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Information technologies in

Information technology (OT) training is a
pedagogical technology that uses special
methods, software and hardware
(cinema, audio and video equipment,
computers, telecommunications
networks) to work with information
IT methods are data
processing methods.
technical, software,
hardware and other
means act as IT
OT methods are data processing
methods. Mathematical, technical,
software, information, hardware, and
other means act as means of OT.
Information technologies should be
classified primarily by the scope of
application and by the degree of use of
computers in them.
There are such areas of application of
information technologies as science,
education, culture, economics,
production, military affairs, etc.
According to the degree of use of
computers in information technology,
they are distinguished into: computer
technologies; computer-free
In teaching, information technologies are
divided into two groups: technologies of
presentation of educational information;
technologies of knowledge control.
Non-computer information technologies
for the presentation of educational
information include: paper technologies;
optotechnical technologies; electronic
Paper books include textbooks,
educational and teaching aids; optical
ones include epiprojectors, slide
projectors, graph projectors, film
projectors, laser pointers; electronic
Computer information technologies for
the presentation of educational
information include: technologies using
computer training programs; multimedia
technologies; distance learning
Advantages of IT in Education
Use of packages: word-processing, dtp,
spreadsheets.Special facilities for pupils
with disabilities.Teacher and pupil
communications improve.IT provides
links with other schools or with
businesses.Computers in schools
provides wider access to IT and
encourages new ways of learningCan
repeat work again and again and again
IT in Education Disadvantages of IT in
IT is very expensive - not all students get
the same opportunitiesIt can be boring
sitting in front of a computer for a long
time.Computers cannot interact on a
personal level e.g. fuller explanationIt
becomes harder for the teachers to
organise the teaching of new concepts
Technologies using computer training
programs In the education system today
there are many different computer
programs for educational purposes
created in educational institutions and
centers of Russia. A considerable number
of them are distinguished by their
originality, high scientific and
methodological level.
Multimedia technologies (from the
English multimedia - multicomponent
environment), which allows the use of
text, graphics, video and animation in an
interactive mode and thereby expands
the scope of computer use in the
educational process.

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