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Autism is a developmental disorder that impairs the subject’s normal intellectual and emotional
growth and is characterized by serious and persistent difficulties in three areas in particular: that of
social interaction, communication and activity and interests.
Appears since early childhood.
Autism spectrum disorder includes Asperger syndrome and childhood autism.
Subjects affected by Asperger syndrome are brilliant intellectually, have good language skills and
social capacities are reduced.
The causes of autism are still unknown, but there are several genetic and environemtnal factors
that are:
• genetic factors: certain genetic mutations;
• environmental factors: during pregnancy, a child may be exposed (alcohol or medications);
• neurological factors: specific problems with the development of the brain.
The symptoms of autism are:
• delayed speech development;
• not responding to their name being called;
• avoiding eye contact;
• preferring to have a familiar routine;
• ecc…
There is no cure for ASD, but there are some of the main treatments used for ASD that are:
• Apllied Behaviour Analysis (ABA): break down skills such as communication and cognitive
skills into small tasks and teach these tasks in a highly strctured way;
• Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children
(TEACCH): present structured learning through visual cues;
• Speech and Language Therapy (SLT): improve your child’s langauge skills and abilty to
intercat socially with others;
• Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS): like Makaton, a communication program
that helps children communicate more effectively through graphic symbols;
• Psychological treatments, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): talk with a
therapist about thoughts and feelings, and how they affect behavior and weelbeing.
There are numerous alternative treatments that have been suggested as potential treatments for
ASD, which are:
• music therapy: musical improvisation in autism could represent a sort of non-verbal
common language that could facilitate both verbal and non-verbal patietns to reach
communication. Children with ASD appeared to respond better to music than to spoken
words. The use of music therapy in the treatment of ASD patietns has been tested in
several studies.
• Auditory Integration Training (AIT): involves a person listening to a selection of music
which has been electronically modified. AIT is based on the idea that some people with
autism are hypersensitive or hyposensitive to certain frequencies sound. AIT is designed to
improve the person’s ability to process sounds by “re-educating” the brain.
• Sensory Integration Therapy (SIT): commonly uses recreation activities specifically studied
to date to respond to sight, touch, sound, and movement.
• Dance Therapy: is a treatment that uses mirroring of movements: the effectiveness of a
combination of dance/movement and music therapy is also evaluated.
• Acupuncture (AP): it consists in placing needles in the skin and near tissues in specific
points, known as acupuncture points.
• Massage: the use of touch to treat sensory impairment and reduce anxiety.
• Yoga: is a movement therapy which could potentially improve behavioural problems and
• Pet Therapy: the use of animals in ASD relies on the hypothesis that animal movements
and behaviour are more predictable and repetitive. Researchers have reported a significant
improvement in the level of social interaction in autistic children who have a pet animal.
• Chiropractic Care: it is dedicated to the non-surgical treatment of disorders of the nervous
system and/or musculoskeletal system.


Also called trisomy 21, it is a condition in which extra genetic material causes delays in the way a
child develops, both mentally and physically.
The Down syndrome is characterized by the presence of an extra crhomosome in the cells (instead
of 46 scabs there are 47).
The main features of Down syndrome are:
• plat facial profile;
• slanted eyes;
• small ears;
• protuding tounge;
• low muscle tone.
The main health problems of Down syndrome are:
• congenital heart defect;
• problems with hearing and vision;
• pulmonary hypertension;
• thyroid problems;
• stomach and intestinal problems;
• seizure disorders;
• breathing problems;
• obesity;
• childhood leukaemia.
Two types of prenatal tests are used to detect Down syndrome in a fetus: screening tests and
Most common diagnostic tests are:
• chorionic villus sampling: there is a risk of 0.5/1% probability of abortion. It is done
between the 9th and the 12th week of gestation. Consists in the aspiration of chorionic
villus with a very thin needle;
• amniocentesis: there is the risk of 0.5/1% probability of abortion, it is done between the
16th and the 20th week. Consists of taking amniotic fluid, inserting e needle into the
• cordocentesis: there is the risk of 2/3% probability of abortion, it is done between the 19th
and the 20th week. Consists in taking blood by inserting a needle into the umbilical cord.

In 180 the World Health Organization (WHO) released the “International Classification of
Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps” (ICIDH), within which three concepts are distinguished:
• impairment: loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological or anatomical structures;
• disability: is a restriction or deficiency of the ability to carry out an activity;
• handicap: social disadvantage resulting from an impairment or disability.


Inclusive education is education that includes everyone, with non-disabled and disabled people
learning together in mainstream schools and universities.
Inclusive education values diversity and the unique contributions each student brings to the
classroom. In a truly inclusive setting, every child feels safe and has a sense of belonging.
When education is truly inclusive it can actually benefit all learners, not only disabled learners.
The elements of inclusive education are:
• use of teaching assistants or specialists: staff members have the potential to be inclusive
or divise;
• inclusive curriculum: includes locally relevant themese and contributions by marginalized
and minority groups;
• parental involvement: schools strive for some level of parental involvement.
The ambitious Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 aims to ensure their
full participation in society, on an equal basis with others in the EU and beyond.
The strategy supports implementation by the EU and its Member States of the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at both EU and national levels.
The ten-year strategy sets out key initiatives around three main themes:
• EU rights: Persons with disabilities have the same right as other EU citizens to move to
another country or to participate in political life.
• Independent living and autonomy: Persons with disabilities have the right to live
independently and choose where and with whom they want to live.
• Non-discrimination and equal opportunities: The strategy aims to protect persons with
disabilities from any form of discrimination and violence. It aims to ensure equal
opportunities in and access to justice, education, culture, sport and tourism.

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