperature and prey density, but we used
estimated after subtraction of dark bottles at 0 and the estimate as an average for the autumn in the area
15 m. Chlorophyll a (mg m−3) was analysed by filtering since Granhag et al. (2011) performed their study at the
100 mL of water from the same depths through 0.7 µm same station and period as our sampling.
GF/F filters, extracted in ethanol for 24 h and measured
on a Turner 10-AU fluorometer. Taxonomic analysis of
phytoplankton was done through the national environ- Statistical analysis
mental monitoring programme and data were retrieved The data consisted of time series of primary production
from the SMHI database Sharkweb (http://www.smhi. (mg C m−2 d−1), chlorophyll (average 0–10 m, mg m−3),
se/klimatdata/oceanografi/havsmiljodata). Monthly av- biomass of calanoid copepods (copepodites and adults
erages of total carbon concentration of diatoms (mg C m−3) only, mg C m−3) and biomass of M. leidyi (WW, g m−3)
were retrieved for samples collected at the station in for the time period July 2007–December 2014. We con-
September and October each year. sidered years as replicates and the time series was
Zooplankton was sampled using duplicate vertical divided into years with M. leidyi (2007–2010, 2014) and
tows (0–20 m) with a 90 µm WP-2 net (57 cm diameter) years without (2011–2013). Many factors may differ
equipped with a flow metre and preserved in 4% buf- between years and increase the variance of the esti-
fered formaldehyde. After subsampling, the plankton mates. We therefore consider our method of using
was analysed to groups or, in case of copepods, to spe- ANOVA as conservative. Since M. leidyi only occurred
cies level. 100–300 copepods were counted and 10 in the autumn, we used data from August–December


and compared monthly averages for the years with M. in September (Fig. 1A). There was a significant differ-
leidyi with years without using two-factor ANOVA (fac- ence in biomass between years (ANOVA, F4,120 = 2.4,
tors: month and the presence of M. leidyi). We also com- P < 0.001) with elevated biomass in 2009 and 2014, (up
pared biomass of M. leidyi between years for those years to 80 and 58 g WW m−3, respectively), intermediate bio-
when it occurred using two-factor ANOVA (factors: mass in 2008 and significantly lower biomass in 2007
year and month). The effect of copepods on early devel- and 2010. Between February 2011 and July 2014, no
opment of M. leidyi was tested using two-sample t-tests, animals were sampled by our net, except on 26 October
comparing copepod biomass in July (the month preced- and 5 Decemeber 2013 when single animals were
ing the first appearance of M. leidyi in the samples) in observed from the ship and 0.2 g WW m−3 was esti-
years with and without M. leidyi. Copepod grazing mated. For the statistical analysis and the categorization,
effects on diatom biomass were tested using two-sample however, we have considered also 2013 as a year with-
t-tests, comparing years with M. leidyi (low copepod bio- out M. leidyi.
mass) with years without M. leidyi (high copepod bio- The occurrence of calanoid copepods showed a sea-
mass). Data were log transformed to homogenize sonal variation reaching the highest biomass in July or
variances and Student-Newman–Keuls post-hoc tests September (160 mg C m−3) and an occasional peak in
were used when significant effects were detected by the late spring. The autumn biomass was severely reduced
ANOVA. Significance was assumed at P ≤ 0.05. in years of M. leidyi occurrence, and consistently higher
in the autumns of 2011–2013, the years without M. leidyi.
Since the appearance of M. leidyi was restricted to the
autumn, only those data have been used for the further
Mnemiopsis leidyi was only observed during autumn in Mnemiopsis leidyi was never recorded in July, but already
the Gullmar Fjord and reached their highest biomass in August the average biomass reached a high level

Fig. 1. (A) Biomass of M. leidyi (g WW m−3, filled symbols) and of calanoid copepods (mg Cm−3, open symbols). (B) Specific predation impact
on calanoid copepods from M. leidyi (d−1). Error bars = SE.


