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The human being is taken from psychology as an unconscious being where his actions, thoughts,

what he does and even his dreams reflect things that he himself does not consider why it happens
or the one who makes that thought in that context. Which makes the power of the unconscious
very curious or how it sucks in material as long as it is right.

This also sows too many unknowns in science, being incredible the way in which within each
person there is a universe full of drives, thoughts, words and stimuli in the face of everything that
happens around them or what happened in their childhood, being immensely curious. power that
the mind of the human being has and from the points of view that science can take it as a self-
completion or realization of this being.

But what is desire? For me, desire is the way in which the human being imposes himself on
breaking down barriers or obstacles to his realization on the earthly plane. Desire would also be
taken as the way in which the human being demonstrates what what he did not say, what he did
not complete, what he wants to do, what happened to him or what he is, unconsciously wanting
to fulfill himself as a person. Thus, taking into account that the human being is someone who
every day has to set obstacles or goals to feel fulfilled or to be able to make progress in his work as
a person, being that the unconscious worked day by day to reach the power of education.
personal and complement on this earthly plane.

Desire is a central concept in psychology and it is important to write about human interaction and
motivation. Desire is defined as a strong inclination or longing to obtain something that is
considered valuable or satisfying. It can be conscious or unconscious and can vary in intensity and

In psychology, desire has been studied from different theoretical approaches. For example, in
Freud's psychoanalytic theory, sexuality is found to be driven by sexual instincts and impulses that
seek satisfaction. According to Freud, desire is a motivating force that causes an individual to seek
pleasure and avoid discomfort.

On the other hand, cognitive theory considers that desire is related to thought processes and the
interpretation of reality. According to this view, desire arises from a subjective evaluation of
individual needs and goals, as well as expectations and beliefs about how those needs will be

Despite the theoretical approach, desire has a significant impact on human behavior. Desire can
be the driving force that makes people seek goals and objectives, make decisions and act in a
certain way. For example, the desire to receive social recognition can motivate a person to work
hard and succeed in their field.

However, desire can also have a dark side. When craving becomes excessive or uncontrollable, it
can lead to addiction or destructive behavior. For example, the desire for instant gratification can
lead a person to abuse substances or engage in compulsive behavior.
Desire can also be influenced by external factors such as advertising and culture. The consumer
society in which we live constantly encourages the desire to acquire material goods and achieve a
high social status.

The sexual desire.

It is important to note that sexual desire is a natural and normal part of the human experience. It
is a biological and psychological motivation that drives people to seek intimacy and sexual

Sexual desire can vary widely from person to person, and is influenced by a combination of
biological, psychological and social factors. Biology plays an important role, as hormones and
physiological processes can influence sexual desire. Additionally, psychological factors, such as
past experiences, beliefs, and emotions, can also influence sexual desire.

It is important to keep in mind that sexual desire is a personal and subjective experience. What
may be desirable for one person may not be desirable for another. Additionally, sexual desire can
change throughout a person's life due to various factors, such as aging, hormonal changes, or
personal circumstances.


According to psychoanalysis, sleep was considered a manifestation of the subconscious and a way
to access a person's repressed desires and internal conflicts. Freud, the father of psychoanalysis,
developed a theory of dreams based on the interpretation of dreams as a means of realizing
unconscious desires.

According to Freud, dreams are the symbolic expression of desires repressed and censored by
conscience. These desires manifest in the dream through symbols and metaphors, because the
latent content of the dream (conscious desires) has been transformed into manifest content (what
we remember from the dream) in a process called "dream work."

The job of dreams is to transform unconscious desires into images and scenes that are more
acceptable to consciousness. This is achieved through mechanisms such as condensation (multiple
desires are combined into a single image) and displacement (the desire is presented symbolically
rather than directly).

The repression.

Repression develops as a kind of psychological defense, because certain thoughts or desires can
cause anxiety or internal conflicts. These repressed contents are kept away from consciousness
and are stored unconsciously, that is, the person is not directly aware of them.

From my point of view, repression is a type of barrier that traps the unconscious content and
creates a balance between these two and thus separates the two contents, but some thoughts
break this barrier and cause the trapped thought to be denoted. in a way that indicates what they
feel, keep or do not have control of managing that knowledge.

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