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The Individual Assessment

The Future Race :

Sustainability in

Tamar Shikhashvili
July 4th, 2023

This paper focuses on the promotion of sustainable practices within the

motorsports industry. I have chosen the topic of promoting sustainability in
motorsports because it represents a unique and compelling intersection between
two seemingly contrasting fields: high-performance racing and environmental
responsibility. Motorsports, known for their exhilarating speed and cutting-edge
technology, have traditionally been associated with high fuel consumption and
carbon emissions. However, there is a growing recognition within the industry and
among stakeholders that sustainability must be integrated into the future of

Motorsports, being a widely popular and globally recognized field, has the potential
to drive positive transformations by embracing sustainability. As an enthusiastic
follower of motorsports since childhood and harboring aspirations to work in the
industry in the future, I hold a personal connection to this subject. The objective of
this paper is to examine the environmental challenges faced by motorsports and
explore available opportunities to foster sustainability in this amazing sport.

Motorsports have a significant global following, attracting millions of fans and

generating signisficant economic activity. This popularity offers a valuable platform
to raise awareness about sustainability and promote positive change. By addressing
the environmental impact of motorsports, we can influence not only the racing
industry but also inspire fans and other industries to adopt sustainable practices.

Industry & Related CSR Topic:

The motorsports sector comprises various disciplines such as Formula 1, NASCAR,

endurance racing, and electric racing. It serves as an exhilarating stage for
displaying cutting-edge technology and captivating a global audience. Nonetheless,
concerns have been raised about its environmental effects, encompassing carbon
emissions, resource usage, and noise pollution. Consequently, the corporate social

responsibilityy agenda revolves around fostering sustainability within the
motorsports industry.

Why did I choose this Topic? :

As a lifelong fan of motorsports, my deep admiration for the sport has ignited a
passion for speed, competition, and technological advancements. Recognizing the
potential environmental consequences, I am driven to explore ways of promoting
sustainability in the industry while preserving its allure. Motorsports have a global
significance, captivating a diverse audience and providing a unique opportunity to
raise awareness and inspire positive actions among millions of fans worldwide. By
addressing sustainability, we can extend the impact beyond the racetrack,
benefiting society as a whole. With the industry undergoing an evolution, driven by
advancements in electric and hybrid technologies, there is a timely opportunity to
analyze the shift towards sustainability and identify strategies for accelerated
change. Conducting research on this topic aligns with my career aspirations, as I
aspire to contribute actively to sustainable practices within the motorsports realm.

In this paper I’ll explore the challenges and opportunities linked to promoting
sustainability in motorsports. My personal connection, developed over years of
following the sport, drives my motivation to contribute positively to the industry's
future. By raising awareness, discussing innovative solutions, and inspiring change,
the paper aims to create a path towards a more sustainable and responsible
motorsports industry that can continue captivating audiences while reducing its
environmental impact.

This paper aims to explain the current state of the motorsports industry, identify
the necessary changes, and explore the challenges hindering the adoption of
sustainable practices. This background section provides an overview of the
industry's current landscape, discusses the barriers to change, examines the
positive and negative contributions of companies, and highlights relevant concepts
and frameworks.

Currently, the industry is at a critical juncture, with increasing recognition of the

need for sustainability. Efforts are underway to integrate electric and hybrid
technologies, reduce carbon footprints, and adopt cleaner fuels. However,
significant barriers hinder progress. One major obstacle is the traditional
perception that sustainability compromises performance and excitement. This
mindset must be challenged and replaced with an understanding that sustainability
can enhance both the sport and its appeal.

In examining companies' contributions to the issue, it is important to recognize

those driving positive change and those impeding progress. Forward-thinking
manufacturers, race teams, and sponsors have begun investing in sustainable
technologies, researching alternative fuels, and implementing green initiatives.
These companies serve as catalysts for change.

For example, Aston Martin's efforts to promote sustainability in motorsport are

praiseworthy. Their racing team, AMF1, has achieved significant sustainability
milestones, including certification to ISO 14001 Environmental Management and a
three-star accreditation from the FIA Environmental Accreditation Programme.
These achievements highlight their commitment to sustainable leadership within
the industry.

AMF1 is implementing a comprehensive set of environmental standards, such as ISO

50001 Energy Management, ISO 20121 Sustainable Events Management, ISO 45001
Occupational Health and Safety, and Carbon Footprint Verification. This holistic
approach demonstrates their dedication to sustainability across various aspects of
their operations.