(11 g WW m−3, Fig. 2A) increasing further in September presence/absence (“predator”) as factors. The statistical
to a highest average of 19 g WW m−3. Biomass then analysis confirmed the pattern in Fig. 2, where copepods
declined and the last observations occurred in December. were significantly reduced by M. leidyi (Table IA) and
The copepod biomass responded dramatically to the chlorophyll a was significantly higher when copepod
presence of M. leidyi. Without the ctenophore, biomass was grazers were removed (Table IB). Since M. leidyi did not
highest in September–November reaching 45 mg C m−3, have an effect on primary production (Table IC), it can
with lower values both in August and December. When be concluded that the reason for the increased chloro-
M. leidyi was present, biomass of calanoid copepods was phyll a in the presence of M. leidyi is due to decreased
one order of magnitude lower, 3–6 mg C m−3, and rela- grazing. In fact, the chlorophyll levels continued to
tively constant throughout the autumn. increase despite a significantly decreasing primary pro-
Chlorophyll a concentrations were relatively constant duction (Fig. 2), further supporting grazing as a signifi-
in years without M. leidyi, ranging from 1.2 to 2.1 mg m−3. cant regulatory factor for the phytoplankton.
Concurrent with the reduced biomass of copepods in Mnemiopsis leidyi also had an indirect effect on the
years with M. leidyi, concentrations were twice as high, phytoplankton composition through the removal of
ranging from 1.8 to 4.3 mg m−3. Primary production copepod grazers (Fig. 3). In years with M. leidyi, the dia-
declined steadily from 800 mg C m−2 d−1 in August to tom biomass was three times higher (two-sample t-test,
<35 mg C m−2 d−1 in December, and there was no dif- t14 = 2.5, P = 0.025), corroborating a selective grazing
ference between years with and without M. leidyi. effect of the copepods.

Trophic cascades
In contrast to the general practice of using correlation
approaches to show negative relations between adjacent The recurring mass occurrence of M. leidyi resulted in a
trophic level biomasses, our data allow a stringent statis- trophic cascade spanning three trophic levels. One pre-
tical test of the effect of M. leidyi on the food web. Using requisite for a cascade to occur is that the predation
log-transformed data, we carried out regular two-factor pressure is strong enough to significantly affect the prey
ANOVAs with months (“month”) and M. leidyi the population. Estimated specific predation ranged from



Fig. 2. (A) Biomass of M. leidyi (g WW m−3), (B) Biomass of calanoid copepods (mg C m−3), (C) Chlorophyll-a concentrations (average 0–10 m,
mg m−3), (D) Primary production (mg C m−2 d−1). Open symbols: data from years without M. leidyi (2011–2013), filled symbols: data from years
with M. leidyi (2007–2010, 2014). Error bars = SE.


Table I: Trophic cascades. ANOVA of 180

the effect of M. leidyi (“Predator”) and 160
month on calanoid copepods, chlorophyll a and
primary production. All variables are log- 140

Diatom biomass, mg C m–3

transformed 120
Source df MS F p
Calanoid copepods
Predator 1 10.9 51 <0.001
Month 4 0.44 2.0 0.088
Predator × month 4 0.33 1.5 0.187
Error 154 0.21 60
Chlorophyll a
Predator 1 0.56 10.1 0.002 40
Month 4 0.25 4.5 0.003
Predator × month 4 0.028 0.51 0.73 20
Error 56 0.056
Primary production 0
Predator 1 0.084 0.75 0.39 With Without
Month 4 4.49 40.4 <0.001 Mnemiopsis Mnemiopsis
Predator × month 4 0.028 0.51 0.91
Error 56 0.11
Fig. 3. Biomass of diatoms (mg C m−3) in September and October in
years with and without M. leidyi. Symbols indicate average concentra-
tion of all samples of one month and the horizontal bar is the median
of the data for each period.
10 to 100% of the water column cleared of calanoid
copepods daily in 2009 and 2014, 5–50% in 2008 and
1–20% in 2007 and 2010 (Fig. 1B). This is a strong prey for larval ctenophores and since copepods are also
predation pressure compared with the specific growth strong predators on ciliates, there could be competition
of copepods in the autumn, which has been reported to and even a critical threshold biomass of copepods above
5–40% d−1 (Calliari and Tiselius, 2009) and 5–11% d−1 which ciliates will be limiting for ctenophore population
(Kiørboe and Nielsen, 1994) based on egg production. growth. The tipping point hinges on the copepods and if
It is therefore evident that the ctenophore predation was some other predator rapidly reduces the copepod bio-
able to control the biomass of copepods in years with mass, this may initiate a M. leidyi mass occurrence.
M. leidyi. Declines in copepod biomass before the M. leidyi
Preceding the first occurrence of M. leidyi, the cope- increase have been observed previously. Kremer (1979)
pod biomass declined rapidly which cannot be was the first to suggest an uncoupling between cteno-
explained by ctenophore predation. In our study, years phore predation and copepod declines. She observed
with the strongest decline and lowest biomass of cope- that copepods declined, perhaps due to food limitation
pods in July coincided with a rapid growth of the M. leidyi, or some other predator, well in advance of the M. leidyi
while years with a considerable biomass of copepods in outbreak. Using historical data, Sullivan et al. (2007)
July never developed mass occurrences. Indeed, the bio- showed that in the majority of observations, the cope-
mass of copepods was significantly higher in July in years pods declined in advance of the M. leidyi outbreaks.
when M. leidyi did not develop (two-sample t-test on log- Javidpour et al. (2009) observed an increase of M. leidyi
transformed biomass, t38 = −2.6, P = 0.013). We suggest larvae after a copepod decline and a ciliate increase,
that the biomass of copepods is a crucial factor for the supporting this mechanism. McNamara et al. (2013)
onset of rapid population growth of M. leidyi, and further- identified microzooplankton as important for M. leidyi
more, that the ciliates play an important role as suggested larvae development and a decline in copepods pre-
by McNamara et al. (2013). ceded the ctenophore mass occurrence. Collectively,
If the copepods are very abundant, the ciliate biomass these studies and our data suggest that an indirect effect
is kept low and there is a shortage of food for M. leidyi of decreased copepod predation on ciliates could lead
larvae (Fig. 4A). If the copepod biomass is reduced by to abundant microzooplankton food for ctenophore lar-
predation from other predators than M. leidyi or from vae and a rapid growth of the M. leidyi population,
starvation (Durbin and Durbin, 1981), the predation which then would control the copepod biomass. We do
pressure on ciliates decreases and they may increase their not know why M. leidyi appear in the fjord only in some
populations allowing a larger food source for ctenophore years, but food web interactions and feedback loops
larval growth (Fig. 4B). Ciliates are one of the prime may be important factors in addition to advection.


