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"INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRADE & GLOBAL BUSINESS PERSPECTIVES REVIEW OF LITERATURE ON WORKING CAPITAL. MANAGEMENT Abstract References et FF MMC. M. (1988). Corpaate race. Hen York Hoge an Row 1. (200) Fanci! Management. New Di: Tra Mera (192) Fianeal Management: Pecos and rete, Naw Dai 197) 2 ste Gj tetas Senter ©. 0. (1962). nae 0 are Last f (297 Werke Captabits Management Contob London: Macdonal oxen 3. (1985). Wering Capt! Maragemet Deh ean Tata veya, (1985). Management of Wrtng Cen Now Deh: De 2h Satya. (88, Management of Workeng Capa nPuble Ererorae, apa amameoriy, £76, werirg Copal Maragert Cha see ‘neal fn. 06, Mangerart wong Capt ondn: The Mada es ‘amon, cell, wanes (88), Working Capa Maree Nen Yor ates (35 Satna Raseniencevclapment aczocaean, eee ATS and Sees Feri (989), Modern Woking Capital Managernet: Tea a Case, 1a Nc. 8 Stare W985. Shrtaem Franc Managemen Hen York Sera, Sah W698). Qua Satur a! Acute and Enon i eon, A Mat, 3:0. 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ComatineWerkg PRimnrobee Sane th Dyn ae bas wenn apm Marsares ayo Blan ears, Laas, & Dmito,Tryfeid 208) Raaonahip betwen working capt Etaree ing he port coravatan a's cate Ruay ofA. Te fa aura of Mangement Reser, 56), 708, 2. Goratenel& Feo, arene Slo. (290) tact of worg cata ‘Sones’ on eB potty. esate eur agers cn 33), am, Aabarea, arya, Al ay (2098), Warn Cpl Manger, oan, 9, Ky Vs & Men, (2008). Netaparaing Wardng Capt Seo acannon fanagementPacy on ms Pate. The IU Journ Apes Pane, 258), 28 ‘ar eteey amram tyr 900) rote ar Wont Canta “ath, Streen, & enaner, Van ezabrate, 2019). ene Cries on [aris Ini aeclpirg court & il vale € Serpe Gos eBoy Research wer Pope" 5390) eter secre, Hare, Laplre, 8 Tabi, Mousa (21), Werting Capea SEY, En 200 Aig Rave saber Wenn Copa anepenent ran ne aetna ategtaon oon Aaamone ey ul To: 206) Refbacks International Journal of Trade & Global Business Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals.

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