For instance, AMF1 actively works to eliminate single-use plastics at paddocks and
circuit venues. They encourage reusable bottle use and provide accessible water
stations for everyone involved in and watching the sport. Moreover, they
collaborate with local food banks and charities to donate surplus food, minimizing
waste and benefiting the local community.

AMF1's sustainability initiatives extend beyond events to their facilities. F1's offices
operate on 100% renewable energy, and broadcast operations explore alternative
biofuels for their generators.

On the other hand, entities that resist or neglect sustainability pose a significant
challenge to progress.

To address these challenges and foster sustainable practices in motorsports, it is

essential to align the industry with relevant concepts and frameworks. The United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a comprehensive
framework for addressing social, economic, and environmental issues. Aligning
motorsports with specific SDGs, such as Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) or
Goal 13 (Climate Action), can guide sustainability efforts.

Additionally, concepts like planetary boundaries and the materiality matrix can
offer valuable perspectives. Planetary boundaries help define the safe operating
space for humanity, providing a framework for managing environmental impacts.
The materiality matrix assists in identifying and prioritizing sustainability issues
based on their significance to stakeholders and the industry's long-term viability.

Moreover, addressing consumption and production patterns within the

motorsports industry is crucial. Emphasizing circular economy principles, reducing
waste, and promoting responsible resource management are key to minimizing the
industry's environmental footprint.

Three Key Ideas

1. Collaborative Innovation: The motorsports industry can achieve significant

transformations through collaboration among various stakeholders, including
companies, governments, individuals, and society at large. Advocating for
collaborative efforts is crucial for the development and implementation of
sustainable technologies, practices, and policies. This entails working
together to drive innovation in areas such as alternative fuels, electric and
hybrid technologies, and resource management. By fostering collaboration, a
more sustainable future can be ensured for motorsports.

2. Effective Regulations and Incentives: Governments play a vital role in

promoting sustainability within the motorsports sector. As a student with a
passion for the industry, it is important to advocate for the establishment
and enforcement of regulatory frameworks that incentivize and support
sustainable practices. These can include setting emission standards,
implementing resource conservation regulations, and providing incentives
for the adoption of eco-friendly technologies. Government support can drive
the adoption of sustainable practices industry-wide, encouraging companies
to invest in environmentally responsible solutions.

3. Education and Awareness: Promoting sustainability in motorsports

necessitates raising awareness and educating stakeholders about the
environmental impact of the industry and available solutions. As students, we
can contribute by advocating for educational initiatives that emphasize the
significance of sustainable practices and their benefits to the industry and
broader society. By fostering a culture of sustainability through educational
programs, workshops, and awareness campaigns, individuals and companies
can be empowered to make informed choices and actively contribute to a
more sustainable motorsports industry.

In summary, this paper brings attention to the pressing need for sustainability
within the motorsports industry. It explores the challenges, opportunities, and
strategies that can lead to significant positive change.

Motorsports, with its widespread popularity possesses a distinct capacity to drive

sustainability practices forward. While there are obstacles to overcome, such as
entrenched perceptions and environmental impacts, there is an increasing
momentum for change.

As a supporter of sustainability in motorsports, I firmly believe in the promising

future of this topic. It is heartening to witness companies like Aston Martin making
notable progress in achieving sustainability milestones, and the industry as a whole
acknowledging the significance of environmental stewardship. This growing
awareness and commitment create a solid groundwork for a more sustainable

On a personal level, I am dedicated to actively contributing to the identified shifts

presented in the paper. By continuing to raise awareness, promoting collaborative
initiatives, and advocating for effective regulations, I can play my part in fostering
the adoption of sustainable practices within the industry. Additionally, I will support
educational programs, engage with stakeholders, and leverage my future role in the
industry to drive positive change.

The future of promoting sustainability in motorsports relies on collective efforts,

shared responsibility, and innovation. Embracing this vision will lead to a more
sustainable and responsible industry that not only captivates audiences but also
respects and preserves our environment. The journey towards a greener and more
sustainable future in motorsports has already begun, and with concerted
endeavors, remarkable results can be achieved.

1. The Game Staff. (2022, May 31). Sustainability in Motorsport – An Interview with Dr.
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2. Aston Martin. (2023, March 23). A paradigm shift for sustainability in motorsport [Feature].
3. Enovation Consulting Ltd. (March 2023). Racing towards a sustainable future: A review of
the sustainability performance of 105 global 2- and 4-wheeled motorsport championships.
4. Næss, H. E., & Tjønndal, A. (2021). Innovation, Sustainability and Management in
Motorsports. Springer Nature.

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