A Without Mnemiopsis B With Mnemiopsis

Adult Mnmeiopsis

Mnemiopsis larvae,




Fig. 4. A suggested scenario how copepods and M. leidyi may affect the lower trophic levels of the food web. (A) In years without M. leidyi the
copepods are abundant controlling the ciliate biomass and reducing the larger phytoplankton. This creates a flagellate dominated base for the
food web. (B) When M. leidyi removes the copepods, ciliates thrive and reduce flagellates while supporting M. leidyi larval growth. In order to start
the rapid reproduction of M. leidyi, a sufficient fraction the copepod biomass needs to be removed to relieve ciliates from their predation pressure.
Green arrows indicate changes in phytoplankton biomass, blue arrows indicate changes in zooplankton biomass.

Chlorophyll concentrations were two times higher Table II: Grazing rate (±SE) of copepods on
in years with M. leidyi indicative of trophic cascades the phytoplankton during years with and with-
mediated through the copepods. The chlorophyll esti-
out M. leidyi
mate is a composite of all phytoplankton larger than
0.7 µm and include pico-, nano- and microphytoplank- With Without
Mnemiopsis Mnemiopsis
ton and because the food web of organisms smaller
than copepods include both autotrophs and hetero- Primary production, mg C m−3 d−1 26 ± 12 19 ± 8
Chlorophyll a, mg C m−3 140 ± 25 77 ± 5
trophs, we cannot trace a cascade through the smaller Copepod grazing, mg C m−3 d−1 3 ± 0.3 23 ± 1.5
sized organisms in our study. Ciliates are the domin-
Weight specific grazing rate was set to 0.55 ± 0.12 d−1 (µg C µg C−1,
ant grazers on autotrophic and heterotrophic nano- ±95% confidence interval, n = 12), using data from October at the same
plankton, and also a main prey for copepods, and station (Calliari and Tiselius, 2009). Average biomasses and production
ciliates should be more abundant during M. leidyi years rates (±SE) from Fig. 2 was used, and chlorophyll a was converted to car-
bon using a C:Chl a ratio = 40.
along with the autotrophic microplankton. Our study
did not include the microzooplankton, however, and
we can only speculate on this. The trophic pathway when M. leidyi had reduced the copepods. We conclude
copepods-ciliates-autotrophic nanoflagellates should that the copepods were able to control the biomass of
act to dampen the effect that the M. leidyi had on total phytoplankton cropping more than the primary pro-
chlorophyll concentrations (sensu Boyce et al., 2015), duction in years without ctenophores, while phyto-
but this was apparently overwhelmed by the positive plankton population growth was independent of
effect on the larger diatoms. The grazing by copepods copepod grazing in M. leidyi years. Similar trophic cas-
seems to have affected the diatoms, which were three cades have been observed in Narragansett Bay, where
times more abundant when the copepods were reduced diatom blooms occurred as a response to strong cteno-
during M. leidyi years (Fig. 3). If we apply carbon spe- phore predation on the copepods (Durbin and Durbin,
cific grazing rates based on gut fluorescence (Calliari 1981; Deason and Smayda, 1982) and in nearby
and Tiselius, 2009) to the copepod biomass in this Limfjord (Denmark), where scyphozoan and ctenophore
study, a substantial grazing pressure on the phyto- predation resulted in increased chlorophyll a levels
plankton is evident in years without M. leidyi (Table II). (Møller and Riisgård, 2007; Riisgård et al., 2012).
119% of the primary production and 30% of the Community cascades spanning three trophic levels
chlorophyll a could be grazed daily by the copepods, have rarely been shown in marine pelagic food webs
but this was reduced to 11% and 2%, respectively, (but see Casini et al., 2008), and most marine examples


