Screening #1 Prompt

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English 2388: Introduction to Film Studies

Texas Tech University – Costa Rica

For your first major assessment you will “screen” a film scene, analyzing some of its formal
elements. You will create a brief presentation to be delivered either September 11 or 13,
depending on the day you’re assigned.

Your analysis should focus on a single scene and be informed by the elements of film form
we’ve studied in lecture. You do NOT have to cover every element we’ve discussed. Rather, you
should focus on a few interesting elements that enhance the scene’s emotional weight
(resonance) and facilitate a more immersive experience for the audience. When choosing what to
analyze, think about:

1. mise en scene:
 What visual aspects amplify character emotion or mood? What objects or colors
convey messages about the film’s theme? High key/low key lighting? Shot
blocking (positioning of actors, significance of shapes or lines)? Costume and
2. cinematography:
 Camera framing (high angle shot, low angle low, wide shot, etc.)? Camera focus?
Camera movement?
3. sound design:
 How does the aural world of the scene enhance mood, atmosphere, or thematic
significance? What sound components (sound effects, SFX, dialogue, music) are
present and what do they contribute to immersion?

Presentations should be 8-12 minutes, including the time it takes to show the scene. You should
begin by summarizing the plot of the film and introducing the scene. (note: you will need to
connect to Air Media using your device in order to present the film.) The remainder of the
presentation should be spent critically discussing key elements that make the scene “work”. Be
prepared for questions when your analysis is finished.

Special Instructions
I will need to preview the film scene you select. Consequently, you must choose your scene and
email me your decision by Friday, September 8. Failure to confirm your selection by the
deadline will result in 10% grade deduction. When you email, provide the name of the movie, a
short description of the scene, and the timestamp (at what point the scene takes place).

1. Choose the scene you wish to analyze.

2. Confirm your selection by Friday, September 8 (
3. Ensure you have a device to screen the scene during your presentation.
4. Present either Monday, September 11 or Wednesday, September 13.

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