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Colegio Gran Bretaña

IB Business Management SL

Year 12

Due: September 15, 2023

Assignment : Business Plan

This assignment should enable students to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the procedures of how to write a business plan.

A. Your task is to work as a team to produce a business plan prospectus for an

original concept. Each member of your team will be responsible for contributing an
equal amount of effort to the business plan and the presentation.

B. You will also be required to make a presentation/pitch of your business which

will be marked separately from the project. Presentation/pitch should not be more
than 10 minutes long.

The business plan represents a combination of various sub plans covering the broad areas of activity in a business operation. The
outline should include the following:

❖ Cover Page with company name and logo

❖ Title Page with name of company, name of participants, course title and
teacher, and date produced
❖ Table of Contents

Every business plan is different, so these section may or may not be appropriate,
but these are common:
1. Starting the business - the idea
Setting out the business idea in the right context.
What is the core idea and what are the objectives of the business? How will the product work? Does it have a unique selling point
(USP)? How will the product be developed? Why should it succeed?

2. Business Organisation ----How the business will be organised

Where will the business be located? What structure will it have? What type of business
will it be? Who will make the decisions? How will the owner or owners share out the
Profits? Are there any legal requirements necessary to start up the business?

3. Human Resource (HR) -- How the business will be staffed

Who will have what responsibilities and what rewards should they expect? What will
be the HR plan? What type of contract will be used?

4. Finance --How the business will be financed

Where and how will the entrepreneur source the start-up capital and at what cost?
This aspect should include project budgets, income statements and cash flow
5. Marketing Analysis – How best to market the product
What market research has been done? Has a sales forecast been made?
Is the product to be targeted at a particular segment of the market or will it be
Mass marketed? What will the promotional mix be? How will the product be
6. Operations — How the product will be made
How will production be organised? How many units will the business produce?
How long will production take? Is there likely to be a lead time? What is the supply
chain likely to be?

Business PLan Rubric

Criteria 4 3 2 1

Starting the business -

The core idea and objectives are clearly articulated. Description of how the product works. Unique selling point (USP) identified and
explained. Steps how the product will be developed. Reasons indicating how the product will be successful.

2. Business Organisation ----How the business will be organised

Location and structure of the business identified. Type of business outlined. Who will make the
Decisions stated. Breakdown of how profit will be shared. Are there any legal requirements necessary to start up the business?

3. Human Resource (HR) -- How the business will be staffed

Who will have what responsibilities are clearly outlined. Reward systems are outlined. There is a
HR plan. The type of contract was clearly outlined.

. Finance --How the business will be financed

Where and how will the entrepreneur source the start-up capital and at what cost?
This aspect should include project budgets, income statements and cash flow

Marketing Analysis – How best to market the product

What market research has been done? Has a sales forecast been made?
Is the product to be targeted at a particular segment of the market or will it be
Mass marketed? What will the promotional mix be? How will the product be

6. Operations — How the product will be made

How will production be organised? How many units will the business produce?
How long will production take? Is there likely to be a lead time? What is the supply
chain likely to be?

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