are from experimental manipulations of mesocosms on primary production, chlorophyll and zooplankton
(e.g. Granéli and Turner, 2002; Stibor et al., 2004; biomass, years with and without the ctenophore were
Sommer and Sommer, 2006). In a meta-analysis of compared.
both manipulation experiments and field time series,
Micheli (1999) only found weak links to support the • Mnemiopsis leidyi caused significant reductions in cala-
trophic cascades hypothesis. Failure to observe cascades noid copepod biomass, which resulted in increased
in community approaches may be due to size variations chlorophyll levels.
at each trophic level (Boyce et al., 2015) and can be • Diatoms dominated the increased phytoplankton
stronger when two complimentary grazers co-occur biomass.
allowing a wider prey size spectrum (Sommer, 2008). In • Mnemiopsis leidyi had no effect on primary production,
our study, M. leidyi acts like a generalist predator remov- which proved that the phytoplankton increase was
ing an entire functional group from the food web and caused by released grazing pressure.
this may be the reason why we could statistically show
cascading effects in the highly variable coastal environ- Copepods seemed to be involved in the initiation of
ment. As an apex predator, M. leidyi occupies a similar the M. leidyi outbreaks. In years with a high copepod
role as humans do in the fishery; they sweep clear an biomass in July, no M. leidyi populations developed. A
entire trophic level with dramatic consequences for the scenario is suggested where strong predation on ciliates
ecosystem. by the copepods reduces the food for the M. leidyi lar-
As a final consideration, our practice of using years as vae, thus keeping them from rapid growth.
replicates can be discussed. Most evidence of trophic cas-
cades in marine pelagic environment comes from experi-
ments in mesocosms limited in volume and time. As ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
advection is removed, the species diversity gradually
Numerous people contributed to the time series through
declines and cascading effects start to appear as the system
the years, but we particularly thank Pia Engström, Hans
gradually turns from community interactions into species
Olsson and Lars Ljunqvist for collecting the data on pri-
interactions. In contrast, the field approach requires sev-
mary production. We thank the crew onboard R/V
eral years of repeated introduction of the predator to
Oscar von Sydow and R/V Skagerrak and Fayez
reduce the confounding factors. Fishery data spanning
Alsaleh for analysing zooplankton samples. Comments
decades have shown species cascades (e.g. Worm and
from Angus Atkinson and two anonymous reviewers sig-
Myers, 2003; Casini et al., 2008), but there are no similar
nificantly improved the manuscript.
data on community cascades in the plankton. In our
study, 5 years with predators were contrasted with 3 years
without, and we were able to show significant trophic cas-
cades. In conclusion, we suggest that there should be no FUNDING
principal difference between controlling factors in marine The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
and limnic environments, the reason why they are hard to (contract number 1256-14) ; the Swedish Environmental
observe in the sea is that the diversity at each trophic level Protection Agency (contract number 899-12); the Swedish
is higher (Pershing et al., 2015) and that advection is stron- Research Council for Environment; Agricultural Sciences
ger, both acting to dampen the direct predation effects. and Spatial Planning (contract numbers 2007-1105,
Consequently, we have underestimated the importance of 217-2008-917, 2008-1882 and 2008-1889). The long-
top-down control in marine pelagic systems and con- term primary production series has been supported by
founding effects in time series leave bottom-up control as the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency; the County
a more important mechanism. This has lead to a domin- Administrative Board of Västra Götaland and Bohuskustens
ance of resource control in management practices, such as Vattenvårdsförbund. The Wåhlströms Foundation;
mitigation of nutrient discharges, when in fact the entire Wilhelm and Martina Lundgren Foundation and the
ecosystem should be considered for restoration. Adlerbertska Research Foundation are acknowledged
for their support.

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